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21551778 No.21551778 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished my first book in years....

>> No.21551806

Nice. What book was it? Did you enjoy, and how did you come across it?

>> No.21551820

Did you start with the Greeks like you were supposed to

>> No.21551830

I hope it makes you want to read more.

>> No.21551841

The rape of the mind, it was good and it made me think about our current system and how everything is basically controlled through suggestion of the masses, propaganda and advertisement but it wasnt something I didnt already know. I guess its my fault since I was expecting something like Yuri Bezmenov type redpills on subversion but it was good overall, I would give it a 6-7/10. I wiill now read propaganda by jacques ellul and the parasitic mind from gad saad

>> No.21551862

I just finished my third book this year.

>> No.21551871

nobody cares

>> No.21551882

That was sort of the point. Sorry, I tend to forget that subtext and context is beyond this place.

>> No.21551893


>> No.21551915

Oh no! An anon called me cringe!

>> No.21551928

cringe AND gay

>> No.21551933

Oh no! He called me cringe AND gay! And he did it in a public forum and now everyone knows that I, anon, is not only cringe but also gay!

>> No.21551950

yes. So what books did you read so far? let us know

>> No.21551953

don't forget about Manufacturing Consent by Gnome Chompsky

>> No.21551967

Freedom, In The Distance, and The Gate. I thought you didn't care?

>> No.21551971

thanks, I was actually debating with myself whether I should read that or not. Dont know much about Chompsky but isnt he a basically a shill for the "establishment"? Just know he was talking about Ukraine and Putin in some recent Lex Fridman interview. Is he really worth the read?

>> No.21551973

>I thought you didn't care?
why would assume that? Tell us more about those books, would you recommend them?

>> No.21551976

>Did you start with the Greeks like you were supposed to
No but the next books im planning to read are the abridged Enneads and the Hermetica. Is that considered starting with the greeks?
It does, thanks

>> No.21552036

>why would assume that? >>21551871

Freedom was very good. Painful look at modern life, family, all that sort of thing. Franzen is very good with creating empathetic characters, hated most of the characters from the start and he gives you no reason to like them in the first place but you quickly get sucked in and feel for them. One of the few books I have read which really pulls of drama without sacrificing theme.

In The Distance was quite impressive, it felt like Diaz was not quite up to balancing theme and plot and it falters at times and it goes straight plot a few times (I may have just missed something) but it does not really suffer for that. Lacks much in the way of emotional connection and Håkan does not even feel human but that is part of the point. Interesting look at the creation of the American mythos told through a novel take on the western. Håkan's life seeming to be a thinly veiled stand in for modern life was interesting, but I am not sure if it is really modern or intended, perhaps things have not changed as much as it seems.

The Gate I have nothing to say about at this time, just finished it and I am still mulling it over, enjoyed it and it is up there as one of the best of Japanese modernism that I have read, just not ready for discussion on it yet.

>> No.21552106

Wow, I wasnt expecting such a response, thank you. I called you gay and cringe (ironically) and now youre making me want to read more fiction, specifically The Gate. Do you read only fiction/novels?

>> No.21552129

I read a good amount of non-fiction, primarily criticism, music theory, instrument construction/theory (luthier) and some language stuff primarily English grammar/linguistics type things which overlaps with the criticism. I don't count non-fiction in my reading for what ever reason. If we add that in I have also read half of The Study of Language by Yule, half a dozen essays by Gass and have been rereading Unplayed Melodies: Javanese Gamelan and the Genesis of Music Theories so far this year.

>> No.21552742
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Can you read my favorite book next? Picrel, its pretty short too

>> No.21553402

Nice. What book was it? Did you enjoy, and how did you come across it?

>> No.21553415

what book?

>> No.21553797

get my ass

>> No.21555177

Good for you. Hope you keep on reading.