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/lit/ - Literature

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21544994 No.21544994 [Reply] [Original]

what can I read for a full-brain workout? I want all regions of my brain firing

>> No.21545017

u should get an epileptic attack then

>> No.21545022

Introduction to logic by Irving Copi

>> No.21545061

read and solve every problems on stewart calculus

>> No.21545095

that's like low intensity cardio. not sure if op wants his mind to be otter mode
>That the lowest of all mental activities is arithmetic is proven by the fact that it is the only one that can also be executed by a machine, just as now in England this kind of calculating machine is already in frequent use for the sake of convenience. – Now however all investigation of the finite and the infinite at bottom amounts to a lot of reckoning. In this spirit we should evaluate the ‘mathematical profundity’ ridiculed by Lichtenberg when he says: ‘The so-called professional mathematicians, relying on the immaturity of the rest of mankind, have acquired a reputation for profundity that closely resembles that of holiness, which the theologians claim for themselves.’
t. schopenhauer

>> No.21545112

I’ll enjoy some fries with my coke, mathlet

>> No.21545151

robert anton wilson is good for that. exhausting read but also fulfilling

>> No.21545152

ok baby Rudin then

>> No.21545163

Try writing instead.

>> No.21545169

>That the lowest of all mental activities is arithmetic is proven by the fact that it is the only one that can also be executed by a machine
damn I guess we can throw away human music and art since technology renders them obsolete

>> No.21545192

shit blind and deaf bugmen without solar plexus say

>> No.21545248

overwritten pseud take that's incredibly reductive and fails to recognize the various forms of intelligence or the operations involved, but ok

>> No.21545250

Based Schopy

>> No.21545254
File: 33 KB, 579x472, n word poem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and poetry

>> No.21545294

why do fitcels have to mention everywhere that they lift? no one cares

>> No.21545310

Woah there Stewart calculus is fucking shit

>> No.21545312
File: 102 KB, 800x343, Fitlit_in-a-nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not /fitlit/

>> No.21545314

Yeah but calculus isn't arithmetic and your should be doing light cardio anyway

>> No.21545450

Retard take from schoppy as usual

>> No.21546894

basically just read a starter course in political phiilosophy going from plato to aristotle to locke to mills to rousseau to smith to marx and including Clauswitz. The philosophy bros will have many any more like this. The writing of that period is undeniably high IQ.

Option 2, probably the real option: Study math. Sci has guides but usually these are meme ones meant for autists