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21543242 No.21543242 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Catholicism making a resurgence among the artistic/literary class in the 21st century and Gen Z more broadly?

>> No.21543244

Idk but Christianity is gonna btfo it all out with ye24

>> No.21543246

No. There will be no more nuns in our lifetime

>> No.21543254

Pretty much just because it’s the only way to signal discontent with the masses and their atheistic complacency

>> No.21543270

It's not having a resurgence at all the West, church attendance is still falling. A tiny handful genuinely convert, some try to fake it till they make it and give up, and some just do it as an internet trend like the girls in your picture.

>> No.21543288

Anal sex addiction.

>> No.21543290

Low iq late zoomers.

Not only that, Sadly Theological conservative protestantism is unknown.

Most of these convents thinks theological liberal protestantism is "true protestantism"

>> No.21543296

it's this little thing called LARPing

>> No.21543297

Red Scare and their simps aren't the artistic/literary class

>> No.21543370

it's a symptom of profound decadence. none of these people are sincere about it. it's an empty rebellion against the spiritual stagnation they feel

>> No.21543374

I want to fuck both p8stie and Pariah so bad

>> No.21543377

What do these whores get from larping as christians? As an incel the church is one of the few places where I feel comfortable and I'm respected. Why do they must invade it?

>> No.21543384

>women ruin everything I love
Oh dear child, you are still so young. Trust me, it gets worse forever.

>> No.21543388

No one likes incels, not even themselves. They should never be welcomed anywhere

>> No.21543405

One day your soul will have to answer why you weren't kinder when it didn't cost you anything.

>> No.21543408

It’s not. Every major religion except Islam (which not only has the highest birth rates but also a net positive in converts) has a negative deficit in converts as in more leaving than converting to it, and that is counting the third world so the first world must be awful. And Christianity is fairing the worst of all by far, and in Christianity Catholicism is doing the worst. Catholicism is still growing ofc but more and more slowly and exclusively due to birthrates

>> No.21543424

>What do these whores get from larping as christians?
We should welcome everyone and show them the love of God even in this case. Even if one of them listens to what is being said and takes it into their heart it can be worth it. Pray for me brother.

>> No.21543435

This is just the magnifying effect of social media creating an illusion. You see many instances of people displaying an allegiance to christianity, and infer that it's gaining in popularity. It is not.

>> No.21543454

I have no problem welcoming whores in the church, but these women clearly are not there because they care about anything they could learn there. They just think it's a fashion statement. "I'm a whorish e-girl, but also I go to church, aren't I so provocative tehehehe." Tolerating that behavior is bad for them, the church, and the impressionable girls and horny young men who will follow them.

>> No.21543459

cuz they yearn fer truth and moral foundations in this hollow carnival.

they hungry for the bread of the lord, my man.

>> No.21543544

>artistic/literary class in the 21st century and Gen Z more broadly?
Showing your pussy online is not art and reading twitch chat is not literature.

>> No.21543548

Shuttering/selling off churches and consolidating congregations seems an odd way to deal with a resurgence.

>> No.21543558

Chill mate. This is just some gay photoshoot.

>> No.21543571

"it's not" is the answer

>> No.21543572


>> No.21543577

>Why is Catholicism making a resurgence among the artistic/literary class in the 21st century and Gen Z more broadly?
I think media in America has disproportionately went with Catholicism because the alternative looks slightly more trashy e.g. megachurchs, converted strip mall black congregation, yokels speaking in tongues doing some jig, etc

>> No.21543582
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>> No.21543596

Girl second from right is sus female. Far right are banging. Lord please save me from these lustful sins.

>> No.21543600

Second from left I mean.

>> No.21543619

Gen Z is the least religious generation yet, what are you talking about? Just because there's a reactionary right-wing adherence to conservative Christianity amplified by social media influencers and e-hos riding culture wars, doesn't mean it's a broader trend.

>> No.21543626

The plastic caked-in-makeup instagram whore look is so disgusting.

>> No.21543636

blonde in the middle. I don't even care if she's going to larp as a fake trad catholic whatever I'd still hit it

>> No.21543646

>Catholicism making a resurgence
>among the artistic/literary class in the 21st century
methinks you're making shit up

>> No.21543723 [DELETED] 
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theyre probably searching for answers after being victims of so many state crimes

>> No.21543726

Stop advertising, Wendy

>> No.21543727

You need to work on your shilling. Spamming is not effective and won’t encourage many to read it

>> No.21543733

What a bunch of hoes

>> No.21543740

>be Muslim
>try to convert to another religion or be secular
>get murdered

Islam's numbers don't count

>> No.21543759

Infidel genocyde when?

>> No.21543760

write a decent book and maybe people will like it :D

>> No.21543804
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I honestly think a broader interest in Catholicism might be coming. Weird artsy types always get interested in something first, and then the masses follow.

Not saying it's going to lead to mass conversions, but this wouldn't be the first time artsy weirdos getting interested in a thing are a canary in a coal mine.

>> No.21543824

Weird artsy types aren’t flocking to Catholicism though. Social media gives a skewed image because you can always find a group of people on it who are into whatever.

>> No.21543831

Wendy, your schlock will never be decent. Simply by spamming your shit here and somehow convinced two retarded schi/x/os to read it does not mean your work is decent.

>> No.21543840
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It's bullshit that the Muslim world gets to be this fucking ironclad thing yet they get to come to OTHER countries. Fuck that. We should be storming the Arab World with Jesuit missionaries. Pope Francis is being a weenie on this issue, not that that's any surprise.

>> No.21543849

I don't really care what zoomers think they're doing in the concrete, what they're doing in the abstract without even realizing it is what matters: unmooring themselves from neoliberal consensus by LARPing (content of individual LARP is irrelevant) and turning themselves into a generation of jaded retards to be used as cannon fodder by charismatic warlords.

I like wokeness for the same reason. Anything is possible when everyone's a retard! Even if zoomers themselves don't do anything, their wild retardation is hacking away all the supports left for normal people to integrate into the system and unconsciously believe that the system is stable, so the generation that comes after the zoomers or the tail end of the zoomers (or whatever) will be the insane easily led one, while the OG zoomers will all die of SSRI withdrawals or whatever it is they do.

I have a great admiration for sincere Catholics and I hope the zoomer generation's childish searching for stable identities produces a few sincere Catholics by accident, people who transcend the zoomer muck and actually recover their humanity. But the other 99.99999999% of zoomers are still useful, even from a Catholic perspective, insofar as their aggregate brownian retardation is jiggling the structure of normalcy apart from within. The structure of normalcy is not Catholic, so that's a net win if you're a Catholic. It's also a net win if you're a fascist or a communist or anything else. I love zoomers, I think we should give them more social media. Ideally with a killswitch so that when everything reaches its social media-induced retardation critical mass and falls apart, the zoomers can be robbed of the only hobby and lifestyle they've ever known and will all commit suicide or something.

>> No.21543854

Maddox-esque derogatory pedantry like this always seeps from nihilism. You know nothing.

>> No.21543864

Would you have an orgy with these sluts if the price was spending one year in hell after dying?

>> No.21543871

That's just marriage, spending time with women already is hell.

>> No.21543872

It isn't.

>> No.21543894

>Why is Catholicism making a resurgence

It's not. Some disgruntled zoomers and millennials are fleeing into a superficial larp of it as a way to deal with a meaningless modern world that's hostile to them, but it's a short term remedy.

The main difficulty for an actual "Catholic resurgence" is that Catholicism is intrinsically dependent on the actual hierarchy and the hierarchy has no interest in tradlarping terminally online people. And without an hierarchy and a state aligned to it to enforce orthodoxy, Catholicism won't resist too much to dissent and rational scrutiny that's bound to arise within these bored young types, although it is probably the most intellectually sophisticated form of Christianity out there.

>> No.21543897

Theologically conservative Protestantism is either
>state church of a small handful of nations
>Calvinism, which denies free will as it's commonly understood
>artless puritanism and asceticism for its own sake

>> No.21543900


>> No.21543903

Cry more, Wendy, PhD.

>> No.21543908

I wonder why Mormonism has never had a big internet wave.
>has the whole conservative schoolgirl fashion aesthetic the girls are into
>aggressively pushes people into getting married
>can be found everywhere in the US while Latin mass churches are extremely rare (and ever shrinking because of traditionis custodes)
>unique architectural tradition
>giant, niche theological canon for the theology nerds
>hyped up by Harold Bloom

>> No.21543912

>and the hierarchy has no interest in tradlarping terminally online people

Give it 50 years. Hell, give it 20.

>> No.21543925

The best you can hope for is a schism which will have several inner schisms as different sects will interpret doctrine their own way without a central authority to rally around. "Mainstream"/"Official" Catholicism from the future will make Francis look like Pius X.

>> No.21543931
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>becomes trendy to hate Christianity (again)
>"underground" group of teenage "rebels" thinks contrarianism is the way
>becomes trendy to be Christian (again)
Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.21543932

I legitimately think you're wrong given the state of the men coming into the priesthood. They're not influenced by Francis, they're influenced by John Paul and Benedict. Francis' generation is dying away and the Church can't ignore the legacy of John Paul, the imprint he's had on the men who will some day be bishops and cardinals.

>> No.21543934

Mormonism also has dozens of affordable rural towns where everyone is a practicing Mormon, while tradcaths only have St. Mary's, Kansas (which is an extremely expensive place to live when taking into account what it is).

>> No.21543936

If I had to bet, we'll have a big schism sometime in the next 25 years. The German bishops and the African bishops have irreconcilable worldviews.

>> No.21543938

>we'll have the Society of Cardinal Sarah in our lifetime

>> No.21543940


>> No.21543941
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>it's not actually gaining in popularity, you're just seeing an uptick in people calling themselves christians

>> No.21543945

4 > 5 > 3 > 1 = 2

>> No.21543950

>Bad faith

>> No.21544004
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That skinny bitch is going to be my husband one day.

>> No.21544007

I agree. This is the case with many things. Spending too much time on the internet is basically poison at this point. So many people advocate for cutting X and Y out, but I think the internet in general has gotta be one of the worst things we need to limit. Do what you need to do, maybe spend a tiny bit of time having fun, largely do anything else.

>> No.21544014

There's already Christians there

>> No.21544038

>We should be storming the Arab World with Jesuit missionaries
They would just get beheaded for being seen as a political threat, like in Tokugawa Japan but even less lenient.

>> No.21544053

Martyrdom is unironically a blessing. Dying for God is literally the single best way to die change my mind.

>> No.21544055

Missionaries have been killed in the past, they were still sent. This is how the Church grows: by men being willing to go out and preach Christ crucified.

Hell, the place that's experiencing the most Christian persecution in the world right now is probably Nigeria, and Nigerian Catholics are absolutely on fire for their faith. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.

>> No.21544060

If we in the West had half the faith of Nigerian Christians the world would not be in such a mess right now.

>> No.21544069

Honestly, I think if you can sincerely maintain your faith in the modern West you already must be a pretty strong Christian. We're not being actively hunted and killed, but at every turn there's immense pressure to sin, to apostosize, to forget about God and just be a normal degenerate. In its own way it's every bit as challenging as active persecution, so I applaud people for turning to Christ in the midst of all this.

>> No.21544085

>I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!
We are not in this century with you but you are in this century with us.

>> No.21544091
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He looks like he's at death's door.

>> No.21544098

I can save him!

>> No.21544099
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>ITT: Anons calling anything that happens on social media fake and of no consequence while also saying it's detrimental to the youth for being so influential.
Remember how quickly everyone became pro-Ukraine? Pro gay marriage? Pro trans rights? Pro trump? Anti trump? Anti incel? Remember how fast the word 'chud' spread? But no, social media is inconsequential. But it's also the worst thing ever, but nothing ever happens.

>> No.21544105

I just want a shy bookish Catholic gf so fucking bad bros

>> No.21544113

>Pretty much just because it’s the only way to signal discontent with the masses and their atheistic complacency
Yawn this post does that.
>Anal sex addiction.
>reddit spacing
>iq posts
Pick one.
>it's a symptom of profound decadence
I have also read a single article about literary history in Salon.
Post your beliefs.
>This is just the magnifying effect of social media creating an illusion
Funny from people who believe in lies.
>"it's not" is the answer
>Weird artsy types aren’t flocking to Catholicism though
Strongly disagree. The most consistent group of 4chan users I have found are all radical Catholics.
>unmooring themselves from neoliberal consensus
Stopped there because I couldn't help but weep over how many peer reviewed articles you must have read to have warped your mind into such verbal-disrepair to be both verbose and cliched.

>> No.21544114

looking for meaning.

>> No.21544116


>> No.21544119

Your prose reads like if a bad Manet painting had an abortion.

>> No.21544132

You aren't going to meme people into accepting God and changing their ethics to steer away from pleasure-seeking the same way you can meme them into voting for Trump. This culture has rejected you and is not going to turn around willingly

>> No.21544140

>This culture has rejected you
Good. The culture won't last anyways.

>> No.21544150
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>This culture has rejected you
It seems /lit/ is no better than /v/, /mu/ and /a/ when it comes to assuming anybody that disagrees with you is necessarily on a 'side' and that that side is necessarily not their 'side'. Bunch of children forming their personalities around books and thinking they're any better than the children forming their personalities around video games, music, and cartoons.

>> No.21544152
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>people with nothing better to do get really into religion which teaches that human beings used to be immortal and that masturbation is a mortal sin
They're joining for the smells and bells

>> No.21544155

St. Thomas and St. Alphonsus both count sodomy and incomplete sodomy as worse than premarital vaginal sex and itself, stripping the soul of its virginity. Only fake catholics think such a disordered act could fool God, even in marriage is is a mortal sin. The punishment owed will be eternal, as Christ promises and warns to hypocrites who think going to church and doing a few rituals (sacriligiously) makes them saved. "And I say to you that many shall come from the east and the west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven: But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." By these words our Lord wished to signify, that many persons born in infidelity shall be saved, and enjoy the society of the saints, and that many who are born in the bosom of the Church shall be cast into Hell, where the worm of conscience, by its gnawing, shall make them weep bitterly for all eternity. Their eternal pain will be heightened because having been conferred so many graces and being baptized, they sin more greviously against what already is an infinite malice inflicted on part of God and themselves.

>> No.21544166

>According to an Associated Press report, "Two medical doctors determined that the spot was heart muscle tissue, church officials have said."
It's funny too because the Eucharist we actually have documented miracles verified by medical examination that show it's real in the last decade.

>> No.21544170

>ignores the actual point and whines about the usage of 2nd person
(you) are pointless

>> No.21544171

Well they are symbols, anon. Just because bread is changed into the body of Christ and the wine into His blood doesn't mean they cease to be symbols or capable of being symbolic.

>> No.21544174

That survey is asking "Catholics" who don't go to church and just identify vaguely identify that way but don't actually know anything about it.

>> No.21544175

>Just because bread is changed into the body of Christ and the wine into His blood doesn't mean they cease to be symbols or capable of being symbolic.
No seriously they're not symbols it's so that our deepest desire of cannibalism can have the safest outlet possible and so that all sins may be relatively minimized because to be in communion is to be a cannibal.

>> No.21544177

Oh, I get it. You're an ESL. Lol. Lmfao.
Right. From catholic.org. Very trustworthy and unbiased source, I'm sure.

>> No.21544184

>I don't understand what he means, he must be an ESL!
kys, cope seethe dilate, sneed

>> No.21544186

>Very trustworthy and unbiased source
You don't have a source for the criticism. Please cite the NYT or Nature.
See point 2 the linked pdf. These have been forensically verified.

>> No.21544187
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I think it has a similar appeal to socialism, since Catholics can deliver a decent critique of the conditions of modern American life and the larger problems caused by capitalism, and correctly diagnosing that some things require global action. But instead of socialism or global communism they think it should be the church.

I think it's kinda interesting though that it seems to have drawn in some urban socialites from New York City. There's been some crisis or shock to their moral value system so they're finding their way back into an old structure to hold things together. That's how the Freemasons got started as a LARP of medieval guilds and drew in the urban middle classes.

>> No.21544190

>our deepest desire of cannibalism
Why is our deepest desire cannibalism? I've heard this theory before, but I've never heard much of an explanation for it.

>> No.21544196

That's reaching pretty hard. They're not prevaricating on transubstantiation, they're stating that they believe the eucharist is merely symbolic. The community of US Catholics isn't 70% those who believe the eucharist is both symbolically and literally the body of Jesus while the other 30% are those who merely believe it's literally Jesus' body but not symbolic of Jesus' body.

>> No.21544200

>That's how the Freemasons got started as a LARP of medieval guilds and drew in the urban middle classes.
Holy shit. So are you saying Zoomers and their children are going to be the next Freemasons? What the fuck is going on?

>> No.21544207

It did ask weekly church-goers, who (unsurprisingly) were the only group asked which saw a majority give the answer which is in-line with church teaching. IIRC no other group got more than 50%, regardless of age or race.

If the "real church" is only a fragment of the numbers they boast about, maybe they shouldn't boast about having said numbers if most of them aren't "true Catholics"

>> No.21544210
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>Why is our deepest desire cannibalism? I've heard this theory before, but I've never heard much of an explanation for it.
To be clear - I am not a cannibal in terms of fetish but here we go. Bataille establishes very clearly that there is two forms of religious power which is manna and taboo. Manna is the power one has to act against a taboo and is reserved for kings or what have you. Total universal taboo is cannibalism and as such only the most powerful of all people, or people who have conquered another most totally, could do this and it would be done in secret. However, Christ's sacrifice is total submission and gives total power to him. Alternatively, look at pic rel and just imagine that, not if you desired to eat her, you could actually eat this woman if you had the power to eat her (to really hammer this home - this is a thought exercise and I don't have a cannibalism fetish or anything but I performed the thought exercise and it's scary). Pay attention to what your mind does.

>> No.21544229
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One issue that Protestantism has is that it's decentralized from the get-go. Early on during the colonization of New England they followed a Protestant model. Parishes would set up, people would preach, and upon growing large enough, they'd form a schism and split off, with a new parish and new congregation forming a new town. So on. You can trace that all the way down to the strip mall church.

And as it stands today, Protestantism has such a decentralized theology (as a Catholic would probably see it) that a man can go from Lutheran to Presbyterian to Anglican all without any kind of psychic anguish. But to a Catholic... this religion hopping can kind of come across as weird. Sure there's lapsed Catholics and "Cafeteria Catholics" but the running motto in the Church is that once you're a Catholic, then you're a Catholic... forever.

And funny enough, when a lot of Catholics leave the church, they are often likely to look at completely different religions altogether like Buddhism. Because there seems to be a certain kind of extra-seriousness to being a Catholic, like if you leave the Church you've committed an act of such importance that you simply can't just go for a different "flavor" of the same religion, you need a huge change altogether.

Now think about the internet. People are growing up immersed in an environment that's incredibly fragmented and decentralized in some ways. There's no real common culture anymore because everyone is sorta doing their own thing on the internet, and there are costs to that, so some people find some hierarchy and order to be desirable. And you know what, I think this is now happening on the left too in an embryonic form compared to a recent history that has been pretty schismatic and disorganized and non-hierarchical.

>> No.21544233
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Well, I dunno. But... uhh...

>Why had the merchants, artists, bankers, officials, and lawyers, from the first quarter of the seventeenth century on, begun to call themselves masons and tried to recreate the ritual of the mediaeval guilds? What was all this strange masquerade about? Gradually the picture grew clearer. The old guild was more than a producing organization; it regulated the ethics and mode of life of its members as well. It completely embraced the life of the urban population, especially the guilds of semi-artisans and semi-artists of the building trades. The break-up of the guild system brought a moral crisis in a society which had barely emerged from mediaevalism. The new morality was taking shape much more slowly than the old was being cut down. Hence, the attempt, so common in history, to preserve a form of moral discipline when its social foundations, which in this instance were those of the industrial guilds, had long since been undermined by the processes of history. Active masonry became theoretical masonry. But the old moral ways of living, which men were trying to keep just for the sake of keeping them, acquired a new meaning. In certain branches of freemasonry, elements of an obvious reactionary feudalism were prominent, as in the Scottish system. In the eighteenth century, freemasonry became expressive of a militant policy of enlightenment, as in the case of the Illuminati, who were the forerunners of revolution; on its left, it culminated in the Carbonari. Freemasons counted among their members both Louis XVI [false - ed.] and the Dr. Guillotin who invented the guillotine. In southern Germany, freemasonry assumed an openly revolutionary character, whereas at the court of Catherine the Great it was a masquerade reflecting the aristocratic and bureaucratic hierarchy. A freemason Novikov was exiled to Siberia by a freemason empress.

>Although in our day of cheap and ready-made clothing hardly anybody is still wearing his grandfather’s surtout, in the world of ideas the surtout and the crinoline are still in fashion. Ideas are handed down from generation to generation, although, like grandmother’s pillows and covers, they reek of staleness. Even those who are obliged to change the substance of their opinions force them into ancient moulds. The revolution in industry has been much more far-reaching than it has in ideas, where piece-work is preferred to new structures. That is why the French parliamentarians of the petty bourgeoisie could find no better way of creating moral ties to hold the people together against the disruptiveness of modern relations than to put on white aprons and arm themselves with a pair of compasses or a plumb-line. They were really thinking less of erecting a new building than of finding their way back into the old one of parliament or ministry.

>> No.21544238

>so some people find some hierarchy and order to be desirable
This is such lazy way to think. The idea that people are somehow counterweight machines for certain psychic forces where beliefs are just equilibrium weights in some weird matrix of worldly conditionality in a balancing acts between trends and desires is not only beyond insulting to all mankind but just depraved and pseudo-economic thinking masquerading as intellectualism. Catholicism is centralized because the Roman Catholic Church is the only church made by God.

>> No.21544242

Muslims don’t want your religion though lol. While Islam seems exotic and alluring to westerns, Catholicism to us just seems like a bingo club

>> No.21544251

>there seems to be a certain kind of extra-seriousness to being a Catholic
you have a viciously shallow view of things

>> No.21544261

Yeah yeah the Catholic Church is the one true church made by God.

But if you look at Protestantism, I don't think your typical pastor can be seen as "Holy" in the same sense that Catholics would view The Pope. Pastors can achieve "celebrity," who you might like listening to because of their personality, rather than someone you have innate reverence for because of their title. If you're a Catholic and dislike The Pope, well then tough shit, you've still got to show deference because he's the Pope.

>> No.21544273

>Yeah yeah the Catholic Church is the one true church made by God.

>> No.21544280

The one second from left is a tranny irl. Pariah the Doll on twatter.

>> No.21544291

That's when clergy was a much more common and more expendable profession. It's better to have good priests solidifying places that still have some cultural glow of Christianity than sending them to a place that will openly just kill them for being a fifth column.

If you specifically care about Catholicism in the Middle East though I would recommend looking into the Maronites, very underrated Easter rite.

>> No.21544306
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I'd rather not participate in depraved thought exercises like that...

>> No.21544335

>bro my protestant cult is the real one trust me GOD HATE FAAAGSS I'm telling you, we have all these super cool icons and guns and we get downs on the memes and we all are whites (more than 51% european, 23andme might be required) it's beutiful I'm telling you, predestination is our thing, we are the chosen ones

>> No.21544349

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21544366

Everyone in OP's picture is a troon, no joke

>> No.21544387

pedophile prophet lmao your a joke

>> No.21544395
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All these women care about is attention, and they think if they can wrap their need for attention in enough layers of sarcasm and irony it'll become something other than what it clearly is. The fact that people are talking about them is all they really want. That's it.

>> No.21544410

>exotic and alluring
That's how westerners see Buddhism. Islam is seen as the authoritarian woman-beater religion even if the establishment benefits off them in terms of political sociology.
>but liberals like muslims
they like the sociological-political advantage of immigration. they would never ever dream of actually becoming muslim or even spending time around them in any non-performative way.

>> No.21544411

Atheism is cringe now. That's all. It's synonymous with being a fat tranny, who obsesses over pointless consumerism and social causes because they have nothing else to give structure to their lives.
We've all seen Rick and Morty, and we've seen how pointless and vacuous that mentality is after the initial laughs. That's it.
Whether or not people really believe in the theology is completely beside the point.

>> No.21544420
File: 8 KB, 209x249, 1672880626365374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whether or not people really believe in the theology is completely beside the point.

>> No.21544428

>Whether or not people really believe in the theology is completely beside the point.

Repent and believe in the Gospel, Anon.

>> No.21544437

>Atheism is cringe now.
This is a good bellwether for the winds of change that are on the way. Religiosity will see a large scale revival, even if it's partially done for cynical social cachet reasons. Conservatism will likely win out in the end because of this. Communists are trying to fill that void with their Christian iteration, but I don't see masses taking to that in the West over conservatism within the next decade. Too radical a shift.

However both sides can agree that the neolib Wokes are operating on borrowed time. They think it's Up Only for them. They're in for a surprise.

>> No.21544439

It is. No one understands theology, and no one really believes that Jesus yelled at a tree until it died or whatever. If you think that's what people are enamoured with, you're not getting it.

>> No.21544444

You're so cerebral and above it all, bro; Very Cool.

>> No.21544452
File: 54 KB, 500x500, zoomerschristcuckss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21544453

there isn't much difference between these larping e-whores and the larping "christians" on 4chan desu

>> No.21544455

You can't tell me I'm wrong. People who are getting into Christianity now aren't doing it because they have some unshakable belief that specifically Roman Catholicism is right about everything. That's not, and never was what the masses get out of religion. What they get is a sense of structure, and belonging, and something that at least nominally anti-degenerate.
If you don't get that, you don't get anything

>> No.21544465

I wish this was an actual thing but in my experience Christianity is almost completely dead in Gen Z.
The only people other than neurotic outcast freaks who will openly admit to being religious are minorities, who I suppose will soon make up the majority of the population anyway.
White zoomer girls are so, so deeply far gone there's genuinely no saving them.

>> No.21544468

Wow, this board truly is autistic.

These women in this photo are doing this ironically. How are you people this retarded?

>> No.21544470

It's literally a joke, you autistic fools.

>> No.21544473

All culture is a joke now. Who can tell the difference?

>> No.21544476

There's no such thing as irony with women it's just a mask for their perpetually sincere want for attention at all times. Guys who fuck way more than I do know this, and other spergs like me also know this, then there's the midwits of interpersonal understanding like you who somehow never work it out.

>> No.21544477

Everything women do is "ironic" now. The important thing is that they're in the church and praying, even if it's "ironic" in their misled minds, there's a chance that Christ will touch them.

>> No.21544507
File: 757 KB, 2400x1600, web-gettyimages-2111027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neurotic outcast freaks

The only people who have ever mattered. The original Christians were neurotic outcast freaks, too.

Ratzinger's prediction is coming to pass. The Church is shrinking and losing its place in society, being whittled down to the smaller, purer Church that he foresaw. But he also predicted that, when this had happened, what would be left was something special, something that had the potential to build it all back up again.

>> No.21544511

Figuratively me

>> No.21544518


>> No.21544526
File: 124 KB, 840x946, capital normal university.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholicism is growing in Africa which is the most important political area in the world right now as the Chinese are well-aware.

>> No.21544530

I hate this board man.

>> No.21544537

Why? It's great.

>> No.21544545

My brain must be fucked but when I saw these instagram whore looking girls at first glance, I instantly thought they look like they get "blacked," its always these false purity types which "transgress" the most. Its a shame really.

>> No.21544552

Your brain really is fucked. Take a break from the internet.

>> No.21544559
File: 33 KB, 333x500, 51lCC59pW0L._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps they realize how empty and meaningless their lives under capitalism have become.
Hopefully they politically organize.

>> No.21544568
File: 140 KB, 250x250, 1672400000063614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still thinks we live under capitalism
The data colony has already started. You're like a decade behind on this.

>> No.21544604

Based and godpilled

>> No.21544613

its ironic, dumb whores are basically all "look at me, isnt it unusual that im in a church of all places"

>> No.21544615

Taking a break wont help me

>> No.21544617

sorry anon >>21544444 has the Blessed Quints he's right you're wrong god touched his post

>> No.21544680

correct and based post

>> No.21544815

Because among young people it's dying.
I wrote about this in another thread a few days ago but the tl;dr is that the Mormon church carefully manipulates its own statistical data publications to make it look like le fastest growing religion even though that hasn't been true since 1985. In addition, its true rate of growth fell below the population growth rate during the coof and barely rose back above it last year, meaning it is no longer growing through conversions in a meaningful sense. On top of that, cultural clashes (womens' rights, racism, LGBTWTFBBQ nonsense) and the ease with which one can dig up information the church would like to keep buried have dealt a twin death blow to the Gen Z and Millenial Mormon populations. To cap it off, actual attendance rates (people physically in pews) are falling and were never high to begin with - it's estimated only 3 to 4 million of the church's claimed 15 million members actively participate, the rest having quietly quit attending without bothering to officially resign.
As a zoomer myself, what drove me away from the church after being born into it was its laughable, puddle-deep theology and complete lack of metaphysics or philosophy - they consider Greek philosophy to have 'corrupted' the early church and thus reject it entirely.
No one should want the Mormon church to grow in order for it to become some sort of cultural Iron Rod for the generations currently adrift without value systems as it's essentially a great and spacious building without a foundation - from the beginning it was built on lies and the lust for power and that fact will cause disillusionment and loss of belief once discovered regardless of how nice the Mormon standard life path can be.

>> No.21544816

Sarah should have become Pope, tbqh.

>> No.21544821

Short answer: no
It WAS making a comeback in like, 2019, it already came back, now its on its way out

>> No.21545129

>Empty aesthetic nonargument reply
Yes, you're getting it

>> No.21545228

Having one major patriarch in the entirety of the Latin speaking world and its consequences have been a disaster for the Christian peoples.

>> No.21545259
File: 170 KB, 900x900, Bowden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how the anorexic tranny is the most unironically Catholic, a church organist, has a groyper alt (and lurks here). Nietzsche is right that Christianity collects detritus, and of course it's Catholicism (& Orthodoxy) the detritus is drawn to, mystifying Latin mass and slavish submission to authority. Bowden said that Christianity has a strong future because there are so many of these types, the zoomer-chandala will give Catholicism new life:

>> No.21545266

You use big words to call people slaves to prove you are slave to the concept of freedom via thought. Should someone tell him?

>> No.21545272
File: 31 KB, 722x397, 1663200288116465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>showing that much skin

>> No.21545274

>I don't like one of the reasons for something on moral grounds so that something doesn't exist
They'll convert your empty churches to mosques.

>> No.21545316

I wish you all the best, you seem like an intelligent and creative person laboring against two bizarre horns of self-immolation: transsexualism (desire to kill the old self, rationalised as holy eunuch) and annorexia (desire to physically waste away into nothing). Christianity is a therapeutic technique to sancitify those two patholgies as sacred: the holy fasting eunuch. The therapy is cosmetic, Christianity is a patina to justify your double self-ablation, the substantial is to affirm life and live, and forgo self-immmolation and the war against your old self/gender and your body.

>> No.21545337

It's not the skin that's the problem, everything there is anathema to trad Cath prayer. They could legit be naked and that would be no problem, but their all doing something which is considered disrespectful for prayer. I would say it's intentional, but I don't think they know enough to be intentional.

>> No.21545339

I need more coffee before operating the internet.

>> No.21545347

>transsexualism (desire to kill the old self, rationalised as holy eunuch) and annorexia (desire to physically waste away into nothing). Christianity is a therapeutic technique to sancitify those two patholgies as sacred
I wish the better best for you too. Incorrect. It makes the former sacred while the latter it neutralizes as fasting is neither good nor bad in itself but good in so far as it gets closer to God. Additionally, and this takes time to fully appreciate, Catholicism is totally embodied and as such ascetic practices are tools and never ends and they merely represent a nearness to God. However, you are totally correct - I am immolating a former self who had an oil bath of lies and suffering from the rational, creative, and academic classes and will intellectually walk through their halls with my old corpse on fire.
>The therapy is cosmetic, Christianity is a patina to justify your double self-ablation, the substantial is to affirm life and live, and forgo self-immmolation and the war against your old self/gender and your body.
This Nietzschean idea of life is ridiculous. The logos is at war with DNA and the logos will win but we are currently both. To love life is to relish in worldly pleasure, it is to rationalize kindness as a calculating machine, it is to disregard the love of our brothers and lust after our sisters, it is to hate for sport, it is to wish for the power to do an evil not for the evil but to demonstrate that you had the power for such. The issue is that life is a coin. This is not life but is merely a nearer form of life than the more distant and faith-bridged life of truth, where kindness is for all, brothers' love matter and women are for more than minds you can gamify until their legs are spread. The problem with anti-Christians is that if you actually live and love life and survive until 27 without Christ, you weren't even worth the devil's time.

>> No.21545403

In what world is this greater life? Heaven in the clouds you'll float to when your body wastes away to nothing and gives moksha to your soul?

Having a moral goal for self and society is moot when that self and society is realised in another world. Are you not creating a perfect self, the emaciated Christ eunuch, in and for another divine world, that is above and against your actual self in the actual world? It's auto-alienating and denying the ground for your own power of self-actualisation. You start with a ground of death of gender and body, and place all powers of self-construction in heavenly grace; rather than begining with your own embodied self, that possesses its own power to create its second nature.

>> No.21545410
File: 23 KB, 427x570, E9un9E3XoAQA1Ow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo you can't just use the church as a photo set for your onlyfans noooo
this is hot. i love women.

>> No.21545417

>Heaven in the clouds you'll float to when your body wastes away to nothing and gives moksha to your soul?
Heaven is real as described.
>Having a moral goal for self and society is moot when that self and society is realised in another world.
Again, Christians view this world as the potential for treasure on the next. It is realized in this and the next
>Are you not creating a perfect self, the emaciated Christ eunuch, in and for another divine world, that is above and against your actual self in the actual world?
>It's auto-alienating and denying the ground for your own power of self-actualisation.
Self-actualisation does not wxist without Christ.
>You start with a ground of death of gender and body, and place all powers of self-construction in heavenly grace; rather than begining with your own embodied self, that possesses its own power to create its second nature.
Please describe your second nature in grave detail and you will see why.

>> No.21545420

The inevitable result of skepticism.

>> No.21545427

Sorta like how Muslim fiels are massive fucking whores on the down low. I can't tell you how many Muslim girls I've seen admit to getting fucked every week. It's funny as fuck really.

Also, Islams growth is mostly in SEA, which is an area where the actual practice of Islam is very lukewarm. Meanwhile, the Middle East is growing more and more secularized due to better living conditions and people getting sick of suicide bombers and other terrorists ruining their lives and livelihoods.

>> No.21545429

*Muslim girls are massive fucking whores

>> No.21545483
File: 51 KB, 697x516, 1673733448835675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from zoomer anchorlessness I wonder how the future is going to unfold. If there's not some drastic oil collapse and the ai revolution comes around (almost all job sectors automated, not singularity shit), will we come to the era of the last man or will instinct finally kick in and all these neo traditional and neo radical LARPs kick into the normiesphere. I hold apprehension to either outcome, but I would rather face them head on find some way to gain from them.
In 10-20 years if you have even an ounce of old school wisdom you could easily become a cult leader over gen alphas. Get ready for your harem as you siphon off the UBI of your gormless followers.

>> No.21545533
File: 256 KB, 1080x1341, FJXgtT2XsAIdBL1.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might just be a dum dum but when I hear shit like this it feels like the person is off in a world of pure symbology, further and further divorced from reality. There's this stiltifying need to analyze an entire person from a fucking picture, as if you've just described the real.
I adore Nietzsche, but he's created an ideology in people that makes it easy to feel superior to others, but purely from an analytical and thus mental standpoint. It's the ass carrying a cart of books.
Of course you might be the real deal. If so more power to you, superman.

>> No.21545636
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1408, cradlevsconvert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cradle Catholic girls don't do any of this shit.

>> No.21545641

Huh? SEA is not “lukewarm”. Please don’t talk about things you have no idea about. But the girls can be massive whores. Virility can’t survive in a world of unrestrained freedom. That’s just how poisonous modernity is. A Mauritanian woman living in tribal society probably does not whore around like an Arab immigrant to The United States.

>> No.21545658

>Gen Z
Its called Gen BLACKED

>> No.21545692
File: 167 KB, 736x878, 9C35E807-0594-4D8C-B932-96B83F199FAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam has a far higher net conversion rate than Buddhism and majority of converts are women with the most common reason given that they like how gender relations work in Islam. You are a boomer

>> No.21545745

OK but zoomers still mog you tho.

>> No.21545764


>> No.21545849

>It's the ass carrying a cart of books.
I'd carve this in stone.

>> No.21545856


>> No.21545858
File: 49 KB, 580x335, Liberian-Cannibals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Total universal taboo is cannibalism and as such only the most powerful of all people, or people who have conquered another most totally, could do this and it would be done in secret.

Another midwit academic theory discredited by the existence of nigger. Not to mention other primitive tribes around the world.

>> No.21545866

>Another midwit academic theory discredited by the existence of nigger. Not to mention other primitive tribes around the world.
Dionysian cannibal orgies were secretive fwiw

>> No.21545896

How the dynamic works for cannibalism is you do not actually want to be a cannibal but the power to be a cannibal is what is desired and then once you have the power you consummate via the cannibalistic act. The Eucharist, the real body and blood of Christ, is Christ giving us total power physically as the Gospel is mentally. Check out Girard's I See Satan Fall Like Lightning and you can see how the Gospel's extremes can be a true understanding of humanity. Jesus is LORD.

>> No.21545933

Because Roman Cetholicism is not a religion but a political power, which the autistic, lunatic and Z brain classes wish to use to gain acceptance, fellowship and power over others.

>> No.21545934

Socialism is a derivative of Christianity that didn't work so well. It should be noted that Socialism was much more popular in Catholic countries in general, and also had a surprising amount of popularity among the urban middle classes and socialites.

>> No.21545969

Islam is only growing because of African birth rates. That's it. No one is converting to Islam becuase everyone that isn'y Muslim is tired of Muslims and their rowdiness, from 9/11 to ISIS to just being a nucance in Europe. You would have to be insane to think Islam is growing because of conversions. It is the religion with probably the worst rap sheet ever.

>> No.21546008
File: 59 KB, 1211x744, 234F5CBB-2508-4320-BC9E-4335AF66D3C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, the net conversion rate is much higher even factoring out birth. This article covers both.


>> No.21546055

>Because Roman Cetholicism is not a religion but a political power
How many armies does the Church have? How many taxes do they levy? Oh, right, none. It is a powerful institution that has political impacts but calling it primarily political is not only dishonest but laughable youtube vlog tier criticism.

>> No.21546061

>Pew Research
Absolute trash source. Their methedology has been lnown to be shit for a while. Post a better source and I might believe you.

>> No.21546085

Islam is Mormonism. It's some sex-addict polygamous trashheap who points to Christ and then because Jesus Christ is real grace and you discover it through these filthy mediums you then assume it's from these flawed sources. It's like thanking water that quenches your thirst and gives you dysentery for being water but Muhhammed (the pedophile) and Joseph Smith (pedophile and seniphile) alike are bacteria and Christ is the water. Repent.

>> No.21546089


>> No.21546112

No, this is comprehensive and extensive based on many years of data and quite sound. Allow me to alleviate your befuddlement: negative press is better than no press. For example, are you aware that conversion rates to Islam in America tripled in the aftermath of 9/11? Bringing Islam to the attention of people over and over and over makes them curious about it. And, as with a woman toward a man, the step from curiosity to romantic feeling is very short. To be curious is to be interested. Even a woman who is interested in a negative way for a man, hates him but is obsessed with him, can love him very easily if pushed in the right way

>> No.21546125

>Even a woman who is interested in a negative way for a man, hates him but is obsessed with him, can love him very easily if pushed in the right way
Analogizing conversion to pedophile worship as a womanly attraction to an abuser is very apt. How did you do that?

>> No.21546130

Let me tell you something, anti-christ catamite, every Christian and Roman Catholic and atheist is nice to Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and Mormoms because laughing at them is rude and criticizing them too easy. The Qu'ran does not have a single worthwhile line and I mean a single one. Here's a fun game - post a line from your demonic scribbler and I'll counter with a line from Christ who is God and or his disciples. This will be cute.

>> No.21546163
File: 424 KB, 633x950, IMG_7760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its all the same shit, anon. It is all Abrabamic kikery. Regardless of what particular flavor you belong to. The onlyndangerous one is Islam as there is a growing ethnic relation to it so it is growing in to an Ethno-cultural systen which supports one people, asian/arabs. Much like Judaism is exclusively for jews. The only difference is one is very exclusive and the other is not.

Christianity has none of this. It is the creed of globalism. Put aside all the beauty, the great men it inspired and the help it has given many people throughout history. Put it aside because it can not help reverse what has been done to the West, it has destroyed us. Only a new moral system can fix the world, our world, the Western World.

>> No.21546164

>doesn't even know Muslims love Jesus Christ just as much if not more than christians do

>> No.21546198
File: 144 KB, 1100x615, DC2F4115-D9D6-4845-976F-DD36E56B880E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you are, my good fellow
