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File: 73 KB, 356x502, martin heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21542969 No.21542969 [Reply] [Original]

How tf is he not more read by normies with anxiety?

>> No.21542990

Heidegger's unique terminology and frequent use of Latin and Greek terms drives people away from his works. Most of what would be of use to what you call "normies with anxiety" is covered by regular psychology and self-help books anyway.
People with common sense don't need to read Heidegger at all.

>> No.21542993

Because they're stupid. The very knowledge of his intelligence would bring them unbearable resentment.

>> No.21543029

i started reading being and time but it just reads like a retreading of the old apophatic nonsense. I already know what Being is and don't need his gay dasein to gain knowledge about it.

>> No.21543040

Cause is hard to read and also you need a lot of Philosophical background. In being and time Heidegger takes things from Heraclitus to Husserl

>> No.21543052

>I already know what Being is
What is it because I don't know

>> No.21543075
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it's impossible that you don't know what Being is since it's omnipresent in everything If you didn't know you wouldn't even be able to exist. You literally just used the word "is."

>> No.21543261

Is this img implying open individualism moving forward or that time is reversing backwards and we dont notice?

>> No.21543265

it's implying Time doesn't ultimately exist and neither does the subject or the individual or whatever. All those things are part of the way of mortals or of "doxa" (opinion) and have no final truth. they aren't philosophical concepts, they are empirical appearances.

>> No.21543279

This is fucking with my mind, and I dont feel I totally understand it yet its so damn profound

>> No.21543292
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>> No.21543334

Is... Is existence an open mind that realizes anxiety is the pull towards nothingness, and overcoming existentialism is pulling yourself back into the world?

>> No.21543366

It's pretty hard, and not in the same way that some french authors can be hard in the sense you can take whatever you want from their obscurantism. Heidegger is hard but he's saying something quite specific and if you get him wrong you will come off as a pseud. This intimidates people. Also it's impossible to deny that his ideas do lead to something that could be called fascism when you actually read him. Even in his mainstream works like Being and Time, the whole last section is about the social and cultural implications of everything he talked in the book so far. Our commie libtard society doesn't want to deal with that.

>> No.21543404

I very much hope you're not equating Fascism and National Socialism.

>> No.21543553

>>His philosophy covers every possible aspect of the individual and existence
It specifically does not you retard, it's the very ground of his disagreement with his master, Husserl, who DID think it was possible to cover every possible aspects.

>> No.21544488

Holy shit I am sober and reading that somehow made me think time froze and i entered a new place i never been. Strange.

>> No.21544721

He is hard to read, talks about Heimat(literally advanced nazism) and was a former nazi. Also he is not shallow like Satre and Jaspers.

>> No.21544732

did you read being and time? that book is obscure as fuck, the first paragraph already has a whole greek text that Heidegger don't care to translate or explain
reading that book is like having a riddle fight with a greek sphinx

>> No.21544745

the problem with that is that lead the concept of Being as something that can't be articulated, so you really don't "know" what Being is, you just circumvent the issue with all the things that "have" being, that's why Parmenides was fucked by the Sophist and that's why Plato needed to mix Heraclitus into the Parmenidean notion of being, to give it temporal articulation,so now you have a being that is static and a being that is mobile now a lot of people think Plato's actually failed, one of them being Aristotle, that dveeloped an onotlogy based on the logical conception of time, thus Being now has ultiple aspects, and moments, other philosophers then mixed with that the subject/object dichotomoy, substances, etc, and today the issue grew so much that most peopl just quit trying to do metaphysics and are into Hermeneutics, critical analisis, logic and more
so yeah, knowing what Being is, is a lot harder than citing a paragraph from Parmenides

>> No.21544762

Everything wrong with continental philosophy

>> No.21544811

Pseud gibberish
The occult doesn’t exist you sexless loser

>> No.21544987

Fails to answer the question of "It is but why it is not"
It addresses the idea of a becoming from nothing into something, but not why it there is something in the first place
It just assumes existence as necessary, same thing Saint Abelard confused in his proslogion and monologion

Read Heideggers Introduction of Metaphysics

>> No.21545026

I tried to get my masters degree educated friends who spent all day in our group chat complaining about how they feel they have no purpose in life to read philosophy. Not anything specific mind you, we never got that far because all 4 of them including one with a degree in fucking mathematics said that philosophy is a pretentious waste of time and everyone who reads it are dumb hippies (the others held comp sci, engineering and chem degrees). They basically conflated all philosophers with burnt out dead-heads. These people are the perfect representation of the new intellectual class in America and it's fucking disgusting.

I've never seen such extreme anti-intellectualism before or since.

>> No.21545028

it's amazing how atheists think a generic atheist nazi addicted to a jewess will bring meaning in their lives

>> No.21545032

Normie with anxiety here. Someone gimme a quick rundown.

>> No.21545034
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Heh, nothin' personnel boy...

>> No.21545099

Space without temporality is nonsensical, read Kant

>> No.21545148

It's really not.

>> No.21545154
File: 221 KB, 1240x786, home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It is not man’s relationship with death that regulates his relationships with others, but the opposite: man’s relationships with others determine, directly or indirectly, the way he dies and the way he goes to meet his death. This is not only true of the man standing in front of an execution squad as the representative of some political faction, but of anyone who dies believing that he is going to meet his Maker, because his faith is also the faith of a community to which the dying man belongs. Moreover, the mortality of man entails the possibility of his violent death. It is precisely the fact of violent death, however, that determines the entire range of possible relationships between men: extreme friendship is demonstrated when I sacrifice my life for someone, and extreme enmity when I kill someone. All other relationships lie between these two extremes.

>These and other major concerns of social ontology are not even mentioned in passing in Being and Time. Its perspective is a specific and a limited one. Thus, despite its many readers and commentators, it has contributed very little to anthropological, social, or even philosophical studies; repetition, rephrasing, and the insertion of lofty-sounding utterances and terms do not constitute a contribution. I see nothing here which the well-informed reader could not find elsewhere, expressed better and more simply
t. kondylis

>> No.21545156

Go live in a cabin in the woods after you've become an expert at your normal job. Also support Heimat.

>> No.21545160



Carlsbad is that you?

>> No.21545170

>it can't be articulated
so stop trying to articulate it. you don't have to. that's why reading heidegger is useless. it's a primary substance. it's understood through itself. articulating it would require predicating it of something and that's impossible. so stop trying. it's utterly pointless.

>> No.21545177

Parmenides doesn't say it is spatial. Being has many contradictory properties that mean it can't exist in space.
it literally answers exactly that. there is no "it is not."

>> No.21545187

>Parmenides doesn't say it is spatial
Oh boy, he hasn't read the full dialogue.

>> No.21545195

what makes you think that arguments Plato makes "Parmenides" employ in his dialogue have anything to do with Parmenides?

>> No.21545199

I wasn't referring to Plato's dialogue. Admittedly I should have used the term monologue, but even still you should know what I am referring to if you've read it all the way through.

>> No.21545200

Philosophy is literally the key to understanding existence and your place in the world. Nothing matters more. Most people are bots who dont realize their ego is hurting themselves and dont realize they are a blind will-to-live

>> No.21545207

Anxiety is a subconscious pull towards nothingness. Thats why fear is directional while anxiety is not. Anxiety has no direction because nothingness cannot be understood.

A little appetizer for the ride of your life to understand yourself

>> No.21545227

You can’t even inspect element properly, newfag, go back

>> No.21546457

Being asked to think will make an NPC mad like nothing else. I've heard tales of a time when most people didn't get afraid of thinking but maybe they're just that, tales.

>> No.21546763

that's fine, a lot of philosophers and mystics think that, but you have to recognize then that you can't "know" being

>> No.21546775

>it's a primary substance. it's understood through itself.
that's an articulation tho, if you can't articulate it, then you can't say it's a self revealing substance

>> No.21546876

It's not exactly an articulation because in reality I am predicating it of itself. I'm not articulating anything, I am just pointing out its self revelation to me.

>> No.21546915

because he writes like shit and being and time only makes sense when you actually keep reading, the stuff he describes lacks unity until he reaches the part of Dasein that gives unity to the whole being-in-the-world, but he has to describe all the other stuff first because otherwise you end up having a non phenomenological description
people getting filtered by being exposed to stuff they arent familiar with?

>> No.21546933

>I am predicating it of itself.
>I'm not articulating anything, I am just pointing out
again that's an articulation, the fact that you think is self evident, doesn't make it less of an articulation

>> No.21546971

....How exactly would Heidegger be a cure for anxiety in any way? Please, this ought to be good.

>> No.21546974

I say that you can just directly experience and know Being but you say that’s inadequate because you haven’t said anything about it. But Heidegger says you can’t just experience Being and have to go through Dasein to understand it. The way I see it Heidegger doesn’t get any closer to knowledge of Being than I do. True that I can’t say “why” it exists but if Heidegger can then he’s just contradicted himself because causality is something that only exists in time and therefore part of dasein, not being. Being doesn’t have any reason to exist. If you directly experience color then you can still say where it comes from by analyzing the eyeball and light waves, so knowledge of color is not complete by pure experience. But Being is the ground zero where you can’t analyze any further. Knowledge of being IS complete by pure experience because it is prior to causality and therefore any further knowledge. If Being were like colors then I would read Heidegger to find out its true cause, but Being is not like colors.

>> No.21547021

seconding this, I'm confused sexually

>> No.21547305

You're basically right. The question is itself a trick question: we understand and 'answer' it by not trying to give it an answer, as it can't receive one nor merits it.

The answer to 'what is being?' is to go and jerk off to some novel form of pornography, preferably created by oneself through a thorough mediation upon the sexual groundings of Greek philosophy.

>> No.21547528

>I say that you can just directly experience and know Being but you say that’s inadequate because you haven’t said anything about it.
not really, i'm sayin ghtat Plato and the whole philosophical ssytem after him saw Parmenides lack of articulation as a problem to be solved(and the sophist as a problem to be exploited)

>But Heidegger says you can’t just experience Being and have to go through Dasein to understand it
where does he say that?
>causality is something that only exists in time and therefore part of dasein, not being
again what lead you to that conclusion? whre does Heidegger establish this dichotomy between causation and Being?
>Being doesn’t have any reason to exist.
the problem with that is with such an approach, being is just existence itself, so what you're saying is that existence exist, which is a tautology
>But Being is the ground zero where you can’t analyze any further
this take for granted a substantialism ontology, Heidegger is against those,so using them is question begging
>Knowledge of being IS complete by pure experience because it is prior to causality and therefore any further knowledge
again that's just question begging

>> No.21548512

that doesnt seem like it would help anyone with anxiety issues desu

>> No.21548523

>His philosophy covers every possible aspect of the individual and existence
So, like, most philosophers?

>> No.21548737


>> No.21548949

>I say that you can just directly experience and know Being
you think you can experience being directly, but that's not what Parmenides is saying,even for him Being is mediated by language, he thought that was a problem to other philosopher like Heidegger is the tool to understand it, but no one thinks you can experience and know Being directly
>But Heidegger says you can’t just experience Being and have to go through Dasein to understand it.
not at all,the Dasein is not a thing, your whole premise rest in an artificial dichotomy you created in your mind between Being(Sein) and Dasein, like a existencial version of object /subjet which goes against Heidegger project

>> No.21549114

>Pseud gibberish
Parmenides is a pseud?

>> No.21549162

>don't read heidegger he is le nazi
he doesn't actually seem that outwardly nazi-ish save for the context in which he lived, what did he know that the elites want kept hidden?

>> No.21549332

I used to look forward to Heidegger threads but the quality has really declined lately.

>> No.21549362

Cuz he's a hack who was the only guy they could find to replace the real mathematicians and philosophers who were forced to resign because they were Jewish.

>> No.21550533
File: 103 KB, 353x331, ooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Immanuel Kant was a real pissant who was very rarely stable
> Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar who could think you under the table
> David Hume could out-consume Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
> And Wittgenstein was a beery swine who was just as schloshed as Schlegel.

> There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya 'bout the raising of the wrist
> Socrates himself was permanently pissed...

> John Stuart Mill (of his own free will) on half a pint of shandy was particularly ill.
> Plato, they say, could stick it away – a half a crate of whiskey every day.
> Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle.
> Hobbes was fond of his dram.
> And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart: "I drink, therefore I am."

> Yes, Socrates, himself, is particularly missed;
> A lovely little thinker but a bugger when he's pissed!

>> No.21550622

dasein is the being that can ask: "what is Being?" or "what does "Being" (the word) mean?", and Heidegger's point is that for being capable of doing that he must already have some idea of what Being is or means. Dasein is always "experiencing" Being. In a similar way as for being able to ask "what is a color?" you must have already posses some idea of what a color is. You are missing the phenomenological aspect of Being and Time.

>> No.21551329
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In what follows we shall be thinking concerning bunnies and carrots. This thinking about bunnies does not attempt to tell any particular bunny to go easy on the carrots, nor does thought about carrots single out any bunny that is to consume the carrot. The essence of the carrot is by no means any vegetable. The Ancient Greek word kᾰρῶτον is derived from the word kᾰ́ρᾱ meaning head or person—that is, cerebrum. The essence of the carrot is the cerebral, the head encapsulating the person. Modern philosophy starts with Descartes' proclamation of the Cogito Sum. Cogito sum purports the ek-sistence of an "I" that posits and thinks: it grounds the Being of the "I" on the cerebral. The ζῷον ἐγkέφᾰλον, animal cerebrale, is nothing but the bugs. The modern Cartesian-Newtonian bugman is challenged into presencing by the gathering-together of the cerebral, the carrot. But where there is the carrot, therein lies the saving power. Because the essence of the carrot is nothing bugs, the essential reflection upon the carrot must take place in a realm fundamentally different from it, in the form of a going-easy on the carrot. This easiness is exactly that of the easy ground, weicher Boden, on which the light spirits of Hölderlin's Schicksalslied tread. The essence of the carrot is brought into the light by the going-easy. The going-easy reveals the essence of the carrot as the cerebral; it brings it into unconcealment. It is therefore art, which brings into presencing the going-easy of the carrot by the bugs.