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[ERROR] No.2154232 [Reply] [Original]

I wasted 2 hours of my life reading this piece of shit because some parts were interesting and I kept hoping it would get better but now I've learned my lesson.

How does anyone like him? His novels are all pretentious plus weird. in one of them, the narrator is 40 and has a relationship with a 20 year old girl. It reads like a wet dream of some aspie and its depressing.

Anyway I could keep ranting but what do people see in him?

>> No.2154235

one of the best books that I've read last year, go back to read Twilight

>> No.2154237

You read a 400 page novel in 2 hours?

That's 200 pages an hour. 3 pages a minute. Maybe you should slow the fuck down and actually read the words on the page next time.

>> No.2154238

Pretentious doesn't mean anything, "weird" can be either a feature or a bug, and people have no problem liking Lolita, why would a 40/20 romance be alienating? it's common as fuck.

You sound fourteen, and I don't even like murakami

>> No.2154241
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I wasted 2 hours of my life reading this piece of shit because some parts were interesting and I kept hoping it would get better but now I've learned my lesson.

How does anyone like him? His novels are all pretentious plus weird. in one of them, the narrator is 40 and has a relationship with a 12 year old girl. It reads like a wet dream of some aspie and its depressing.

Anyway I could keep ranting but what do people see in him?

>> No.2154242

actually, I just guessed. It probably took longer but whatever

Maybe because the girl also has no social skills? I read lolita and the relationship was portrayed much better than this

>> No.2154248

What you did there. I am into the seeing of it.

>> No.2154250
File: 153 KB, 500x757, JaneEyre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasted 2 hours of my life reading this piece of shit because some parts were interesting and I kept hoping it would get better but now I've learned my lesson.

How does anyone like him? His novels are all pretentious plus weird. in one of them, the narrator is 40 and has a relationship with a 20 year old girl. It reads like a wet dream of some aspie and its depressing.

Anyway I could keep ranting but what do people see in him?

>> No.2154251

Yet none of you are telling me why murakami's good

>> No.2154254

Why should we? It's pointless. You're clearly both fourteen and an idiot.

>> No.2154256

Because you won't explain must mean you can't

>> No.2154257


>> No.2154258


To be fair, you didn't really tell us why he's bad.

"pretentious" and "weird" are both way too nebulous and vague to really say anything. "Aspie" is a buzzword that essentially means "bad".

So basically, you said "I think Murakami is bad". That's it. You didn't actually tell us anything. You didn't even mention the plot of the novel you opened you post with.

>> No.2154259

Sorry about that post, I am clearly an idiot.

>> No.2154261

The burden of proof lies on the party that makes the claim.

You claimed Murakami was bad, I'm waiting for your proof.

And your opinion that his work is "pretentious" is worthless and a waste of everybody's time.

>> No.2154262
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>> No.2154265

Okay. It was basically about some guy who is about to die, but he gets in a coma? and lives in this dreamworld to justify his death or something

Main character was unlikeable and I was unable to connect with him. I don't get where he's coming from. There is this young girl who he checks out who is also inexplicably into him for reasons unsaid. Her father is basically the reason the guy is going to die, and none of the characters are likeable because the father has no backbone and doesn't tell the dude he is gonna die until a day before the death happens, the guy has sex with this librarian girl randomly and suddenly falls in love with her, and the other girl tells the guy she wants to have sex with him when he comes out of the coma.


>> No.2154269

>reading books for the plot and not for the prose
God damn son how does it feel to be 15?

>> No.2154271

So other than the fact that you couldn't understand the plot and you personally didn't like the characters, your problem is what?

>> No.2154273

> I was unable to connect with him

Duh, you're obviously not a disaffected middle-age mathematician, you're a retarded teenager. Protip: a) that plot is not as weird as you think it is b) even if it was, weird != bad.

Why don't you fuck off? Everyone will be happier. You really don't want to know why we like murakami, and you couldn't appreciate it anyway. And we don't really care about your reading habits.

>> No.2154278


Sure is OP talking to himself.

>> No.2154277

That is my problem
Besides the fact that the dude sounded horribly pretentious (like, you could tell he was trying to say something philosophical) which annoys me because I like reading through the whole thing and then thinking about it not thinking about it while reading

If theres philosophy or whatever it shouldnt be so apparent

>> No.2154280

Hey guize!!! I read a WHOLE book. Check me out!

I'm unable to formulate a decent critique, so I'm just going to say people are stupid because they don't hate the book like I do!

>> No.2154282

I think it's funny how you assume things like that
I do want to know why people like him but nobody's telling me, you're all just saying im a retarded teenager which doesn't help

And all this rage over my opinions, which you think are shit. I could say the same about yours too buddy

>> No.2154284

unsecured tripcodes my friend

>> No.2154285

>he thinks murakami is philosophical

>> No.2154291


You don't even know what tripcodes are.

>> No.2154292

>I do want to know why people like him but nobody's telling me

No, you don't. It's probably the most irrelevant thing to you, but you're sticking to it to keep up appearances.

>you're all just saying im a retarded teenager which doesn't help

Who said I was here to help?

>I could say the same about yours too buddy

FUCKING REALLY? Shit, thanks for letting me know!

>> No.2154294

what if 'haruki murakami' was a grizzled old first-generation polish guy from the southwest side of chicago named 'haruski murakamski?' would you still find his philosophical dabblings and fapping to western pop culture charming? tHiNk AbOuT iT, mAaAaAnNnN

>> No.2154298
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>> No.2154302


>> No.2154303
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>Besides the fact that the dude sounded horribly pretentious (like, you could tell he was trying to say something philosophical) which annoys me because I like reading through the whole thing and then thinking about it not thinking about it while reading

>> No.2154304

Personally, I like the way Murakami sticks a regular person into a bizarre (and often metaphysical) situation, and then tracks their way out. More than that, though, I like the way that he can express the detail of mundane situations through his descriptions of objects/places/people/etc. Sometimes it's like he uses these weird situations to heighten the details of everyday situations.

I'm a fan, so my opinion will be biased, but I find it really easy to imagine the scenes that take place in his books, from the mundane to the supernatural.

>> No.2154306

It would be very difficult for a Polish immigrant to write about Japan the way the Murakami does. If he could, I would respect that, but that's fairly impossible.

>> No.2154336

It may just have been an issue with the translation but Murakami is a completely shitty writer. I doubt it though, he appears to be just pop trash.

>> No.2154338

word. that's exactly what i like best about murakami too. that, and the humour.

>> No.2154342

He writes like a child learning to drive stick for the first time.