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21542235 No.21542235 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite Christian book?

>> No.21542240

Christians don't read

>> No.21542243
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A Lifting Up for the Downcast by William Bridge.

>> No.21542249

What do you mean by this? Holy texts within Christianity? Books about Christianity? Books written by Christians? Books that contain "Christian themes and allegories"?

>> No.21542251

The lord of the rings.

>> No.21542265

>Holy texts within Christianity? Books about Christianity? Books written by Christians?
Along with Christian theology, Christian philosophy, History of Christianity and the Church. Probably some more, but these are off the top of my head.

>> No.21542274

Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.21542391
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>> No.21542394
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>> No.21542675
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>> No.21542686

post all your bookshelf dem

>> No.21542699
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Only book on Abrahamism I need.
I've already ripped up a Koran.
Next is burning a Bible and Torah.
Eat shit, Christcucks.
Fuck the Holy Spirit.
Suffer for thousands upon thousands of kalpas.
Namo Amitabha Buddha.

>> No.21542734

I don’t have room to display everything right now. Most of my stuff is packed away.

>> No.21542737


>[«PROTESTANTS»] don't read[.]

>> No.21542745
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>Next is burning a Bible
Ahh I too remember high school.

Anyway OP mine is pic rel.

>> No.21542750


>> No.21542755

I like the one where the protagonist gets crucified, pretty funny shit. I thought it was a pretty unrealistic deus ex machina when he came back tho, like who tf would believe in that shit? Such poor story telling

>> No.21542761

Garbage book.
Buddha nature and Dao exists in every being regardless of their beliefs, but Christcuckery says only those who accept their dead Jew on a stick have any light within their heart. Sickest view ever.
Thanks to the Jesuits, Masons, Jews, and Vatican, you Christcucks won and wound up destroying the entire world in the process with your delusions of "progress".
I've read stories of Italians killing birds and justifying it because they couldn't know Christ.
I dismember and remove the entrails of your beloved Jew on a stick and force you to eat it.
Every single Christcuck, Mudslime, and Jew deserves to die, including the women and children, and their corpses should be used for decorative purposes. Kys.

>> No.21542765


>> No.21542768

Go pray to your dead Jew on a stick that I take Big Pharma's toxic shit. I'd rather shove cyanide pills (meds) into the mouths of icchantikas like you.

>> No.21542771
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Gonna read this one soon, heard by all that it is fantastic.

>> No.21542773


>> No.21542776

Aquinas’ summa cleared a lot of things up for me, like properly understanding the trinity, for one.

>> No.21542799

False. See >>21542243

>> No.21542806

>pretending you read the book
lol ok pal

>> No.21542853


>> No.21542859
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the torah

>> No.21543024

What's this about? I am a Catholic so this looks interesting to me. Also, I have a fatal case of yellow fever, so anything about East or Southeast Asian cultures is an automatic read.

>> No.21543045
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>Also, I have a fatal case of yellow fever
So you can spread your trash Jew worship, rotting people's minds, and destroy more ancient cultures and peoples for Elohim, the angry and jealous god of Semites?
Stick to your own race, Christcuck.

>> No.21543046
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it's a bunch of perenialist bullshit about how the tao from the tao te ching is actually the logos when they aren't even remotely analogous concepts. don't waste your time on it. Christianity DOES have parallels to Taoism (Pic related, questionable translation) but tao = Jesus is not one of them. It was written by some dude who either is Seraphim Rose or a follower of him.

>> No.21543057

Jesus was literally based on Satan/Satanael to entrap the souls of gentiles. Abrahamism is all Saturnian.
The hexagonal storm on the North of Saturn corresponds to the black cube of Jews and Semites. The cross is just an unfolded cube.

>> No.21543104

Lol calm down mate. Why does Christianity make you so bitter?

Ah good to know. Yeah, Perennialism is a meme that has gone too far. I like Fr. Seraphim Rose, but I can't stand the "All religions are actually really Christian in nature" meme. Sure there may be a lot of similarities, but there are definite differences that make Christianity the full realizement of Truth. Are there any good works about East Asian Christianity that talk about either Orthodoxy or Catholicism as practiced in East Asia? I know that there are a lot of SEA countries like the Phillipines or East Timor that are Catholic, but I am curious about the state of those branches of Christianity in East Asia in general.

>> No.21543142

>Why does Christianity make you so bitter?
It's all of Abrahamism and Zoroastrianism that make me bitter, not just Christianity.
It has to do with linear accounts of history that culminate in apocalyptic eschatologies. There are elites that engineer global conflicts to fulfill Messianic prophecies.
The truth is found within, it is found by purifying the mind. It is not found through cucking to any people as chosen or as possessing a special divine/revelatory status. The Buddha is superior to Abrahamic and Mazdan schizophrenic charlatans.

"Progress" is the biggest delusion in all of history. Not a single positive thing has come from notions of "progress", which is born the schizophrenia of these lesser adharmic paths.

>> No.21543475
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Sayings of the Desert Fathers

>> No.21543486
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>> No.21543540


>> No.21543555
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Bible is the primary collection of books that one has to study with one's life, as far as faith is concerned. Other than that, it's a book about the life of a saint called Porphyrios[1]. He left his family as a child because he wanted to become a monk. I've met people who said he talked to them about their past and future among other things. They say he was a fun person. He died on 1991. The book is called "Elder Porphyrios from Kausokalibia; Life and Speeches". You can find it online, but it's in Greek - the title is "Γέροντος Πορφυρίου Καυσοκαλυβίτου - Βίος και Λόγοι". It's close to my heart. There are a few speeches of him on YouTube by people who recorded him.[2]

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porphyrios_of_Kafsokalyvia
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOwKt2HSHLg

>> No.21543562
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What I'm reading right now. So far it's one of the better books I've read on the Jesus Prayer.

>> No.21543564

I'm sure you've read Wounded by Love by St Porphyrios too then. Brilliant book

>> No.21543888
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I'll try to find a copy. I haven't read it.

>> No.21544244
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HAHAHAH okay schmuck, there is so much out of the ass talk in this book without any citation for belief or reference. I could go on but this shit is semi fake and gay

>> No.21544246
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>> No.21544588

Have you read St Paisios' spiritual counsels? I think there's like four volumes

>> No.21544662

There are six. I would love to read them too but they are all expensive.

>> No.21544664

I managed to fin the second one "Spiritual Awakening" on libgen. It's very edifying. He discusses philotimo a lot

>> No.21544741

Have you guys read anything by St. Joseph the Hesychast?

>> No.21544746

I haven't but I'd like to. Anything that you'd recommend? Relatedly, I know Elder Ephraim of Arizona wrote a book on St Joseph given that the latter was his elder but I haven't read that either :(

>> No.21544773

His collected letters, entitled Monastic Wisdom in book form, are very good.

>> No.21544918

Is it spiritually advanced stuff or can lay people gain from it? I'm still pretty babby in Orthodoxy

>> No.21544931

Narrative adaptation, Joseph and His Brothers by Thomas Mann
Theology, City of God by Augustine
Poetry, Paradise Lost by Milton

>> No.21545000

His letters were written to his spiritual children, from laymen to monks and nuns. There's no difficult metaphysics or obscure sayings, just his honest advice and insight.

>> No.21545007

Perfect, just started downloading the book as soon as you said that. I've been avoiding the Philokalia and things like that for those reasons, don't want to fall into delusion etc. Trying to find a spiritual father atm

>> No.21545027

I keep seeing it mentioned, is it really Christian? It was published in the soviet union

>> No.21545443
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I haven't read that book either. I'll try to read that book somehow too. There is a story about those two elders I've heard from someone who seems to be reliable enough. He went initially to elder Porhyrios for advice. Elder Porphyrios told him that he needed to change his life, explained to him what he had to do, and that he won't do it because he wasn't mature enough so to speak. That caused him to seek help from elder Paisios. On his first visit, elder Paisios picked him up from the small group of people who gathered to meet the ascetic, and the first thing he told him was why he didn't do what elder Porphyrios told him to do. He was blown away by this and followed the advices of the elders.

>> No.21545479

>your post
“The Lord laughs at the wicked for he knows their day is coming.”

>> No.21545595
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Maybe Language of Creation for how concise and efficient it is as an introduction. Alternatively pic related, even if you don't buy what's written in it it'll still shift something in your view and it's definitely very interesting

>> No.21545607

The talmud.

>> No.21545701

57 posts, still no mention of Chesterton's Orthodoxy.

>> No.21546426


>> No.21547049

Great book Anon. Wish Rose had written more about his life before conversion, particularly on being a homosexual

>> No.21547119
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Are you the notorious schizo Hindu poster?

>> No.21547169

It's cute when effeminate asian "men" get angry.

>> No.21547300
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I've heard so many stories like that. At some point you really need to sit down and ask yourself how Orthodoxy keeps producing people like that. You really can't dismiss out of hand. But as Christ said
>And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.
I hope one day that God blesses to meet an elder who is like Sts Porphyrios or Paisios. I definitely know I'm not worthy enough plus I'd be scared of what they'd have to say about me... I also remember St Paisios saying that St Porphyrios' "television" ie. clairvoyance is in colour but his is "only" black and white. Likewise St Porphyrios said that St Paisios is better than him because he had to struggle more for his gifts. Their humility is unparalleled
I've read the Fr Spyridon book and enjoyed it quite a bit. One thing I realised is that only Orthodoxy is can provide a coherent unified explanation of what globohomo is trying to do. No other religion or worldview can do that

>> No.21547477
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Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.21547526

Ecclesiastes, the book of Job, The imitation of Christ by Kempis and the Fray Luis de León poems are really great even for someone who is not a christian like myself.

>> No.21547556
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This has been my favorite book since I read it for the first time about a decade ago. Not too long ago I found God. As for your question, it was an attack on communism, and was written between 1930-1940, only published after being heavily edited in 1967 for that very reason. Some of the most beautiful imagery I have ever read.

>> No.21547636
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Someone said that saint Paisios used to tell him that with the gift God has bestowed upon him he could visit a military camp and convince everyone - from the commander of the camp to the soldier at the gates - to follow Christ, "but God doesn't want that". They used God's gifts only in this way and to help others. Both saints had many health problems, but that didn't scared them. Very few people knew of their existence while they were alive. Saint Porphyrios, before he passed on, asked a fellow monk to bury him in a remote and unknown place, so that his resting place won't become a place of pilgrimage.
Most of us are not like that - I think that includes the people of our faith - and that's the problem eventually. I hope and pray that you can visit such elders one day. I'm scared to do so too to be honest.

>> No.21547637

Descartes, kant, that Irish potato fella

>> No.21547685
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I'm from Australia and St Paisios visited here in the 70s when he was relatively unknown like you said. He brought over some of the relics of St Arsenios to give to a Greek monastery here which was originally dedicated to him.

Anyway, when St Paisios was flying over Australia he said that he sensed that the country had not been sanctified yet but it one day it will be washed in the blood of the martyrs. When he was flying over Syria on the way here he said that the place was holy because of the ascetics that lived there like Sts Ephraim, Isaac and John of Damascus. When he was flying over Pakistan he said that the place is simply filled with demons - go figure lol. I guess I have to trust in the fact that Australia will one day produce its own saints. I hope that the Lord keeps me long enough to meet these people and learn from them. We do indeed have a few monasteries here that are slowly growing and the Fathers there are very humble and devout.

One of my Greek friends tells me that he thinks that the Greek Orthodox here have the spirit of secularism and liberalism slowly creeping in. I guess that's just what's going to happen eventually... We have to stay strong

>> No.21548745


>> No.21548755

On the repentance and the way he unhomosexualized himself? That's an interesting subject, but I don't think the Lord called on him for that.

>> No.21548778

This is the book that brought out of being a secular anti-Enlightenment reactionary of some stripe to considering Orthodoxy. It's like the perfect bridge for that

>> No.21548782


Bible 2: The Return of Jafar

>> No.21548790

"I can't live without meaning, better join Amway"

>> No.21548793

Not really, it showed the philosophical pitfalls of purely secular mindset

>> No.21548800

maybe cliche at this point, but i'm fully in debt to the brothers karamazov for correcting my course back in my 20s

>> No.21548807


This is not a good reason to abandon or betray truth. There is an alternative perspective, based in truth, in which humanity has objective purpose at the species and individual level, you've just never heard of it before.

>> No.21548809

the lads

>> No.21548813

Due to my husband, I think he's more willing to become catholic and me too. But sometimes I wonder greatly if I should consider orthodoxy. But I worry about how that might affect my family, so I think Catholicism while learning orthodox points. Is that bad?

>> No.21548814
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Disclaimer: I am Catholic.

Obviously the knee-jerk answer is the Bible but I assume OP wants something more interesting.

My favorite spiritual writer is Saint Teresa of Avila. I consider her the greatest of the Catholic mystics and I have read multiple books by her. I recently read The Way of Perfection and I was struck by how simple it all is. So very different than any kind of hermeticism or esoteric thought. Teresa says that the depths of holiness are available to all because there is no secret in Christian teaching. She speaks of three things: love for one another, detachment from all created things, and true humility. Every Christian can practice these. But those who are truly holy will advance in them, and find the infinity hidden in such seemingly simple things. Teresa demonstrates this in The Way Of Perfection by devoting a huge chunk of the latter half of the book to an extended commentary on the Our Father, drawing very intense spiritual meditations out of the most basic of all Christian prayers.

So if you're looking for spiritual writings, she's a good guide. All the mystics are fruitful writers, but I like her the best.

>> No.21548816

What's with all the Orthodox shilling I've seen lately? This whole thread seems to be Orthochads, they're all over Twitter, and for whatever reason my tiktok algorithm has been nonstop Orthodox memes for weeks. Is this truly the religion of the future?

>> No.21548822

My friend said the same thing, he said it was what brought him to the final decision to baptize in the catholic church.

>> No.21548836


They have paid shill farms trying to make it seem that way. Statistics tell a different story. Scientology does the same thing but with FB ads

>> No.21548840
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"The Great Heresies" by Hillarie Belloc
"The Servile State" by Hillarie Belloc
"Europe and the Fairth" by Hillarie Belloc
"The Everlasting Man" by GK Chesterton

Read 'em--and finally understand all of what's happening.

>> No.21548842

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.21548844

Imagine invoking the name of Buddha and his teachings only to do so in the name of such uncompassionate seething hatred and wrathfulness towards so many other people.

>> No.21548850

>and wound up destroying the entire world in the process with your delusions of "progress"
That would be the Protestants under the sway of the jews.

As for the rest--you will burn.

>> No.21548858

>or betray truth
If I say there are philosophical reasons to reject secularism that's inherently a truth claim. I've no idea what you mean by this
>has objective purpose at the species and individual level, you've just never heard of it before
If this is some biological determinism then yeah I have heard of it and it's wrong
>Is that bad?
It's a bit of a meme answer but it's true - speak to a priest for moral guidance. I'm scarcely someone to ask. Ultimately, Truth is not contingent upon one's family, background lineage etc. but there are legitimate practical concerns with how certain choices affect people you love. But beyond this, like I said, speak to a priest or just send an email to one if you're uncomfortable or anxious it's all good. Someone far more adept than me can guide you this.
Peak /comfy/

>> No.21548862

I mean an Orthodox priest if you're interested in Orthodoxy

>> No.21548899

You're right, I'll ask thank you

>> No.21548912
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>> No.21549022
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friendly reminder to all that it's very easy to be saved from hellfire and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. watch this short gospel video if you are not yet 100% sure of going to heaven /lit/


Salvation is by faith only. God does not need your human works to save you from hell.

>> No.21549036

Protestants know their Bibles well. In fact too well, to the point of being litigious and finding loopholes like a Talmudist.

>> No.21549073
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I'm a Baptist, not a protestant.

Response to the common work salvation heresy that's pushed by twisting James 2:

James 1:2, 2:1, 3:1, 2:14 has the phrase "my brethren". James 2:5 even says "...my beloved brethren...". the entire epistle of James was written to already saved Christians that believe in salvation by faith alone and once saved always saved (God's promise of everlasting life Jesus personally taught in John 3:16). James 2 is not talking about salvation but it's there to encourage saved Christians to do good works after their salvation.

also, in order for the phrase "faith without works is dead" to be true, faith has to exist. just like if i said an elephant without a pulse is dead, there has to be a dead body of an elephant to exist for that statement to be true. so in order for the phrase "faith without works is dead" to be true, faith which is dead because it has no works, has to exist. and since faith in Christ without works exists, it can save people from hell if they have it, meaning that people can get to heaven even with 0 good works as long as they have believed the gospel. but when you believe in a works based salvation (whether it be front-loading work salvation of the catholic/orthodox church or the back-loading work salvation peddled by many protestant false prophets), your faith in Christ is NON-EXISTENT since your faith is in yourself. if you believe in work salvation, you're trusting yourself (a sinners that deserves to burn in hell) as your own saviour, and you actually don't believe in Jesus and you don't have faith in Christ. that's why Jesus rejects people that believe in work salvation while claiming to be Christians in Matthew 7:21-23 by telling them "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." and churchgoers that die while believing in work salvation will perish in hellfire.

>> No.21549110

>I'm from Australia
Have you ever met Father Kosmas?

>> No.21549126

>the entire epistle of James was written to already saved Christians that believe in salvation by faith alone and once saved always saved (God's promise of everlasting life Jesus personally taught in John 3:16).
>once saved always saved
"For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries."
Heb. 10:26-27

>> No.21549141

Summa Theologica.
I like reading arguments for the existence of God. Even if they don't necessarily land, they still pose problems that confound us today.

>> No.21549209

Not just that. 1 Timothy 3:14
>But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

>> No.21549253

>Gets called out for being jewish
>Posts a block of text like a lawyering jew anyway

>> No.21549319

Unfortunately not, would like to though

>> No.21549547
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The greatest book ever written

>> No.21550071
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The messages for seven churches of Asia in the book of Revelation depicts problematic churches from the very beginning, but saints have also been here from the start to this day. Different churches have different problems, but there is hope. There is hope, if we struggle to deepen our faith in our lives. If we use our religion for other things or objects, we lose the point.

>> No.21550134

Got a question to you christians.
I been thinking about going to church but I am not certain which to go to. My area has lutheran, catholic, anglican some new age ones. Whats the difference between them? Do they differ much in instruction? and if I'm new do I just show up and sit in the back?

>> No.21550157

Avoid the new age ones and visit the other ones instead. Make sure to research proper eddiquete. Read the Bible and see if any of them preach hersey.

>> No.21550160

Email the priests and preachers with questions and think about their responses. Attend services a couple times at each one. You don't have to do anything, just show up and follow along with the service if you feel like it or just sit quietly and watch.

>> No.21550206
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>> No.21550277
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Clearly, there are many admirable saints, monks, and priests. But do you guys really believe Jesus was anything more than a semi-mythological historical figure? King Arthur may be a real person; do you guys believe he had a magic sword, or do you believe that's just a legend? If the human imagination tends to mythologize historical figures about whom little is known, then why would the story of Jesus be any different? There's no hard evidence for the authorship of the gospels, and the Old Testament is even more shrouded in mystery. Why should we believe it's anything more than mythology?

>> No.21550300


>> No.21550345
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This and Laurus.

>> No.21550414

Myth is real. Titans/Giants exist, angels exist, demons exist, magic exists, miracles happen and all "rational history" is fake news from the time it was founded. Alexander the Great was chosen by the gods, Homer and Achilleus were demigods, mankind mixed with fallen angels and you are a faggot.

>> No.21550421

Ah, you got me. I forgot I was on 4chan, and I mistakenly thought there were genuine Christians in this thread.

>> No.21550450

several archeological findings, for a hard example. Biblical events being confirmed to have happened as is written (like the walls of Jericho that lay fallen nowadays).
there's historians like Josephus who told it all except literally saying His name, there's mention of Him (of course libelous) in jewish writings.
His existence is one of the most documented facts in history.
as for the Gospels, it's the same deal. prophecies and the like, and perfect correspondence with older manuscripts of them.

there's enough proof if you search well.
that's the catch, it's enough for belief, but also so hard to find you can turn a blind eye to if you're not intently looking.
there's a reason people who really dive into it, even with ill intent, end up converting.

the difference between a tale like Arthur's, and Christ's life, is that the latter can be proven, while the former falls apart on close inspection.

>> No.21550525

The Bible. Atheist but damn the holy words of many religions, especially Christianity are so beautiful and warm.

I also like the Vedas and Quran but the New Testament is so good.

>> No.21550526

i also suggest looking into apologetics.
good simple starters would be Mere Christianity by Lewis and The Case for Christ by strobel.
do search for more in-depth works.

>> No.21550528

why atheist?

>> No.21550532
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>> No.21550539

Your "lord" sounds very human. Almost as if he was invented by humans.

>> No.21550675

>archeological findings
>walls of Jericho
But these fit the description of being semi-legendary, of having historical foundation but elaborated in legend. It doesn't prove true the legend in its entirety, again my example of King Arthur should illustrate this.
>His existence is one of the most documented facts in history.
I thought Josephus was basically the only contemporary documentation of his existence, and it was still written some time after his death.
>the difference between a tale like Arthur's, and Christ's life ... former falls apart on close inspection.
They both seem to fall apart on close inspection. You say Christ's life can be proven, but again, only the facts that he lived and was crucified can be proven by Josephus' writings (and some say Josephus was writing hearsay like Herodotus often did, and even the historical existence of Jesus is a myth) -- but even if Josephus' writing reflected true events, it doesn't prove true any of the particular stories about Jesus' life, such as performing miracles. Is there more proof that I'm not aware of?

>> No.21550696

>I thought Josephus was basically the only contemporary documentation of his existence, and it was still written some time after his death.

Not to mention that there is scholarly debate over whether the one paragraph that Josephus writes about Jesus is an interpolation from later Christans who copied his writings down.

>> No.21550731 [DELETED] 

Interesting... I wonder why Christians real-life Christians, not just the larpers on this board are so intent to insist there's proof when there clearly isn't any. They discredit themselves. They could just say "i choose to believe", "faith isn't rational", or something. That would at least lend them credibility for having a baseline level of self awareness.

>> No.21551009

jewish writings.
same as is described of the pharisees in the Gospels trying to slander him, is in history.
there's quite a few, but the most striking for the miracle perspective is where they call Jesus "a magician who learned it in egypt, and came to israel to say he was the messiah".
they're acknowledging the miracles, but trying to pin their execution on something else, as they wanted to deny Christ was God.
so, in short, his bitterest detractors confirming miracles.

>> No.21551014

there's a few more too, although i do not remember their names.

>> No.21551133

>acknowledging the miracles
i guess the salem trials are proof witchcraft is real, you retard
>he was just pretending to be retarded
that is still acting like a retard

>> No.21551224

considering that numerous people involved at salem both knew and took advantage of the fact that they weren't real witches I don't think that's a real rebuttal. Not that I agree with the person you responded to.

>> No.21551251
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>> No.21551319

Per St John of Damascus
>Since in sacred Scripture we find many things said symbolically of God as if He had a body, one should know that since we are men clothed in this gross flesh, we are unable to think or speak of the divine, lofty, and immaterial operations of the Godhead unless we have recourse to images, types, and symbols that correspond to our own nature. Consequently, everything that is said of God as if He had a body is said symbolically and has a loftier meaning. Thus, by the eyes and eyelids and sight of God let us understand His power of penetrating all things and His unescapable knowledge, by analogy with our own acquisition of more complete knowledge and certainty through this particular sense.
>By His feet and walking let us understand His coming to the aid of the needy, or to work vengeance on enemies, or to do some other thing, by analogy with our accomplishing our own coming through the use of our feet. By His swearing let us understand the immutability of His will, because it is by oaths that we make conventions with one another. By His wrath and indignation let us understand His aversion to evil and His hatred of it, for we, too, hate things which are against our wishes and we are angry at them. By His forgetfulness and His sleep and His drowsiness let us understand His putting off vengeance on His enemies and His delaying aid for His own.

>> No.21551322

From the corner of His eye

>> No.21551332

You try so fucking hard to sound masculine and badass but you really sound like an effete child trying to impress his (neglected) parents by rebelling and showing he's already a supposed adult. Not impressed Anon

>> No.21551338

Does Gide's Strait is the Gate count?

>> No.21551362
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Christ says "come and see". Other anons have addressed you from an intellectual standpoint but I would also say that there must be a movement of the heart. And I don't mean that in a New Age effeminate way. What I mean is that Christ is also experiential and that if we only approach the matter from a rational perspective we can harden our capacity to accept anything. That goes for any other philosophy or ideology. Likewise, when we are too reliant upon our emotions, we get swept away with any wind that comes across our path. Ideally, there needs to be a movement in both because both faculties are to operate in symphony. Discussions about the heart are extensive in both Christ and the writings of His saints.

Above all else, pray that He may reveal Himself to you in some way that you understand. And pray for a supple heart to be able to accept this revelation in a humble way. I know it sounds ridiculous and I know that when someone first starts praying if feels mechanical and silly. But if you take one step towards God, He will take a hundred towards you. His love for you is beyond measure. Also, maybe visit a church near you and talk to the priest there and maybe also attend a service. I'd personally say to attend an Eastern Orthodox church if you can. Make sure to also pray for guidance and help on this journey because we can't do it by ourselves. God be with you.
>I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

>> No.21552717

Well, what is it about?

>> No.21553157

What do you mean by this? Holy texts within Christianity? Books about Christianity? Books written by Christians? Books that contain "Christian themes and allegories"?

>> No.21553912

See >>21542265

>> No.21555133


>> No.21556482

was going to post the same thing. The book has some typos, wonky writing and is terribly organized, but the ideas within are revealing. I was already turned off of Christianity by reading the bible years ago, but this put the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.21558035

Brobably the bible
>Colection of multiple book
into a single book yes!
Nice try gaytheist

>> No.21558063

There is no such thing as a good Abrahamist. Maitreya is the Anti-Christ/Dajjal, and I am Maitreya.

"Christianity may mouth such phrases as "the welfare of mankind," or "humanity," but what the voice inside these formulas is really saying is that no other living being has the slightest intrinsic value or purpose, except in so far as it can be forced to serve the purposes of man. From time immemorial, the "love" of the Christian has never prevented him from persecuting religious pagans with a murderous hatred; and this same "love" doesn’t prevent him even now from abolishing the sacred rituals of conquered tribal cultures. It is a well-known fact that Buddhism proscribes the killing of animals, because the Buddhist recognizes the obvious fact that each and every earthly creature shares a common nature with man himself. But when one objects to the Italian’s murdering of an animal, he will immediately respond by assuring you that the creature "has no soul," and "is not a Christian." This indicates clearly that, for the devout Christian, only man has a right to live. To the people of the ancient world, religion, which at one time also proceeded according to this pattern that even now springs up in hovels of the people, restrains its standard bearer, and yet it excites him on the other hand, and permits the power of one who threaten the peace of the world to prosper until it has become the terrifying megalomania that considers the bloodiest offenses against life to be permitted, and even commanded, provided such deeds result in "benefits" to humanity. Capitalism, along with its pathfinder, science, is in point of fact the fulfillment of Christianity; the church, like science, constitutes a consortium of special interests; and the "one" that is addressed by a secularized morality is indistinguishable from the life-hostile "ego," which, in the name of the unique godhead of the spirit—only now coupled with a blind cosmology--accounts for the war that has been waged against the innumerable, "many" gods of the world; earlier ages were at least more honest in their opposition to the cosmic deities, for they frankly approached the fray in the menacing aspect of judge."
-- Ludwig Klages

>> No.21558091
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If you haven't read at least 50% of these, you're very poorly educated on Christian theology and history

>> No.21558093

>replies to a literal bot post

>> No.21558120

I have this as well. I think it's fairly compelling if one considers the cases of Job and Melchizedek. To me it seems evident that God allowed those without access to a covenant to still commune with him, perhaps a viewpoint not dissimilar to CS Lewis. I don't want to say I'm a universalist or into syncretism, but I did enjoy the book.

>> No.21558329
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what I've been reading

>> No.21558660

I've just finished A Vision Betrayed about the Jesuits in east Asia which is really interesting and a specialty of mine but its not really a spiritual book. Overall I guess I'd have to say Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen, the human element of Christ and enormity of that sacrifice speaks to me the most generally.

>> No.21558780
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>> No.21558803
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>> No.21559546

Wdym, most protestants literally want the believers to read the bible so they can directly interpret the word of God. ONE of the reasons that Protestantism even occured was because the guy read a bit too much and said fuck this shit, the pope ain't shit.

Catholics generally interpret the bible directly from the priest in contrast. Doesn't make them bad nor mean that there are Catholics don't read though, just that catolicismo is the middle ages peasent religion and thats how it developed for the most part(in contrast to rennaissance protestantism).

>> No.21560452

Brother's Karamazov and lord of the rings

>> No.21560472

That's a big statue

>> No.21560479
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These ones

>> No.21560682

Have you? Why don't you summarize Athanasius' arguments against the Arians for me then?

>> No.21560821
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based, fuck Christniggers and their masochistic death cult

>> No.21560831

Crime and Punishment

>> No.21560838

Hey it's the icchantika guy

>> No.21561337

Anything by the Conservative Anglicans/Anglo Catholics

>> No.21562490


>> No.21562521

Whose Justice? Which Rationality? by Alasdair MacIntyre
Nomos of the Earth by Carl Schmitt
The Scapegoat by Rene Girard
Summa Contra Gentiles by St. Thomas Aquinas
The Great Heresies by Hilaire Belloc
St. Petersburg Dialogues by Joseph de Maistre
God His Existence and His Nature by Reginald Garrigou Lagrange
On Temporal and Spiritual Authority by st. Robert Bellarmine

The Samurai by Shusaku Endo
Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
La Bas by Joris Karl Huysmans
Manalive by GK Chesterton
Everything That Rises must Converge by Flannery OConnor
Scoop by Evelyn Waugh
The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien
The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky

>> No.21562683
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>> No.21562688


Excuse me? Protestants alone read. Also, please, for the love of God, STOP kennycunny posting on /tv/.

>> No.21562774


>> No.21562872

>is it really Christian?
Yep, don't wanna spoil too much.
It was illegal to publish it in the SU so it was published in the 70s abroad.

>> No.21563131

Where is this?

>> No.21563259

>New American Standard
What in the fuck

>> No.21563272
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Why are people so stupid

>> No.21563320

Who's stupid? This reviewer is right. Just because deckled edges are intentional doesn't make them not terrible.

>> No.21563844

>Reading comprehension
>Who's stupid?
Apparently, you are too.

>> No.21564081

>Manalive by GK Chesterton
Based. Seriously one of my favorite books of all time.

>> No.21564114

>he doesn’t read the NASB
Do you even into literal translations bro?

>> No.21564275

>Substitutes the KJV for (((modern))) translations

>> No.21564342

I'm not reading your fake ass asian spirituality. Jesus talk about literal soi mind