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21542178 No.21542178 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve come to believe that Nature (Being) and God is one and the same. Earlier in my life I was seriously considering converting to Catholicism but later came to vehemently reject the notion of a personal God. I turned to nihilism and it almost destroyed me. I recently an epiphany that the beauty of the world and laws of nature could not have been an act of randomness. Now that I’ve come to reject nihilism I want to know: How should I worship and live in harmony with the divine? How do I align my values and actions in accordance with God?

>> No.21542197

You will not find "spiritual guidance" on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.21542203

Where should I look? This is all I know.

>> No.21542207

Holy Quran brother. Good luck inshlalah

>> No.21542211

>Now that I’ve come to reject nihilism I want to know: How should I worship and live in harmony with the divine?
Much like with magick, it doesn't matter how you do it so long as you do it. Find what works for you and do it sincerely and you will benefit from the exercise.

Ask yourself, what would your creator expect of you. What would honor his gift? This is all that really matters, trappings are, well, trappings.

>> No.21542213

Don’t do this, the Quran is boring as fuck.

>> No.21542219

The only god we have is earth and the cosmos. The earth created us, the cosmos can destroy us at any moment. Christians are literal retards that have plagued the earth for 2000 years

>> No.21542225

>I’ve come to believe that Nature (Being) and God is one and the same.
Elaborate on this.

>> No.21542246

>Now that I’ve come to reject nihilism I want to know: How should I worship and live in harmony with the divine? How do I align my values and actions in accordance with God?

Do some searching anon. I am in a similar stage of my life and have been reading the bible as well as the works of Transcendentalists. Its been nice. I talked to a pastor once about my predicament and he told me not to fret, but to be sure in the process. You will figure it out. I feel spirituality takes time and exercise to develop just like a muscle. So get on that divine bench and do some reps.

Also pease dont go on /x/

>> No.21542260

A basic presuppositional argument demonstrates that it's illogical for you to believe that. If God is an impersonal sort of absolute, monistic God, or pantheist nature is God sort of deity, you can't actually know it. How could you justify knowledge in a world where the absolute which would justify knowledge is fundamentally impersonal? You can't. God must be a personal God.

>> No.21542263

Read Guenon and Schuon, related authors if you're interested but those are the essential. Next choose a traditional religion to practice based on your culture and background, that resonates with you the most. Catholicism and Orthodoxy are both fine choices, assuming you're from a Western, and therefore Christian, background. I recommend avoiding Protestantism. If you must choose Protestantism, I recommend a Reformed church.
Good luck.

>> No.21542277

Any conception of God and creation is ultimately monistic, dualistic, or triadic. A monistic God and creation erases real distinctions and so you can't say anything about anything with any degree of confidence. A dualistic God is totally inaccessible by definition and so you can't say anything about anything with any degree of confidence. In both of these cases, knowing anything about God at all is logically impossible. A triadic conception of God makes sense and the only conception of triadic God and creation that makes any sense is exactly the Christian personal God, which must be personal for you to know anything about Him, or anything at all really.

>> No.21542279

>If God is an impersonal sort of absolute, monistic God, or pantheist nature is God sort of deity, you can't actually know it.
I know it through observation of creation and the fact that I am a being amongst many beings.

>> No.21542284

That literally doesn't make sense. If God is being, then there are no real distinctions between being (creation) and God, which means that whatever you think you're observing would necessarily be illusory at best. This leads us to the problem of the One and the Many, which has been dealt with by both Catholic and Orthodox theologians. See The One and the Many by Norris Clarke.

>> No.21542288

>If God is being, then there are no real distinctions between being (creation) and God, which means that whatever you think you're observing would necessarily be illusory at best.
Not him, but what's the problem with this? The opposite stance would be that Being is superior to God which is idolatry. Aryan understandings of God as both immanent and transcendent resolve the problem perfectly without demeaning God.

>> No.21542321

You underage retard newfags should seriously fuck back to lebdit or /pol/ or wherever the fuck.

>> No.21542327

You live in harmony with the divine by living in harmony with yourself, because every man has in himself a spark of the divine. You already understand this by recognizing that Being and God are the same. Every man is endowed with a unique mind, a unique personality, and a unique set of beliefs. The best way to honor that act of divine creation is to be true to those unique qualities given to you. To reject those qualities is to reject what God created and gave to you. To sacrifice your higher ideals in favor of base desires is also to reject what was given to you.

You already know what is Right and Wrong. All men have the path towards moral righteousness imbued into their soul at birth. It's only a matter of listening to yourself and following that path. It's a lifelong process of trying to overcome our faults and recognize the lies we tell ourselves to rationalize doing what is wrong instead of right.

>> No.21542352

I recommend Schuon's didatic poems

>> No.21542354


>> No.21542377

>later came to vehemently reject the notion of a personal God
What arguments brought this about?

>> No.21542520

>What arguments brought this about?
The problem of Suffering. Schopenhauer gave the death blow to all Abrahamic religion in my view.

>> No.21542551

>Schopenhauer gave the death blow to all Abrahamic religion
>Still supported ascetic life and withdrawal from the world
Even if he did he sure as shit didn't change anything.

>> No.21542796

>The problem of Suffering.
Didn't that get debunked a million times by now?

>> No.21542915

Go to church. You have no reason not do it, just try it for a while

>> No.21543563

The One by Heinrich Pas. Just released might be of interest.
Spinoza's Religion by Clare Carlisle

Look into religious naturalism maybe

>> No.21543951



>«GaiZ, HeLP Me.»

>> No.21543973

Study the life of Solomon.

>> No.21543984

Read Emerson and Thoreau

>> No.21544034

You should convert to catholicism. Tell me what city you live in and i'll find the right RCIA program for you.

>> No.21544087

He's a Spinozist he just hasn't realized it
Read the 1611 KJV Bible & Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.21544153

>I was seriously considering converting to Catholicism
Answer is in the post OP. The universe was made for God's Church. Come home.

>> No.21544219

U sound a little schizo maybe you should take your meds.

>> No.21544228

Are there any books that elaborate on this idea?

>> No.21544231


>> No.21544241

Epictetus' Enchiridion.
Then go back and go through Plato.
Epicurus' letter to Menoeceus.
When it comes down to it you have to develop your relationship with the Divine. Love doesn't come unbidden and each relationship is different. Good luck.

>> No.21544270
File: 896 KB, 224x233, 9EC4FEBD-F97D-403C-B3C9-D8405CA93D3C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fear god and tremble. simple as.


>> No.21544318

Good answer.

>> No.21544325

The God of Plotinus is also triadic.

>> No.21544330

Plotinus' Enneads. All that and much more. Chrisitian metaphysics is entirely based on Plotinus.

>> No.21544339

>God as both immanent and transcendent resolve the problem perfectly without demeaning God.
This is and always has been correct theology. Christianity is just a big hoax by the Flavians.

>> No.21544344

Also a good answer. This is basically know thyself.

>> No.21544350

>The 70-IQ Jay Dyer argument
a non-dual (what you call monism) God can be known as our own consciousness via self-knowledge, because our immediate knowledge of our own awareness is absolutely simple, without distinctions, and is not mediated by anything; thus, if our innermost awareness is God (Atman Brahman) then it's possible to know a distinctionless God and your argument fails because it doesn't understand this.

>> No.21544389

>fear god and tremble
do not lose sight of the fact that the fear of god replaces the fear of death

>> No.21544457

>I turned to nihilism and it almost destroyed me.

And there we have it ladies and gentleman, essentially another child who needs to believe in something, because the idea you don't understand or that it's just random chaos, or secular morality, is too overwhelming and scares the frightened sheep. Sounds to me it doesn't matter which religion you choose, simply that you feel your security blanket is tightly wrapped around it.

>I recently an epiphany that the beauty of the world and laws of nature could not have been an act of randomness

Well OP you don't present as particularly intelligent nor does it sound like your epiphany has any scientific grounding, so I'd say your brainstorm was more of a light drizzle. We don't understand dark matter, the properties of the fundamental constituents of matter, many aspects of the human brain. So for any one here to pretend they have the slightest idea of what the fuck is going on is laughable. The universe and creation is a mystery I can accept that, but I can guarantee all you God fearing faggots that if something so complex in its design that it understands quarks, and can make black holes it doesn't give a fuck whether or not you have foreskin or if you ate pig today.

>> No.21544509

Response of an adolescent

>> No.21544589

Take the spinozapill anon