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File: 867 KB, 1500x2307, Survival of the Fittest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21541240 No.21541240 [Reply] [Original]

Survival of the Fittest Edition

Previous Thread:>>21532920

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21541274

Dunsany, Vance, Peake. The Trinity of the General.

>> No.21541276

he ain't surviving SHIT with that tiny knife

>> No.21541294
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>> No.21541319

I despise contemporary cover design so much. They are designed from the ground up to be dispiriting to human beings.

>> No.21541323

books with 1000+ pages do not belong in the year 2023, those were for people who did not have radios, televisions and computers.

>> No.21541360
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Finally finished Dandelion Dynasty
>Grace of Kings
great book, a creative retelling of the Chu-Han contention and the bamboo silk engineering stuff is almost plausible
the fact that the gods intervene minimally just to nudge things along was a nice touch
could function as a standalone
>Wall of Storms
didn't like it too much mostly because Jia is a crazy bitch
>Veiled Throne
didn't like it too much either since they were somehow surprised that the guy who betrayed them countless times before would do it again and the cooking competition seemed to take up way too much time
explanations of things got really bloated too
>Speaking Bones
I think it was pretty good and a decent ending but it still had issues with a bit too much bloat

overall, fairly decent

>> No.21541386

I like Dunsany and Peaks since I was impressed by what I have read of both. I’ll get onto Vance.

>> No.21541420


>> No.21541434

>edgy black covers for boys
>pink covers with flowers for girls
holy fucking cringe

>> No.21541451

books with 1000+ pages do not belong in the year 2023, those were for people who did not have radios, televisions and computers.

>> No.21541454
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Did he defeat Heavenly Court in the end?

>> No.21541455

No attention span, brains overstimulated by dopamine

>> No.21541456
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It is amazing how skilled are some people when it comes to write nothing while actually filling two pages with word salad.
Don't get me wrong, still an enjoyable read but many pages could've been reduced to a sentence or two at most.

>> No.21541600
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Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21541618

adderall pilled

>> No.21541635

Boomer take. All the people reading this shit are phone kids. Bloated, repetitive prose makes the story easier to go back to, and they get dopamine hits from character progression. Maybe some parasocial vibes if the author is really on their game.

>> No.21541657


>> No.21541688
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The truncated language, as well as the seemingly useless swearing, gets annoying after a while, but I enjoy the developments and the 'setting' if we can call it that.

>> No.21541766

I hate looking at these lists
some title always grabs my eyes and then I read it and BOOM, female protagonists

>> No.21541832

Read them all. Now what?

>> No.21541855

You are weirder than the Radix guy.

>> No.21541858

The best SF and fantasy novels were written before the 80s, all of them much shorter and often standalone releases instead of being part of an artificial trilogy. The fact that LOTR had to be split into three books coupled with its later success became an unfortunate precedent. Even SF isn't safe from this retarded practice anymore. Want to read some 200 page story with a cool idea or two? Sorry, ten part series with each entry adding 150 pages to the last starting from 732 pages.

>> No.21541904

What do you mean?

>> No.21542001 [DELETED] 

>camp zero
cyberbros.... is it over...?

>> No.21542020

>the thick and the a novel lean

>> No.21542040

esl thoughts

>> No.21542095

How long until book covers are just Marvel posters?

>> No.21542130

i have trouble concentrating. but what should i re read, robin hobb or patrick rothfluss?

in before some says hes lazy

>> No.21542189

Now read Lord of The Mysteries

>> No.21542287
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I just finished Galapagos. What did I think of it?

>> No.21542478
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Of course, he became strongest rank 10 immortal.

>> No.21542594


>> No.21542724

I think around chapter 2 or 3, when the mage is arriving in Sumna, while on the boat, the author takes a couple of pages trying to be "deep" about the mage's sentiments and shit, when those pages could've been summarised to "and he arrived in the city" without bothering the reader.

>> No.21542733

Hobb because she's actually a good writer and not just a twat with nothing to say doing his best Gaiman impression

>> No.21542787

>open a webnovel thing
>700 chapters
what the fuck

>> No.21542804

>he doesn't know

>> No.21542835

wayne... ;-;
rip the funniest (and only funny) character sanderson has ever written

>> No.21542854

Never write a book.

>> No.21542857

They're designed to be eye-catching and aesthetically appealing in order to sell more books.

>> No.21542863

Just finished it, even overlooking the sub-par translation problems it was completely average with terrible pacing issues. Now what?

>> No.21542866

Most of the old sci-fi was kitschy schlock written to titillate teenage boys. It's not really until the 80s and after that the genre came into its own and some real masterpieces were written.

>> No.21542870
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Were angels being horny really a good enough reason to cause infighting between them?

>> No.21542904

for realsies
more of his character development should have progressed through the first three books

>> No.21542945
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>if only you knew how bad things really were

>> No.21543125

SOVL / 10
middleschool art class was based

>> No.21543135

Too bad it's all about cuckoldry.
>doing his best Gaiman impression
Do r*ddit authors actually?

>> No.21543291

What are some good zero to hero power fantasies with a heroic main character?
Don't recommend Cradle or any other wuxia. I've already read all of those. Also already read Wheel of Time and Name of the Wind.

>> No.21543309

I mean we knew someone wouldn't make it, it was the last book of that time period after all.
I think it was a good sendoff too, I liked how he was just accepting of it when he was talking to sazed after he died.

I wonder if the next arc which I believe is 50ish years in the future will feature full mistborns. Wax's first two kids won't inherit it from him, but if he has anymore they might.

Also glad marasi turned down the ghostbloods. I was concerned he might make her shallan 2.0, but she has good principals.

>> No.21543316

Cold Iron and it's sequels by Miles Cameron
Farm boy gets accepted into hedonistic wizard school and goes up from there

>> No.21543336
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thank you to the anon that has recommended The Deep

>> No.21543430
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What was their fucking problem?

>> No.21543500

>OP image
Books for that feel? Already read the road and dog stars.

>> No.21543565

that was me. You're welcome.

>> No.21543676
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Yes kween

>> No.21543703


>> No.21543737
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Are you reading she/they queers who live in Madrid, Anon?

>> No.21543765

>R.F. Kuang approved this
Into the thrash it goes.

>> No.21543880
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The standards for sci fi now are just agitprop.

>> No.21543915
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Holy smokes!!! It heckin arrived

>> No.21543960

They've always been designed with this principle in mind though. This isn't a defense it's just appealing to an authority that already has established a precedent of being wrong about these things by constantly changing their approach to designing covers.

>> No.21544000

Do any of you niggas have a copy of Gene Wolfe's Young Wolfe 1992? I am a collectorfag and can't find it anywhere. It is the last thing I need

>> No.21544011

>The Sister's voices are literally taken form them, rendering them free of agency
God I wish this were real

>> No.21544054 [DELETED] 

Sent ;)

>> No.21544090

Reading Earthsea for the first time. I can appreciate her economy of words, but it's combined with a weirdly detached narrator, and very little emotional weight or intimacy is given to either characters or events; it's like reading a Wikipedia plot synopsis.

At first I thought she was just quickly summarizing the backstory to get up to speed, but I'm 25% through and I think this is just the book

is the rest of the series like this?

>> No.21544271

That's just to build up adult Ged's character. If le Guin has a male protagonist he's going to turn into a husbando in pretty short order.

>> No.21544312
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I will never understand how "The Saga of Pliocene Exile" isn't one of the most famous series.

>> No.21544322

Alright, fags, give me your absolute BEST fantasy recommendations. I've been scrolling through A. Shipwright's twitter and I feel an undescribable urge to finally get into the genre. I'd like to hear of anything in the vein of his content, but I'm also taking just about anything with the sickest concepts and great writing.

I forgot this thread existed. :^)

>> No.21544326


>> No.21544328

Use the resources available in the OP.

>> No.21544336

I've been going through them, but they're a bit too general and I'm looking for something more specific. I'd like some personal recommendations from people who may be familiar with my particular object of interest as a starting point.

>> No.21544343
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Here you go baby goo goo let lit spoon feed you recommendations open wide!

>> No.21544352

Thank you, mama!

>> No.21544377

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
>very good
Blade Runner
Why do people like this movie?

>> No.21544412

A YouTuber I watch recommended this in a pseudo-book club way, my copy comes in tomorrow. I’m mainly reading for the setting itself so I’m glad that sticks the landing.

>> No.21544431
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Finished this kino yesterday. Already one of my favorites, the commonwealth saga is a perfect duology.

The French covers as leagues better than the American ones what’s up with that.

>> No.21544433


Have you heard of this small indie author named Sandon Branderson?

>> No.21544456 [DELETED] 
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fuck off

>> No.21544483

>Blade Runner
>Why do people like this movie?
The aesthetics of the movie hinting at book components and also it was interesting

>> No.21544491 [DELETED] 
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Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions
>“Viewing vaccination through the lens of a collective action problem suggests that in addition to increasing individuals’ intentions to receive a vaccine, effective public health messages would also increase people’s willingness to encourage those close to them to vaccinate and to hold negative judgments of those who do not vaccinate. By encouraging those close to them to vaccinate, people are both promoting compliance with social norms and increasing their own level of protection against the disease. Also, by judging those who do not vaccinate more negatively, they apply social pressure to others to promote cooperative behavior. This would be consistent with theories of cooperation, like indirect reciprocity or partner choice, that rely on free riders being punished or ostracized for their past actions to encourage prosocial outcomes. Thus, effective messaging could have outsized effects on promoting vaccination if it both causes people to vaccinate themselves and to encourage those around them to do so.”

>> No.21544625

Is there a series that's clearly power fantasy with as much body horror as LOTM? Simply walking into the wrong area could get you turned into a woman, impregnanted, and eaten alive by your babby alien-style

>> No.21544843

wasn't that fantasy?

>> No.21544908

The first two books are good, but later it dives in quality

>> No.21544922

>fang yuan beats the shit out of fang zheng in a competition
>fang zheng has a secret item from his elder, thinks about his waifu and gets encouraged by the crowd to stand up
>fang zheng gets up again with difficulty, crowd goes wild, theme song would be playing if reverend insanity was an anime
>fang zheng gets btfo
holy kino

>> No.21544956

my god that cover is perfection

>> No.21544974

Lord of the Rings
Assassin's Apprentice
Game of Thrones
The Deep
Titus Groan
The Swords Trilogy
Bridge of Birds

Get crackin

>> No.21544978

Are you retarded?
You know BOTNS counts as fantasy?
You know all the books in the image are fantasy?
You know dying earth is a fantasy subgenre?

>> No.21545008

That's a terrible suggestion. The stuff in the OP is like 60% WH40k trash, 20% Sanderson, and 20% shit literally everyone has already read so there's no point in recommending it like LotR.

The Curse of Chalion, and its sequels, along with Penric's Demon, which is a spinoff series of novelettes.

>> No.21545122

Qu are just Astromorphs stuck in a time travel loop doing it so they aren't wiped from existence in the future.

>> No.21545126

does anyone else look up character deaths because they don't like getting attached?

>> No.21545137

If this thread is still alive in the morning, I'll check my bookshelves and post some recommendations for you.

>> No.21545194

Are you blind by any chance?

>> No.21545261

On the contrary, I long for the most tragic and unexpected deaths because they make me feel something

>> No.21545315

It’s alright. Just be prepared for some politics and academic talk, but it’s part of the plot understandably.

>> No.21545322 [DELETED] 

I'm trans btw if that matters

>> No.21545392

no i'm not

>> No.21545401

Best Heinlein book? I'm trying to avoid mutt writers but I still want to read one book from the founders

>> No.21545407

Starship Troopers by a long shot. Most of his other stuff is just degenerate hippy coomer fantasies.

>> No.21545408

It's been awhile since I've read it but I'm going to say it's because the plot is kind of loose. I can't remember any of the key beats. Additionally despite having a wide cast there isn't a relatable everyman.

>> No.21545484

That doesn’t usually dissuade me, so I’m sure I’ll enjoy it well enough.

>> No.21545544

>degenerate hippy coomer fantasies
Heinlein was Laurel Canyon gang. He made up degenerate shit for the government to push.

>> No.21545623

As purely visual art it was beautiful and imaginative. It failed miserably in every other aspect.

>> No.21545637

>It failed miserably in every other aspect.
Could you name any of them and justify your answer on why it failed?

>> No.21545655
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>binge ASoIF back in early 2010s expecting final book to release any day now (lmao)
>crave something similar
>historyfag friend suggests a bunch of historical novels
>somehow better fantasy than fantasy
>don't give a tiniest shit about actual fantasy anymore

>> No.21545678

what historical novels

>> No.21545750

Pretty much every scene with dialogue was a tragedy. So unbelievably amateur. Almost as bad as all of the acting and the clumsy, contextless references to the book. The soundtrack was excellent though.

>> No.21545759
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I can't remember the last time I read a new sci-fi or fantasy novel that wasn't trying too hard, or more for the young-adult crowd than anything else. I'm getting tired of it.

>> No.21545765

Are these AI generataed?

>> No.21545768

3 Kingdoms

>> No.21545810

sounds like your brain is broken. take a break from the genre or books in general for a bit, then go back to it once you've shaken it off, got on meds, etc.

>> No.21545816

>This genre is only getting more immature
>"Sounds like your brain is broken"
Not sure why I posted what I did, if I suspected the fanbase has shifted backwards to a high-school level. My apologies.

>> No.21545824

You never gave a shit about fantasy if you're basing the entire genre off a song of ice and fucking fire.

>> No.21545894
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I thought some didn’t like all his mature works but the case of Charles dexter ward is great so far

>> No.21545942

The Accursed Kings
I Claudius
Umberto Eco's novels

>> No.21545998

believing that an entire culture is regressing in comparison to yourself is classic out-of-touch old person thinking

the simpler and correct answer is that it's you that has changed. maybe it's for the better, but if you don't like what you see then you should try to address it

>> No.21546009

>point out everything is getting worse
>n-no you!
Your acceptance of constantly being fed shit is the reason nobody bothers making anything good.

>> No.21546021

>You're older than me!
You really got me.

>> No.21546068
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Am I the only one who thinks Dune's mentats are just glorified secretaries?
The concept is good, I just don't think they deliver on the idea of human computers.
Still haven't finished book 1 though.
>pic unrelated, i'm just too lazy to look up an image of dune

>> No.21546071

Do you think a general thread for worldbuilding and conlanging would work on /lit/?
I wish there was one, so I might create it.

>> No.21546078

There’s already some on /tg/ and people sperg here if you bring up worldbuilding

>> No.21546200

>There’s already some on /tg/
I know, but it's oriented towards making campaigns for roleplaying games, which is peak autismo. Worldbuilding is an integral part of fantasy writing, and a hobby in itself. It belongs here, just as conlanging.
>people sperg here if you bring up worldbuilding
But why though?
Anyways, I don't care, i'm gonna do it either way, the problem would be if people didn't support it enough.

>> No.21546224

>But why though?
Because it's 'reddit'.
>inb4 soijack spam from the local zoomer

>> No.21546328

Mentats trained from birth are sort of only O.K at the job. Mentats that are generated after 1,500 years of careful gene-selecting and imbued with scientifically measured autism and upgraded in Tlexiau laboratories are practically computers. You'll see.

>> No.21546463

Farnham's Freehold.
An old timer prepper everyone thinks is nuts was actually right all along.
Mentats are lame weaklings who rightfully get cancelled by the 4th book. Tleilaxu are much more interesting.

>> No.21546535
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Picked these up. I'm pretty new to sci fi.
Reading Neuromancer currently.
Which do you recommend I read next?

>> No.21546547

I liked the expanse but I have atrocious standards due to webnovel addiction

>> No.21546616

I deeply regret reading John Gwynne. All of his characters are shallow, the prose is scuffed and it's just bad overall. So far this is only for his Faithful and Fallen series and the follow up one. Both are kind of bad

>> No.21546794

Where do you guys find free audiobooks? Finding ebooks is easy but audiobooks seems considerably more difficult

>> No.21546795

A Fire Upon the Deep or Blindsight would be a good counterpoint to Gibson's masturbatory techno-fanboyism. The Dispossessed is easily the best written, and I feel comfortable saying that without having read Banks or Hamilton. Martine and Corey belong in the fucking garbage.

>> No.21546811

audiobookbay (dot) li

>> No.21546846

>The Accursed Kings
I'll try this one. Haven't read a french book in a while

>> No.21546848

That was kino scene, rereading it now.

>> No.21546870

Post-apocalyptic sci-fi that isn't depressing and hopeless?

>> No.21546888
File: 119 KB, 891x1311, Aching God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aching God, Iconoclasts #1 - Mike Shel (2018)
This self-published dark fantasy novel is like a 1st Edition D&D adventure module, which shows that author has made use of his extensive professional background in tabletop RPGs. As for my own background, during my teenage years I read roughly 200 novels that had related D&D campaign settings and played as well. I was really deep into it for some years, which contributed to why I didn't like this at all. One might think it'd be the other way, but I couldn't help but it think it was a bootleg knock-off.

The main reason I didn't like this is because of how it's written, which I'm unable to explain in detail. Unfortunately I have more problems with it than that. The worldbuilding is expansive but shallow and oftentimes didn't make sense. This is a quest-based book, so as with many *RPGs it's almost entirely sidequests, detours, along the to the destination/main quest. To be clear, this is not LitRPG. There's a dungeon near the end in which the narrative shifts to ruin delver mode, but it doesn't last long until the book ends. I would be able to put all of these problems aside better if it didn't take itself so seriously. I see that as a disconnect between tone and content, which is more of a problem than I thought it'd be. All these problems would be less for someone who can accept its self-seriousness.

The protagonist is assigned party members from the ruin explorers guild which he's a retired member of. He's in his middle age after having survived almost 30 years of ruins exploration and has PTSD, from both domestic and adventuring life. His nightmares are provided in detail. There's not really anything that I want to say about the other party members, who are there to fill their relevant role. I didn't care for any of them and didn't have any engagement. There are many other NPCs that they meet and there are various encounters, but I couldn't care enough for any of it to matter, regardless of what happened to them.

The Hanifax Imperium, which is where all of this takes place, is ruled by a Queen well past her 100th year of rule. She made a pact with the trickster god to continue living, but that rather changed her. Now she's a chaotic evil dictator that everyone must follow or be killed by divine intervention as he's been made into the state religion. This is a problem for the Imperium, but it's much more so for those who meet her in person. I really wondered at what kind of cosmology would allow for the other gods, of which there are many, to be seemingly unconcerned about this. I looked at the synopsis for the two other books and all was revealed. I don't agree with a synopsis being complete spoilers, but it happens.

This is far better rated and reviewed by others and if it seems like something you'd enjoy, then it's more likely that their opinion has more predictive value for you than mine, so you may as well try. Otherwise, I suggest avoiding it.

Rating: 2/5

>> No.21546900

/sffg/ ratings
Five Stars: 4
Four Stars: 2
Three Stars: 1
Two Stars: 1

I almost wrote a full-on rant instead about every problem I had with this, because there were so many, but decided against it. If it were more popular or traditionally published, I probably would've, but where's the sense in doing it against a self-published book? I have a different set of expectations for self-published works.

>> No.21546917

Oh, and this was the second book that was voted for, for Jan. So, 1.5 and 2. Not the best start. Maybe next month will fare better. Next thread will be Tess of the Emerald Sea.

>> No.21546978

your """reviews""" are shit

>> No.21547001
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>No Bastion sequel
>No Iron Prince sequel
it's over progressionbros...

>> No.21547013
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>> No.21547019
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>> No.21547040

Why is Fang Yuan so much more based than other protagonists

>> No.21547046

Frodo went to Mordor, and cast the ring into the fire

>> No.21547099

Thank god this shit was banned by chinamen

>> No.21547109

Bastion was shit and you should feel bad for wanting a sequel.
If you put Iron Prince in the same league as it, I know to avoid that now.

>> No.21547125

Iron Prince author is busy talking shit to chuds on r*ddit

>> No.21547180

>Caring about Iron Prince
Bastion at least has potential for where the sequel would go, but Iron Prince was just... Not anything. Nothing fucking happened despite it being 800 pages long. It's literally a training arc that culminates in "his best friend ends up dating the bully he just beat in a fight".

>> No.21547184

Codex Alera

>> No.21547188

Iron Prince author watched five whole shounen anime and wrote a terrible book with every trope he could find, and now he's getting into arguments with people on the gay book sub he's a mod of if they're not pro-trans.

>> No.21547189
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Average Bakker hater/Sandersnoy fan, everyone

>> No.21547192

that catholic can write tho

>> No.21547196

Which one? Isn't there two authors for Iron Prince?

>> No.21547200

o conner

>> No.21547214

>hehe let me write a story where nobody acts like a normal human being, the plot goes nowhere, and worldbuilding has to be puzzled out from the bits left by the unreliable narrator like a game of fucking Cluedo lmao I'll use made up words too :D

>> No.21547231

These two are great, especially Blindsight. Haven't read the rest.

>> No.21547241

Western authors are more interested in feminism and lgbt love interests, they do not care about making based main characters.

>> No.21547243

Fire Upon the Deep is terrible. Half the book is kinda fun talking dogs having war, and other half is several retards reading twitter on a spaceship, and there's a talking flower

>> No.21547289

I'm reading Galactic Milieu right now. It took me forever to read Pliocene Exile and Intervention but it was worth it to get to this series, it's a 10/10 banger.
Sword of Shadows is as close as anything is it ASOIAF while still being it's own unique thing.
Actual shit opinion, don't listen to this anon

>> No.21547346

You're confusing the first book and the sequels. The sequels are pretty shit.

>> No.21547355


>> No.21547433

You don't even have enough life experience to know what a normal human being acts like.

>> No.21547450

>I'll use made up words too
unlike the other writers on your list you fucking pseud

>> No.21547522

>made up words
Point one out.

>> No.21547773
File: 252 KB, 1365x660, mega1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21547853

Will I die before another Bakker Kino is released?

I only come here once a year to check on him btw,

>> No.21548022

Please stay anon, don't leave us alone

>> No.21548071
File: 325 KB, 1500x2400, b694ab9b-9511-4091-8410-9689022b2f23_1500x2400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New momkino fantasy by Kate Elliott is out, i know how much you faggots love older women mcs

>> No.21548074

The Shelf that Saved /sffg/ 2.0

>> No.21548084
File: 103 KB, 378x640, THMNCLRDLN1990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the 80s cover

>> No.21548393

Is there a web2epub kinda thing for patreon chapters?

>> No.21548438

what are u reading that u even went ahead and paid for patreon?

>> No.21548458 [DELETED] 


>> No.21548514 [DELETED] 

if u gonna act like a retard, at least answer my question nigger

>> No.21548527
File: 36 KB, 375x500, 9780002229302-uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this one, barring the obnoxious pull quote

>> No.21548545

I bet you can still use web2epub but you'd have to create a custom profile for patreon. However that would require some html + css knowledge.

>> No.21548827

Does it have to be epub? As far as I know most ereaders can read .txt files and similar. Any reason why you can't do that? Copypaste the text into a text file and put it on there.

>> No.21549096

There is this strand of compassion running through LOTR that I haven't seen replicated in many other books. I don't think it is matters the genre or tone too, it is more an overall attitude toward people that flows from the author.
Ironically I would say its opposite isn't something like Bakker, where there is this complete lack of belief in the worth of man and life, but rather it finds its antithesis in works like Malazan. Erikson's "compassion" is completely phoney, unsubtle in masking its politicization, and ultimately sees itself as a course correction/apology for Fantasy as a whole.

While both are compassionless series Bakker actively negates, while Erikson offers a counterfeit.

>> No.21549102
File: 15 KB, 394x289, happy todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what you're talking about but cool my guy

>> No.21549127

>like Bakker, where there is this complete lack of belief in the worth of man and life
t. haven't read Bakker

>> No.21549134

This feels like a post written by an AI after feeding it 100 /sffg/ threads.

>> No.21549320
File: 373 KB, 533x800, cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its really nice but Im a huge Mieville-fag. C&C really thrives on the setting and its a good detective story. If you enjoy it, Ill recommend going for Kraken next, which is my favorite. Perdido Street Station is really dope imo but thats where the world building is the most intense and hard to follow. Mieville is super creative and I do like his prose a lot but he is almost too creative at times, struggling to shove every cool idea he has into one book. It can become convoluted and I understand anyone who gets turned off by that but if you enjoy crative worlds and cool concepts he is one of the best out there. And dont believe the fags crying about Muh politics in his book. Theyre not overbearing and mostly quite based when you notice them.

>> No.21549520
File: 99 KB, 750x695, 653014F0-3385-4E49-880C-C6A2DA202280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello guys I just wanted to say that one anon recommended me Terry Pratchett’s books to get me into reading and it helped! I used to read 1 book every 1.5 years, it’s middle of January and I finished 2 of his already.
Than you anon I owe you my brain.

>> No.21549524

is z-lib.is the go-to atm? how do you even download from there

>> No.21549561

Dunno if this is really the place for it but
I was reading What the Moon Brings by Lovecraft, it says
>And when I saw that this reef was but the black basalt crown of a shocking eikon whose monstrous forehead now shone in the dim moonlight and whose vile hooves must paw the hellish ooze miles below
What is an 'eikon'? There's nothing about it anywhere.

>> No.21549564

Terry Pratchett was a legend. I have a physical copy of all Discworld books because they're just too good to keep in digital, they need to be felt.

>> No.21549569

It's a fancy way to spell "icon"

>> No.21549576

I'm complaining about the politics because I aligned with a party that was completely opposed to his own party. Ever hear of Ortho trots hating on revisionist trots? Also, his discussion of Foucault in C&C is very surface level and annoying. But I like the novel anyway.

>> No.21549581

It's some copycat site looks like.
I use https://annas-archive.org/

>> No.21549607

>obsession with scientism represents dehumanizing danger of falling into degeneracy and hedonistic race to the bottom
>men who reject empathy and culture turn into machines and lose themselves
>religious sentiments no matter how fradulent, permit men to accomplish heroic deeds
>immortality is the death of passion and decay of the civilization, human life is fleeting yet has meaning
>there's glory even in meaningless sacrifice
>gay sex is fucking disgusting

>west people good, east people bad
>elves are cool :D
>luv rural life simple as
>all conflicts are resolved if you just plop a bad man ring in volcano ))

>> No.21549635
File: 32 KB, 300x462, 1658084308306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jon fucking Umber
what awaits this guy in the end?

>> No.21549652


>> No.21549683

>>west people good, east people bad
>>elves are cool :D
>>luv rural life simple as
>>all conflicts are resolved if you just plop a bad man ring in volcano ))
This is unironically better thoughever? If I wanted to read philosophy, I'd read philosophy. Why would I waste my time with fantasy novels written by some mediocracy who couldn't even defend his phd dissertation?

High iq people (me) read fantasy for entertainment, it's supposed to be cheap and easy. Only midwits, too midwit to read actual philosophy, try to squeeze some intellectual value from a novel about epic swordsmen, mages and dragons

>> No.21549697

> High iq people (me)
Those are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes for a supposed genius

>> No.21549700

Back to reððit

>> No.21549768

I just finished the last book myself as well

Your post basically mirrors how I thought of the series. The last two had tons of bloat, but the final book at least worked things out well even if it required killing nearly every decent character left.

Grace of Kings is still the best one and Wall of Storms just felt ridiculous with Jia's sabotage and the not-Monguls' backstory of getting super ships and their OP birds felt like too much was handed to them.

>> No.21549784

yeah the barbarians were a bit too OP in how quick they learned everything

>> No.21550100

It's all like that.
LeGuin is one of the most overrated fantasy authors ever shilled.

>> No.21550111

Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd & The Grey Mouser.

>> No.21550145

Assassin's Apprentice has it as well imo
Titus Groan comes to mind too
I also found Lonesome Dove to be a very compassionate boon

>> No.21550166

>Assassin's Apprentice
Robin Hobb is miserytourism extraordinaire and in retrospect also chock-full of fujoshit as it goes on.

>> No.21550186

Pratchett probably haf some of the most genuine compassion for people while also having utter contempt for some people, I've noticed. Arguably deserved contempt, but it's a very bitter sort of optimism he had.

>> No.21550310

He was fairly archetypal of a sort of liberal or Laborite. Even one of his novels is about transgenderism and many of his novels revolve around gender. It's the kind of thing you'd expect from a boomer feminist professor (many of which I learned under).

>> No.21550744 [DELETED] 


>> No.21550774
File: 401 KB, 550x802, 0db31c85df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one correct answer.

>> No.21550795
File: 38 KB, 312x475, 9579634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget Kelhus, there is a Brother Rike inside all of us.
MC being cunnypilled is a plus too.

>> No.21550819

I actually never even started Galactic Milieu because someone told me it was far worse than SoPE, I guess I should check it out.

My dad (RIP) said the only part he liked was about a character named Jack the Bodiless.

>> No.21551003 [DELETED] 

Filthcore queen is cancelling Brandon Sanderson.
>Brandon Sanderson affirming the LDS church's institutional homophobia on his personal blog. My two cents, we've tolerated this guy in SFF for far too long.

>> No.21551013 [DELETED] 

>TONY: Brandon Sanderson's a homophobe?
>PAULIE: What word's dat sound like?
>PAULIE: Watch it, Chrissy.

>> No.21551019

>medieval fantasy
>MC gets caught up in a war and joins an army
>suddenly modern military jargon everywhere
>modern military ranks all the way down to privates and corporals with platoons and squads and companies with names like "Company B"
>fucking Hollywood army movie cliches like the hard-ass evil sonovabitch sergeant, hazing, and other bootcamp shit
>suddenly switches back to medieval fantasy whenever magic and the nobility are mentioned
>I'm supposed to believe this 20th century military is the personal retinue of a fucking Baron or something
This is so fucking jarring to read. If you can't be assed to figure out how feudal armies worked don't fucking write a war story in a feudal setting.

>> No.21551029

>muh realism

wrong thread buddy

>> No.21551035

read there will be dragons by john ringo

>> No.21551040

I didn't say a word about realism. The problem is not sticking to a fucking aesthetic that was established in the first 150 pages of the book and doing a bunch of nonsense because you don't know how your own setting is supposed to work.

>> No.21551041

literally who?

>> No.21551044

>muh cohesion

wrong thread buddy

>> No.21551047

What's your intention in posting this. To generate outrage? For what purpose? To laugh at them? Rude, but ok. This is the sort of situation where it's better to let them languish in obscurity, forever unheard. So, I ask you, why? Absolutely nothing will come of this, except maybe their own unforced career destruction since they're with the same publisher.

>> No.21551051

>reading modern authors
just read the white company

>> No.21551056
File: 23 KB, 731x158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh sandy trannies?

>> No.21551060

It looks like a "you" problem.
Sounds cool to me.

>> No.21551064

>forever unheard
>not knowing Felker-Martin's book is one of the best-selling 2022 novels

>> No.21551067

>not knowing [...] 2022 novels
Shame on you, anon! Haha gotcha, fucking owned!!!

>> No.21551070

oh , like 50 shades of gray?

>> No.21551081 [DELETED] 


>> No.21551113

excited for /lit/ to pivot to total Sandershills in light of this news

>> No.21551118

Shills have been calling sanderson "based" because he's religious for a while now newfag

>> No.21551122

It's rather sad the lengths that anons will go to try to maintain the validity of their point. This is my final reply as you're just fabricating whatever you need.

I was aware of the novel. I really hope this was an entirely ironic comment because it would be too sad otherwise. Even as irony it's pitiable though.

"I hate everything about this person except they support rape as much as I do!"

>> No.21551145

yeah but him being popular and contemporary have outweighed a lot of his based godpill. there's no street cred in liking him in the same way as bakker etc.

being cancelled for epic anti-lgbt opinions is his golden ticket...

>> No.21551171

pretty based scifisister. give Greg Egan a try next, he is pretty "hard" sci-fi. Permutation City is a good start

>> No.21551188

found rare good litrpg (with dungeon core elements) on Royal Road. It's called apparatus of change and it manages to make use of it's litrpg elements in a way that actually ads to the story by focusing on minimal use of numbers or system and instead using it only as a limit for a list of creative solutions available to MC, whilst making it's mechanic intrinsic part of the character and narrative. Highly recommend to anyone interested.

>> No.21551238

from the reviews it sounds minimalistic and a bit depressing? Eh , sure , I'll put it on my to read list.

>> No.21551242

/sffglit/ with cute LGs?

>> No.21551250

>we've tolerated this guy in SFF for far too long

Arrogant cunt.
I hope she will die of cancer.

>> No.21551263

>there is no such thing as the cathedral, people just think you are an asshole - self proclaimed asshole

>> No.21551285

Ok Yarvinist

>> No.21551299

Minimalistic, in a sense, yes. As for depressing - depends.

Minimalism is largely rooted in the fact that LITRPG elements are limited to function of magic and abstraction (leveling/exp, if you will) rather than havin HP/MP as such. I think for all it's minimalism it's more creative and interesting than waste majority of "System" novels I've come across. The only two recent ones that come to mind that compare as far as RR is Scorched(great but on hiatus) and Edge Cases (a bit different and more action oriented, haven't bothered to catch up, but it's not bad either)

The Depressing part on the other hand is a bit of a stretch, it's rather somber and emotive but it's more bittersweet than sour. There are moments of hope, of humanity, of connection, and moments of sadness, depression and guilt. I find it appealing precisely because of that. The seting is post-apocalypsys fo a sort. But unlike most in the genre I actually like it because You can see that the event that caused has some logic to it as do it's consequences. Furthermore that the world itself continues existing and developing even tho it's new type of existence.

>> No.21551303

literary realism has been pronounced dead since the turn of the 20th century

>> No.21551310

oh no , I'll cry myself to sleep

>> No.21551314

do you people read anything outside of the genre fiction that is marketed to you? you know weird fiction blurs the line between oral stories, literature, penny dreadfuls, pulp, etc., go enjoy other shit

>> No.21551318

You do realize that platoon, corporal, squad etc are not modern terms. Corporal was first used in like 1500s

>> No.21551354

I'm too old to be wooed by that.

>> No.21551357
File: 80 KB, 640x398, dieselpunk_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is dieselpunk so underrepresented when it comes to fantasy? Are there any good fantasy books or sagas set in a dieselpunk world, potentially with analogues of the Second World War?

>> No.21551361
File: 217 KB, 1280x720, spx8p3celdrz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C.J Cherryh, Guy Gavriel Kay, Sean Russell and Lord Dunsany write great compassionate characters. Other writers that come to mind are T.H White, Thomas Burnett Swann, Carol berg, Mary Stewart (The Merlin Trilogy and The Wicked Day) barbara hambly.
>Lonesome Dove
Based Westernposter

>> No.21551363

It's largely move sideways from historical tech and it's not quite as novel as steampunk, which already fills that already small niche.

>> No.21551365

As long as you're not some boomer who only reads shitty spy or romance/erotica novels, I don't really think that's bad you read what you like. But I can't imagine someone reinventing the wheel in military sci fi to be as exciting for the umpteenth time.

>> No.21551377

I mean , is it even a lit category? I've only seen it in art and video games.

>> No.21551381

steampunk is overdone and fucking boring, I don't understand how victorian memeing is "novel" in comparison to diesel

>> No.21551388

If we take fantasy to be the broader form, then you could just include "sci fi" that has dieselpunk. I'm sure you've seen it but this list is a start:
Still don't really see how you'd have a legit medieval fantasy with diesel technology though.

>> No.21551404

Neither appeals to me, so I can't say, tho I'd venture a guess that tradition/habit is the answer. Especially given that some folks have a hard on for victorian era, and StP is, sometimes, just a way to add some extra flavour to that.

>> No.21551412

guess i'm just turned on by theoretical machines running on some dirty diesel, not really era fetish

>> No.21551416
File: 31 KB, 564x508, 4a10af18fb77c8c85020c3175a2989e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real punk subgenre is cyberpunk, everything else is retards on Tumblr and Reddit talking about shitty cosplays and artwork. It never was and it never will be real literature

>> No.21551443


>> No.21551444

Against the Day is Steampunk and Literature

>> No.21551485

Aside from Bernd Lauert on alt.sex.stories and of course piper's domain. I really can't think of much else. On allthefallen there is a forum for stories, but nothing interesting, they do host an archive of erotic stories.

People like cultivation with op child protagonists, I think a good premise for an isekai, would be:
Protagonist, female is born is some shitty village, that has the lowest grade cultivation techniques, a reincarnated man (from earth and called for the purposes of this text "grandpa" though he is like 25), that shares senses with protagonist, can't directly communicate (until much later) but can with much effort, make the host think of an idea or action.
Though he has never cultivated, grandpa has a large spirit sense (it's like 50 miles actually minuscule for its quality which passes everyone in the solar system and anyone at the off world clan who owns the planet) and gets the baby to crawl off (the stronger the host gets the less grandpa can affect her) and find some cheat treasure.
The cheat treasure slows down her aging (allowing the grandpa to gather powerful natural items for later use) to the point where she is still 5 or 6 physically and mentally (she ranges from 5-10 years old mentally depending on the story and believability and grandpa injected ideas, but she has a lot of training fighting, so this is her goto ) after 10 years, she has permanently stopped aging at this point, her cultivation hasn't improved at all, and eventually she is either kicked out, or her village is destroyed perhaps both.
From that point on we repeat the cycle of
power up
baddies attack
beat baddies
big baddie attack
lose and taken to rape dungeon, ero/training/temporary mental or body mods/
escape / power up then escape (escape may include destroying big baddies)
With some filler chapters and side plots. Maybe even romance and dual cultivation after losing to a not so evil big baddie.

A b cycle would be something like
go to new city
get tricked
become "young master's sex sleeve" black market prostitute/slave or whatever
sexy time
back to main loop

>> No.21551492
File: 1.31 MB, 1000x1600, 1671798327149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can you recommend for someone that enjoyed the Southern Reach trilogy? Especially Authority. The burocratic shit was very fun.

>> No.21551498

Sanderson killed the ending of Wheel of Time with pozzed shit.

>> No.21551524

She’s gonna die of obesity related complications like an infection or diabetes

>> No.21551539
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>> No.21551542
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>> No.21551543
File: 76 KB, 667x667, too-like-Cover-e1462800551260[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21551547

And it's just a start of the multiverse, as when she reaches the highest tier of existence, she makes weaves the karmic fate of centillions of female cultivators across every universe to have at least a much prepubescent sex as she did, her dao is that of the child whore, she got that after she exercised grandpa from her body in chapter 1500 putting him in the body of a toad, and he came back stronger than her by a full realm with his own dao. But he has so much sex with her that a trap (put in her body in chapter 1755 by the jealous wife of big baddies that she lost to in 1730 that goes off when a man fills her womb more than a thousand times) that would kill both of them went off, but through a separate encounter (blowie while working as a busgirl) with a wandering immortal master ( chapter 1903 ) the trap was turned into a lifesaving device that absorbs the man. Then she reached daoseeking stage and meditated with her new power/senses and found her dao in under 100 years! Which is the fastest on record for the last billion years of records of that galaxy she was in at the time.

>> No.21551548
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>> No.21551550

I wish there were actually good anime tier books, but not sure where to find them. I tried Light Novels like Goblin Slayer but it was shit.

>> No.21551565

Have you tried re:monster or one of the many vrmmorpg novels like moonlight sculptor or overgeard or (i swear to god there was another one what was it called)

>> No.21551580

I read all of it last year and enjoyed it but I don't remember anything about the setting or characters, amazing forgetfulness value despite being a fun read.

>> No.21551588

the fuck does that mean

>> No.21551601

>pining after used up sluts who won't fuck you
>mc hates wypipo apropos of nothing
Isn't this every major award winner written after 2010?

>> No.21551606
File: 83 KB, 854x1024, 1647980710655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse you, mr!

>> No.21551612

Act 2, Scene 2 Lines 116-122
Romeo & Juliet
Well, do not swear. Although I joy in thee,
I have no joy of this contract tonight.
It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden,
Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be
Ere one can say 'It lightens.' Sweet, good night.
This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath,
May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet.

>> No.21551649

It's accurate plot synopsis. You can't just plop a shit on the floor and act offended when other people use the s-word.

>> No.21551652
File: 37 KB, 297x475, 61167144._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the goddamn cat come back in this?

>> No.21551669

even reddit hates that book for the author going full retard and bastardizing everyone's character of any significant note

>> No.21551673

Kys. I told you not to read past book 2.

>> No.21551697

>anime tier books
you mean fantasy books written by japs or fantasy books with anime-like battles?

>> No.21551710

The movie Shin Godzilla

>> No.21551757

Good mystery books?

As long as there is a logic behind I don't mind no realistic elements.

>> No.21551790

What do you mean by mystery? Puzzles, murder, conspiracy, supernatural, or something else? Science fiction or fantasy?

>> No.21551818

Rogue Moon Algis Budrys

>> No.21551895

Garrett PI books are fun. I'm not very genre savvy, so I don't know how obvious the reveals are to someone who is, but Cook always tips his hand somewhere.

>> No.21551952

quintet... sovl...

>> No.21552111

There isn't any such thing as "sovl".

>> No.21552156

Good cunny books?

As long as there are nubile young prepubescents, I don't mind unrealistic elements.

>> No.21552168

based /vr/poster

>> No.21552199

Black Company.

>> No.21552209

Glen Cook?

>> No.21552229

The former. I might try Vampire Hunter D if I can.

>> No.21552240

ctrl-f'd through a few thousand pages. Not really anything there except for not even a scene in the few pages.

>> No.21552244
File: 1.65 MB, 1279x1986, wh pugmire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't make weird writers like this no more...

>> No.21552256

I think they make too many

>> No.21552541
File: 60 KB, 1280x688, PaIr6nS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the first 8 and don't really recommend it. The best two already have movies. Demon Deathchase is maybe marginally better than Bloodlust, but only because Bloodlust plays the standard Jap movie strategy of sanitize the female lead and make her a romantic interest.

>> No.21552589
File: 423 KB, 1800x1260, crying saderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanderson KNEELS to Cuttlefish

>> No.21552646

Based Sandersoy

>> No.21552661

WoT was always a hair-tugging cuck story

>> No.21552684

These threads are just unbearable.

>> No.21552691

Some literal who said something on Twitter and for some reasons, a few fags are trying to make it a big deal here.

>> No.21552712

the fuck does that mean

>> No.21552718

"If I have sex with him on the first date we won't have a second."

>> No.21552721

A simile (/ˈsJməli/) is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. Similes differ from metaphors by highlighting the similarities between two things using comparison words such as "like", "as", "so", or "than"

>> No.21552723

the fuck does that mean

>> No.21552727

the fuck does that mean

>> No.21552734

that does mean the fuck

>> No.21552735

It barely exists as lit because kind of like Steampunk all the meat of the genre is in its aesthetic. The closest you get to actual depth is when Bioshock slaps some objectivism into it's cool art deco city.

>> No.21552739

graphenepunk doesn't even have an aesthetic which is why it's dead

>> No.21552762

That isn't a thing.

>> No.21552788

It's always the inanest reasons.

>> No.21552790

That’s because it isn’t.

>> No.21552794


>> No.21552808

Because dieselpunk isn’t fantasy. That’s why it’s so underrepresented.

>> No.21552811

>y is dieselpunk so underrepresented when it comes to fantasy?
Because Dieselpunk is Retrofuturism and a subgenre of science fiction. Learn your subgenres before posting.

>> No.21552818

Steampunk is more numerous though.

>> No.21552823

>It barely exists as lit because kind of like Steampunk all the meat of the genre is in its aesthetic.
Try reading steamgoth. That's where the real meat is.

>> No.21552829

The names just keep getting stupider. When will it end.

>> No.21552838

I think its part of the fun and creative, since people are always trying to invent a new subgenre in a subgenre.

>> No.21552841


>> No.21552844

It’s just really dumb at this point. Not to mention counterproductive since most of the names are just made up.

>> No.21552847

>names are just made up.
Yeah, no shit. People who read steamgoth just listing books that are steampunks mixed with Gothic horror. hence the name

>> No.21552849

Then you don’t want a mystery book?

>> No.21552853

>Good mystery books?
Try reading Agatah Christie. She's a master in her field.

>> No.21552854

I know this is a revolutionary concept, but have you thought about reading the book?

>> No.21552856

There are none.

>> No.21552857

Still dumb.

>> No.21552860

This would explain why he stepped down as a consultant for the Wheel of Time Amazon adaptation. Not only did Amazon rape the lore, they also included gay romances.

>> No.21552861

it's fine. specific and weird and jargon-y genre labels are the best because genre exists solely to hint at what to expect from a book.

there is zero confusion as to what a book labeled as "steamgoth" contains. it's when genres are broad and general they become useless, especially for recommendations (which is what this conversation is about)

>> No.21552866

Try Moribito, unfortunately only the first two were officially TLed, Twelve Kingdoms (there's an unofficial TL better than the Tokyopop ones which cut random bits to shorten the novel), and Beast Player/Warrior or Kemono no Souja.

If you're up for sword and sorcery then Guin Saga is okay too, but it's pacing becomes slow pretty quickly.

I've been enjoying the Ascendance of a Bookworm novels too.

Honestly it seems like JP is sort of stunted in the regular fantasy novel department. The ones that exist seem to mostly be written by women and put out as serials like Guin or children's novels, even when they aren't really for children, which I guess is similar to how shounen works. Not that it matters how they're classified as long as they're good, but they just aren't very numerous.

Instead you find it in other mediums like manga sometimes and anime and now LNs have generic-ified it.

Part of the problem might be that they publish books at really small sizes there so for translated books like WoT, they apparently break single novels up into as many as three volumes.

>> No.21552867
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>Meng Hao finally paying off his debt to Steward Zhou in the last chapter


>> No.21552896
File: 1.25 MB, 2700x1500, lord of the mysteries 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just started reading the last arc of LOTM1, do you think there are realms beyond the outer gods xianxia style where there's a never-ending power progression?

>> No.21552935

I'm intrigued by JG Ballard. What books should I read?
I enjoyed the BBC radio play of The Concrete Island.

>> No.21552944

That's the thing about other 'punk genres. Cyberpunk started as a literary thing, and branched out into other mediums.
Things like Steampunk or Dieselpunk are more centered on video games, which is fine for what it is, but how many novels can you write about sick airships, and people in greasy overalls? What's the story?

>> No.21552966

>I'm intrigued by JG Ballard. What books should I read?
Whichever you want. You’re the one that’s going to read it.

>> No.21552973

I WILL rape you.

>> No.21553079
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>read The Lost Metal
>people use the word 'tsunami' when there's no Japan in that world
>Wayne mentioned 'cherry blossom' when there's no Japan in that world

>> No.21553088


Either a realistic mystery book or a hard science-fiction mystery book or a hard fantasy mystery book

>> No.21553089

other cherry types have blossoms too you know

>> No.21553099

Read white sand comic
It wasn't very good
Your not missing much if you are someone who is interested in learning more about the greater cosmere
It introduces the sand masters powers, whcih is basically controlling sand and the trade off is they need to drink water
It also introduces khriss, she's a main character in it but you can read a summary of what happens in the comics in like one paragraph
It's mostly a bunch of politics stuff and action condensed to a small area which is meaningless to the greater cosmere since it's like 300 years or smth pre stormlight
They already have access to guns

>> No.21553106

Thank you. I forgot about her. I read one of here books and it was way better than Arthur Conan Doyle.

>> No.21553115


I'll make a note of that, thanks.

>> No.21553126

The black company is the only sff books I can think of that actually DO have cunny and it's almost a plot point

>> No.21553131

You people get hung up on the weirdest shit. Literally who cares if they call waves tsunami or peepeepoopoo?

>> No.21553137

Autists don't know how to enjoy a story. Shouldn't be shocking to you.

>> No.21553208

>Read white sand comic
>It wasn't very good
Same, still hoping he will rewrite (better) it in book format.

>> No.21553210

>They use English
>In a world without England
How could they do this!?!??!

>> No.21553214
File: 79 KB, 318x475, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really poorly written and feels like an edgy teenager wrote it. Thanks for memeing me into buying your self-published garbage, faggot.

>> No.21553240

I'm about to start book 2. Book 1 was alright, some issues with dialogue waffling between modern slang and renaissance fair, but pretty fun stuff. Book 2 is in the mail. What's so bad about the books after it?

>> No.21553255

And you're probably not aware but the 16th century is part of the modern era. So yes, it's a modern term. But I'm not even interested in the term itself, but rather the way it's used, which is in a 20th century military context that makes no sense in the story I'm reading.

>> No.21553267

Take your meds

>> No.21553276

You people get hung up on the weirdest shit.

>> No.21553403
File: 83 KB, 986x555, coffee cat thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything from 1 AD to now is the same era according to atheists

>> No.21553412

After common era*

>> No.21553428

Mushoku Tensei's LN is probably the closest thing to what you want. You can find it on nyaa

>> No.21553460

Hey that's me. I consoom books and the only lasting effect I get if either I liked them or not.

>> No.21553472

Amon is just Chinese Aizen

>> No.21553495

New thread

>> No.21553498

lol, it's available on libgen, you didn't need to buy it
author goes legit sjw and brings current world progressive and identity politics into medieval story, if you thought modern slang was bad then modern sjw nonsense is 10000000 times worse

>> No.21553564

Page 10 !!!!


>> No.21553798

Maybe, maybe not. It's a plot point that the greater the consolidation, the greater the force pulling it apart. So it's concievable that a sequence -1 would just instantly explode back into a dozen sequence 0s. Or maybe there's some method to moving a step forward. In that case you have to think about how "God" is ONLY the earth and the solar system, and equal or superior beings could exist in every solar system. But then again that scale is so ludicrous you'd have a hard time fitting it even in most xiaxia systems.
I mean theoretically you could have the mc be a sentient solar system and have the "cultivation world" be the entire galaxy, but it's so abstract and inhuman it'd either be impossible to understand, boring, or abstracted to the point where it's a standard setting and people just use funny names for things.
My prediction is that part two will be mostly angel level, with the MC eventually coming into play against MAYBE ONE lovecraft-esque super-god from beyond the stars where he has to team up with the outer gods and gattai into a giant gurren lagaan
It's really unclear what's left to do in part two desu, he's already used all the setting, plot twists, characters, etc... What else is there to do that isn't just a repeat?