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21540933 No.21540933 [Reply] [Original]

>there exists a transcendent form of the good

>> No.21541300
File: 148 KB, 800x789, 15088 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any occult reality that I can't experience because I'm a normie is not real because... IT JUST ISN'T OK!?

>> No.21541310
File: 832 KB, 739x739, 1622185561715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just your miswired brain creating phantoms in your mind. It's why your family worries so much.
Please just give the pills a chance? It might help you with the constant fear and rage

>> No.21542665


That is tautological; Good, in itself, is transcendent.

Agape love, and etymic truth. are the lifeline that reconnects one to one's transcendent source in God; even if one loves, and knows love without yet knowing this source, one still tends toward the latter, and toward knowledge of the latter.

>> No.21542694

It's been a long time since I last saw a post with meds penguim.

>> No.21542705

>Good, in itself, is transcendent.
There is in no wise tautological or self evident. The argument Proclus uses to “Prove” that the Good is transcendent takes completely for granted the Greek cultural conception of what “desire” is, while also taking for granted that desire is capable of acting as an immaterial principle. The good can’t be transcendent because we experience it and we can’t experience what doesn’t fall under any of the categories.

>> No.21542709

I should say incorporeal, to be precise to neoplatonic terminology.

>> No.21542726
File: 145 KB, 640x362, 2699622729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the antichrist

>> No.21542739


>> No.21542759

>The argument Proclus uses to “Prove” that the Good is transcendent takes completely for granted the Greek cultural conception of what “desire” is, while also taking for granted that desire is capable of acting as an immaterial principle.


>The good can’t be transcendent because we experience it and we can’t experience what doesn’t fall under any of the categories.

The material/corporeal, and the immaterial/incorporeal, currently subsist in one hypostasis; the fact that the Good can, and should be actualized within/through the material/corporeal does not invalidate its transcendent reality.

>> No.21542775

I don’t think you even know what transcendent means. It doesn’t mean incorporeal, it means that it is above the categories.

>> No.21542785
File: 145 KB, 857x1202, pleasure intrinsic good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benthamite utilitarianism is the objectively correct morality.


>> No.21542957

>I don’t think you even know what transcendent means.

I am using it in its etymologically valid sense; the transcendent is capable of partially manifesting on the material/corporeal level, and, therefore, of being partially understood, regardless of any ontological categories.

>It doesn’t mean incorporeal [...]

I know.

>> No.21542988

the One doesn't have parts

>> No.21542996


Yes, it does —quod vide: the Holy Trinity.

>> No.21543019

>the holy trinity
how does this relate to any form of platonism or a transcendent Good? Christianity does not assert the One

>> No.21543026

>t. brainlet

>> No.21543044

>how does this relate to any form of platonism [...]

Why would it? who cares about Platonism right now beside you?

>[...] or a transcendent Good?

See above posts.

>Christianity does not assert the One

Yes, it does: in the unitary Holy Trinity.

>> No.21543053

>>Why would it? who cares about Platonism right now beside you?
The OP post is about neoplatonism. There is no "transcendent form of Good" in neoplatonism. You're mixing up concepts because you're uneducated.
>Yes, it does: in the unitary Holy Trinity.
completely dissimilar to the One as found in platonism

>> No.21543056

> There is no "transcendent form of Good" in neoplatonism
in christianity*

>> No.21543066

>it's ther reddit midwit again

>> No.21543144

>The OP post is about neoplatonism.


>There is no "transcendent form of Good" in neoplatonism.
>in christianity*

Yes, because the Good is implicitly transcendent.

Christianity is universal; (Neo)platonism is erroneous in critical parts.

>You're mixing up concepts [...]

You mean: "not adhering to an erroneous notion".

>completely dissimilar to the One as found in platonism


>who cares about Platonism right now beside you?

>> No.21543181

For me, it's Mill's Utilitarianism

>> No.21543215

KEK OP is getting absolutely shredded
>b-but in muh neogaytoism
>i-i'ts not fair gaytonus said something else
>please sir u must respect my debate rules

>> No.21543221

I'm not OP. not my fault the tripfag pseud is too ignorant to even understand which concepts I am talking about.

>> No.21543313

You got rekt, no one cares about your sophistry, people talk about the truth, not your manchildren toys

>> No.21543327

>specifically defined concepts dating back thousands of years is sophistry
>some random bullshit about three magic demons that are actually one demon is "the truth" because an epileptic Jew from 50 AD accidentally implied that God is three people if you bend his words hard enough
fuck off

>> No.21543342

KEK nothing makes pagans seethe so much as being called out on their BS by based Christians

>> No.21543347

I wasn't called out on anything there was just a bunch of pointless dancing around homonyms.

>> No.21543350

>there exists a transcendent form of the good
Yes, hello..it is me, the good of this world.

>> No.21543356


>> No.21543379

Eat my asshole kike