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21539707 No.21539707 [Reply] [Original]

This has happened through all my life. My maximum is like 1 hour of reading, after that my eyes and all of my body gets sleepy, it doesn't matter if I just wake up or if it's night time, it's always the same. It happened to me while reading on real books and on kindle, so the format is not the problem. I read sitting by a window, so the light and my position are not the problem. Are there ways to avoid this? Or to get quickly energized after this?

>> No.21539713

Sorry for the bad grammar, I'm not english

>> No.21539735
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>> No.21539740


it's honestly as easy as getting a french press and fresh coarse grounds, it's still not adderall thoughever

>> No.21539750

There's nothing wrong with taking break, going for a walk, and coming back to it.

>> No.21539757

Find out if you have a sleep disorder.

>> No.21539824

I too would like to know why my level of alertness drops to zero the moment I look away from the glowing dopamine rectangle. Why can I read the inane comments of neckbeards for eight hours uninterrupted but slip into a coma reading one page of Bram Stoker's Dracula?

>> No.21539933

How do you expect your concentration to be effective if you dont rest????
Are you dumb????

If it has been happening throughout your life, and you're sure it's not rest, just keep reading at a slower pace.

>> No.21540219

I sleep 9 hours per day

>> No.21540223

Walk while reading.

>> No.21540235

What if I fall and my kindle breaks?

>> No.21540256

...How about starting with a physical book first? Just pace around on carpet if you have to.

>> No.21540478

I'm poor

>> No.21541115

Because of blue light and also your dopamine being attached to the shenanigans of retards

>> No.21541117

Go to the library…

>> No.21541147
File: 166 KB, 592x787, wagner bruckner snuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21542552

because that book is a snooze fest. the only fun and exciting part is the beginning with the castle. the rest is just boxes of dirt.

>> No.21542650

Because the glowing dopamine rectangle has had hundreds of billions of dollars invested into making it as engaging and as addicting as possible. Because companies have spent decades collecting data on what keeps users on their site/app/product the longest, and use that against you. Because they have aggregated all the information on modern psychology and neuroscience and use it to exploit your brain's weaknesses.

>> No.21542674

You're meant to take breaks. Read for 45 minutes or an hour, take a 10 minute break to sit outside or go on a walk or grab a snack, then read again. Don't go online during your break. Also drink tea. Green tea for a small boost. Black tea for a medium boost. I don't recommend coffee. It goes overboard. Gives too much energy and makes it hard to sit still.

The best combo is reading for an hour, then taking a break to brew some more tea. You get the break and the caffeine.

>> No.21542847

Human body wasn't made for sitting and staring at modified leaves for hours on end
>read until you slip into flow state (effortless undisturbed reading)
>continue until you slip out
>go for a walk / get a glass of water / play with your pets / do some push ups / have a conversation / admire nature / do chores
>return to reading when no longer mentally tired at all

>> No.21543655

Read the tax code to build tolerance.