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/lit/ - Literature

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21539339 No.21539339 [Reply] [Original]

Out of all the best known books is this the least deserving of its status? It's objectively very poorly written, boring for the most part and carried only by the infamy of its author and its dark legacy.

>> No.21539342

Point out a few badly written parts. People always say it's badly written, but it isn't.

>> No.21539346

someone should make a mein kampf version of prince harry's new book they're both famous for similar reasons

>> No.21539347

Nigga it's shit. Just because the holocaust never happened (but should have) doesn't mean that Mein Kampf is a good book.

>> No.21539349

>they're both famous for similar reasons
Hitler was a black pussy enjoyer?

>> No.21539365

How many times has this thread been made? Who cares except a few poltards?

>> No.21539370

I worded that terribly. I meant their books are both popular because they're both infamous public figures

>> No.21539372

People who claim this haven‘t read it or are otherwise either unfamiliar with or disinclined from the era of history it explores.

Crafting a big lie to dissuade people from reading it and letting that get parroted a priori is just a more effective form of banning.

>> No.21539375

Pretty much. It’s only useful for historical context and that’s it.

>> No.21539383

It is not a work of fiction with high prose, it's more of a journal and a review of natson ideology and personal beliefs of Hitler. The writing is fine, the meaning behind ideas and Hitler ideology portrayed in the book is priceless.

Only jews and good goys say its badly written.
At school our history teacher use to say that Hitlers speeches were propoganda and were terrible, she tried in every way justify her nonsense like saying he was a very good orator but his speeches terrible(wtf?). At the time I didn't care and believed her, later I listened to several of Hitlers speeches and was amazed how great they were. So don't listen to jews and goys. Read the book and see for yourself, maybe you won't like it but if you are white man and not good goy you will definitely see significance in it.

>> No.21539405

>Read anything but this goyim
>Or I'll be forced to suck your dick

>> No.21539487

But how is it shit? I don't see anything wrong with how it's written.

>> No.21539496
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lol, the most widely recommended and used translation is full of footnotes about how bad and dumb and silly Hitler was and how his writing is just awful.

>> No.21539501

I started from the beginning and got a few pages in before I got bored and gave up on it. He was talking about how when he was a kid, his childhood hero was the local catholic priest. Fake as fuck. Boring. Didn't even kill 6 million jews. Put the jews in summer camp while the cities were being carpet bombed. Drafted strong, patriotic, athletic White men and told them to march into enemy machine gun and artillery fire. Let the British escape at Dunkirk. Zelensky-tier.

>> No.21539509
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Kek, Zelensky wrote a memoir? Anything to get that NATOmoney I guess

>> No.21539512

You are severely lacking foreskin. And you have my pity.
Gaze upon the evilest society to ever exist in all of world history! Another big lie. What a shame they didn't win.

>> No.21539584


G-guys... why is Hitler making sense? I thought he was the stupidest evilest man to ever exist who was also gay and had one testicle and had to be propped up by meth 26 hours a day.

>> No.21539821

The great masses could be saved, if only with the gravest sacrifice in time and patience.

But a Jew could never be parted from his opinions.

At that time I was still childish enough to try to make the madness of their doctrine clear to them; in my little circle I talked my tongue sore and my throat hoarse, thinking I would inevitably succeed in convincing them how ruinous their Marxist madness was; but what I accomplished was often the opposite. It seemed as though their increased understanding of the destructive effects of Social Democratic theories and their results only reinforced their determination.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

Gradually I began to hate them.

>> No.21539823

I would bet money that you never read it. Not because I disagree with you, but because you sound like you're full of shit.

>> No.21539831

I know people who 'read' enormously, book for book, letter for letter, yet whom I would not describe as 'well-read.' True they possess a mass of 'knowledge,' but their brain is unable to organize and register the material they have taken in.
Reading is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. Its chief purpose is to help towards filling in the framework which is made up of the talents and capabilities that each individual possesses.[1]
On the other hand, a man who possesses the art of correct reading will, in studying any book, magazine, or pamphlet, instinctively and immediately perceive everything which in his opinion is worth permanently remembering, either because it is suited to his purpose or generally worth knowing. Once the knowledge he has achieved in this fashion is correctly coordinated within the somehow existing picture of this or that subject created by the imaginations it will function either as a corrective or a complement, thus enhancing either the correctness or the clarity of the picture. Then, if life suddenly sets some question before us for examination or answer, the memory, if this method of reading is observed, will immediately take the existing picture as a norm, and from it will derive all the individual items regarding these questions, assembled in the course of decades, submit them to the mind for examination and reconsideration, until the question is clarified or answered.
Those who have no understanding of the political world around them have no right to criticize or complain.

>> No.21539833

>G-guys... why is Hitler making sense?
Because you are under 25, or stupid. Don't ever think that being proud of loving Hitler makes you a badass.

>> No.21539860

Is that what I said, Jew?

>> No.21539865

Still as relevant today as then. Well-described by Hitler.

>> No.21539884

Cool, I'm still not going to read 400 pages of miscellaneous ramblibgs.

>> No.21539887

Who cares? Go read reddit and watch CNN.

>> No.21540400

> Is actually beautifull written and succinct

The vile ire of the spitefull jew, tr00n and mutant

>> No.21540402

posting in incel thread

>> No.21540576

Mein Kampf is meant to be an election year screed on why you should vote for Hitler. It doesn't even get that deep into theory or Hitler's vision of history. If you want an actually good book you should read Hitler's Second Book which he never published because it got into his geopolitical aims. Much more important read

>> No.21540650 [DELETED] 
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hi kike

>> No.21540680

All other translation are garbage.



>> No.21540685

His second book is really interesting.

>> No.21540687

Look at Stalin's schizo work on Trotskyite marxist org. it's a lot. then again, Marxist org is pro trotskyism

>> No.21540700

What's hitlers 2nd book called?

>> No.21540723

It's on the link i posted.

>> No.21540758

>poorly written
that's objective
>boring for the most part
that's subjective
>carried only by the infamy of its author and its dark legacy
the book was a big success back when it was released, it's carried by its message more than anything

>> No.21540781

You sure he isn't talking about ex-girlfriends? That sounds a while lot like every one of mine.

>> No.21540816
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Give an actual fucking example of poor writing instead of recapping the first ten pages you retarded reprobate of a golem - oh wait, you haven't read the book so you wouldn't know.

>> No.21540870

Noone on lit will ever give you a text based example for why something was "badly written" to them. It's bizarre.

>> No.21540895

Tempted to pull out my copy and start dropping examples. I thought the writing was perfectly adequate. This is from Page 320 of the Ford translation:
>"Probably a more shallow defence of a flawed view has never been attempted. What has given Marxism its astonishing power over the broad masses is not the formal, written product of Jewish brains, but the enormous wave of speeches filled with propaganda that have taken possession of the masses through the years. Out of a hundred thousand German workers, on an average, not a hundred know about Marx’s book. It has been studied a thousand times more by intellectuals and the Jews than by followers of the movement in the great working classes. In fact, the book was not written for the broad masses at all, but entirely for the intellectual leadership of the Jewish machine to guide them in world conquest."
As an amateur writer, and someone with a degree who has written literally hundreds of essays and theses, that is perfectly adequate writing. /lit/ is full of fucking pseuds and people who don't read but pretend they do.

>> No.21540918

He writes completely decently and conveys a lot of information and arguments without much effort which require no strain on the reader. He happens to be correct as well, but even if you don't think so, there's nothing at all wrong with how that's written.

>> No.21541421

midwit indicator

>> No.21541430

This is a pure meme book that is used as a video game skin. I’d be surprised if most of the anons arguing on both sides have actually read it.

>> No.21541461

I guess the mods decided that /lit/ had too little traffic so they decided to cultivate the underage atomwaffen discord kid audience lately.

>> No.21541471

Reddit:the book

>> No.21541485 [DELETED] 

>Something i dont like is Being posted why isnt the tranny janny deleting.
Honest question why havent u killed urself yet faggot?

>> No.21541489
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>mass reply
>"you're all atomwaffen because you said it's not poorly written!"
>doesn't actually bother to actually read what anyone posted
Clearly a JIDF shill. Cope, seethe, dilate Levi, YWNBAW

>> No.21541491

No arguments, no deeper understanding, stilted, inelegant, self-satisfied, incoherent. It sucks and you're a subhuman who doesn't belong on a board for readers.

>> No.21541495
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Wow, Ari discovered a thesaurus, hope it was kosher!

>> No.21541511

These people are serious readers who definitely belong on /lit/.

>> No.21541517

At this point it’s time to let go of /lit/. It is a shell of its former self and doesn’t appear to be changing any time soon. I’ve always wondered why jannies stopped doing their job in the last couple years. /pol/ threads aren’t the only problem either

>> No.21541595

>the most widely recommended and used translation is full of footnotes about how bad and dumb and silly Hitler was and how his writing is just awful.
Because it's a terrible translation, not that the source material is bad. Somehow Manheim made all these mistakes but prior translators (Reynal/Stackpole) had no trouble.

>> No.21541642

I have a copy of mein kampf and the footnotes are retarded. There is one part where Hitler says. "I excelled in history" when talking about his schooling. The footnote was simply, "He didn't." Anything positive about Hitler was responded to with a "he wasnt" or "incorrect".

>> No.21541723


>> No.21542374

Facts don't care about your feelings /pol/troon

>> No.21542421 [DELETED] 
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Then GTFO kike faggot, oh wait, that's right, you can't because you're a fucking parasite. Don't worry, your moral superiors have just the cure for that too (it's gas)

>> No.21542850

I have that edition too. You're right, the footnotes are retarded and infuriating.
>Hitler mentions reading the Greek classics
>"No he didn't, there's no proof"
>Hitler mentions doing manual labour in Vienna
>"No he didn't, there's no proof!"
Manheim genuinely comes across as a seething coin-clipper the entire time.

>> No.21542887


>> No.21542899

>People always say it's badly written, but it isn't.
This is always jews discouraging people from reading it.

>> No.21543249
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>mfw he begins speaking about his beloved Stormtroopers marching in to a city
>Only allowed in to the city if they do not march, carry flags or have music
>Hitler writes back saying he rejects their conditions and will be at the appointed party rally with the biggest fucking flag, marching and a full band
>they enter the city to a crowd of Maxists and Communists booing
>State police say we can not protect the National-Socialists
>Hitler says they can protect themselves
>march out of the rally and kick shitless all the Communists and trample them in to the ground
>march out of town to the cheers and celebration of the local town

He speaks so fondly of his beloved Stormtroopers. It is hard not to get caught up in the feeling of being there.

>> No.21543262

Agree. He should be able to spell Sneed

>> No.21543264

That's the one I have lol

Even if he tried to make it bad he didn't succeed. The book is quite readable and I already agree with Hitler so the pseudo-Jew's footnotes were just making me laugh.

>> No.21544557
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>Brotherhood and fraternity
It's something that's sorely lacking from society today. Men can't be men and men can't stand for something unless it's women's rights, black rights, asian rights, trans rights, gay rights, anything that doesn't empower men themselves or benefit men.

>> No.21544645

You’re a fucking moron
He literally says in the intro that it is NOT for the masses but for high IQ Party members

>> No.21544650

And he absolutely does goes deep into theory and history

You simply have not read it and have exposed yourself as a:
g i g a p s e u d

>> No.21544668

>It's objectively very poorly written
It's not. Read a good translation.

>boring for the most part
Maybe if you know nothing about European history

>carried only by the infamy of its author and its dark legacy
Carried by his ideas that will never die. Conclusion: OP sucks cock.

>> No.21544696

Hitler talking about his first speeches and getting the NSDAP off the ground are the best parts.

>> No.21544731

.... They're dead tho...
So? Irrelevant.

>> No.21544749

I dream of a day when books are judged by not the color of their flowery writing, but the content of their character.

>> No.21544864

> poorly written
> written
Kek you revealed yourself pseud.

>> No.21544945

> Anything positive about Hitler was responded to with a "he wasnt" or "incorrect".

Haha based. He sounds like a /lit/ regular.

>> No.21545159
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What? How? Would think it would be something like pic related.

>> No.21545182
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Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.21545215

so basically
>if it agrees with my basement dweller online neo-nazism it's good otherwise bad

>> No.21545234

Keep seething, liberal.

>> No.21546103

>is a jew
>calls others dysgenic

>> No.21546256

Kanye’s a fan.

>> No.21546293

getting a grip on who hitler was is notoriously hard. one thing most people would agree with is that hitler wasn't an idiot. he carried the NSDAP like you wouldn't believe and knew how to play into people's fears and angst.
he did that as much consciously as from his own experience in ww1 and his own sentiment about versailles and the loss.
hitler was also for the time, his background and for someone who didn't go to university rather well educated, which is by no means comparable to someone today, but still.
he was probably very intelligent, but he was also character drive, not as much as people like to put it, he was no rabid dog, but he seemingly did act in the moment and only had this intuitive guideline of what should be done, which he delegated.
unfortunately for him and fortunately for every non-germanic person, his subordinates were incompetent. rudolf hess and ribbentrop and a bunch of other figures, himmler among them. but he specifically probably wasn't the buffoon people make him out to be nowadays. the army SS, intelligence, military and secret police did work well enough and with hitlers cult of personality, like in Russia, carried the totalitarian apparatus.
rudolf hess wrote this book with his view of hitler probably never talked back or edited it properly. hitler 'dictated it' but you know that he just talked and hess did all the work. he rambled like he's described to do with his untreated ADHD and Hess typed a draft along side which both read over while jerking each other off. this was the first idea they had for a book and the first book either of them had ever written. of course it is bad. I don't want to be apologtic here but you have to see that as someone conscious of literature.
take a mediocre manuscript typed in suboptimal conditions which is never edited and you get a bad book. it's that simple. hitler never had the patience or measure required for writing a book, and his subordinates wouldn't have been able to make up for that. it

if Mann had ghostwritten mein kampf it would probably have been a good book, the object in literature is that unimportant. it's all style, structure, language and pacing. you could write about houses or rocks if you were good enough a writer.

>> No.21546326

A most interesting experience occurred when I read this in parallel to the writings of Martin Luther. His recollection of trying to convince the Jews/Judiasers is strikingly similar to what Luther had accounted.

Im don’t like Hitler, and I dislike Protestantism even more. Both are the outcome of mass stupidity, and cupidism for a nation saint/hero.

Go Orthodoxy!

>> No.21546329

Chapter 3 is pure kino and you know it.

>> No.21546337

Found the jew

>> No.21546435

Du bist ein mischrassiger Fehler, du Arschloch. Nur ein Idiot könnte so viel Zeit damit verbringen, diese Ideologie zu studieren, und doch nicht den eigentlichen Punkt erkennen.
Angelsachsen be like... oh right... there are no more Anglo Saxons, you lot exterminated yourself decades ago.

>> No.21546696 [DELETED] 

Don't care, you're a literal kike

>> No.21546722

>At that time I was still childish enough to try to make the madness of their doctrine clear to them; in my little circle I talked my tongue sore and my throat hoarse, thinking I would inevitably succeed in convincing them how ruinous their Marxist madness was;
Does he outline more explicitly the problems he finds in social democracy (liberal capitalism as practiced by modern nations?) or Marxism?

>> No.21546736

>wow, look at me guys, I speak A2-tier German, that means I get to be an Aryan just like you :)
You're not fooling anyone, Shlomo. I mean the international Yid literally speaks a dialect of High German peppered with Hebrew and Slavic loanwords

>> No.21546762

in order:
>you're retarded
>gatekeeping a congolese birdwatching forum lmao

>> No.21546804

You sack full of shit, Bot. Stop posting on this fucking forum inciting people with your fake trad agenda. TELL ZUCKERBERG HI YOU CUNT

>> No.21546901

Sure Hitler was a jew. I have normies friend who know this.

>> No.21546924

I agree. I think it’s well written but very dense and very hard to read and understand especially today outside of its context.

>> No.21546948

He goes on and on about how Austria is really part of Germany. Like, we get it, move on to something else.

>> No.21547335

lol, imagine meeting him when he was just living in Vienna. He probably talked about that all the time

>> No.21548381

learn your hitler facts jew
he ghost wrote his own biography two years before mein kampf and titled it adolf hitler: sein leben, seine reden
can easily find a copy of it by searching for the german title
anyone who wants to critique the writing of mein kampf can do so here

>> No.21548389


Okay then

> Rudolf Olden has pointed out the numerous absurdities of Hitler’s overwrought style in mein kampf. The following, for instance, is a typical Hitlerian metaphor: “He who has not himself been gripped in the clutches of this strangulating viper will never come to know its poisoned fangs.” Olden comments: “That one sentence contains more mistakes than one could correct in an entire essay. A viper has no clutches, and a snake which can coil itself around a human being has no poison fangs. Moreover, if a person is strangled by a snake, he never comes to know its fangs.”

>> No.21548402

The jew translation from 1943 is unironically the best
Rudolf Olden was a shit translator

>Yet not only in the political and intellectual sense was Vienna the center of the old Danube monarchy, but economically as well. The host of high of officers, government officials, artists, and scholars was confronted by an even greater army of workers, and side by side with aristocratic and commercial wealth dwelt dire poverty. Outside the palaces on the Ring loitered thousands of unemployed, and beneath this Via Triumphalis of old Austria dwelt the homeless in the gloom and mud of the canals.

In hardly any German city could the social question have been studied better than in Vienna. But make no mistake. This 'studying' cannot be done from lofty heights. No one who has not been seized in the jaws of this murderous viper can know its poison fangs. Otherwise nothing results but superficial chatter and false sentimentality. Both are harmful. The former because it can never penetrate to the core of the problem, the latter because it passes it by. I do not know which is more terrible: inattention to social misery such as we see every day among the majority of those who have been favored by fortune or who have risen by their own efforts, or else the snobbish, or at times tactless and obtrusive, condescension of certain women of fashion in skirts or in trousers, who 'feel for the people.' In any event, these gentry sin far more than their minds, devoid of all instinct, are capable of realizing. Consequently, and much to their own amazement, the result of their social 'efforts' is always nil, frequently, in fact, an indignant rebuff, though this, of course, is passed off as a proof of the people's ingratitude.

Such minds are most reluctant to realize that social endeavor has nothing in common with this sort of thing; that above all it can raise no claim to gratitude, since its function is not to distribute favors but to restore rights.

I was preserved from studying the social question in such a way. By drawing me within its sphere of suffering, it did not seem to invite me to 'study,' but to experience it in my own skin. It was none of its doing that the guinea pig came through the operation safe and sound.

>> No.21549496

No unfortunately. That was the most disappointing thing about this book. He opposes to the Marxist view of history a racist view, but does not go on to explain what that means. Terms like aryan race are thrown around like you are already supposed to know what he is talking about, same thing for the Jewish question (you'd expect to find some incendiary statements about the jews but you will actually find very little). That's what is frustrating the most about MK. You can get a clear idea of what Marxism is by reading Marx, but you can't understand Nazism by reading Hitler

>> No.21549510

Yes he does
Don't listen to this anon

>> No.21549521

But he doesn't. The worst he has to say about commies is how they terrorized the good Germans and wanted to stop him and how he managed to fuck them up with his boys. There is a chapter about how he wants to reorganize unions but he does not go into how this would fit in an economic contest. Same thing for bourgeousy. He critiques their weakness and cowardice, but says nothing about plutocracy and international finance aside for the fact that it's bad. And you won't find any definition of aryan race of an explanation of what the racist view of history is anywhere in the book. The only chapter that is deep and lucid enough is the one about foreign policy. He seems to know his stuff there. Most of the rest of his political talk is more or less agreeable depending on where you sit on the political spectrum, but is not really different from a political program you coild find today in any country

>> No.21549757

Who the fuck cares he wasn't a zoologist.

>> No.21549766

>/lit/-politically incorrect

>> No.21549771

It's the same thing they do with the Turner Diaries. It's uncool to like the hard natsoc stuff because it's simple and straightforward, it's what those retarded skinheads like, but you are an intellectual so you read Evola instead or something. The criticism is arbitrary: the writing in these books is B-tier, but if they were flawlessly written the intellectual hivemind would find something else to bleat about. Heil Hitler.

>> No.21549775
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What if the pol posters have always been right all along?

>> No.21549779

>but you can't understand Nazism by reading Hitler
You kind of can if you know where to look. Throughout the book there are statements which are basically the foundation of the ideology. At that point however they were not yet gatherd in a clear list or chapter but just strewn about so you really have to know where to look to understand it. Later SS works clearly translated this in 4 so called life laws which made up the ''racist worldview'' which is more accurately called a natural worldview since it is largely based on biological concepts. Hitler himsels referred to these in Mein Kampf as the eternal laws or the laws of the natural order with the term life laws being taken later from the biologist and volkist Raoul Francé (who I believe came up with it only in 1920). One SS pamphlet that is translated for example called SS Race Theory and Mate Selection Guidelines starts off naming all of them shortly (though misses a lot of the broader applications and their philosophical grounding)

As for a ''racist view of history'', there largely isn't one. Some early National Socialists like Rudolf Jung in his book National Socialism: It's Foundations, Development, and Goals and some later ones like Rosenberg still believed in the idea that at some point there was a natural racial ecology which got disturbed but there is little evidence Hitler ever believed this with it in general becoming less popular in the actual third reich. All that really matters in history is that small and weak states aren't able to protect themselves and thus become dependant on other nations protecting them or are wiped out, thus Germany must be big and strong. That's what he means when talking about kleinstaaterei of the HRE being bad. This is based on the life law of struggle and since this struggle can be done through many methods there is not one factor in history that is causing all or most of it like in Marxism, it just is.

>> No.21550187

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>> No.21550243

>you have to read between the lines
Then why is it considered like the bible for nazis? I don't even think it's bad per se. Mostly it's inelegant and clunky, and the first chapter in particular is a fucking headache (you can call it dense, I call it a mess), but most of those flaws I'd say are due to the fact that there is no structure or point to the book. Anecdotes about his rise to power are intermixed with chapters about the political program of the Nazi party with not much of anything to get out of either. There is neither a great thinker or a great Satan to be found in this book. How people are fascinated by it is beyond me
>inb4 jew
Whatever. I read the damn thing at least

>> No.21550249

to date I've seen no evidence you tards have even read anything written past 1950

>> No.21550633

>>you have to read between the lines
No. He states it pretty clearly but like I said you need to know what you are looking for. You have to know when he says something which might seem as a random comment about racial policy or war there is a good chance he is referencing what would become one of the life laws. They are just not in a clear list yet since Mein Kampf was basically the first book describing them to any extent. This was basically the birth of Hitlerist National Socialism which was far more radical then Austrian and especially more than pre-war National Socialism in certain areas. So just like the way Hitler uses the term Aryan (which is kind of annoying since especially back then the way he uses it can be a bit more ambiguous compared to later) or talks about the Jewish question, if you know the context which most people back then especially the higher ups in the party did it makes sense. If you know about the life laws which were taught in the Hitleryouth and especially prevelent in the SS (which was the elite and thus the real target demographic of the book) you can clearly see when he references them. It is not really the one and only ''Nazi bible'' but more the foundational text of Hitlerism which only the higher ups really had to fully understand because they knew the complete ideological meaning behind everything. but yeah, it can be a bit clunky overal.

>> No.21550798

the turner diaries was written after 1950

>> No.21550810

It's worth noting that no snakes strangulate, constrictors stop your blood from flowing. More than that, there are vipers which used constriction in addition to their venom. I give Olden zero points for trying to litigate the minutiae of a fucking metaphor. Nobody read that line and was confused by its meaning.

>> No.21551452

Yes, I remember him criticizing Social Democracy for the way that parliament politicians can abrogate responsibility for their actions by having dozens of people vote on it, and he disliked social democracy in general because it stood no chance against the revolutionary worldview of Marxism. He criticized Marxism for sidelining funneling worker's concerns into Jewish anarchist activities, its view of history which differed from his, and the way it undermined individual talent and dragged people to the lowest common denominator. This is just off the top of my head and there are probably a lot of points I forgot, Hitler does in fact go into details with his problems with socdem and Marxism so I'm not sure where >>21549496 is coming from.

>> No.21551459

What exactly is its “status,” you act like Mein Kampf is considered some sort of masterpiece of politics and autobiography. It’s always been little more than a curiosity

>> No.21551462
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>> No.21551466
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Ok, so what is the better developed book describing the ideology?

>> No.21551569

Idk I asked around and I usually get recommended post war literature like codrenau, which is a bit disappointing

>> No.21551587

Dalton version is very readable. Which version did you have?

>> No.21551717

From their time period? The general population mostly had to know only the application of the ideology so weren't educated as much in the full background. So writing was largely left to the SS or high up party members which of course was a far smaller group who then made mostly short books or articles. So as far as I'm aware there is not one grand overarching book covering the whole ideology. Also very few books the SS made are translated. Their economic policy also was not fully developed but if you want some from that period the 3 main books of gottfried feder are pretty close to Hitlers views. Italian Fascism actually has the same problem which is why some historians viewed it as having no clear ideology or it just being irrational, they just didn't write that much of it down. Shame National Socialism doesn't have someone who can make sense of it like A.J. Gregor did for Fascism. With the BUF it's the exact opposite. Mosley was nothing that special and of course completely failed in the end but simply by writing so many books he is still known and celebrated by some. Rockwell same thing, an unimpressive wannabe führer is known because his books are still around.

So, sorry but I can mostly just recommend more post-war stuff.
As for a clear breakdown of the life laws, one came out not too long ago which I'd say is pretty good:
National Socialism: Its Principles and Philosophy - Carlos Videla

For the economic ideology of the upper National Socialists a pretty nice short summery is:
The Nazi War Against Capitalism - Nevin Gussack

This book also is also very well done on many of Hitlers personal views:
Hitler's National Socialism - Rainer Zitelmann

If you want to know about pre-Hitlerism National Socialist ideology the first ever NatSoc book is best:
National Socialism: It's Foundations, Development, and Goals - Rudolf Jung

Much more of the books and collections of articles/short works from many party members have actually been getting translated by two publishers since last year. So maybe in 10 years or so we'll have a full ideology book be available.

>> No.21551875

Polcels are actually so sad, pls touch grass. Ur ideals are still dead BTW, LOL

>> No.21551892

So you just admitted the writing is bad? Fucking retard lmao

>> No.21551907

I never realized that the H in Hitler bounces off his hair, what an odd detail to add.

>> No.21551978

>Much more of the books and collections of articles/short works from many party members have actually been getting translated by two publishers since last year.
Which publishers?

>> No.21551986

It's a diary.

>> No.21552021

I know Antelope Hill did A New Nobility of Blood and Soil recently, a bit dry I found but reasonably interesting.

>> No.21552049

I figured they were one of the two you intended. I think Darre's work is very interesting.

>> No.21552069

Antelope Hill Publishing has done a collection of Hitler speeches, A story from Kurt Eggers, The Burning souls from Degrelle, A new Nobility of blood and soil, Conquering Berlin and A collection of three biographies of Horst Wessel. They also have a translation of the philosophy of Marx by Gentile and Speeches from Jose Antonio which is pretty nice. They are also planning on releasing an SS document called The Way of the NSDAP.

The other is Invisible Empire publishing. Their naming of books is a bit weird though. There is:
National Socialist Racial Policy - collection of works from walter Gross
National Socialist Economic Policy - the three main books from Feder
National Socialist Cultural policy by Wolfgang Schulz
Women in the Third Reich by Else Frobenius
They are also publishing SS warrior poet by Eggers in 3 parts,
Also some weird National Socialist magazine. Pretty funny though

Doubt they'll be around for long though. Their books are in low supply on Amazon already and from what I've seen they are trying to publish this time the world and the 4 volumes of the international Jew.

>> No.21552078

Hmm, I guess I'll just go with Rudolf Jung for now. Thanks.

>> No.21552124

>I started from the beginning and got a few pages in before I got bored and gave up on it

So basically you didn't read it

>> No.21552130

His second book is a post war psyop

>> No.21552153

Do not reply uncharitably to my post.

>> No.21552169

The Programme of The NSDAP, by Gottfried Feder. It is exactly what you are looking for, and was written by a founding member of the party.

Don't listen to the other guy, he's a retard.

>> No.21552259

He seemed informed, but I'll look at that one too. I'm studying economics, so books on that aspect would be interesting too.

>> No.21552464

For what it's worth, Hitler himself held it in low regard and was mildly embarrassed by it. I believe he referred to it as "fantasies behind bars"

>> No.21553411

>prince harry's new book
Prince Harry made a book? First time I'm hearing about it. Is it any good?

>> No.21553843

History of Central banking by stepehn mitford goodson is a masterful work and has a chapter dedicated to the economic systems of NS Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan.

The manifesto for the abolition of interest slavery also by Gottfried Feder is essential if you are into economics

>> No.21553919

I have never read it, but whenever someone posts excerpts they pretty based. How does it fare compared to For My Legionaries? That one is a masterpiece.

>> No.21553922 [DELETED] 

You're either a jew or a shabbos goy. Simple as.

>> No.21554703
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>How does it fare compared to For My Legionaries?
Sections, especially in the first half of Mein Kampf are similar to Codreanu's book. I believe they were also both composed in prison? May be wrong. If you like For My Legionaries, Mein Kampf is a good choice to read.

>> No.21555334

Ah, that’s good. He wasn’t completely delusional then.

>> No.21556370

Mate I literally recommended the three books from Feder but I said they simply didn't give the full picture because they really don't. Many of the ideas on private property, the way factories were run, profit regulation, and all the new laws like those of ''protection of workers honour'' weren't fully developed in that time. Other things like how to deal with passive profit they also didn't have a great practical idea for yet. Nor does it cover their reasoning behind choosing to not implement certain ideas yet or how they handeld forgein trade. Reading that just gives you a very basic understading lacking all innovation of thought and political realities they had to deal with.

>> No.21556373 [DELETED] 

Or a discord tranny

>> No.21556571

this is so ridiculously autistic

>> No.21556801

Fascism is the end goal of ALL forms of socialism, libertarians are unironically right.

>> No.21556806

>unchecked socialism
Russian famines/forced labor
Chinese famines/forced labor
>uncheck capitalism
workers riled up by communists try to destroy factories and, either, succeed or get gunned down.

>> No.21557887

>they're dead tho
>except when they're not
That level of cope is insane kek

>> No.21557893

Why do you hate Martin Luther King Jr.?

>> No.21557897
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>Libertarians are unironically right

>> No.21558008

>The talk about the 'peaceful economic' conquest of the world was possibly the greatest nonsense which has ever been exalted to be a guiding principle of state policy. What made this nonsense even worse was that its proponents did not hesitate to call upon England as a crown witness for the possibility of such an achievement. The crimes of our academic doctrine and conception of history in this connection can scarcely be made good and are only a striking proof of how many people there are who 'learn' history without understanding or even comprehending it. England, in particular, should have been recognised as the striking refutation of this theory; for no people has ever with greater brutality better prepared its economic conquests with the sword, and later ruthlessly defended them, than the English nation

>Is it not positively the distinguishing feature of British statesmanship to draw economic acquisitions from political strength, and at once to recast every gain in economic strength into political power? And what an error to believe that England is personally too much of a 'coward' to stake her own blood for her economic policy! The fact that the English people possessed no 'people's army' in no way proved the contrary'; for what matters is not the momentary military form of the fighting forces, but rather the will and determination to risk those which do exist. England has always possessed whatever armament she happened to need. She always fought with the weapons which success demanded. She fought with mercenaries as long as mercenaries sufficed; but she reached down into the precious blood of the whole nation when only such a sacrifice could bring victory; but the determination for victory, the tenacity and ruthless pursuit of this struggle, remained unchanged

>> No.21558009

>In Germany, however, the school, the press, and comic magazines cultivated a conception of the Englishman's character, and almost more so of his Empire, which inevitably led to one the most insidious delusions; for gradually everyone was infected by this nonsense, and the consequence was an underestimation for which we would have to pay most bitterly. This falsification went so deep that people became convinced that in the Englishman they faced a businessman as shrewd as personally he was unbelievably cowardly. The fact that a world empire the size of the British could not be put together by mere subterfuge and swindling was unfortunately something that never even occurred to our exalted professors of academic science. The few who raised a voice of warning were ignored or killed by silence. I remember well my comrades' look of astonishment when we faced the Tommies in person at Flanders. After the very first days of battle the conviction dawned on them that these Scotsmen did not exactly jibe with the pictures they had seen fit to give us in the comic magazines and press dispatches. It was then that I began my first reflections about the importance of the form of propaganda

>> No.21558045

Fascism's economic model is just "lol just do whatever objectively works best that you can actually control so it's not used against you" which happens to be (national) socialism in the economic context it arrived in.

>> No.21558047

>Out of all the best known books is this the least deserving of its status?
It's the least deserving of its hate.
> It's objectively very poorly written

>> No.21558067

>He who has not himself been gripped in the clutches of this strangulating viper will never come to know its poisoned fangs
Very based
>Olden comments: “That one sentence contains more mistakes than one could correct in an entire essay. A viper has no clutches, and a snake which can coil itself around a human being has no poison fangs. Moreover, if a person is strangled by a snake, he never comes to know its fangs.”
Holy pseud

>> No.21558075

Don't come back midwit

>> No.21558079

yo dis olden days nigga knows his pythons

>> No.21558193

I'll never trust Hitler to identify snakes ever again. Thanks for setting me straight on that

>> No.21558204

>More than an entire essay
>Midwit reddit pedant runs out of errors within a few sentences

This is why I hate "intellectuals", grifters, critics and journalists.

>> No.21558232

and it was dogshit

>> No.21558252
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>Stop reading books i do not like
>Stop learning about world-views i do not agree with
>Read banned books
>Read dangerous books
>No, not those ones

I am reading Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor, it is wild that this book has almost no coverage, positive or negative. It has been memory hole'd because it lays out why Germany supported National-Socialists with sources and arguments that are not variations of Hitler lied, cheated and manipulated people.

>> No.21558378

book burning is..le good?

>> No.21558924

>Those people who used to fight naked to show they did not fear death maybe aren't cowards.
Gee, thanks Hitler, who knew. Why didn't you remember that before messing with them?

>> No.21559075

Why is it Nazism explodes anywhere the system isn't actively stomping it?

>> No.21559147
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Because it will inevitably supplant the Liberal System, if not National-Socialism then an authoritarian ethnic means of organizing society. Which will probably fall under the umbrella of Fascism.

>> No.21559348
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It depends on the book

>> No.21559416
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They criticize the style but never the substance.

>> No.21559604
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Read Hitler's Revolution and you will see why everything happened as it did. We all know how terrible the Treaty of Versailles was, but what we are not aware of of was the repeated attempts by Germany to work within its confines, despite having everything taken from them. That they continued to take from Germany when it's people were starving, what is worse we find out which 'groups' profited off the war, which groups profited after the war, which groups were in a prime position to profit at the conclusion of the war.

It stops being an anti-semetic conspiracy theory when it is proven true time and time again.

>> No.21559620

Uhh no sweaty, that would be catcher in the rye.

>> No.21560065

I've always been a fan of Churchill's but ever since I first saw picrel it put a lot into perspective and hampered my view on the man. The more you read about the war and just how much the Allies despised the Germans. Why? National Socialism threatened the globalist hegemony on an existential level. Any form of Nationalism is considered bad and is stamped out or decried, and this has been practiced since the end of the First World War. It's all about uniting the globe and bringing about a unified and diverse people, even when that diversity acts more as a detriment to the host nation. National Socialism threatened this by showing just how powerful a united and proud people can be. It's a tragedy.

>> No.21560644

Hitler's War by David Irving

>> No.21561022
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If you're at all interested in history, whatever reason that may be, you should always read primary texts and sources.
Most translations I've seen that are available are intentionally bad and add in emotional cues that weren't in the original to make Hitler seem like the western caricature. Angry, yelling orator. That oratory style simply wasn't how he wrote the book.
Even if you think that Hitler is Satan for the 20th century, he was not the flamboyant and odd personality that a History Channel documentary portrays, and it was not something reflected in his writing style.
In this sense, the book isn't worth reading for a prospective history student, because the available translations are bad and filled with needless footnotes about "Hitler bad." This is equally true for a neonazi Hitler occultist who wants to be possessed by an Aryan spirit. In any case, it might be worth a read in the Stalag translation.
It deals a lot with contemporary issues to the time. But it also sheds some interesting lights on how Hitler got his ideas. Gems like this:
>In the Jew I still saw a man who was of a different religion, and, therefore, on grounds of human tolerance, I was against the idea that he should be attacked because he had a different faith.
>Consequently I considered that the tone adopted by the anti-Semitic press in Vienna was unworthy of the cultural traditions of a great people. The memory of certain events which happened in the Middle Ages came to my mind, and I felt that I should not like to see them repeated.
Not something most people, even neonazis, would expect Hitler to say. But this is why we ought to read primary sources, not projections into the past by academics.
Other than history, it's a critical text if you're interested in something Hitler was truly great at: politics. He knew how to play the game of parties and factions, unstable states and republican institutions.
>The noblest theoretical conceptions remain without purpose or value, if the leader cannot move the masses to accept them, and, conversely, what would it avail to have all the genius and verve of a leader if the intellectual theorist does not fix the aims for which mankind must struggle?
Kind of underrated in this aspect. It doesn't matter if you're a Marxist, a Neoliberal, a Paleocon, a Neonazi, it gives an insight in how a political faction forms, gestates, and succeeds (and can mantle a whole society), and how it needs a lot of tools, both theoretical and practical, to do so.

>> No.21561057
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Oh absolutely

>> No.21561067

>Angry, yelling orator. That oratory style simply wasn't how he wrote the book.
Even if you think that Hitler is Satan for the 20th century, he was not the flamboyant and odd personality
The fact that it even happened is however by our standards today pretty absurdly flamboyant. It is almost impossible to imagine a politician in the west today speaking in such a manner and receiving the kind of reaction Hitler got. It does indeed seem very very strange.

>> No.21561073

>The noblest theoretical conceptions remain without purpose or value, if the leader cannot move the masses to accept them, and, conversely, what would it avail to have all the genius and verve of a leader if the intellectual theorist does not fix the aims for which mankind must struggle?
And Jews say he was a bad writer and thinker, lol. There's more clear truth in a paragraph of Hitler than a million scribbling Jewish pens can produce in newscycles and careers

>> No.21561150

>And Jews say he was a bad writer and thinker
They hate anything and anyone that opposes them. They hate anyone who is proud of their heritage and nation. One man who is passionate and driven is stronger than a thousand who wish to corrupt and subvert.

>> No.21561314

The Principles of national socialism by Carlos Videla

>> No.21561319

Social Democracy is basically government regulated welfare state capitalism. The problem is that it destroyed itself such as the swedish social labour democrats in sweden from the 50s to 80s

>> No.21561326

Feder updated the program in 1940s before dying in the 41.

>> No.21561329

the private property was owned by the state and party.

>> No.21561331

Burning Mein Kampf = good

>> No.21561333

Minarchists Paleo Lolberts? sure.

Anarchist/Ancaps Lolberts? NO

>> No.21561660

Based, OP has been BTFO the entire thread

>> No.21561845

I actually like Hitler but he goes off on fucking rambling tangents alot and quotes himself insufferably.

It is indeed a hard read, although interesting

>> No.21562355
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The only thing that destoyed it was Democracy. In a Democracy you can not tell your voters no. A non-Democratic state can, especially one that is grounded in a Blood & Soil mentality.

No. No, it was not, why were there generous terms for home loans? Why were their generous loans for outfitting new family homes? Why was repayment in some of these loans completely waived if the family had 4 children?

The idea that Nation-Socialism had control of everything is utterly false and a lie. They were anti-marxist, people had more private property then than we do now. Farmers were mandated, by law, not to split their estates and to keep them whole when passing them on to their firstborn son.

Educate yourseld. The only time the Party stepped in was to curb excesses of big business that was harming the Volksgemeinschaft, so too were the workers prevented from harming it by strikes and protests.

It is not a difficult read, it is easily laid out and simple to understand what he meant and what his motivation was.

>> No.21563357

I'm not so sure primogeniture is a good idea though. What about the second sons? Or fourth apparently.

>> No.21563556

That was actually a common complaint from farmers back in the day. An only son didn't want to be a farmer, a daugher wanted to inherit it, they wanted to give both sons something, local inheritance customs got preference or anything like that. Also the first son could be skipped if another was deemed to be racially or morally superior. So a lot of exceptions to the law were made and it wasn't that rigorously enforced. Since the laws prevented buying, selling and mortgaging this also led to a lack of investments and industrialization of the farms which hampered food prodcution. All of this was supposed to be solved as well with lebensraum which would allow more industrialized farms to be set up in the east partially by non-inheriting sons and soldiers.

>> No.21563623

>. So a lot of exceptions to the law were made and it wasn't that rigorously enforced. Since the laws prevented buying, selling and mortgaging this also led to a lack of investments and industrialization of the farms which hampered food prodcution. All of this was supposed to be solved as well with lebensraum which would allow more industrialized farms to be set up in the east partially by non-inheriting sons and soldiers.

Ive not read anything in support of what you have said, in fact i have read the opposite with loans and funds directly available to farmer owners and rural land owners to cultivate it. They also supported them with 6 months worth of free labor for every graduating class of youths.

Can you tell me where you read what you are claiming?

Strikes me as a great way to ensure fortune and sustainable success across generations. If a non-inheriting son is unable to make something of himself post-adulthood his father was correct in not placing the family estate in his hands.

>> No.21563889

>Can you tell me where you read what you are claiming?
I read about the law and enforcement and the investment issues first in:
How Green Were the Nazis? Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich
they sourced it from: Hitler and the peasants: agrarian policy of the Third Reich, 1930-1939, p151
Who then sources two books called:
The Plough and the Swastika: The NSDAP and Agriculture in Germany 1928-45 p125-140 (a short chapter called: ''an exmanination of actual litigation under the erbhof system'')
and one I couldn't find online called:
Agrarpolitik im Dritten Reich. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit des Reichserbhofgesetzes.

Apparently there were around 24000 appeals fro 35-39 alone which gives on average a court case for 1 in every 29 Erbhöfe. Also the courts could give premission to sell parts or get a loan if the farmer would try and modernize the farm.
The part about the purpose of the settlement in the east I'm not sure. I read it either in Hitler's National Socialism by Zitelman or in the Promise of the East by Ingaro, I believe the former.

>in fact i have read the opposite with loans and funds directly available to farmer owners and rural land owners to cultivate it
Wasn't that only for the non-inheriting sons though. I believe in 38 they made a new law which required that the inheriting son gives or pays the others training so their chances of getting work and creating an estate somewhere else increased (although even that was not always required, a man whith 13 children didn't have to do this because it would be too expensive for his heir to give everyone this training). The money was also only given to non-inheriting sons I believe, up to 5000 RM per son.

>> No.21564549

What about Communism?

>> No.21564630
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A casual stroll through any black majority city in the West is all the argument against Libertarian thought.

>> No.21564813

Getting to read mein kampf And getting to see a play by play of some jew reeeeing. Almost seems comfy in the right mindset kek.

>> No.21566083

name one (1) country where Nazism was the leading ideology after 1945

the only fascist regimes that existed after '45 were those embarrassing ones propped up by the CIA and state dept, like in Chile, and even those werent explicitly Nazi.

meanwhile, literally every country in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia had an organically growing communist movement

>> No.21566135

>organically growing

>> No.21566141

>organically growing

>> No.21566146

>where Nazism was the leading ideology after 1945
>fascist regimes
Well we're not talking about fascism are we.

>> No.21566273
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>organically growing
Top kek.
After '45 Nationalism was shunned by the international community. It showed the globalists just how much of a threat a unified and focused can be. It's why now whenever any country so much as has a whiff of Nationalism about it it gets slammed by every Tom, Dick, and Harry from the WEF to the UN to whatever other Alphabet Soup Group is out there. Shit, they're even lambasting Japan at the moment and trying to get them to let in the beastial hordes.

>> No.21567272

>not a single person has posted an excerpt from the book to make their point

>> No.21567286

The more I debated with them the more familiar I became with their argumentative tactics. At the outset they
counted upon the stupidity of their opponents, but when they got so entangled that they could not find a way
out they played the trick of acting as innocent simpletons. Should they fail, in spite of their tricks of logic,
they acted as if they could not understand the counter arguments and bolted away to another field of
discussion. They would lay down truisms and platitudes; and, if you accepted these, then they were applied to
other problems and matters of an essentially different nature from the original theme. If you faced them with
this point they would escape again, and you could not bring them to make any precise statement. Whenever
one tried to get a firm grip on any of these apostles one’s hand grasped only jelly and slime which slipped
through the fingers and combined again into a solid mass a moment afterwards. If your adversary felt forced
to give in to your argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had
gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. The Jew would be utterly oblivious to
what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if
nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday’s defeat, he pretended
astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his
statements were correct. Sometimes I was dumbfounded. I do not know what amazed me the more – the
abundance of their verbiage or the artful way in which they dressed up their falsehoods. I gradually came to
hate them.

>> No.21567362

Is there a good English translation from before WW2?

>> No.21567527

No. The best, unmolested translation is the Ford translation. Id recommend it.

>> No.21567538

Many such cases. The one guy had the Jewish review about Hitler misdescribing exactly how snakes actually technically kill things
>stupid hitler doesn't even know snakes pretty much dont mess with humans at all

>> No.21567555

The Stalag edition is the only officially authorized and published english translation ever issued by the Nazi party

>> No.21567611

Murphy as well sort of. Though the translation is kind of bad it was commisioned and finished while he worked for the German propaganda ministry. The release was just scrapped when things got a bit more tense round 38. He still released it without premission but it was given the okay by the German government after. It was also the version they planned on distributing to the English if sealion succeded.

>> No.21568609

>>21567272 See:
You fucking retard.

>> No.21568653

>Tempted to pull out my copy and start dropping examples. I thought the writing was perfectly adequate. This is from Page 320 of the Ford translation:
>the other two posts don't express any negative opinion of the passages quoted
uh oh, someone's a retard

>> No.21568665

>Three examples of passages from the book
>Uh oh someone said the writing is perfectly adequate after posting an example, what a fucking retard
Are you fucked in the head mate? Were you dropped as a baby?

>> No.21568668

read the post I originally replied to you fucking dumbass

>> No.21568701

>Point out a few badly written parts. People always say it's badly written, but it isn't.
>not a single person has posted an excerpt from the book to make their point
>Excerpts all throughout the thread making the point that the writing isn't bad
>B-b-b-b-but you're the retard!
You're either a bad troll or you're fucking Jewish or you're just the biggest fucking window-licker going. My guess is all three.

>> No.21568706

he was asking for examples of bad writing you fucking illiterate what the fuck is your problem

>> No.21568713

Because there are none you fucking autismo cock goblin.

>> No.21568715

that's obviously my point dummy

>> No.21568719


>> No.21568750

Well fuck it, my bad for misinterpreting. Used to retards all throughout these threads screeching about how bad it is without justifying it. Just assumed oldmate was another one of these faggots. Easy to misinterpret.

>> No.21568755

all good my guy

>> No.21568761

Didn't mean to call you an autismo cock goblin either.

>> No.21568792
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>> No.21568796

I thought it was funny
also half of the replies agreed that his writing was good so you can have that

>> No.21568828
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>> No.21568896

This is the only book I know where the author regrets writing it and the sequel was made by someone else

>> No.21569091

The most notoriously bad book in recent history. So disgusting at one part that it feels inappropriate to quote it even on 4chan. Basically overshares way too much about his sex life, drug use, throwing his family under the bus, and most of all the worst part which is about something he puts on his balls reminding him of Diana. Not making that up give it a search.

>> No.21569129

Once upon a time Harry would have had his noggin put on a pike for a quarter of the shit he's said and done. Sad how times have changed.

>> No.21569142


Holy shit, I didn't have any skin in the game but this quote made me a firm believer that Mein Kampf is overall solid writing, if a bit overwrought.

>> No.21571001

Hitler be like doe jews bad?

>> No.21571058
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Here's to a thousand day thread!

>> No.21572116

Some shitass jannie banned me for this so I must reiterate that all jews should be gassed out of a place of moral righteousness and that the great anti-jewish revolution is nigh

>> No.21572597
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>mein kampf
600 pages of rambling and narcissism. Do it have some good points yes but it really needed a better editor.

>> No.21572603


>> No.21572829

He doesn't really talk about them much. I was surprised.

>> No.21572851

dark academia: the book

>> No.21573440


Just popping in to say that I love Hitler. Thanks for reading.

>> No.21573470


I noticed in my copy that they were only able to run those footnotes in the first 20 pages or so, as the only things they could dispute were Hitler's recollections of his early childhood.

>> No.21573647
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>> No.21573730

This is what happens when you repress the hitlerites instead of genuinely criticizing them. Any actual "battle" against fascism requires actual intellektual engagement.

Socialists need to be better and work harder, instead of just retardedly insulting them, which in the context of a 4chan board, only moves to another thread, rather than actually battling the people you disagree with. In practice, liberalism and fascism both advocate capitalist interests, they mostly differ in the manner in which they express them, liberalism with a more relaxed hegemony and fascism with brutal militarism and nationalism.

Good night bros, just wanted to say that to any lurkers and posters that wanted to engage in discourse. Also, a lot of people and forget that although, he was indeed responsible very directly with the murder of millions of people, he was a product of the resentment of the german people against the demanda made by the allies. The WW1 reparations were only just repayed in 2010 kind you. This in fact does not justify so much murder though, such a massive war couldve been prevented with more intelligence, and Hitler should be criticized thoroughly for causing conflict with the most developed nations of the world. The other European powers very similar things to what the Nazis did during the colonization; the difference was of course that one was perpetrated against Europeans and a nation that posee a thread. I'm so fucking tired good night anyways.

>> No.21574210

>This is what happens when you repress the hitlerites instead of genuinely criticizing them. Any actual "battle" against fascism requires actual intellektual engagement.
Let's be real. If fascism was a legitimate option in the table for people, at least tree fourth of the population would vote for it. To protect democracy, we must censor fascism. There is simply no other option.

>> No.21574442
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>To protect Manorialism we must censor Feudalism
>Democracy is only a Democracy if we vote the way i want people to.

Embrace change anon, Democracy has not worked. All the progress we have made has been inspite of democracy and mass voting, not because of it. Fascism and National-Socialism, or a localized form of it, is coming to the West. The material conditions are perfect for it.

>> No.21574662
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I agree. Democracy and all its facets have proven to be an utter disaster for the West and was a blanket that allowed for the rot to seep in and spread. We cannot continue on the path we currently tread, nor do I think people want to. People are waking up to what is happening, at least I have hope they are. I see it more and more every day talking to people through my line of work. Give it time and the dam will reach its breaking point and the guillotine will fall on the heads of the corrupters. I have faith.

>> No.21575112

>fascism both advocate capitalist interests
First of we are still talking about National Socialism not fascism.
Secondly. How exactly do you see functionally nationalizing all factories and not letting the ''owners'' spend the profit freely but instead were forced put it back into the factory or give it to charity. The big issue with you people is not that you don't criticize it enough because you certainly try. It's just you have no idea what you are talking about and always fall back on completely wrong dogma.

>> No.21575421
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pure self expression is good.

Peoples thoughts are their thoughts.
All is a thought.

I love his quote: words create bridges to unexplored worlds.

>> No.21576388

You retarded nufag

>> No.21577322
