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21539254 No.21539254 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he like Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Islamic culture so much?

>> No.21539266

He didn't

>> No.21539268

Because he liked exoticism.

>> No.21539283

In his book review to Arthur Waley's translation of the Tale of Genji, he explicitly denies this.
>This version may be characterized as a classic: it is written with an almost miraculous naturalness, and what interests us is not the exoticism—that horrible word—but rather the human passions of the novel.

>> No.21539356

Exactly this, you took the words out of my mouth.

>> No.21539357

Why not? There's a lot to like in those literatures and he was a connoisseur. I hope you're not a /pol/tard.

>> No.21539415

i-is that a labyrinth?...

>> No.21539538

As far as I know, he's the only western writer who is so fascinated by the Orient

>> No.21539559

>As far as I know
How many Western writers have you read? Three? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orientalism

>> No.21539573

White people have no culture, so it's very exciting for them to see it.

>> No.21539583

American moment. I bet you're a negro.

>> No.21540063

He was latino, not western.

>> No.21540069

He was latino, not white.

>> No.21540078

Latin America is part of the West.
Latino is not a race.

>> No.21540220

nigger hand wrote that

>> No.21540276

Borges self-identified as white

>> No.21540300

Its less the countries specifically, as much as it were the ideas he took from the religions of those countries.
From buddhism, he was very clearly fascinated with the concept of reincanration.
From Islam he liked the idea of an all encompassing singular God.

>> No.21540303

They were trending and he was a dilettante.

>> No.21540309


>> No.21540444

>"finding myself" dead egger wine aunt
The male version, but intellectual travelogues in a pre-digital age where this was still remarkable and could be passably laundered to prospective belletrist 'peers'. Or, "It's not Euro-Orientalist pap if a simian Argie does it."

>> No.21540460

Funny, the only person I've found irl that liked Borges was a middle aged Colombian woman that was super into flaky new age shit & Freud

>> No.21540517

he didn't; stop reading translations, prologues and introductions

>> No.21540524
File: 31 KB, 499x442, 1633511243397 hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From Islam he liked the idea of an all encompassing singular God.
the muslim god is the same god as the christian one

>> No.21540552

Yeah I just meant he liked how the God in Islam unlike in Christianity is more strictly monotheistic. An all encompassing oneness. I could be wrong but pretty sure there isn't a triinity like in Christianity.
Wasn't trying to start a flamewar with Christians.