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/lit/ - Literature

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21538915 No.21538915 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books and writers you will never read out of spite for their shills on /lit/.

>> No.21538934

Guenon, Mishima, Pessoa, Maturin

>> No.21538940

Why not?

>> No.21538941

if an author has even ONE result when I search their name on warosu I am NOT reading them

>> No.21538954

in my opinion guenon posters are incapable of understanding nuance and their misreading of ancient authors is disgusting
I hate whiny faggots
he looks like a faggot

>> No.21538960

100% correct good job

>> No.21538967

>using warosu

>> No.21539064
File: 90 KB, 640x834, Maturin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogged by /ourguy/ maturin

>> No.21539086

How did he look like that at 39 years

>> No.21539144

F Gardner

>> No.21539187

huguenot genetics

>> No.21539549

I'm an English"man" and it hasn't been translated into Arabic yet

>> No.21539675

Seconding Guenon. Shan't be reading anything he's ever written.

>> No.21539689


>> No.21539718

Warosu is the best one by far.

>> No.21539784

the bulk of the canon
minor classics are more fun and interesting to read