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21534960 No.21534960 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel obligated to go to war? It feels like so many great writers spent part of their life fighting and participating in great battles. Meanwhile, here I am wasting away in front of a computer screen when I could be off doing something brave, noble, or heroic. Maybe I've just been feeling especially restless lately.

>> No.21534967

I feel as though I was meant to be a writer of things I've witnessed, but have witnessed nothing and thus have nothing to write about.

>> No.21534974

There's plenty of wars on, go join one.

>> No.21535010

Go OD on Austro-Prussian cocaine in an army hospital like Trakl.

How do you even type something like the OP's post without shrinking up in embarrassment at your own ridiculousness.

We all have juvenile fantasies but at least make them original and with less of the stench of the video-game life you supposedly want to escape. Go sign up for a Lord Jim voyage or something. Become a merchant-navy boy. Feel the breeze on your face.

>> No.21535055

i am lifting, running, doing pull ups and living on nothing but boiled eggs and protein shakes in order to join the french foreign legion later this year, so i have a few thoughts about it

basically as a peon/grunt, you are never going to benefit from it, war has no benefit for 99% of population, few politicians and generals may benefit for it but its a tragedy for humanity as a whole
as a job, it is somehow a fundamental human trade, it seems quite safe when you analyze commandos and professional units, quite unsafe for untrained conscripts and convicts, with proper financing, professional commands, doctrines backed by proper engineering, armed combat doesnt have to be chaotic slaughter and most engagements last for 30 seconds
so its basically a 'real job', its not like netflix which recently lost 70% of value, in a world full of fake economy and welfare jobs, being a professional soldier who can parachute jump is a legitimate skill, i believe the number of legitimately skilled people is decreasing in the world

also the lifestyle, the physicality of it, mentality, it is how you are supposed to live, what you are programmed for by hormones and evolution, its the original default
so there could be a lot of joy in it, living 5 years as a soldier might make you happier than living 50 as an office worker, its not normal to walk on eggshells and worry about microaggressions, its not normal to spend life babysitting excel file and pretending you are working, its not normal to have a 25 year old female boss with feminism degree, its not normal to go to corporate parties and pretend you want to be there, a soldier isnt going to ask for rope climbing to be cancelled because a female with diabetes doesnt have upper body strength to do it, i just feel like whole society is colonized by this 'cancel rope climbing' sentiment while as a soldier you are in the precious few who are spared

also, during iraq invasion, average guy who jumped with a parachute before could make 3000$ a day, that's right, A DAY, because they needed mercenaries
you could argue such times are returning
not a single global news mentioned covid in 2019
no one mentioned ukraine in 2020
biggest news dominating the year, not one person saw it coming

you can go pursuing your soundcloud rapper, special pretty princess, published author, tiktok influencer 'career', but why not having soldiering skills as a back up?
people without a back up are not gonna make it, if a big war happens, its the civilians who will be drafted into penal battalions and women into prostitution, meanwhile professional soldiers will be relatively safe, look it up, ww2, civilians were main casualties

>> No.21535059

I want to send a robot army to wage war against humanity someday
still waiting to win the lotto

>> No.21535078

>no one mentioned ukraine in 2020
>biggest news dominating the year, not one person saw it coming
Everyone interested in fopo have seen this coming since 2014. This couldve all been avoided

>> No.21535151

ukraine didnt dominate the news cycle in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 etc etc
i mean the proof is in the fact that cia analysts were supposed to tell pentagon to produce soviet era migs that ukrainians were trained on in the fucking 2016 and deliver a few by 2021 or whatever
and the country was supposed to have hardened airbases that could launch them from its own territory

but that's a side point
the point is that entire society is a bubble, and that we are all collectively terrible at predicting these bubbles
and when the society bubble bursts like netflix losing 70% of value, any male who doesnt have diabetes and served a few years as a professional infantryman is going to be at least semi valuable

that's all im saying
dot com bubble didnt dominate the news a year before it happened, neither did covid, neither did 2008 crash, neither did anyone send any tanks to ukraine a year before

people are retards, and being a soldier is one of the non retarded things you can do, simple as
its by far not the most optimal choice, im only doing it because i fucked up most of my 20ies, but its an alright choice in society where 80% of choices are extremely fucking retarded

>> No.21535317

Only big one I can think of right now is Ukraine, and they only take western volunteers if they already have military experience afaik.

>> No.21535373

>Only big one I can think of right now is Ukraine
do americans really?

>> No.21535380

they need more then just soldiers anon

go be an ambulance driver like hemingway

>> No.21535381

what other wars besides sandniggers, seaniggers, or regular niggers taking turns manually genociding each other?

>> No.21535382

well it looks like you have a very specific definition of what a war is.

>> No.21535383

>exit vehicle
>get shot
>lose your legs

Don't be delusional OP

>> No.21535394
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>people are retards, and being a soldier is one of the non retarded things you can do, simple as
Lmao Even.
Who's gonne tell him bros...

>> No.21535424

you dont understand
less than 3% of american military has infantry mos, and less than 1% of it saw any combat
i am not talking about the welfare queens camouflaged for their office jobs
i am not talking about people building roads and hospitals in somalia and afghanistan, that's not soldiering

i am talking about commando type units who work in small groups, have their own separate command, do not require babysitter officers to tell them when to wake up and when to eat, and who have authority to call air strikes, and who can retire into chiefs of security for corporate billionaires instead of peeling potatoes and shining shoes for minwage until death

>> No.21535489

The honorable warrior image inside your head is dead since centuries. You will be a pawn in the hands of pants on head retarded bureaucratic monstrosities that lost any semblance of human touch long ago. Your minister of defence, the head of your entire army will be a soulless bureaucrat who simply didn't get the more prestigious seat as minister or finance or whatever else he might have aspired to.
You have no real reason to kill those you find on the battlefield besides insidious foreign policy plots that resolve around cheap resource acquisition. And even if you are a highly trained commando, you will just be a highly trained tool fulfilling the same task as the overweight dronepilot in your home base.
>you dont understand
I do understand. I served my countries military a good 10 years ago. Maybe not as a great warrior on the frontlines but I know about the camaraderie and everything. It's an awesome thing to be part of. But it's an empty shell and at the end of your service so will be you because the state has taken everything from you.

But you will probably find your own path somewhere, so good luck. Maybe you'll find that shred of humanity inside the apparatus.

>> No.21535498

I think I have an aggressive personality type that has no outlet in the modern world, other than constantly getting into arguments on the internet.

>> No.21535539

I honestly looked into that but I couldn't really find anything substantial.

>> No.21535558

my options are that, serving fast food or being an office drone
its all equally minwage and hopeless, but i seriously cant imagine there is more meaning in any civil job i can get at the moment
at least the french legion says it fights for itself and its oath is to itself, i am not a ceremonial person and i dont really care lol, they have 2 commando units over there and i might as well keep myself occupied trying to get into 1 for the next 10 years, being paid to do pull ups beat serving fast food and watching tv

>> No.21535562

What are you talking about? Being a virgin incel is braver than any soldier.

>> No.21535814

There's something inherently human about engaging in conflict if it means protecting your tribe or ensuring the continued prosperity of your tribe. However, as has been the case for the past century and a half, modern conflicts are not really wars since all "wars" now are manufactured and closely managed, and at best can be described as grandiose money funneling.

>> No.21535841

Perhaps you want to be in a 'noble' war or want an outlet where violence can be used to change the world, otherwise there are plenty of places in the world where wars are being fought?

>> No.21536433

Most novels I've read have been protagonists who witness other creative go off to war just to die or be irrepably damaged.
Ham on Rye
The Sun Also Rises
You just have no sense of purpose and are letting your mind wander to unreasonable places. Enlist if you dare, but you'll be trained to be a warrior, not a writer. Also before you do that, read Jarhead.
Also obligatory
>dying for israel

>> No.21536488

The French Foreign Legion sucks. If you're physically fit and American join the Army, the Army is desperate for new recruits right now and will pay you more than the Legion will, for (relatively) better conditions as well.

>> No.21536533

lol keep telling yourself that. Any genuinely violent people are in jail. You’re just a pussy with emotional issues.

>> No.21536549

>$3000 a day

Footballers make more

>> No.21536556

Most people in prison lack foreplaning or impulse control. That's different. I have no desire to steal a car, and get buggered for three years. I also have enough moral inclination not to want to victimise people, but there's still that certain something inside of me that wants a challenge.

>> No.21536648

That's $780,000 per year with weekends and holidays. That's really, really good money. The average neurosurgeon in the United States makes $650k, and those guys have to take on 8 years of school first and six-figure student loan debt. If someone offered you that to be a professional ass-licker I bet you would take that offer, and not just because you already do that for free.

>> No.21536765

Nah, not with the all timers patient in the oval office. Plus im too old and autistic anyways. I applied for selective service in 2003 and I think I dodged a bullet, in more ways than one

>> No.21536939

There's plenty of wars on, go join one

>> No.21536946

why are postmodern zoomers so obsessed with some "aesthetic ideal" of warfare then talk about wanting to go help some third world shithole when all countries practice the exact same form of grueling anti-human anti-honor warfare they claim to despise? i mean i would fight in the inevitable civil war if given the chance but fuck war for its own sake is truly autistic.
lol cope, the american army is full of trannies and women.

>> No.21536960

he's right, but keep coping if you feel better about yourself that way

>> No.21537068

>Anyone else feel obligated to go to war?
What the actual fuck
>Meanwhile, here I am wasting away in front of a computer screen when I could be off doing something brave, noble, or heroic.
So, going to war is brave, noble, and heroic? Didn't know that. Well, carry on.

>> No.21537074

Take up boxing or something. Or judo to avoid all the brain damage. A competitive, physical pursuit can be a good outlet. You have unspent competitive energy that just goes into arguing bullshit with complete strangers. Not healthy.

>> No.21538060
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>itt: embarrassed cowards trying to convince a young man that his natural inclination towards taking masculine actions is ackshually just a LARP

>> No.21538113
File: 1.20 MB, 1024x1024, 052252870893254High_quality_photograph_of_Gigachad_sitting_down_with_a_Laptop_at_a_city_cafe_Smiling_Aviator_sunglasses_8k_clear_high_reso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just you incel. The only thing I feel obligated to do is continue thid never ending act of spreading my white boy seed in as many brown girl wombs.

>> No.21538158
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 90ed84866fa97500efce958b3861b03bbdba8312r1-932-820v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you go wander city streets at night?

>> No.21538163

He's seeking the chance for individuation and personal glory that once came from young men going off to battle. That world is no longer though (if it ever was), so he's basically a Quixote type.

>> No.21538164

i used to do that, yeah.

>> No.21538889

I know the feel. My ancestors embarked on grand adventures in the Indian Ocean as they stablished a vast global empire. Meanwhile I sit in my room drinking wine and reading about said adventures.
I don't think joining the army and fighting in modern wars can compare though, it's a lost era which will never come back.

>> No.21538910
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>being a soldier is one of the non retarded things you can do