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File: 502 KB, 1700x897, Urban Decay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21532920 No.21532920 [Reply] [Original]

Urban Decay Edition

Previous Thread:>>21522985

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21532962
File: 373 KB, 533x800, cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK he is good.

>> No.21532967

Peridio Street Station was arse and never read anything else from him.

>> No.21532974

He looks like a guardian-reading cuck.

>> No.21532979 [DELETED] 

Well, he is a marxist and his narratives often have women le rebelling against caricatures of le patriarchy.

>> No.21532984

Wrong. Also try the City and the City. Way more restrained and less fantastical and all over the place.
Arms too big for that desu
No they dont. Crazy how insecure some chuds are as soon as a woman talks in a book

>> No.21532995

I dropped Stormlight after Oathbringer. Is RoW any less insufferably slow and full of pointless B-plots? Does the main cast get any less bland?

>> No.21532997

No, it all stays this bland.

>> No.21533007

Why is oathbringer such a brainlet filter? It's almost GotM tier.

>> No.21533018

Because it's objectively a shit book but has enough slop to appeal to common denominator brainlets who will defensively claim it's better than it is to protect their egos.

>> No.21533029

>comparing OB to GotM
Sanderson shills have truly lost the plot.

>> No.21533052

>Also try the City and the City.
I certainly won't. If his second most popular novel was bad, his best certainly isn't that >>21532984
>No they dont.
Yes they do. It's the whole backstory and character arc of the bug woman the protagonist is fucking.

>> No.21533061

>Bug woman comes from a species where literally only women can think and act properly
Jesus christ.

>> No.21533062

>Arms too big for that desu
That's what cucks do - they smash arm day and put a hard expression on their face to try (fruitlessly) to conceal their cuckery.

>> No.21533067

Post arm

>> No.21533074 [DELETED] 

Yes. He's a dumb leftist and having nonsensical opinions and concept is to be expected.

>> No.21533127

Terry Dowling worth a read?

>> No.21533133

>Terry Dowling
No idea, but I'm sceptical of australians.
Superlumirary by John C. Wright was an incredible ride of scale and imagination, but also great pulp about planet system sized armadas led by human demigods in a struggle against galaxy ruling space vampires. Highly recommended, not sure why it didn't get more attention.

>> No.21533138

Unironically: Declassified Cold-War era documents from the American government.
>Russia was worried about weaponized sattelites, nukes and kinetic bombardment are the two big worries
>CIA had spies in Russian intelligence
>One Russian countermeasure reported back was the Puddle Nuke
>Create a shaft roughly a kilometer deep and a few dozen meters wide
>Line it with a lot of Cement, and fill it half-way with water
>Suspend a warhead at the bottom of the shaft, then cap the shaft with Copper
>Detonate the nuke
>the water expands explosively
>The Copper cap is superheated and ejected so fast it immediately skips past liquid and becomes plasma, and exits the atmosphere at a full digit percentage of the speed of light

>> No.21533207

I'd like to see some calculations backing that up because a slug of plasma is just going to dissipate into a useless cloud.

>> No.21533220
File: 88 KB, 604x453, url(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker is King

>> No.21533237
File: 64 KB, 960x681, 1501377571389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a picture as hint and let others guess the fantasy novel you mean. Ill start

>> No.21533248

Look like something by Bakker.

>> No.21533253 [DELETED] 

Based and truth pilled. If you want to know if a man is a cuck or not look at what he drives, what he eats, what he owns, and how he votes.

Plenty of weak gym bodies built on soi protein, same shit as a boob job.

What does he drive? Alpha has a truck most likely, maybe more off-road style SUVs.

What does he eat? Meat, no vegan save the planet hysterics. An alpha, like his ancestors, is a predator.

What does he own? Guns. Gym muscles won't mean shit when the war comes, commies who hate guns will all meet the same fate.

How does he vote? This is the easiest one to sum up and obvious.

>> No.21533259

Conphas four minutes into having tested the Most Violent of All Men.

>> No.21533270
File: 155 KB, 880x989, vooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alpha doesn't vote.

>> No.21533323 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1024x682, 1660520061399028m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's worth voting just so that the evidence of rigging is even more overwhelming, but yes, we shall vote with our might.

Weak men made hard times. Strong men will make good times again.

>> No.21533328
File: 1.39 MB, 3556x2667, GettyImages-1211395473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soi-fi writers tend to be libs unfortunately and never account for the risk that the citizen soldier poses to the Brave New World Order. That's why I plan on writing non-pozzed sci-fi as an inspiration.

>> No.21533335

Any other good novels from Liu Cixin? I've only read his 3BP trilogy and really enjoyed it but haven't kept up with the rest.

>> No.21533347

Post arm

>> No.21533351

>plan on writing
Lmao rightards are so far off the mark that creating a powerfantasy is their powerfantasy. Fucking faggot, go kill your mayor or something you weak dipshit

>> No.21533484
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did post arms. We have the type of "arms" that actually matter dumbass.

>> No.21533512 [DELETED] 

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA a fat boomer, a dyel and a ginger! Could you be more lame you faggot?

>> No.21533586

>The Copper cap is superheated and ejected so fast it immediately skips past liquid and becomes plasma, and exits the atmosphere at a full digit percentage of the speed of light
For what reason?

>> No.21533619
File: 43 KB, 300x400, {0AFF96FD-98A1-4636-A877-303755BB9258}IMG400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other ones aren't nearly as good except for maybe "The Wandering Earth".

>> No.21533637
File: 51 KB, 332x500, Tigana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone familiar with Tigana help me out?
I'm going through the audiobook, but there's a word that I can't figure out. And try as I might to google it, nothing comes up. I'm afraid I don't know how it's spelled, because again, audiobook.

So there's this drink that gets referenced a lot. Pretty much mentioned every chapter. I suspect it might be some kind of coffee, or tea. As it's referred to as a drink people boil in pots. Attempting to spell it out, I would go with "Caff" of "Cav" or Kaf" of "Kov". The narrator is very British, so the A sound is a very pronounced "ah".

Can anyone tell me how it's ACTUALLY spelled? Or even what it is.(assuming it's not a spoiler to know)

>> No.21533646

Nigger just download a copy of it. I'm not going to be checking it out for you. Go to fucking libgen yourself and download it.

>> No.21533662

Why can't scifi authors write proper romance?

>> No.21533677

Why would you want romance in your sci-fi?

>> No.21533679

I read half of Tigana a few months ago, I know what you mean. It's just fantasy coffee, don't worry about it.

>> No.21533680

interspecies relationships are interesting

>> No.21533710

I agree about Perdido but >>21532984 is right.

>> No.21533712

I assume someone has read it. As every time I ask for a book recommendation, I get yelled at to check the mega link. So I went and looked in the mega link and found Tigana. But when I actually want to *talk* about Tigana, and what I think is a pretty humorous linguistic matter, you thread-bums who never read anything other than Sanderson and Bakker want to act like you're big brained dick swingers. You always want to say something when you have nothing to offer.

Thank you.

>> No.21533716

Fuck off furfag

>> No.21533742 [DELETED] 

Literally do it yourself nigger. It is not difficult. Why is it so important to you to get an answer on fantasy coffe from here, when you can just check it out yourself in 2 minutes of effort? You can go to libgen right now and do it.
The reason people don't talk about Tigana is that few have read it. I have and it is not good enough to bring up often or bad enough to trash talk. It's an okay read. Nothing incredibly noteworthy about it, but it's much better than Bakker and Sanderson.

>> No.21533746

Might end it all lads

>> No.21533755

Dont. Whats wrong?

>> No.21533758

who said anything about fur, stop projecting, furfag.

>> No.21533760

Nigger, you came in here and asked other people to download a book and copypaste a word for you.
I don't read GGK but Tigana is brought up probably every 1 in 3 threads.

>> No.21533820 [DELETED] 


>> No.21533832

Now where is the fun in that? Why even come here, if I can get everything from somewhere else. I don't need you guys for book recommendations. I don't need you guys for book reviews. I don't need you guys as an information source. I don't even need you guys for your opinions. There are many other places to get all these things. So why would I post here at all? You tell me that.

I literally start the post with "Can someone familiar with Tigana help me out?"
If that doesn't apply to you, then just fucking ignore my post. No on is asking you to do anything except recall from your memory. If you don't have the word in your memory, then why are you replying to me? Because all you do is hang out in /sffg/ all day, and you feel compelled to post, despite having nothing to offer to the conversation. Back to your bus bench, thread bum.

>> No.21533845 [DELETED] 

>So why would I post here at all? You tell me that.
You obviously shouldn't. You aren't even trying to talk about Tigana, you are asking us to spooneed you a trivial piece of information. Where is the fun in asking people to check a word for you because you can't invest 2 minutes of effort yourself?
>If that doesn't apply to you, then just fucking ignore my post.
We all did ignore you the first time. Then you copypased your own comment and posted it again. Which is why the second time around I called you a nigger.

>> No.21533869

>We all did ignore you the first time.
If only that were true. You left snide remarks the first time. A couple of you were funny, granted. But a couple of you were just being little weaselly know-it-alls.

>Tigana is brought up probably every 1 in 3 threads.
>Then you copypased your own comment and posted it again.
Huh. It's almost like I was waiting for the dudes who actually know the book to arrive. It's almost like the chances of me getting an answer in one thread is slim, so I should try multiple threads.

>Where is the fun in asking people to check a word for you
If you don't know the word, then you don't have to check. Why do you feel obligated to participate in a conversation that you don't know anything about?

>You aren't even trying to talk about Tigana
I find the difference between text and spoken word interesting. I brought the matter to the thread so that you might be amused by the difference. But because you have a stick up your ass, you got butthurt instead.
I also saw it as a chance to open the dialogue between the pronunciation of words. I thought that perhaps it was a real word being mispronounced. Maybe it's just "cafe", but pronounced without the E on the end. Wouldn't that be interesting to note how cafe is pronounced in different regions?

It also opens up the idea of how fantasy words are developed. Why create a fantasy name for what is basically coffee? They don't have a fantasy word for sword. Sword is sword. But coffee is what? Caff? Caav?(I still don't know how it's spelled) Why do that with that one thing? And why make the fantasy word so similar to the real life word?

>> No.21533877

>I also saw it as a chance to open the dialogue between the pronunciation of words. I thought that perhaps it was a real word being mispronounced. Maybe it's just "cafe", but pronounced without the E on the end. Wouldn't that be interesting to note how cafe is pronounced in different regions?
>It also opens up the idea of how fantasy words are developed. Why create a fantasy name for what is basically coffee? They don't have a fantasy word for sword. Sword is sword. But coffee is what? Caff? Caav?(I still don't know how it's spelled) Why do that with that one thing? And why make the fantasy word so similar to the real life word?
So, now that you understand that you failed, why not consider doing that in the first place instead of asking for something which is bound to only get you called a nigger?

>> No.21533898 [DELETED] 

>Lazes in threads all day
>Never contributes anything, only knows how to complain.
>Interprets participation in the thread as "work."
>Disproportionately aggressive.
>Doesn't actually listen to what he's told, and repeats the same inane insults.
hmmmm... Need I say more?

>> No.21533902 [DELETED] 


>> No.21533925
File: 118 KB, 768x1037, dungeon-crawler-carl-768x1037-2361259191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it a try. Better than the cover and the summary implies.

>> No.21533934

>Better than the cover and the summary implies.
It would have to be a lot better than the cover implies for me to check it out.

>> No.21533946

I feel bad for these fanfic authors that have to make do with shitty covers that they had to pay for, when just a few years later they could have had an AI generate something that didn't instantly turn off anyone with taste.

>> No.21533976

It's considered the king of litRPG at the moment due to the writing quality , the humor and the worldbuilding.

I'm confident that people here will like it too , that's the reason why I'm fanboy-promoting it every now and then.

>> No.21533994

The humour honestly isn't the main draw so much as the fact that the humour is used to contrast with how utterly fucked the situation and only a scant few characters really seem to take it as seriously as they should be, the protagonist among them.

>> No.21534000

What the hell is litRPG even?

>> No.21534006

A subgenre of gamelit, which functionally is books that have in-universe game-like mechanics. LitRPG is specifically it being like an RPG, sometimes being closer to tabletop stuff, sometimes being stricter and more video game-like. There's a variety of justifications for it in-universe depending, in DCC it's explicitly a fake abstraction of some nanotech nonsense because the entire deal is functionally a game show that humanity's forced into to try and potentially win back Earth. They outright say that the magic isn't really magic, just technology so advanced that to humans it may as well be.

>> No.21534018

>still no DCC 6 release date
>probably half-70% as many chapters currently than DCC 5
It's going to be a while. I hope another administrator gets doinked out of existence.

>> No.21534021

Still a little odd that they framed that first one like Carl was absolutely gonna take down more and then it just sort of never happens at all and it's revealed that quite a few have already died to other Crawlers.

>> No.21534028 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 786x1024, 1661106857400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's considered the king of litRPG at the moment

>> No.21534037

Was it quite a few? I thought it was less than 10 or so.
I wish a Cultivating Carl series existed. I can see Carl just punching young arrogant Juniors mid-sentence and offending every sect possible.

>> No.21534043

I'm sure there's "cultivation story but the protagonist is just constantly seething at the state of the world and society". One I'm reading right now is KIND of like that, but it's nowhere near as good as DCC. Buryoku it's called. It's... Fine? I dunno.

>> No.21534057

is there cuck shit
lit rpgs always have cuck shit nowadays

>> No.21534073
File: 274 KB, 500x374, TheBlackLodge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it take me until The Great Ordeal to realize that all of the descriptions of The Nail of Heaven being the sole source of meaningful celestial illumination at night implies that Earwä has no moons. I doubt it's important, but it does cast a darker look across the story so far.

>> No.21534084

Story opens soon after Carl realises he's been cheated on and breaking up with his girlfriend and then she never really factors in except as something for the cat he took from her to reminisce about (the cat gains the ability to talk because reasons).

>> No.21534091

I give it a go when I have the time I guess...

>> No.21534122

The No God isn't coming out. Why live?

>> No.21534137

Can you recommend me a good fantasy book (could be a series of books) which is not a grim dark where there is only misery?
I've read the classics like Lotr, Narnia,HP books, Earthsea.

>> No.21534165 [DELETED] 

Dude the vanguard of right-wing thought and praxis today is made up of mutant gamers, incels, social outcasts and NEETs most of which are limp-wristed and terminally online. The uncucked people you’re talking about are 90-110 IQ boomercowboygrilldad wannabees that couldn’t form an original thought to save their lives. Good people potentially but they’re never going to be anything but followers

>> No.21534174

more like No Book lmao

>> No.21534223
File: 227 KB, 474x723, 1673892863225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shits dull as hell

>> No.21534224

The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams

>> No.21534229
File: 22 KB, 410x519, steam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, recommend me some great steampunk books, please.

>> No.21534248 [DELETED] 

why are these threads so shit?

>> No.21534253

I have so far finished reading 5 fantasy books this year, by 4 different authors. I spent 2022 mostly just rereading stuff, so I wanted to get into fresh books this year. Only one of the authors I've read this year was one I've read before, the rest are all new to me.

How's your year been so far /sffg/?

>> No.21534294
File: 61 KB, 474x474, 1673893911461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and delphine was jesus all along and they lived happily ever after

>> No.21534298

Cugel's Saga

>> No.21534300

My year is pretty good so far. Fiancée is mirin my gains and the toddler is happy and healthy as always. Ive only read 2 books so far but I enjoyed them :)

>> No.21534312

Mass replies should be a bannable offense.

>> No.21534362
File: 2.21 MB, 1550x793, read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21534392
File: 540 KB, 1426x2000, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation_ Mo Dao Zu Shi Vol. 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi Vol. 1 - Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (2016/2021)

What a surprising start to my reading two books per month that were nominated by and voted on by /sffg/ for me to read. This is a Chinese gay romance/danmei cultivation/xianxia written by a Chinese woman for Chinese women that has an official translation. I don't mind reading what I otherwise wouldn't from time to time, and that's certainly what this is. This is the first gay romance and first Asian cultivation novel that I've finished.

This began as a serialized webnovel that after it ended it was revised and became a novel. As far as I know that isn't uncommon for webnovels that become novel series. Sometimes they're completely rewritten. I think that at least partially accounts for its quality of writing, the dialogue is especially horrendous, even after considering that it's been translated. I'm unable to comment on the original work, so I can't say whether the !!!s, ???s, and various phrases in ALL CAPS are appropriate or not, as stylistic standards in originally self-published works are much looser. There are interspersed illustrations. This has adaptations in various types of media.

The protagonist is a mass murdering flute playing grandmaster of demonic cultivation/necromancer with a kill count in the several thousands at least. Also, he's already died before the story begins. Thirteen years later a teenage male homosexual sacrifices his soul to summon an evil spirit to slaughter his own family, and so the protagonist takes residence in his new body. The protagonist decides to jokingly go along with the homosexuality to antagonize and disgust everyone. Since he doesn't have any powers from his former body, he's rather useless overall. Not entirely so, but enough to where it doesn't matter much. Most of the book is him being escorted by the man in love with him and their previous school life together. The assumedly mid-30s man doesn't mind that the man he fell in love with is in a teenager's body that's roughly the same age as when they first met.

In this first volume in there isn't much romance. The most that they do by the end of this is arguably cuddling, if it can be called that, since it's arguably coerced. The protagonist carries on with the "I'll do gay stuff to disgust him, oh no why isn't it working?" act the entire volume. It's difficult to believe that he's this dense about what's going on, but it's a common trope, so it's probably exactly what's happening. I don't know if this eventually becomes a "I'm not gay, I only love you" sort of thing, or something else, but clearly their relationship deepens in some way.

There wasn't much of anything for me to enjoy in this, which I suppose is to be expected. It didn't enrage me, make me regret my life decisions, or wail in anguish, so I can't it give it my lowest rating, not even rounded down. Some of my one star ratings don't mean that, but they almost all do.

Rating: 1.5/5

>> No.21534397

This is what happens when control of the nomination and voting process is ceded to others through non-participation. A few dedicated individuals really can have a great effect when there's low participation. That's also seen on slow boards and all too obvious in /sffg/. Who knows what next month's choices may be. Only you can prevent seeing that which you'd prefer not to see. I suppose to a lesser extent that goes for reporting as well. It's not anything that matters, but it's amusing to me to pretend otherwise for symbolic purposes.

Here's some previous posting about it under one of its names.

>> No.21534407

Discworld, duh

>> No.21534414

a fat girl i'm friends with on goodreads has read every one of these gay chinese novels this publisher has released. she gave this book a 5/5.

>> No.21534422

>read Piranesi, legit 10/10
>seen the Norrell and Strange show, great stuff, love me some Eddie Marsan
>try reading the book
>it's the absolute worst most boring shit I have ever touched

Susanna Clarke must have learned how to write betwen books then

>> No.21534494

That's not unexpected. They may be some of the most popular and well-liked among their intended demographic of officially translated modern Chinese genre fiction. Obviously there's the Three-Body Problem, but most anything else hasn't reached that much popularity from what I've seen.

>> No.21534496
File: 10 KB, 220x177, 1670798749192524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spent 10 hours straight into AI dungeon(not even novelAI which is suposedly even more focussed)
>Look back at all I wrote with the AI
>I could easily wrap it up as a small book, yes, a bad book but still far more than I usually can write in one go
>And most of the work is done in rewrites and editing anyway
It's over meatbros, at this rate there won't be any space for authors as the internet will be flooded by cheap and maybe slightly above average worlds and stories.

We are going to need some actual standards and to rethink the way sci-fi/fantasy novels are written and published.

>> No.21534501

Ms Clarke filters yet another brainlet. Many such cases.

>> No.21534502
File: 991 KB, 1363x2017, goodreads most anticipated sff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to goodreads these are the most anticipated fantasy and sci-fi novels coming out this year. thoughts?

>> No.21534506

Congrats, you've invented gatekeeping. Traditional publishers appreciate you coming to their side.

>> No.21534532

I have quite literally heard of ZERO (0) of these.

>> No.21534534

It's entirely irrelevant. Only a small minority here reads any current year fiction. If they do it's only a few usually. Those are usually from one of their favorite authors. The aggregated tastes and/or marketing agenda of Goodreads that produces these lists has very little correlation with what /sffg/ reads.

>> No.21534543
File: 35 KB, 298x397, 1235367824123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21534552

It was never intended, but I have seen things like prime intellect go under the radar simply because it wasn't propped up like other works, and now? The problem is not that AIs can write stories, but rather than they can assist in making them so well that we might see something akin to when people realized that story lenght increased tenfold since the mid XX century simply because people could use digital data to write.

This is worse, far worse, an AI is not only writing for you by filling the details and gaps that are usually annoying to write, but also can put you in a writing frenzy by simply keeping the ball rolling.

Goddard would be proud, but I have such a short time on this Earth and there is so much quantity that at some point I have to start looking for quality.

>> No.21534570

You have to go all the way. No human involvement at all except for collecting profits. You still believe that you'll be involved in the process. Laughable.

>> No.21534637

Are you sure your rating isn't too low? You basically said that the book wasn't good, but also wasn't bad. That would be 4-5/10 as I see it.

>> No.21534664

It's rounded up to 2/5 on Goodreads, which would be 4/10. 1.5/5 would 3/10. That's not far off.

I stated that the writing quality is terrible, the dialogue is horrendous, and I didn't really enjoy anything about it. I didn't feel like writing a rant, so I didn't.

>> No.21534680

Converting between the two ratings does have problems at the lower end because 1/5 is 2/10 and 0.5/5 would be 1/10.

>> No.21534736

Nah. Oathbringer is the low point.

>> No.21534744

That's not proper or romantic

>> No.21534749

what's not romantic about two forms of life born in isolation finding enough common ground to form a relationship

>> No.21534759

It's just some weird pervert's fetish

>> No.21534760

4chan is a haven for weird perverts. Where do you think you are?

>> No.21534761

What part of that makes it better?

>> No.21534762

Starting Garden of the Moon, damn this book is fun.

>> No.21534768

It doesn't. It just makes it expected, commonplace, and unremarkable.

>> No.21534803

>sanderfag calling others brainlets

>> No.21534815

What are some better authors/books of forgotten realms type schlock? I don’t need good storytelling, just dnd campaign writing inspiration.

>> No.21534837

Stick to your own species (and your own race/subspecies)

>> No.21534846

Let's go a bit further and say stick to your family.

>> No.21534854
File: 99 KB, 352x345, 1672252862015290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone remembers the name of that book with a huge wolf at the cover? and the sequel or prequel is a huge dragon at the cover, dragongod, wolfgod, idk the name, i just remember is fantasy and thats a fucking huge wolf/dragon for book 1/2 cover

some anon posted here a while ago and i thought it was interesting but i forgot to save the name

>> No.21534871

The Shadow of the Gods

>> No.21534902
File: 660 KB, 1600x1200, LiF3406hmIV-GEqpjQ46P-lpiUyvb4vLtXtj1TvX38s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21534917

Cool map but holy fucking kek for Lorien being in Berlin and Mordor being some literal gypsy country

>> No.21534933

The AI generated image of the blonde with the fat tits has convinced me to read Tress of the Emerald Sea. Thank you for your service.

>> No.21534951

thanks bro

>> No.21534958

Dragonlance, D&D companion novels. The most straightforward high fantasy you can imagine, from meeting in a tavern to fighting a god. Start with "The Dragons of Autumn Twilight"

>> No.21535044

It's not bad but it's pretty tryhard

>> No.21535049

check the maps, earwa is littered with asteroid craters.

>> No.21535066

what do u mean

>> No.21535110

Your welcome, that was my intention
Im gonna do more tress

>> No.21535113


>> No.21535132 [DELETED] 

skibidi bop bop yes yes

>> No.21535198

Fafhrd and Grey Mouser by Fritz Leiber, Dying Earth by Jack Vance. Both inspired DnD, but aren't trash themselves. Alternatively, Gotrek and Felix.

>> No.21535230

Who's the most likeable character in SF and why is it Tuf?

>> No.21535244


There are also modern takes on it.

>> No.21535270
File: 1.42 MB, 1600x2456, 1654945152134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what was the titular Grace of Kings?

>> No.21535304

A good chunk of Appendix N is shit, and you have to assume Gygax was smoking the wacky tabaccy while reading it. Only authors worth reading are: Anderson, Burroughs, Carter, Dunsany, Howard, Leiber, Lovecraft, Moorcock, Tolkien, Vance. Having said that, Gygax and the 1e DMG are genius.

>> No.21535316

>no Dick
The arrogance of young Juniors has led to fatal consequences for the success of our current era. Will we ever be restored to glory?

>> No.21535409
File: 521 KB, 1200x1916, utopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Utopia.

>> No.21535419
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The opening letters part of the book are really funny, like the character More created just to write compliments about himself is really funny. However, the actual essay might have been entertaining in Tudor times but I feel like it outstays its welcome and the only jokes in it are digs at Tudor issues that just aren't funny today.

>> No.21535463

Why cant I find anything to read?

>> No.21535467

oh my god hunters of dune is so bad. chapterhouse was rough but this is is just trash.

>> No.21535475

What are you looking for? What's the last thing you read?
I just started reading The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara by Terry Brooks and so far it's a solid cozy fantasy adventure. It's a campy universe with not-campy characters, which is exactly how I like my fantasy

>> No.21535494


>> No.21535576

Would independent worldbuilding threads like /tg/'s contribute anything to this board? This thread is genuinely shit and does more to drive people away than encourage discussion. Haven't taken a look at the writing general but I don't have high hopes.

>> No.21535607

>Who's the most likeable character in SF and why is it The Limper?


>> No.21535615

Don't be a pussy and start one

>> No.21535670
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Angus Wells
Roger Taylor
Hugh Cook
Elizabeth Boyer
Maggie Furey
Dragonrealm by Richard Knaak
Thieves World and their related novels
Fifth Millenium
Dragonlance, Dark Sun, Mystara, Magic: The Gathering novels up until 2003 or so, planescape novels are good too, Birthright, Scarred Lands (Dead GOD Trilogy)

>> No.21535681

>that's the reason why I'm fanboy-promoting it every now and then
Pretty fucking sure you've been posting this in the past god knows how many threads. I get how the military scifi/space marine shit I read can be seen as cringe or awful, but god damn the entire concept of LitRpg just seems stupid. I have tried to get myself to read one by an author I enjoym but fuck me man

>> No.21535685

What'd you try to read, out of curiosity? I can understand finding it awkward, but you just sort of have to view it through the lens of "this is just the world's magic system" or something similar. Some handle it better and worldbuild around it, some just kind of have it tacked on.

>> No.21535695

SodaPop Soldier. Figured it would atleast be passable since it falls somewhat under my preferred wheelhouse.

>> No.21535706

Never heard of it or the author. Looked it up and the first line is "Ready Player One meets Diablo" and that doesn't inspire any confidence. I've generally found it a good idea to avoid anything that treats Ready Player One like it's decent or at all representative of gamelit/litRPG.
I'd still generally recommend Dungeon Crawler Carl regardless, because it clearly uses the farce of it all to further highlight how utterly shitty the situation really is. It has its problems structurally (they offpage a lot of the protagonist's plans and learning stuff just to surprise you with it later and that feels really bleh sometimes) but it's well-written and handles its stuff fairly well.
There's a lot of others that're more straightforward that I'd call at least decent, but I dunno your real general preferences, so.

>> No.21535707

i need to read something but i cant find anything interesting

>> No.21535733

Fair enough. I'll toss this one on the list of stuff to read when I run out of my usual stuff.

>> No.21535739

The black company
The dread empire
Bakker's cuckold chronicles
Cosmere shit
Elderlings epic of male friendship as seen from a woman
The dread empire
The Red Knight and it's sequels about the pitfalls of falling inove with a wholesome nun when you act like an asshole to everyone
Dwarves series and the dark elf spinoff series

>> No.21535740

You won't be able to until your depression or other psychological problem lessens.

>> No.21535743

god I wish that were me

>> No.21535751

Yeah, understandable. If it's not for you it's not for you, LitRPG stuff can absolutely and understandably be a dealbreaker.

>> No.21535786
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>> No.21535844
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I love inserting myself as the powerful giga chad in harem/power fantasy stories. I can't stand stories like ASOIF because everything is so bleak and miserable it hurts

>> No.21535852
File: 122 KB, 1080x1622, Booklist1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will review the library currently on my phone, with off the cuff ratings starting with the most recent:

[Solaris] - 4.8/10
DNF got bored of the concept and saw where it was going already after two chapters.

[The Throne of Bones] - ?? DNF
read like 6 pages before bed and forgot about it the next day.

[Book of the New Sun] - 5/10
DNF. Just really not my cup of tea. I understand why people like it but there's an abstractness to it that I dont find comfortable to immerse in.

[Hyperion] - ??
dont think I even opened the epub file. Just downloaded it because nobody ever shuts up about it.

[The Gulag Archipelago] - N/A
Just wanted to know why J. Peterson memes about it so much, just a bunch of boohoo slavs are sub-par awful humans which we all already fucking knew anyways didnt we

[Interview with a Vampire] - 7/10
Finished. The formatting in the epub I found had grammar errors and text walls which made it annoying to read, but I enjoyed the story and Louis' perspective of the other characters.

[Twilight 1-4] 6.3/10
Read these initially in high school to get chicks. Reread it every few years because it's a bit comfy and I can talk to my girlfriend about it. Midnight Sun replacing the first book massively improves the rereads.

[Cradle 1 - 11] 10/10
Did a reread for the release of Dreadgod. I dont know what it is, they're not even necessarily objectively good, or maybe they are. I don't know. I just like reading them, a lot. A fucking lot. And I dont need anyone's fucking permission either, so biased 10 rating

[Assortment of Sanderson Books] 2/10
I fully read some of these but ugh who fucking cares already they're a dime a dozen at this point

[Riftwar Legacy] 6.8/10
Finished all of them. Just continuing Riftwar Saga, which hooked me. Wish we had more focus on Pug and less on the plucky kids of the main characters from the first three

[Riftwar Saga] - 7.1/10
Finished all of them. Didnt blow my mind or anything but I was very entertained and invested in the fates of these characters.

[Rampage(Land of the Elementals)] - ??
dont even remember, must have sucked. I think it did.

[Supermage] - 1.5/10
Holy christ this is cringe. Something about stats and video game panels but they're not in a video game? And it's about some teens running from a comically villanous mayor/girls father. Ehh fuck off

[Buryoku 1-9 ] - 7.3/10
series written by the same author as above. It's a clone of Cradle in a way that's almost lawsuit worthy, but it's still the same shonen esque power climb and it's not horribly written. Actually quite enjoyed it a fair bit. If you're a Cradle fan and need another fix, no memes this is the medicine.

[Ultramarines Omnibus] - ??
I remember the first few pages were combat but I guess it wasn't gripping enough for me to stick around.

>> No.21535856
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[Ultramarines Omnibus] - ??
I remember the first few pages were combat but I guess it wasn't gripping enough for me to stick aroun.

[Nightblade 1 and 2] - 6.5/10 and 4.5/10 respectively
1 had some nice moments, 2 started weird and didn't.. stabilize, I guess? Just kept sitting in this odd storytelling spot. The story itself wasn't necessarily odd, I just... I dunno, my autism created a buffer and I got distracted and left it behind. Probably worth a higher rating.

[Homeland: The Legend of Drizzt] - 3/10
I dont know what it is about R.A. Salvatores stuff but it always feels like he's mostly writing for D&D nerds, and though I've played I am not a D&D nerd.

[A Thousand Li: The First War] - 4.4/10
DNF Another attempt to scratch a Cradle itch. Not for me, but if you like ching chong bug shit have at it. Just didn't capture me.

[Shaman] - ??
DNF Every time I've tried to read this I've put it down, but I dont think it's the book's fault. I feel like it's my fault, I need to figure out how to be in the mood for it. Prolly sounds gay but there it is, got the tism

[The Clan of the Cave Bear] - ??
DNF. Something my northern california granola hippie sweetheart grandmother recommended me. Downloaded, gave it a try. Told her it was great. Eh

[A Thousand Li 1 & 2] - 5.5/10
Didn't finish #2 because I lost interest but it has its charm. Gotta get past some lackluster first few chapters in #1 though.

[Mother of Learning] - 9.2/10
Another book I liked a lot regardless of objective quality, but I still think is objectively good. There were also things I didn't like about it. I liked how long it was. I was unemployed at the time of reading, read 8 hours a day and still had a good week of entertainment.

[Curse of Chalion] - 7.7/10
Decent reading. Came looking for paladin shit, stayed for the intrigue.

[Infinity Blade 1 & 2] - N/A
I just like infinity blade shit, Sanderson be damned. This was a reread anyways.

[Canticle] - 2/10
DNF barely even remember what it's about. More of my own issues with R.A. Salvatore maybe?

[Rage of Dragons, Fires of Vengeance] - 6.3/10
Book 1 starts off real weird, but gets somewhere interesting and I appreciated that. Read all the way to the end. The story and character status quo transition between book 1 and book 2 reminds me a lot of Way of Kings but even more clunky, if you can believe it. Lost interest a short way into book 2.

[Archer of the Heathland: Deliverance] - 4.4/10
DNF. Retarded title. Tries to start off edgy, but doesnt linger on any of the implied darkness, which makes it lose a lot of investment value. Basically: "Oh no! My whole family was raped, tortured and murdered for no reason! Lets train huntsman shit with the neighbor *Make a Man out of You starts playing*"


>> No.21535865 [DELETED] 

Throw your phone away and stop masturbating

>> No.21535866
File: 1.20 MB, 689x1024, Booklist3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Perilous Waif] - 5.1/10
I read this because I had read all of E. William Brown's Daniel Black series. This wasn't as good as those, dialed back and slightly more pedophilic. Recommend Daniel Black series though, absolute coomer material. I'd rate it about a 6. There's harems and he manipilates their bodies to have bigger tits and dripping cunts and milky and orgasms, and theres weird Mythology god magic battle science shit in between. Not bad.

[Reverand Insanity] - 4.9/10
read some indescernable fraction of this gigantic fucking thing. Something lost in translation, makes it harder to digest, which isnt what you want on so large a meal.

[Dexter 1 & 2] - 5/10
Read these in tribute to the new season. Overall absolutely average, then lost interest.

[Some Bryce O'Connor Books] - 0/10
I refuse to give this twitter tranny turbosoyman any amount of recognition. I was irritated his work was still on my phone when I came across it while making this list. If you like his gay shit, fuck right off

[The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Books 1 - 3] - 5.9/10
Kinda weird, not fleshed out enough to tickle my apparent shonen book fetish. Still read it all, still was entertained

[Cyberpunk City Book 1 & 2] - 5/10
These books had difficulty painting a colorful picture. Head movie is tinted sepia grey. Still read them all the way through, cant figure out why.

[Of Shadow and Sea / Sister Book] - 5.5/10
Trying out Will Wight's other stuff. Eh..

[Dune] - 10/-10

[Darth Plagueis] - 6.9/10
Yeah I know I know, Star Wars is gay or whatever, but I played the MMO a bit and liked the prequels and it's an interesting examination of Sith belief and behavior.

[Starship Mage 1-4] - 7.2/10
Kept me going for a while, interesting blend of sci-fi and fantasy. Lost me at book 4.

[Ties that Bind 1 & 2] - 5/10
I read all of book 1 and some of book 2, and none of the characters felt redeemable. They're all shitheels. But I think that was on purpose, so despite not liking it and also despite readind an entire book and a half, it gets a five.

This is the end of this list, as it was the beginning of using my current phone. My last phone had a similarly long list that I cant remember. I'm sure I'm a Redditlord McMemefag brainlet but there it all is.
Something of note about this list: I havent dove deep in anything particularly complex or artistic, and that was somewhat on purpose. The list you see above is the mental dietary equivalent of a fat guy eating nothing but Macdonalds and KFC, it's all literary junk food and is comfy and I havent put much effort into enlightenment. Gluttony is the sin, but let ye who be without sin cast the first (You).

>> No.21535892

Please take Cradle off that pedestal. Simon would shit in Lindon's mouth any day.

>> No.21535897

Wonder what it is about Cradle in specific that works so well. I think it's just the fact that the characters are so forthright with personality. It's perhaps a bit too much for some, it's NEVER subtle, but you can clearly see and understand what every character is like. Nobody's particularly deep, but they all are well-rounded and have motivations you can get behind. And Eithan is fucking hilarious, I don't know how it works.

>> No.21535907

Describe to me Simon's character without describing him in terms of what he physically does. Because I've tried to determine what the fuck his personality actually was meant to be and all I got was "vaguely determined" which is practically staple for progression fantasy protagonists.

>> No.21535920
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Cradle dreadgod was trash, like, i would give 8/10 just bc its cradle and i really like the universe and characters, but Dreadgod was fucking trash and now i think the last book will suck ass but i will read it, everything in dreadgod felt rushed, mf author even wasted 100 pages talking about the hammer boy and the dragons just to have the fight off screen, the little shit that died had me literally laughing, red sage vs herald was so rushed i couldnt believe what was happening, last fight? trash

everything in dreadgod was trash but just reading eithan chapters was enough, now eithan is a really good character, he should just finish cradle and do a eithan series, eithan becoming the reaper, eithan fucking around, eithan slice of life, idc, just do eithan, eithan is way more intersting than lindon

>> No.21535936 [DELETED] 
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>Hides behind 7 layers of lampooning

>> No.21535959 [DELETED] 
File: 359 KB, 800x1599, lord of the mysteries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zhou Mingrui pretending to be Klein Moretti pretending to be The Fool pretending to be Sherlock Moriarty pretending to be Gehrman Sparrow pretending to be Dwayne Dantès pretending to be Sea God Kalvetua pretending to be his servant pretending to worship The Fool while actually just pretending to be any of the above because he's a historical copy summoned by a historical copy

>> No.21535983

How do I get over the feeling that every plot idea I come up with has already been done but better? I keep spiraling into trying to be original but it just ends up convoluted

>> No.21535990

To do that I would have to pay particular attention to objective quality or author pedigree, which I stated several times in various ways was not the case.
Reading Comprehension: C-, I trust your opinion even less now
I agree, portions were rushed, but I disagree with the rest. If the rushed parts were decompressed and we got more perspective comparisons and a little more description, Dreadgod would be the best one yet. It's the final furious set of jabs before a haymaker.

>> No.21535991

i downloaded lord of the mysteries on my kindle and had a good laugh when it said it would take me 240 hours to finish everything

>> No.21535995

> If the rushed parts were decompressed and we got more perspective comparisons and a little more description, Dreadgod would be the best one yet.

ok, i agree, but still trash bc he rusheed, the pace was horrible, every encounter with malice just felt like i was reading another book idk

>> No.21536028

>[Ultramarines Omnibus] - ??
>I remember the first few pages were combat but I guess it wasn't gripping enough for me to stick aroun.
Ordered this a few days ago. Need things to fill my time
>[Darth Plagueis] - 6.9/10
Yeah I know I know, Star Wars is gay or whatever, but I played the MMO a bit and liked the prequels and it's an interesting examination of Sith belief and behavior.
I've reread this one way too many times. Is good

>> No.21536034

Ope, fucked me green text

>> No.21536133

Going to drop The Darkness that Comes Before, it's just wannabe Dune.

What do I read next

>> No.21536151

>What do I read next

>> No.21536189

This is the sort of heroposting that /sffg/ doesn't have nearly enough of. Keep on being true to yourself, even though you voluntarily read on the phone, though maybe it's the only way you can with your specific circumstances.

>> No.21536206

>[Hyperion] - ??
>dont think I even opened the epub file. Just downloaded it because nobody ever shuts up about it.
I genuinely don't understand the hype around this. The missionary story was great and the detective bit was fine but it definitely fizzled out with some of the other stories. I found it unsatisfying and meandering

>> No.21536272 [DELETED] 
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>it's a Eithan Arelius chapter

>> No.21536450 [DELETED] 


>> No.21536515

Well I mean it's easy when I cant sleep but dont want to get out of bed or want to snuggle the old lady. Just one hand flick my phone around readin shit. We can be all fartsniffy about stuff like booze and food but some shit is just more convenient and that's the lay of it.

>> No.21536557

I finished Sanderson's Tress of the Emerald Sea earlier and finished writing about a bit ago. I was considerably more pleased than I thought I'd be. I don't know how much that means though for others. I'll be posting it here in the thread after the next one, because I've already read and wrote about something before that. One book per thread is a good pace, especially considering how quick they've been. I doubt it's a reading pace I'll keep up for long though. For anyone who cares to see it before that, you can just look at my GR profile.

>> No.21536638

An ereader seems like a better solution. I thought it might be a situation where you only had your phone on you. It doesn't really matter though.

>> No.21536651

>it doesn't really matter
*laughs in e-ink*

>> No.21536665

Stick to /a/ Isekai threads

>> No.21536673

choose one or none

>> No.21536693

I went in with kinda low expectations but hopeful.
At first, I found the narration style to be incredibly reddit. Then with the reveal of hoid as the narrator I kinda chilled and gave it a bit more or a chance. I thought it was a really good story, probably one of my favorites by Sanderson now honestly. It's hard to put about warbreakers because of how much I loved Lightsong but I really warmed up to the writing style.
Doug's in this thread need not reply.

Has it been revealed when in the general cosmere timeline it was set? I know it's after the lost metal, because the kandra are already exploring. But where does that put it with current stormlight, because I feel hoid has been on roshar for quite a while.

>> No.21536699

I know it's technically a stand-alone book, but is it really stand-alone? I'm starting Sanderson this year with Mistborn Trilogy 1. I kinda want to keep up on the secret projects as they come out instead of waiting until catching up on Stormlight, Mistborn 2, and those other stand-alones.

>> No.21536758

Now you've got me thinking The Nail isn't the north star...

>> No.21536760

Unpopular opinion time:

>> No.21536769
File: 1.64 MB, 3829x1095, updated-chronological-order-to-the-cosmere-map-added-the-v0-8iy8vo5utyy91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related may still be the newest version. I haven't looked in a few months. I don't remember if I added it to the mega.

I'm not going to vouch for this, but it's someone attempt to make a timeline:

It depends on how strict you want to be the term "stand alone". Almost nothing in the Cosmere doesn't have some benefit from reading more in it, especially after post The Lost Metal where he announced that he's going to make the crossover stuff much more prevalent.

For this one in particular, it has references to Warbreaker, Elantris, Mistborn Era 2, a few of the novellas, and other stray references. The level of technology that's shown at one point is at its most advanced level except in one of the novellas.

>> No.21536779

Are you trying to be unpopular on 4chan by having normie opinions? I dont get it

>> No.21536788

Have you read white sand? After reading TLM I want to. I brushed it off because it was a comic and thought it wouldn't be so involved but I guess pretty much every other series has had some taldain influence so I feel like iv been missing a fair bit.

>> No.21536802

I've only read/seen the excerpts included in Arcanum Unbounded. Maybe sometime I'll get around the graphic novel, and/or or his early "unpublished" works.

>> No.21536812

You'll get more out of tress once you have read more of cosmere imo, especially mistborn and stormlight + elantris

>> No.21536832

I put off reading this for a long time just because the description sounded unbelievably cringeworthy and like generic garbage, but I ended up liking it a lot

>> No.21536914

Welp, looks like I won't be reading the secret projects until late this year or maybe next year. Thanks for the explanations.

>> No.21537037

What do you want to read and what do you like? You can always read more Wolfe and PKD, both wrote a ton and all their known works are pretty good. Same with Vance, if you've read Dying Earth you still have Cadwall Chronicles, Lyonesse and Planet of Adventure.

>> No.21537098

>[Mother of Learning] - 9.2/10
9.2 lol, confirmed you have zero objectivity, even if it's your highly subjective opinion I still can't see anyone rating it more than a 5/10.

>> No.21537101
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Mother of Learning is great.

>> No.21537109

Confirmed that you have zero taste, I can't see anyone acting like a retard like you do.

>> No.21537115
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did you read (the subtitles?)

>> No.21537127

I finished Dune Messiah and I've got a few questions
1. Why is 90% of the book an incoherent word salad, was Herbert using a bit of 70s melange himself?
2. Was prescience always supposed to be straight up magic? The first book gave me the impression that precog abilities weren't actually telling the future, they just sort of gave you the capacity of plotting the most possible futures through heightened intellect. Messiah shatters this notion as Paul with Alia spend the entire time tripping balls and floating through chaos seeing oracles

>> No.21537146

rescently read through it and its very much a mixed bag
i consulted with a chinese friend of mine, and it seems that a for atleast 2 stories cultural background is not given and so they seem weird/pointless when read without it. Some of them were neat though, mountain and devourer spring to mind

Tried reading ball lightning but decided against it for now, has anyone here read it and can tell me if its worth it?

>> No.21537164

Unpopular opinion time:
lol, who?
Never read 'em
Dunno, never read 'em

>> No.21537218

It's objectively trash.

>Confirmed that you have zero taste, I can't see anyone acting like a retard like you do.
I just don't like garbage, is that such a bad thing?

>> No.21537226

thank you for your service
thanks to your review I will not be reading this fujo cultivation novel

I look forward to your next entry

>> No.21537232

I believe you, because I can't imagine a modern day Croatian writing a decent fantasy novel. The vast majority of fantasy fans locally are absolute bugmen.
But there's actually a great collection of fables/proto fantasy from the 19th century, Croatian Tales of Long Ago. Here is a link. It's short and actually great. https://www.forgottenbooks.com/en/download/CroatianTalesofLongAgo_10287023.pdf
t. Croatian

>> No.21537257
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I liked it

>> No.21537269

He actually wrote a blog post about characterization that had some decent points for consideration https://www.willwight.com/a-blog-of-dubious-intent/characterization-and-personality

>A lot of times, especially with their protagonist, the writer will end up giving characters a sort of "default personality," meaning the character acts and reacts exactly the way you would expect a normal person to act.

>A lot of people, including writers, confuse "lack of clarity" with "subtlety and complexity." They think they're being subtle, but they're actually just being unclear.

>Your reader should always know what is in character for your protagonist, and when they do something out of character, the reader should notice.

>Not that everyone in your work should be a dominant alpha werewolf, but that every character should be very much who they are. Your characters should fight and talk and check the mail in-character.

>> No.21537273
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>Judging a book he hasn't even read simply by the author's nationality

I don't know how someone has the courage to make a post with more than 3 lines that starts with such stupidity

>> No.21537274

I'm glad I stopped with Chapterhouse. However, my Brother prefers Brian to Frank and wants me to continue reading.
Heinlein was a hit (Starship Troopers, Farnham's Freehold) or miss (Friday, Stranger in a Strange Land) kind of writer.
Croatian people made a weird and artsy Sci-Fi video game called Poslanik/the Ward 23 years ago. That's as far as we went with Sci-fi.

>> No.21537283

I am reading the first story and page 17 seems to be missing

>> No.21537291

I don't know, it's the first link that I found. I read it in Croatian and it's readily available here.

>> No.21537335

There's a fantasy story
Our heroes have been on an adventure and they recuperate by going to a nunnery
Only it turns out that the nuns at this nunnery worship demons
Any ideas about the title?

>> No.21537347
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This reminds me of autists enjoying Thomas the Tank Engine because emotions are so clearly conveyed by the trains

>> No.21537350

Neat, though I slightly disagree about needing a character arc. It can help, for sure, but some great characters can just be, as they are. Though I suppose that's often considered a flat character arc so I dunno.

>> No.21537352

the crimson crusader

>> No.21537380

Jesus Christ, Wolfe is such a horny old bastard.

>> No.21537382

Whatcha reading? Although, yes.

>> No.21537397

Mordor being Romania is actually true, they have the same layout as Tolkien envisioned

>> No.21537411

Gondor is Italo-Illyrian? How strange.

>> No.21537487
File: 447 KB, 306x502, 9bUOWw1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lest Darkness Fall was a fantastic book.
any more books in a similar setting?

>> No.21537753
File: 123 KB, 640x480, gdfgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be retarded and blindly buy this books because a "friend" recommended them
I'm so fucking angry that this author has some of my money in his bank account, this is a awful cringe fest.

>> No.21537758

Reading Fifth Head of Cerberus for the first time before rereading the entire Solar Cycle. Jutting, rouged breasts everywhere as always.

>> No.21537840

Mieville’s worldbuilding is pretty good. Just wish the political undertones and prose were more thought out.

>> No.21537845

Poul Anderson’s The High Crusade is a similar concept.

>> No.21537848

I wish there were female torturers. Damn you, Ymar the Almost Just!

>> No.21537884
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>go kill your mayor or something you weak dipshit

>> No.21538122

lol as an afficionado of chinese slop I knew to avoid this when normalfag westerners started shilling it and it actually started showing up in stores.
I looked it up and saw the "yaoi" aka the poison tag and like 95% of webnovel readers I noped out of reading fujoshit.

>> No.21538126

my favorite works of fiction are cocomelon, my little pony, and peppa pig. recommend me a book?

>> No.21538173

I posted it 3-4 times I think.

If you don't like gamification at all then litRPG (and gamelit) are not really something you would like.
Having said that , the litRPG stories that stand out tend to have interesting source of the "system" as well. Rarely do you see the typical "it's a computer game simulation!" on the top selections of the genre these days cause the scene has fortunately evolved and the fans want (surprise!) quality.
But you also have to understand that the fans want a good system to exist more than they want a good story cause half the fan is speculating how you would handle the situations presented if you had access to that system. And I'm not talking only about RPGs. I've seen stories about football manager , space marines and city builders in this genre so there is stuff for everyone.

>> No.21538188

I'll check it out. thanks

>> No.21538256
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Started reading the second book of the Xeelee series, and it's meh so far.

>> No.21538268
File: 21 KB, 480x640, eric brighteyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read Eric Brighteyes? It seems great, so I'm picking it up at the library later today. It was Kubrick's favourite book.

>> No.21538290

I'm planning on getting it as well, read at least five haggard novels by now, of course the most well known ones like solomons mines and she and even the little known ones and they're all pretty good adventure tales
haggard is underrated

>> No.21538342

Can any SFFG fag tell me where the HMOFE (human male on female elf) trope originated? Seems ridiculously common in fantasy. Is it ancient or 20th century? Also any recommendations that have this trope, asking for a friend

>> No.21538442

>bro what if I just blatantly rip off Planescape?
Yea what a genius

>> No.21538446

sounds like you should go back to trash and stay there

>> No.21538454

You're welcome.

I think that just goes to show that women are more likely to financially support what they enjoy in term of reading. That it's cultivation is probably just flavoring. Are there male-oriented Chinese cultivation that have official physical publications?

>> No.21538458
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your 'friend' is a r*ddit cuck

>> No.21538466

I think it's bait. He's done it before.

>> No.21538480

chapterhouse dabbles a bit with the clone bullshit but Hunters is nothing BUT clones, they basically clone the entire cast of the first few books. also the honored matres are a stupid faction of snu-snu bimbos that are clearly just an inserted fetish. same with the axolotl tank shit.

>> No.21538522

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.21538536

Reverend insanity is probably more to your taste. Or any other chinkshit

>> No.21538540
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This is what thinking women are magical angels does to a mf, this is religious levels of simping

>> No.21538542

>this is what it takes to get published now

>> No.21538632

that book was published 15 years ago

>> No.21538635

So Allomancer Jaks is an actual plot point and a real person?

>> No.21538637

Your concept of time is fucked if you think 15 years ago can't be considered 'now' in terms of literature.

>> No.21538658

You're absolutely fucking retarded if you think publishing houses are printing the same sorts of authors they printed 15 years ago. Better have a South East Asian female pen-name if you want to publish a book.

>> No.21538677

ok zoomer

>> No.21538688 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21538701
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>> No.21538714
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how attractive should female orcs be?

>> No.21538751
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lmfao what's with this board and these horrible takes on tradpub? try writing a good book before you say this shit. actually, try writing at all, because god knows you don't write for shit.

>> No.21538755

Who reads new books

>> No.21538759

Who are some authors you see rarely/never mentioned here you want to see more? Silverberg, PJFarmer, Ballard, come to mind for me

>> No.21538760

I'm not sure what you're responding to in particular, but yes. He's a real person who completely exaggerates his life stories to the point of being fictional. It'd be like if Ian Fleming wrote his James Bond stories as if it were literally him.

>> No.21538771

top-left tier attractive

>> No.21538789

Ballard for me too.

>> No.21538796

Never heard of any of these authors or books

>> No.21538837

Those are elves with tusks.

>> No.21538877

No, I was wondering if he is a real world hopper that is integral to the cosmere-verse. Or he is just someone who hears shit from other people and put it as his own accomplishments.

>> No.21538928

I'm pretty sure he's stuck on Scadrial. He's effectively just a guy but he manages to big himself up in his own publications. He does have genuine adventures, but as his butler or whatever that edits them notes, they're really exaggerated, though occasionally there's a moment where said butler goes "...Well, far as I can tell, this one actually happened".

>> No.21538953
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did this general have its aneurysm over Tress of the Emerald Sea having whimsical prose yet

>> No.21538955

lmao even

>> No.21538959

>whimsical prose

>> No.21538984
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On the subject of Piers Anthony, read Chthon

>> No.21538983

just read Conan

>> No.21538999

No, and there probably won't be. Bold of you to assume that it would even be read by now. Also, yes, I read it.

>> No.21539003

i'm only assuming because someone got so butthurt at the Lopen chapters in Dawnshard they still post the passage all over the website to this day

>> No.21539028
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What am I in for? Also why are so many goodreads reviews so try hard?

>> No.21539046

The hobby of reading attracts pseuds. Pseuds are try-hards by definition.

>> No.21539066

Are there any actually books that have these types of orcs in them?

>> No.21539069

You don't even know what a real try hard is, newfag

>> No.21539076

redemption's blade has nedlam she's cute

>> No.21539102
File: 861 KB, 557x855, Screenshot_3483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?
is it 3 books? for some reason book 2 and 3 shows me a woman instead of adrian

>> No.21539115

book 2 is a sequel by a woman writer, book 3 is completely separate by another writer too
the writer for book 2 flanderized her and everyone else in that one so just read the first one

>> No.21539124

I think you completely exaggerate, especially if you mean all over many boards, but ok.

>> No.21539126

oh it must be you since you fail to pick up on any sort of context even here, awesome man

>> No.21539134

For me it's a tie between R Daneel Olivaw and Giskard. Speaking of which, what's the verdict on the Caliban Trilogy? I know it's not authored by Asimov himself which might even be a plus.

>> No.21539141

I'm saying that archives exist and I don't see any evidence of this occuring. Provide some if you would.

>> No.21539192

Not even normalfags are this delusional

>> No.21539269

Christ... What happened?

>> No.21539273
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>> No.21539296

>All Tomorrows: The Myriad Species and Mixed Fortunes of Man synopsis

>> No.21539395

Pretty sure he's not a world hopper, he's literally just a minor adventurer turned author who has become a celebrity in the scadrial era 2 because of his stories.

>> No.21539398

The whole book is narrated by hoid.
It's good, but it should give you an idea of the prose.

>> No.21539403

>Hobb wrote about female orcs

Actually very interested

>> No.21539406

Wait wtf blood of dragons is the 4th rain wilder book
There's no orcs in that!

>> No.21539407

Yes, I know, as I said, I've read it. That has nothing to do Lopen from Dawnshard, which I've also read, and was which is what I replying about.

>> No.21539411

Does /sffg/ rate Tanith Lee? I want to read somethimg from her, but I don't know where to start

>> No.21539421

Read Roadside Picnic - incredible and intriguing premise that goes nowhere

>> No.21539430

>goes nowhere
You clearly only had a surface level reading at most and didn't understand any of its symbolism, metaphors, or allegory. It goes exactly where it was meant to go

>> No.21539452

>Their portrayal may not align with modern ideas of representation and inclusivity
Even AI thinks orcs are black people

>> No.21539456
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friend recommended this to me and i went in skeptical since he also recommended dresden files that series started out okey but quickly went worse.
this however was fantastic. is there more like this?finshed all the books and the one spinoff book. cant wait for the next ones.
is there more like this? this was fantastically written and actually focuses on mysteries and solving criminal cases.

>> No.21539467

It’s a good book and the themes aren’t that obscured. You’re going to have to dig into it a little but considering how captivating it is it shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

>> No.21539491

Don't. That's a female author, don't read anything written by females if you are a man.

>> No.21539525

I never read this author but this is the wrong place to ask. All replies will be like this>>21539491
Just look up the themes she writes about and take your pick.

>> No.21539571

>Just look up the themes she writes about and take your pick
Drama, relationships, lgbt love triangles, non white man on a white women, feminism, progressive "issues" etc

>> No.21539594

Shit and piss and fuck smile murder bastards shit piss fuck arse prick cock fruits sword fuck shit piss

>> No.21539652

I like her. War of Vis is a good start, or that book about Iblis fucking the boy

>> No.21539686

My wife's cousin recommended this shit to me and I dropped it when the innkeeper starts telling his backstory about how totally awesome he is and it turns into YA trash.
I had no idea it god this bad holy shit.

>> No.21539728

>battle going to start
>boy do I have to take a piss

>> No.21539804
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King of Elfland's Daughter by Lord Dunsany (1924)

>> No.21539816

it originated in your porn-addled brain

>> No.21539842
File: 59 KB, 303x475, Biting the Sun - Tanith Lee Masayuki Ogisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volkhavaar, Flat Earth, War of Vis, Biting the Sun and Cyrion are good starters
my fav is Birthgrave

>> No.21539886

I hate women. Any fantasy books for this feel?

>> No.21539899

Wandering Inn

>> No.21539921

Don't suggest something actually decent to this cumbrain. He will read it and then start posting about it.

>> No.21539983 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21539997

little brother played morrowind and asked me if i knew any books that were like that

i dont play videogames so i dont know what it's about but from what he told me it's basically tolkien ripoff ? Is that accurate, can I just tell him to read Lord of the Rings and call it a day? He doesn't read much at all and if I could get him into something to show him how could it can be that'd be nice.

>> No.21540003

You think all fantasy is a Tolkien rip-off, don't you?

>> No.21540016

gor if you secretly love them

>> No.21540037


>> No.21540094

What were the last items you downloaded for your electronic reading device? We autosaging so nobody cry about forced discussion. I'm on a sudden binge and need ideas.

>> No.21540096

holy based

>> No.21540104
File: 145 KB, 1080x1474, lord of the mysteries 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still reading Lord of the Mysteries

>> No.21540116

I'm reading The beginning after the end, it's a silly story and easy to understand, nothing special.

>> No.21540127

Read Vacuum Diagrams first

>> No.21540137

Some not-awful cultivation story called Buryoku. It's... I don't hate it, but I'm not loving it that much. It has some decent moments, but nothing outstanding.

>> No.21540140

It's technically the first in the overarching chronological story involving Poole/humanity. Out of the first four, Raft is an alt-universe story and Flux takes place on a neutron star involving bio-engineered humans living on said star. Read Ring next or like other anon said, begin with Vacuum Diagrams.

>> No.21540181

Old white men are the only people with the capacity to write good fantasy, unlike browns and women who can only write Revenge Against Whitey but They're Aliens or Something.
>Uh what about X written by Y?

>> No.21540238

i read the manga/manhwa but is the quality is so low that i dont know if i should try the novel, i mean, i like and all but i know its low quality

>> No.21540355

If posts are deleted and the count goes below 310, then the thread continues on. Theoretically with enough banning and post pruning there would be a thread with enough worthwhile posts. It'd probably take a month though and need to delete like a 100 posts per day.

>> No.21540389

unironically, sincerely, honestly BOTNS.
He'll probably hate it thoughie

>> No.21540398

Discworld! Even Death is a pretty cool fella

>> No.21540403

I tried reading it twice but nope.

>> No.21540404

gonna read DUNE for the third time instead

>> No.21540412

Even cutting out our resident spammer, who has been responsible for 1/4th of all posts per thread, would do wonders for the post quality.
In addition to the thread, I have just now read the first five chapters of Paranoid Mage and I can get into this. Dude is like Carl's cousin and shit has been moving along quickly. Very /x/.

>> No.21540421

The Nail is the wormhole the Ark passed through on its journey through the Void. It is known.

>> No.21540467
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>> No.21540483

I genuinely believe Smith's prose is nicer than Wolfe's.

>> No.21540491

Leigh Brackett is a counterpoint for women. Possibly the only one though.
Asians can also do it, at least for pulpy adventure fun.

>> No.21540493
File: 69 KB, 720x720, klein moretti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dying Earth written by a chinese guy

>> No.21540504

ok bro u won, i will start reading Lord of the mysteries tomorrow.

>> No.21540505

It's a lot nicer. CAS was a poet first and it shows.
Vance too imo.
Wolfe is obviously a more competent writer in that aspect than Hodgson but the latter's more imaginative.
Weirdly I kind of agree with that meme pic even though I loathe wojakposting and wojak comics.
Wolfe is definitely not the better of those authors in my mind.

>> No.21540578

Well then you actually have a brain unlike this shitty board
The retards in this shitty general would believe fat wolfe's masturbatory self insert prose is better than Smith's poetic mastery
wolfefags will never understand what good prose is
i will keep posting this image to expose wolfefags

>> No.21540587

>he fell for it
looks like shilling here works after all

>> No.21540594

As long as people keep on reporting shitters, maybe /sffg/ will be able to improve to the point that it would become bottom of the barrel discussion for books.

>> No.21540598


yeah bro, bc author really getting money with people downloading his book for free

>> No.21540607

The level of anti-Wolfe contraniarism ITT is pathetic.

>> No.21540633

Well, then you'll love Jack Vance, misogynist extraordanaire. He's mostly known for his Dying Earth series. Here's two example passages, which are typical of works. If it doesn't have at least abused women, Vance didn't write it. Rape and murder are optional, though common.

She seems somewhat morose and out of sorts. Do you beat her often?'
'I must admit that I do not.'
'There is the answer! Beat her well; beat her often! It will bring roses to her cheeks! There is nothing better to induce good cheer in a woman than a fine constitutional beating.
Jack Vance, The Green Pearl (Lyonesse #2)

"A man desiring a girl will set upon her and beat her black and blue. No one would think to interfere."
Tschai (Planet of Adventure #1)

>> No.21540635

truth is that's all it is. contrarianism. no one here really hates wolfe, they just hate his popularity. same with sanderson.

>> No.21540655

I hate Wolfe because you Wolfe fanboys pretend that he's the greatest author of the 20th century (lmao) and that's he's better than proust (LOL)
He was a hack and always will be. A fat plagiarist and nothing else, who appeals to the zoomer midwit population of this board-if you're used to reading post tolkien dreck, of course you'll find Wolfe "based" and "kino" but if you're a person with actual taste you'll find him middling AT BEST

>> No.21540708


>> No.21540714

I haven't read PoA, but Lyonesse has a humorous, tongue-in-cheek flavour throughout. It's obviously supposed to be funny.

>> No.21540725
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Tanith Lee and le Guin have more disdain for women than most men can gather without it coming off as mommy issues.

Also this. Norman just calls them as he sees them.

>> No.21540780

Wolfe plagiarised the dying earth completely

>> No.21540916

Female authors? For me, It's LM Bujold.

>> No.21541005

If I hate women (or anything else, ni**ers), I don't want to read about them in fiction, I don't want them portrayed in good/bad light, I don't care about their stories and issues, I want not a single words about them in my fiction.

Saying author hates this or that and then writes 1000 pages about is retarded, if he hated one particular thing or people he would not write about it.

>> No.21541011

she chud

>> No.21541020
File: 34 KB, 303x500, 51+Al6RFrUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just the Crusades in a fantasy setting

Fucking YAAAWN...

>> No.21541021

t. walls built against what has been forgotten

>> No.21541025

>Inri Sejanus is literally just Jesus Christ
Yeah, it's rehashed shit, who woulda guessed?

>> No.21541035

Why should I read The Dying Earth?

>> No.21541038

Why are you asking us? If you don't want to read, then don't.

>> No.21541070

quite literally the pinnacle of this so called genre

>> No.21541097


>> No.21541099

I don't think anyone owns the dying earth concept, though.

>> No.21541102
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your taste is dubious at best, but at least you're honest

>> No.21541103

They don't. You're arguing with a fag that's been at this for weeks now. Best to ignore him.

>> No.21541107
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>January halfway through
>I haven't read shit yet
I probably fucked up by starting with a 1000+ page omnibus.

>> No.21541124


>> No.21541139

Dunsany is a midwit filter unto himself, he won't make it past the third page

>> No.21541154

he has stated that he will release white sand in novel form sometime in the future as it is cosmere relevant

>> No.21541216
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>> No.21541262

New thread

>> No.21541570

That's one of the better D&D books. Does its job of pimping the cleric