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21531784 No.21531784 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Young adult KINO

>> No.21531798
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>algorithms control every choice people make
>evil corporation hides poison in flu vaccine
ha ha ha what a whacky story

>> No.21531822
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>> No.21531827

oh I also forgot
>main character is considered mentally ill for HAVING AN INNER MONOLOGUE

>> No.21531828

Good taste.

>> No.21531845
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>> No.21531866
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>> No.21531909
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>> No.21531939
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>> No.21531966
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sadly the TV series fell victim to another dyslexic casting agent

>> No.21531968
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>> No.21531982
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>> No.21531989
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>> No.21531991

He'll ya, and the sequel

I'm trying to remember what this book is called does anyone know
>apprentice moneyer works for a guy who makes coins in crusade era Europe
>one day the exchequers come and cut off the hand of the coiner for skimping on silver in his coins, something he told his apprentice he did. He dies of the injury
>apprentice is offered to either have his right hand removed or squire for a knight in the crusade (I think)

>> No.21531994

Maybe a slightly younger audience than "young adult" but both kino nonetheless.

>> No.21532001
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Also Earthsea, House of the Scorpion, Across the Nightengale Floor, A Single Shard

>> No.21532005
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Used to be a huge fan of the Laws of Magic series as a lad. It's like steampunk mixed with alchemy/magic and set in what is essentially 19th century England. Comfy books, though I only got up to the 4th one I think before I started to grow out of YA.

>> No.21532009

Fucking kino, I remember reading the first one when it came out and loving it, sadly never got around to reading the others.

>> No.21532016

You definitely should anon
there's also kino audiobooks read by Ian McKellen if you like

>> No.21532023

That sounds great. I might see if I can track them down, how do you think they'd hold up for a 30 year old reading them? Not too cringe or bland?

>> No.21532027

Just remember they're for kids. I really enjoy them to this day and I'm 26, there's some good world building in there and nothing particularly cringe I can think of, but definitely not bland.

>> No.21532034

One other thing, I would say the whole series is pretty consistent in quality and tone

>> No.21532040

That's great then. I have fond memories of reading that first book late at night as a kid, so I'd be keen to track the others down and read them. Could probably smash them in a weekend, I reckon. Thanks for reminding me of them anon!

>> No.21532044

Have fun anon :)

>> No.21532061
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>> No.21532108

I LOVED the use of footnotes in that trilogy and was really sad when it ended, even though it was a great ending. Did the author write anything else good? I never checked.

>> No.21532118
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>> No.21532210
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>> No.21533258
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>> No.21533315

This book is probably singlehandedly responsible for me getting obsessed with being smarter than everyone else around me and becoming a /lit/fag as a result.

>> No.21533355

Man, I have such odd memories of reading these books. I enjoyed them but the part where he got addicted to fantasy-heroin and was kept as a drug addict prisoner somewhere for a while was really unsettling to me as a young teen.

>> No.21533557
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>> No.21533721

I love this book. As a kid at some vacation, I wanted this little metal knight figurine with the sword broken. My parents got it for me and it's on my desk to this day

>> No.21533726
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I could never tell if these were supposed to be YA or not because there was so much violence and sex. All the sex scenes went over 11 year old me's head

>> No.21533780

I remember reading these when I was like 10, but idk if it's actually kino.

>> No.21533810

I dressed up as a ranger for Halloween one year because of these books.

>> No.21533819

>The rich and powerful elites use the organs of children to keep themselves alive
Haha what a cuhraaazy premise

>> No.21533830
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The peak of my childhood

>> No.21533839

God damn some of you have excellent taste. I've set a reading challenge to myself to finish 60+ books this year (did 50 last year), but I feel like revisiting the books I read growing up is cheating a bit

>> No.21533847

Fucking love these books.

>> No.21533852

Got me into reading

>> No.21533858

Alex Rider is just the gay little boy's CHERUB

>> No.21534548
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>> No.21534557

Good God, someone besides me has read these. I read and still own every book in the series including the three bonus books. There used to be a last apprentice website with shitty flash games that I remember frequenting.

>> No.21534739
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>> No.21534916


NGL dropped these at book three as a kid because I thought it was bullshit how 'the main villain' was defeated and they just go off for adventures elsewhere.

>> No.21535123
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>> No.21535613

That cover is fucking sick.

>> No.21535761


>> No.21536106
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>> No.21536114
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This one is great. The scene where they're going by a fence and there's a dead cat impaled on each post really stuck with me

>> No.21536130

Got me into reading

>> No.21536136
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forgot pic

>> No.21536850
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>Read this as a kid
>The last book ends with the main character getting his childhood friend witch gf getting brainwashed and cucked from him by a thousand year old evil sorcerer
I think the author indulged in his fetish a bit at the end there...

>> No.21536951

Fablehaven and Pendragon

>> No.21537022

Is there any YA book in any scaruffi books list? I think he likes the first HP book and that's it

>> No.21537120


>> No.21537135

Can anybody please explain to me how it ends in a way that makes sense? I only ever got as far as halfway thru the 8th book. I really liked reading them at the time but upon recollection they seem very tedious.

>> No.21537144

A few not mentioned here:
>The Egypt Game + The Gypsy Game
>The Shadow Children Sequence
>Cirque du Freak & Demonata
>Left Behind: The Kids
>Silverwing (fuck the ending to Sunwing, seriously)
CHERUB rules all, anyways. I still have a hoodie I got off the website back in high school with the logo on it.

>> No.21537248

I read the fourth book, a prequel, and I liked it because there's a lot of focus on Bartimaeus the best character

>> No.21537250

I remember liking the Twig trilogy a lot more than the later parts. Dropped off after like book 7. Did the series end well?

>> No.21537256
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I remember digging the first few Young James Bond books as a kid. Picrel spooked me out a bit at the end, James comes across some faggot whose been mutated into some sort of Lovecraftian eldritch eel-human hybrid. Was intense.

>> No.21537261

Damn that's the part that still feels vibrant in my memory too after many many years. Plus the effort it took for him to climb out of it