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/lit/ - Literature

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21530454 No.21530454 [Reply] [Original]

Pegan related books?

>> No.21530457


>> No.21530459

No thank you.

>> No.21530462

pegging related books

>> No.21530494

The golden bough

>> No.21531253

The poetic Edda
The prose Edda
The Tain

>> No.21531279
File: 21 KB, 265x400, patrick harpur daimonic reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamonic Reality is good book that could help you view the world in a more spiritual archetypical way like our pagan ancestors did. Also I've heard that the Picatrix contains many rituals that are pagan in origin and even contains an initiation ritual. But I haven't gotten around to reading it so I don't know how helpful it is.

>> No.21531307

Just watch some of a Heilung concert, lol. It was alright, but ultimately seems a rehash of things already done dressed up in fur and leather.

>> No.21531397

That’s not pagan.

>> No.21531447

The Eddas are post-pagan. I recommend the only surviving pagan works: The Iliad and the Odyssey. While some other works such as those of Hesiod are still "pagan" they lack the quality of being seen as a mystical religious text. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle quote the works of Homer as if they were both historical documents and spiritual containing wisdom on all sorts of topics including virtue, ethics, the nature of reality, and of "the gods." Of course, by the classical period Greeks and Romans were as skeptical of the literal value of Homer as most secular Christians are of the Bible today, but that's what makes it the closest you can get to a genuine pagan text uncorrupted by external influences.
Neo-paganism is a shitty larp and all of the recommendations here are post-pagan reconstructions of paganism.

>> No.21531456

The Eddas
There's a very, very, VERY large amount of Buddhist and Hindu works.

>> No.21531470

Didn't you see >>21531447? All of those aren't Pagan.

>> No.21531477

I would assume the Buddhist and Hindu texts could work...

>> No.21531486

Oh, don't worry, I saw it, it's just that no one cares what you think.

>> No.21531655

Mein Kampf and Might is Right

>> No.21531658

The Gods of Pegana

>> No.21531720

I'll give you Mein Kampf, but Might Is Right is just flat out a Christian text. It's a dumb one, but the closest religion that it aligns to is Christianity.

>> No.21531835
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You just missed a thread about this one

>> No.21531850


>> No.21531867

Doesn't Hitler denounce pagans in Mein Kampf?
How Christianized is this? How does it compare to the poetic edda?

>> No.21533421

Pagans can't read

>> No.21534479

Pagans compose epics to recite orally

>> No.21535370

What about the Vedas? Anyway we're simultaneously lucky we have the Greeks and unfortunate that's almost all we have. Because their cosmology isn't the only way to order the divine, obviously since the Norse rearranged elements of Zeus into Odin and Thor, and Odin also elements of Hermes, and etc.
Which one is closer to their mutual progenitor? Does it even matter? It's harder to find answers for a pagan, and one has to be exceptionally wise to learn the truth. But at the same time I think the absence of any kind of prescribed dogma is beneficial because it makes it difficult or impossible to smear pagans with the same brush due to the actions of any one group.

>> No.21535374

catholic bible

>> No.21535390
File: 94 KB, 1024x375, 1599149673057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you're literally forgetting The Aeneid

>> No.21535404

Pagans are the try-hards of religion.

For example: “look at this stupid shit I’m wearing, horns, a dirty linen over my eyes. My gods a male moose, and so I have to carry this mold of its genitalia…”


>> No.21535586

Bhagavad Gita

>> No.21535627
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>> No.21536435


>> No.21536438
File: 5 KB, 250x174, 4chan frog cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine buying this in a store in real life, walking up to the counter with that in your hand and ringing it up

>> No.21536456

Qrd on picrel?

>> No.21536460

Never trust a Freemason.
>In the same publication Higgins makes some interesting claims, stating that all the Greek Gods and Goddesses of Greece were black, such as Jupiter: "Osiris and his Bull were black; all the Gods and Goddesses of Greece were black: at least this was the case with Jupiter, Bacchus, Hercules, Apollo, Ammon.The Goddesses Venus, Isis, Hecati, Diana, Juno, Metis, Ceres, Cybile, are black. The Multi-mammia is black in the Campidoglio at Rome, and in Montfaucon, Antiquity explained." Page 138[12]

>In Anacalypsis he states that the Jews of Asia minor were a tribe and colony of black Buddhists from India: "Solomon was a personification or incarnation of wisdom, and the Jews, of Asia Minor were a tribe or colony from India, of black Buddhists, at or about the same time with the Ioudi to Syria, under the Brahmin."

>"All the hero Gods Theseus, Bacchus, Æsculapius, &c., were saviours and black saviours too. These black icons were made when man himself was black. He made his God after himself, and then said that man was made after the image of God."[12]

>> No.21536605
File: 23 KB, 375x500, The Elder or Poetic Edda commonly known as Saemund's Edda. Edited and translated with introd. and notes by Olve Bray. Illustrated by W.G. Collingwoodby Bray, Oliver, 1776-1823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best poetic edda version. The olive bray

>> No.21536645

There is nothing more embarrassing or shameful than following the orders of your jewish masters while completely giving up on trying to recover your ancestral culture, knowledge and roots. You are literally and truly beyond enslaved and conquered. You like being their conquered slave. There are no words to describe how disgusting and repugnant you are. My fingers feel sullied typing this response to you.

>> No.21536653
File: 176 KB, 888x636, Peggable 4chanbackground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21536668
File: 17 KB, 287x287, 1606610248822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see this post? this is exactly the kind of person the cashier will think you are if you buy that book

>> No.21536690

You can't revive paganism because we don't know how it really was practiced. All reconstructions are hollow larps.

>> No.21536696

The cashier will think I'm a giant fat rapist because that's what I am, and if there's still any doubt she can consult my shirt which announces it

>> No.21536705

Pagans are just heretics who want an excuse to be degens and listen to folk metal while legitimizing what is otherwise just an otherwise normal personality. It's a religion for those who hate religion and yet want something to worship because they're probably surrounded by Christians. Just be agnostic you dumb fags, I know you don't really believe this shit.

>> No.21536726

This was funny >>21531658

Please acknowledge me

>> No.21536729

alright I take everything back you're based

>> No.21536747

So that is where mabinogi's name probably came from.
For that reason alone I should probably read it.

>> No.21536782

Anyone else thinks Heilung is a bit cringe?

>> No.21536786


>> No.21536813

Imagine not buying it from Odinshof with the man himself there to sign it.

>> No.21536818

Not really.
It's pretty common for metal bands to have gimmicks.
It would be like complaining that boasting in rap is cringe.

>> No.21536895

are women actually into that or is it yet another horny male projection

>> No.21537167

It's p much always dom women forcing it onto their sub bfs

>> No.21537536

Paganism isn’t a thing you savage retard. It’s a catch all word for the cultures and religions practices pre Christianity. It’s like saying Niggerism (all the cultural and religious practices of black Africans pre humans showing up) is unknowable because niggers had no idea what they were doing before Europeans and Arabs came down to fuck the baboon butted black bitch females. But we can study black retard Africans and learn that before humans showed up they were dancing and fucking and dying of malaria. They were too stupid to invent the wheel or much of anything so instead they evolved massively oversized genitalia that they use for target practice and animal dominance. To this day blacks are obsessed with two things, penises and butts. All they think about are penises and butts and shitting and fucking.

>> No.21537548

This is true. My black girlfriend has a HUGE flappy roast beef pussy, HUGE tits and a HUGE butt. All she want to do is eat fried meat and fuck. Right now it’s fun but in a few months she’s going to be 400 lbs of genitals again. She has special pussy pants with a blown out front pocket for her 9 lb of black pussy. She’s got a BBClit

>> No.21537551

Post pic of her volcano pussy

>> No.21537559

Just imagine 2 soup cans of pussy flesh the color of roast beef. I can double fist Superman punch her in the uterus no problem.

>> No.21537570


>> No.21537591

This is also reminds me of something I was thinking.
The reason I think Stephen McNally is a spook is because making what's essentially an 'official' pagan church in America is retarded. It's not only cucked, but it reeks of steam vent spooktownery.
Because in America, laws say you can't discriminate based on race. So you start a pagan church organization, and any nigger can waltz and be like "Yo whatup homie. Word, I finna be a pagan asatru folk assembly too, yafeemee?" And you are legally obligated to let him mingle among your congregation of trad white neopagan waifus.
I can't think of anything more cucked than that. America is truly evil.
Plus basically having a church is stupid, it's a Christian thing. To my understanding of ancient polytheism, it's only in cities like Athens where you'd even have public temples at all, and that was because not every person in the city had access to domestic forms of worship. They weren't churches, they were more like how occult orders are organized now.

>> No.21537592

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.21537613

The virgin pagan
>barely any written works
>most of it written by bored christcucks paganweebs
>oral tradition, most of it lost because they got btfo
>only tiny cultures
>no one practices it besides smelly metalfags

The Chad Hindu/Bhuddist
>over 5000 years old
>oral traditions until very recently
>first written down after 2500 years, still most of it known today
>hundreds of thousands ancient texts still out there today
>practiced by a large portion of the world population

>> No.21537625

It is pagan related in a sense though.

>> No.21537634

Religion is just a cultural thing to bring people meaning in general. Its not about truth or actually believing at all.
There is a reason the main factor for what religion a person will have is the culture where he lives

>> No.21537635

The Aeneid is a basically a patriotic fan fiction written over 1000 years after Homer.

>> No.21538685

your instincts are correct, they don't have any historical grounding and they made a big statement on social media about muh white supremacy after a black fan was allegedly harassed by nazi vikings at their concert

>> No.21538710
File: 20 KB, 303x448, 283F3AF7-DAD4-43B0-BBE1-24BD4170FE23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go -

>> No.21538776

Is there something I'm missing because I assume a church could discriminate on who joins their congregation. They can't discriminate on who they hire apparently, but I think that could easily be circumvented by making your accountant "the holy pontiff of currency" or something
>Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, or national origin. The act also, however, gives religious organizations an exemption to use religious criteria in hiring “ministerial” employees, such as preachers, youth leaders, and the like.

>> No.21539029

>How Christianized is this? How does it compare to the poetic edda?

Iirc, all the previous gods and obvious non-christian theology got changed into something lower on the theocratic totem pole. Gods became spirits or conspicuously powerful men. If you read it with that in mind, it's pretty easy to figure out what the original text was trying to say.

>> No.21539034

>no one practices it besides smelly metalfags
Not true. Asatru folk assembly
>practiced by a large portion of the world population
Yes, by a bunch of brown people with no relation to the originators of the doctrines. Europeans don't generally want to be associated with that shit.

>> No.21539068

>Norse larping

Fucking cringe ass paddies

>> No.21539084

Why can’t people just make up a new pagan religion though? I think the idea that religions are only legitimate if they were made up before the enlightenment/scientific revolution is kinds silly because it’s basically just proving atheists right. I think saying that neo-pagans can be nothing but larpers casts a huge shadow of doubt over all religions, because unless magic, miracles and gods existed 2000 yr ago but not now for some reason, all major religions are just larp sessions that only derive legitimacy from being old and their origins not being able to be scientifically scrutinized. I see a ton of Christians accuse neo-pagans of LARP and to me they just sound like atheists. It would be way smarter to call neo-pagans demon worshippers or something. Not saying that’s what you’re doing here just going on a tangent

>> No.21539088
File: 3.64 MB, 1848x1306, hh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because making what's essentially an 'official' pagan church in America is retarded
No, it isn't retarded. It's comfy. See vid here
and here
>Because in America, laws say you can't discriminate based on race
Bullshit. See pic, numbers 2 and 3.

>> No.21539123

The norse invaded ireland. That religion was practiced there. And life is a bit of a LARP inherently anyways. It might actually be healthy to the psyche to LARP a bit. Certainly they are closer to the norse in degree of relatedness than they are to middle eastern people, which is the source of these people's previous religion that they converted from, so less of a LARP.
see vids here in this kek blessed post

>> No.21539149
File: 142 KB, 2050x610, After permit approved for whites-only church small Minnesota town insists it isn't racist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More info on the legality.

>> No.21539514
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>> No.21539700

ive seen it happen (not the sex thing the women saying they are into it thing)

>> No.21539995
