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21529870 No.21529870 [Reply] [Original]

What will happen if I read this and practice, /lit/?

>> No.21529891

You will become god

>> No.21529894

You will become a wizard (but gay)

>> No.21529901

yer a wizard harry

>> No.21529931
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You will turn into an Eldar

>> No.21529935
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>> No.21529958
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Here are some books by Damien Echols that should be rather useful, which I'll order by way of complexity:

Ritual: An Essential Grimoire (.epub):

High Magick (.epub):

Angels and Archangels (.pdf):

If you are looking to convert the first two into .pdf's, download the PC program Calibre or use this site:

>> No.21529991

you'll be able to psychically transmit the word nigger into the brain every coloured you run into

>> No.21530039

you'll turn yourself into a paranoid schizo or realize it's bullshit and drop it.

>> No.21530521

Magic doesn't work, but you should see that for yourself if you're intelligent enough not to fall into copes. Eventually you'll realize that all the practices are just glorified daydreaming.

>> No.21531259
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This is more preferable I think


>> No.21531282

I'm pretty sure all the rituals in there are meant to be practiced in a group setting.

>> No.21531334

Have you read those?

>> No.21531400

>What will happen if I read this and practice, /lit/?
You'll have wasted a few bucks and a few hours of your life.

>> No.21531413

Either you will self-initiate yourself and gain a little bit of gnosis or nothing happens. Worst case is you go insane. YMMV.

>> No.21531489

Why don't you read them instead of making this thread and begging to be spoonfed?

>> No.21531519

I thought he was a LARPer/base occultist (maybe he used to be), but when I looked him up on youtube I saw a video where he was talking about actual alchemy, so I guess he's pretty based now.

>> No.21531609

op has a financial stake in this crap. Read ritual magic by David Conway and leave

>> No.21531631

Why the fuck is nu-/lit/ so obsessed with dumb occultism with facist characteristics? It's like wicca for white boys. At least the christcucks on here don't pretend that the grace if God will make you into some magic immortal gigachad or whatever.

>> No.21531704

As if we needed more proof of you being a retard.

>> No.21531731

He definitely was a larper. I cracked opened the High Magick book at a bookstore and it's all LBRP shit. That may have changed now idk.

>> No.21531740

way for bored middle class kids to feel like they have control over their lives and are doing edgy shieet. Been like this since the spiritualists of Doyle's time

>> No.21531863

No but it is a lifetime reading goal. Wikipedia links to vol 1 and 2 directly so I do peruse these from time to time. Pretty cool


>> No.21531886

Very true,
>into some magic immortal gigachad
Right, that's also true, these practices have no physical effects, it's not like you could increase and decrease the size of your body, at the very least, or heal yourself of sicknesses and defects, or experience true internal "bliss" of the rubedo stage, changing your experience of the world, imbuing your words with force and power, making it all correspond to embodied reverberations and rhythmic pulsations, able to effect real phenomena, these guys are acting and pretending they can levitate and fix worldly situations with this stuff, lol.
>way for bored middle class kids to feel like they have control over their lives and are doing edgy shieet
Exactly, but it is all pretend, "feeling like you have control of your" life" " is such a cope.

>> No.21531943

>Why the fuck is nu-/lit/ so obsessed with dumb occultism with facist characteristics?
This is a misreading as many threads explicitly about Traditionalism, have just as much /pol/ posters saying “this is New Age universalist Luciferian globalist heresy,” stuff like “these guys bring up Sufism which is based on Islam which is sandn***er bullshit made by low-IQ towelheads,” “they bring up the theology of Pajeets who shit in the streets,” “Eastern peoples are cvcked bugmen and hence so is anyone who seriously considers their theology and philosophy,” etc., as much as it is filled with scientism skeptics making fun of and denying the possibility of the existence of the occult, and liberals/leftists/lukewarmconservatives calling them out as “far-right.”

They simply are some of the most notable scholars today to bring up an interesting idea which has traditionally occupied a corner in the thought and heritage of the West, that of there being a philosophia perennis, a prisca theologia, a universal religion, theology, or philosophy different perspectives of which can be found in different religions analogously to a prism diffracting light through a mirror (the light remaining from the same core radiation but differing in differing circumstances), just like someone like Aldous Huxley’s thoughts on the same in a book like “The Perennial Philosophy”, Huxley being far from someone thought “far-right.”

Face it, Traditionalists are the authentic “radical centrism” meme, they piss off everyone “on both sides”, as the truth itself often does.

>> No.21531971

>internal "bliss" of the rubedo stage, changing your experience of the world, imbuing your words with force and power, making it all correspond to embodied reverberations and rhythmic pulsations,
These aren't physical...

>> No.21532029 [DELETED] 

>These aren't physical...
Don't tell me you are assuming those sensations which pervade the nervous system, all the body, and have a characteristically sensible quality are the result of some invisible or subtle world interpentrating the physical one, that pulsation emanating from the lower half, those sensations of the blood coursing through the body, and those foreign energies which permeate the body, patterning energy, upon invocation and evocation, dissolving/elevating the experience, are anything but some psychosis of the psychosomatic complex, being produced by chemical and hormonal modifications, and transformations taking place in the body, these are not immaterial phenomena, but physical sensible manifestations, of images the "immaterial" mind contacts, and are thereby imagined. You must be delusional. Anyway none of this stuff is real.

>> No.21532678

Control over life and death, you will be able to detect when a living thing is approaching death, and vice-versa, tirelessness, mental indestructibility, you will find the thoughts of people around you flash before you in images so maybe it will increase your communication skills, a superhuman control of emotions, ability to commit suicide at any moment, a transformation of the sleeping state, increase in sensory information, superhuman strength, levitation, telekinesis, fire-resistance, weather control, night vision, hallucination control, passive body modification, healing and curse powers, perception of entities from other worlds, thought-body manifestation (ties into telekinesis, etc.) control over the elements in general, living without breathing and eating and sleeping, the ability to cause EMPs and electronic interference, rapid regeneration, foresight visions of the future and timeline jumping.

>> No.21532710

Has anyone else here read the translation of Malleus Maleficarum?

>> No.21532724

How do you know?

>> No.21532749

Anything that pisses off bugmen, leftists and semitic religion faggots by definition must be good.

>> No.21532767


>> No.21532806

It's not Evola who's dumb. It's (You).

>> No.21532994


There is nothing traditional for a westerners to larp as a Hindu by "surfing the kali yuga" or whatever. If you want to be traditional go convert to Catholicism or something, they even have silly rituals for you to partake in.

>> No.21533005

I know one magical spell they are very real

>> No.21533109

Read a book. Any book will do for a start.

>> No.21533147

i dont think anything like what your thinking about exists on mass printed books produced in china

>> No.21533156

What if there printed in Malasia?

>> No.21533166
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>mfw the succubus I summoned just laughed at my dick too

>> No.21533221

You will finally be a woman.

>> No.21533573

>the grace if God will make you into some magic immortal gigachad
protip that is literally what christians believe

>> No.21534274

ITT: People who don't know what Evola meant by Magic

>> No.21535422

>page 10
not so fast lil fella

>> No.21535727

get a load of this escapist chinlet

>> No.21535976

I want to cast spells and live in a wizard's tower just like in my virtual entertainment. What's so hard to understand?

>> No.21535982

Shut up tranny

>> No.21536003

Can you tell me, what does "escapist" mean? It seems to me to suggest that we are in a prison, and that it is one's duty not to attempt to escape it. But when I try to look around, I can see no prison, nor any duty that would bind me to it if it existed. Perhaps I am getting the wrong idea here?

>> No.21536065

Read some of it and of Revolt. Evola’s views on the afterlife is so fucking depressing.

>> No.21536082

>proves that he doesn't have clairvoyance
sorry about your ugly face, chinlet

>> No.21536209

Landwhale detected

>> No.21536403

>Evola’s views on the afterlife is so fucking depressing
but how? I thought they we're exciting.

>> No.21536592

>die uninitiated
>atheistic death ie: black nothingness
>afterlife is a privilege to those who practice certain rites
It’s very depressing in contrast to ideas which hinge on the immortality of the soul like reincarnation or heaven. For Evola, if you weren’t lucky enough to be initiated, then tough shit, you stop existing. Unless I misunderstood it somehow. I’m not very deep into his works yet.

>> No.21536606
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>Unless I misunderstood it somehow. I’m not very deep into his works yet.
Well folks? What's the consensus on this? Did he get it or did he get filtered?

>> No.21536611

He has an extremely shakti tantra influenced perception of Tradition which is almost Nietzschean, understandable since that was his generation and everybody was like that at the time. But he is not the final authority on these things. Don't read him as a system. Ironically the Theosophists and Anthroposophists whom Evola worked with were better on this as they were extremely ardent reincarnationists.

Gurdjief has the same problem as Evola, for the same reasons more or less, very elitist view of transcendence.

>> No.21536627

I won’t pretend to not be a brainlet.
Thanks for the clarification. Much of what Evola says make sense to me, but the way he presents his views most of the time is extremely authoritative - he leaves little wiggle room for anything. I suppose it’s premature of me to comment on this while only just delving into the world of Traditionalism. I’ll be sure to look into other thinkers of the time and form my opinion on the subject then.

>> No.21536660

You will fall into the same category as obese purple haired lesbians with daddy issues

>> No.21536669

>you stop existing
Only the empirical you, the real you is never born and never dies.

>> No.21536674

You should see Guenon, he's even more categorical in everything he says, which is funny when you realize he and Evola disagree on much. If you want an easier introduction to any of these things try Schuon, he's genuinely good.

Also remember, the one thing all these guys would agree on is that everything they say is only a dim reflection, through a mirror darkly, of the actual metaphysical structure of reality, which you either see for yourself or you don't. So anything you haven't seen for yourself is fair game. And the very fact that there is mutual disagreement between systems is a clue that metaphysical vision is not an either/or affair. Steiner thought it was progressive, and the reason it varies so much is that we are still in the young phases of really developing it.

Wisdom's Children is a good overview of the Bohmean theosophical tradition if you want to get another view on things. Try Eliphas Levi's Transcendental Magic too, or any of AE Waite's general introductory writings. Or just dive in and read the Corpus Hermeticum, at least the Poimandres (easy, short). Try reading something Gurdjieff too, check out "Glimpses of Reality" (easy, short). And Tomberg's Meditations on the Tarot, at least the first 1-2 chapters.

All these will give you a sample of the variety of esoteric systems and force your horizons to remain broad while reading any one particular thinker. Most have audiobook versions too, check youtube. Some of the readings are very good.

>> No.21536684

>Steiner thought it was progressive, and the reason it varies so much is that we are still in the young phases of really developing it.
Which he got from Hegel

>> No.21536685

Partly, he did a lot of stuff with Hegel, but he read basically everything. He even read Fichte's son

>> No.21536789

Not all of it but most of it many years ago.
Though it's a lot more interesting when you fully understand the context around the book, especially the politics going on at the time.

>> No.21536840

Filtered, Evola time and time again restates the possibility of autonomous realization

>Therefore we should not exclude that, in specific cir-cumstances, one may be able, through his own efforts, to obtain the same results and to activate an operating principle that does not belong to the samsaric current. On the contrary, early Buddhism has acknowledged the possibility of an autonomous realization, exemplified first and foremost by its founder, the historical Bud-dha, who was the prince Siddartha. Considering the progressive materialization of humankind in the course of history, and the consequent development of physical individuality, later forms of Buddhism, especially in the Mahayana tradition, have reaffirmed the concept of initiation (diksha) as the usual way to achieve one's integration. Initiation, therefore, is defined as a real transmission of a shakti, and as a power and a guiding light. While Catholicism professes that the apostolic succession and the continuity of grace ensure the sacraments' efficacy, in Hinduism there have been dy-nasties of spiritual teachers (gurus), who have uninterruptedly trans-mitted not only the tradition of their own schools but also the nonhuman power (shakti) that is required in order to expound and to activate that tradition. The image that this transmission evokes is that of a flame lighting another; spiritual organizations, called kulas within Tantrism, also follow the same principle. The power is often transmitted from the teacher to the novice through words of power (mantras), in which a shakti becomes intimately connected to a word, thus acquiring a vivifying and fertilizing quality; it propiti-ates a "second birth."4 The nondualistic premise is reaffirmed, since this is a birth taking place within one's innermost being. Thus it has been suggested that "those who embrace a person who is initiated into the supreme brahman are embracing themselves." And during the ritual, the great saying from the Upanishads is whispered:
"Thou art that" (tat tvam asi), and also: "Think within thyself that I am He and He is I. Free from all attachments [nir-mana, literally, devoid of the sense of mineness] and sense of self, go as thou pleasest as moved thereto by thy nature."

>When the texts insist on the necessity of seeking the aid of a guru following this "beginning," however, they may contain exag-gerations; some contingent circumstances may even play a role.
Considering, for instance, that there were no books containing certain teachings, and that some books were difficult to find, the guru was practically the only source available, even for the most exoteric elements of the learning process.6 Whatever may be found in various teachings that cannot be transmitted through ordinary language or written expositions should not be overlooked.

>> No.21536841

>The same goes for the coded and multivalent character of some texts, which involve a hierarchy of interpretative levels. This set of cir-cumstances, too, dictates the need for a spiritual teacher. Finally, we must consider the continuous relations between a teacher and the person being initiated, besides the transmission of a power, which is not just the guru's own Shakti but rather a super-individual shakti, connected to the initiatory circle to which the guru himself belongs. A positive factor in these relations is the assistance provided in the face of dangers and obstacles, which can be foreseen and rightly evaluated only by one who has already had a firsthand experience and who is thus endowed with a high degree of competence.
>In any event, apart from the beginning, which may be consid-ered to be like the induction of the embryo of a supernatural power and light, spiritual development is the individual's responsibility.
After this power has been completely assimilated and actualized, the development must reach a point where the novice becomes utterly independent from the teacher. Figuratively speaking, it is said that at the peak of fulfillment (siddhi) the disciple "has his own teacher under the feet," and that "the kaula is guru unto himself and nobody is superior to him." No matter in what way it has been achieved, initiation has the general meaning of a consecration. Some texts suggest not only that initiation influences the efficacy of sadhana and of the "acquired dignity," but also that, if initiation did not occur, sadhana and asceticism might assume an asura character, the term asura desig-nating a demonic, nondivine being (the Indo-Aryan equivalent of the Titans).
>As far as the technical instruments employed during sadhana are concerned, we may here recall the two main ones: the faculty to visualize precisely ("to see through the inner light") and the faculty to focus one's mind through a training similar to that practiced in classical yoga.

>> No.21536858

Tldr: Possible, but also dangerous, may assume a titanic/asuric character, you also require certain uncommon individual qualifications,

Anyway, my advice is get into hypnosis, "new age "energy work," but ignore all the malformed psychology of the unconscious and assimilate the energies into yourself conjured by the hyonotist with the variety of symbols they attempt to "imprint" upon the subconscious,

From the /trad/ point of view this is definitely "black magic" look into "hands free orgasm" hypnosis and erotic hypnosis, for the availability of these symbolic energies, and utilize them when the hypnotist suggests "sleeping" stay awake, and if you are adept enough the point where mental arousal transforms into an orgasm, you may be able to consciously subvert this energy and it will develop into the "lightning" of bliss, which you can integrate with voidness.

>> No.21537425

You more or less have it right, to be precise Evola's position is that reincarnation is true but that what reincarnates has nothing whatsoever to do with "you". The higher principle withdraws to its source, the life force is recycled/reincarnates and the body/human identity is destroyed. Some fragments of human consciousness survive in something like a trance-like state. Initiation averts this by orienting the entire inner being towards the higher principle so that physical "death" only leads to separation from the body and the discarding of unnecessary material. I think that's more or less Evola's view on the matter.
I think he's right that reincarnation is a logical impossibility, but as I have no experience of the afterlife (or at least no memories of it) I can't say if he's right on that part or if something else happens after we die.
Whatever it is that reincarnates, it is not "you", if by "you" you are actually referring to who you are as a being. You are a human organism that is here just once and never again. Your life force may be used to animate other beings, and your principle might generate other beings on a similar basis as yours, but you yourself are unique and only experience one lifetime as an organism.
Reading Plato and then Plotinus made the idea of the afterlife a lot more relaxing to me, if that's something you're interested in.
You are still referring to initiation though, it's just self-initiation.
As to your advice to that anon, it sounds extremely suspect to say the least. Hypnosis is the polar opposite of meditation, it dissipates rather than consolidates being. Evola repeatedly denounces all hypontistic currents in his works.

>> No.21537537

>As to your advice to that anon, it sounds extremely suspect to say the least. Hypnosis is the polar opposite of meditation, it dissipates rather than consolidates being. Evola repeatedly denounces all hypontistic currents in his works.
Oh no I am fully aware of hypnostistic currents being bad and so on, however, as I have said, when the hypnotist says sleep you stay awake, nullyfing the passive mode by which the state of hypnotism is induced, you can subvert the hypnotic effects the "energy work" merely by being conscious of it, and not at all falling into a state of passive mediumistic trance,
Most of the hypnotism and hypnotists are of low quality, however I have encountered some which when paired with an awakened imagination can fuel the state of samarasa/mahamudra, evola talks about, albeit I have my own initiatic experience to support and compare the bliss of divine union in both cases, anyway,
The hypnotism in my case just doesnt "work" as intended, I am never really a passive medium, as I am conscious throughout, However I do voluntarily participate in it, "the visualizations" with full consciousness, and thereby act in only an apparently mediumistic way, these energies (a subtle feeling of feminine love like a mental sex, a with a corresponding pulsation) are firstly directed by me and controlled, and only inspired by the hypnotist, only symbolically, e.g the hypnotist describes a divine woman, which I have sex with, and this occurs in a subtle way, producing corresponding subtle effects, none of it though presupposes the passive state of submitting to the hypnotist. For example, in the HFO I am talking about the hypnotist will try to bring you to mental arousal to the point of demanding semen emission, involuntarily, this is where the active part comes in and where you can yourself take control and completely withold the bindu leading to a state comparable to samarasa, mahamudra in the tibetan tantric tradition etc. you can indeed have a "dry orgasm" and actually be in total control through these methods, witholding the bindu, also evola mentions drug use, disabling the ejaculation, this is also something which can be considered, anyway, what I am saying will not work for everyone and will be dangerous perhaps, however I find these sorts of hypnotism in my state acting as a good fuel to experience union, altering consciousness,
I remember something in evolas "hermetic tradition"

>Concerning this, Philalethes says allegorically that if Mercury is found among merchants, the Sun or Gold, on the other hand, is "a consequence of our work and our operation"; and who does not know this "still does not understand the purpose of our secret work." As we said at the beginning, the purpose of the hermetic Art is not the discovery of Gold, but its fabrication.

>> No.21537583

There are some "hypnotists" which I can see using I dont know whether consciously with awareness (probably the case) tantric methods malevolently, to enslave unaware people, also after going indepth into this stuff, and having to listen to 24/7 music at my work, Ive realized that a huge amount of music which when I was younger sounded strange, just didnt make sense, uses odd words etc. Its all describing cryptically, the rising of this energy, burning with it, passion etc.
I dont know if its intentiona, or whatever,
Like some music "passionate songs" very emotive, will make a theme of mentioning "thunder" "burning" being "enflamed" "rising" I have been observing it so often, I dont know if it can be called a coincedence, just listen to stuff by lana del ray, tame impala, etc. Etc.
These subtle traces I am detecting everywhere, in the mainstream western culture is assuring me that the modern day western celbrities, have some sort of "tantric formation" and are conscious of it, and they are applying these sorts of things shaping the western masses and youth, in this way, to try and awaken I think more or less an ashuric character, in them, think of all these people going to concerts listening to theae songs falling into trances with the hypnotic music, all these zoomers, even then though this is something twofold as people who are aware can utilize these forms of manipulation to their advantage, and convert these deliberate manipulations of sensation into conscious power.

>> No.21537608

No joke, like there is american music I have just heard aired of the radio for example, where they will talk about essentially penis worship, except they will instead of penis talk about "pogo stick" and use other veiled terms, and they will sing about women circumabulating, the "stick" essentially music about rituals of a more or less totemic design, which you may think is something pointless since noone is really aware or thinking about, but there is a very prominent pattern, which I am observing a trend which cannot be called coincendental, which indicates that some of the masses which are young and are formed mentally by this, fall into a sort of enslavement through these mediums, a collective hypnotism, modern music seems to be a weapon now with the mass proliferation assisted by modern technology, in the overarching occult war.

>> No.21537874

You will shoot rope into succ pussy every day.

>> No.21537895

These books were retroactively refuted by ARCHDRUID john michael greer

>> No.21537934

This bait again

>> No.21537955
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>Exploring something else, in turn, occupied the next fifteen years. I sought initiation in two other Druid orders, and duly became a Druid Adept in the Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA) and a Third Order priest in the Reformed Druids of North America (RDNA), but my vagaries weren’t limited to Druidry by any means. Among other things, I completed extensive study programs in Renaissance astrological magic and old-fashioned Southern conjure, practiced radionics using a homebuilt Hieronymus machine, devoted some serious time to laboratory alchemy, dove headfirst into sacred geometry, geomancy, and both traditional and modern astrology, got competent at two systems of alternative healing with important ties to occultism, and put ten years into earning instructor’s credentials in one of the old temple styles of t’ai chi ch’uan.
>laboratory alchemy
>astrological charms and talismans probably
Absolutely filtered, phoney druid, he wasted his life

>> No.21537990

May we see evidence of your superpowers? A video or two, perhaps?

>> No.21538079

Don't listen to this guy >>21536858. He's trying to get you to listen to sissy hypno and troon out!

>> No.21538151
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>trying to get you into sissy hypno and Troon out
No, also
>The adventure is not without risks. It can happen that any alteration, the process of which is not completely under one’s control or is influenced, for example, by an ill-timed ego reaction, establishes between said elements abnormal or fragmentary connections, to which—if the ordeal is not mastered—there cannot less than correspond diminished or abnormal forms of the faculties of awareness. Artephius says that along with the "solution" and the "black color," there is produced a "discontinuity of the parts." In effect, the disintegration of the "composition" or "mixture" of its elements is provoked, with the result that whoever confronts the experience and during the whole time it lasts, is in constant danger of death, or at least in danger of all those disorders (schizophrenia, amnesia, stupefaction, confusion, epilepsy) that can result from the relentless separation of the vital energies from the organs and bodily functions to which they correspond.
But anyway, it is I can technically see how sissy hypno could be used to completely weaken the animal ego and self-preservation instinct, as a sort of dissolution, part of the stage of the earth losing its support crossing the void, but I think in such an activity the possibility of retaining consciousness or the solar element necessary, it is such that one is not completely dissolved into the waters, or devoured by the mother never to reign as the son, (given the sorts of people engaging in sissy hypno), falling as a result into just a dull amnesiac is close to zero.

most people are using these sorts of hypnoses as just some sort of pornographic stimulation, without the possession and discrimination of forces, or the imagination required.

The sort of hypnosis I am talking about is as much hypnosis as it is guided meditation, which demands on the listeners part an extremely active imagination, "visualization" pretty much the standard requirement of properly traditional tantric sadhanas, a developed awareness of the subtle forces in the body again, heightened sensations etc. , understanding the separation of these forces, their interpenetration and so on.

>> No.21538222

>"Don't be mutable like the moon, or reflective, always going through different phases, reflecting the light of the sun, which is phaseless, unwavering, a light on its own, self-ruling - autonomous, fiery, and blinding the true icon of immutability above as the sun, the inner conscious-principle, which obliterates any murky shadows and sublunary manifestations, the brightest and most clear, below as the awareness indestructible, real magic which produces effects, works only by the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon, the awakening of the moons reflective mutability, phenomenal and natural by the Suns immutable overpowering forceful radiance, burning and inhuman, impersonal blindness, absolute law. And yes the conjunction of these spheres corresponds to sex, its all an allegory for sex, human cosmology, which itself is an allegory for becoming and being, conceptual and nonconceptual awareness, bondage and liberation."
— Evola, Why Sun worship is justified V. 2
Imagine listening to this hack

>> No.21538467
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Will this help me to get a gf and become a millionaire? Nigga I dont want to cast fireballs from my ass

>> No.21538474

That's good. This hack didn't even understand the point of the books. Brutally filtered, publicly making a fool of himself. But then again he already does that, being a "druid" and practicing laboratory alchemy (puffers and charcoal burners).

>> No.21538486

It will make you have a severe crisis as you realize that the more saturated with being you become, the more women reveal themselves as having the bare minimum being necessary even to hold themselves together on the temporal plane, and that your ordinary disdain for them as obnoxiously shallow and frivolous creatures has become a fully self-conscious awareness that they are basically fruit flies or diaphanous membranes that randomly come together and disperse again, and that dating or sleeping with a woman as a man who is not himself a diaphanous drosophil destined for button moulder's ladle is basically like making paper dolls and ejaculating on them, meaningless, and more masturbatory than mutual since a woman (hyle) can only sustain a given form as long as you (morphe) are willing to insert one into her

It will make you view money as Chuck E. Cheese tokens: only mediately useful because the whole world has been transformed into Chuck E. Cheese currently, and it may be necessary to remain in the skeeball area just long enough to recruit a few dozen children to overthrow the Chuck E. Cheese management so that you can ultimately burn all the skeeball machines and plant a garden

>> No.21538509

You didnt answer the question though, will it help anon get a gf and become a millionaire?

>> No.21538523

>that they are basically fruit flies or diaphanous membranes that randomly come together and disperse again,
People already seem like that, man or woman.

>> No.21538524

If he is ugly It will not, if he is a manlet it will not, and so on, so I recommend Neville Goddard instead, but this will either work for you, or make things much worse and lead you to self-destruction, or depression.

>> No.21538526

If those are his motivations i doubt he will get very far.

>> No.21538529

>Neville Goddard
Why Neville?

>> No.21538532

He's a hack.

>> No.21538534

>that reading comprehension
please try to read evola and report back, ideally film it

>> No.21538557

>These subtle traces I am detecting everywhere, in the mainstream western culture is assuring me that the modern day western celbrities, have some sort of "tantric formation" and are conscious of it, and they are applying these sorts of things shaping the western masses and youth, in this way, to try and awaken I think more or less an ashuric character, in them, think of all these people going to concerts listening to theae songs falling into trances with the hypnotic music, all these zoomers, even then though this is something twofold as people who are aware can utilize these forms of manipulation to their advantage, and convert these deliberate manipulations of sensation into conscious power.
I had a kind of awakening and have experienced something very similar to what you described. I couldn't stand hearing vulgar and profane language. I was so sensitive to it that hearing it caused mental pain. Unfortunately, I'm still broke and live with my mother. She let my brother move back in a few months ago. He swears so much and drops f-bombs all the time when he talks, like every sentence. He's also very ill-tempered, and has an angry countenance. Hearing him talk makes me feel great anxiety. I noticed such people who speak in such a way have disorderly lives. My brother even told me he attracts chicks who are into the occult, yet he doesn't know why.

Eventually, I have become "numb" to it, and the only thing that stayed is a feeling of compassion I have for people. I would rather be struck dead than have another hateful thought again. These states of grace, or whatever you call it, can be lost but can be regained with great effort. I understand why ascetics cut themselves off from the world.

>> No.21538593

To sum up everything, there is far more weight to our actions than in the moral and social spheres. They effect you ontologically too. At first it's painful, but the more we indulge in sin and profane acts, it hurts us less and less until we become numb to it, and we become more likely to commit those acts again. Yet, these acts are still causing lesions on our souls without us realizing it. You're consciousness sinks lower and lower until you become something less than human, a beast.

I don't even enjoy watching movies or listening to music anymore. Everything is so saturated with this psychical evil energy, you're right >>21537608 that it can't possibly be a coincidence. Most singers don't even write their own music, there are (((producers))), other malevolent actors, and insidious forces far more frightening and mysterious than we can imagine.

>> No.21538676

Good posts. Keep it up.

>> No.21539132


>> No.21539147

>I don't even enjoy watching movies or listening to music anymore. Everything is so saturated with this psychical evil energy,
ironic that you say this on 4chan of all places. What makes you come here?

>> No.21539195

My friend in high school wouldnt shut the fuck up about it. if he is anything to go off of youll end up dropping out of college and becoming working at an insurance firm in the back office

>> No.21539368

Let me clear up a few things. I said I can't bear to be hateful anymore, yet I used echoes for producers. No matter how despicable and inexcusable the behavior of blacks and jews are, we must not bring ourselves to hate them. That is what the Enemy wants from us. We have to remind ourselves that we are all sick, and are in pain and suffering, including you and me.

What I said about the relation between being and actions was perfectly summed up by Evola in the ItM essay 'The Nature of Initiatic Knowledge': to be is to know. Reading these essays again after my awakening, initiation, or whatever you call it, made things suddenly click, when previously before I had personal experience of these things I didn't fully grasp. Evola and the UR Group had several things right, but from my experience and conclusions, I chose Orthodox Christianity.
Because I am still sinful in nature and live in the world. Though I have stopped going to /pol/, pornographic websites, and browsing frivolous /lit/ threads like ecelebs, intellectual posturing, and vanities like stack and bookshelf threads, and other kind of inanities. Esoteric and Bible/Christianity threads are more or less the only subjects that interest me now. But you're right. I should stop coming here.

>> No.21539451

>I should stop coming here.
But then who would teach us?

>> No.21539477

>t. larper

>> No.21539515

Why do you call me a teacher? The kind of initiation I had was spontaneous, and that came after being so hateful towards my brother to the point of being driven to madness by it and fantasizing about murdering him in the most horrific ways that my hate eclipsed any love I had for my friends and family, and that hate ran downstream into other facets of my life; being blackpilled after reading Traditionalists and philosophy of technology (which happens when you have no spiritual life whatsoever), and on top of that working for a call center from home and feeling like your life has no purpose and you want to die but you can't commit suicide because you know there are metaphysical consequences for it (which is a special kind of Hell). For some, we have to suffer and go through Hell until we get this kind of wisdom. So, what is the best teacher for someone who doesn't have one? The experiences you get from life and suffering are your teachers.

>> No.21539586

Reminder that Evolafag roleplay-magic posts are funnier when you sound them out with a lisp.

>> No.21539696

You should not hate your enemy, because that allows him to have some degree of control over you.

>> No.21539703
File: 2.00 MB, 200x200, lel_lmfao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.21539990


>> No.21540010

Thanks teacher. Sincerely.

>> No.21540368

This they are literally just knock off wushu cultivators

>> No.21540377

>actual alchemy
I got bad news for you, buster

>> No.21540380

Just be your own woman. The outer woman is only an analogy a symbol, which produces inner effects internalize wholly these symbolic cathexes without attatchment, freely adapting forms, multiplticatively inegrating.

>> No.21540426

>That is what the Enemy wants from us. We have to remind ourselves that we are all sick, and are in pain and suffering, including you and me.
No. I am fine thanks.
Even though Jesus Christ was on the cross being subjected to terrible physical tortures he felt no pain, he could not suffer, neither could he be experience sickness! Praise the sun. Only heroic triumph awaits, Divinity is unfaltering.

>> No.21540688

You were making sense until you went full commie with the Chuck E. Cheese analogy. Actual occultists who have gnosis will isolate themselves from society and live hermit lifestyles so they can maintain what gnosis they gained and try to gain more. The occultists that do become revolutionaries turn out to be frauds, or they go insane or get possessed by demons.