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21527939 No.21527939 [Reply] [Original]

You now remember Eragon.

>> No.21527942

So were these books even any good?

>> No.21527945

>mom and dad own publishing company
>publish your garbage star wars/lord of the rings ripoff that would never have gotten published anywhere else
>Now rich as fuck best selling teen author.

Proof nepotism is all that matters in this world.

>> No.21527968

>publish your garbage star wars/lord of the rings ripoff that would never have gotten published anywhere else
Not only was it published, it was advertised extremely hard. Getting published isn't that hard, but having your fairly mediocre book advertised everywhere takes special kinds of connections. Most authors who get published have virtually no advertising, comparatively.

>> No.21527974

I liked it

>> No.21528008

I read the first 2 and enjoyed them a lot when I was a kid. That being said, they sucked and are just rehashed lotr/earthsea/star wars (most notably) ripoffs. The protagonist finds an elf girl in a coma and spends half the first book giving her sponge baths lol.

>> No.21528014

I dont think it's worse than most published YA stuff. Having said that it is really bad. It sold books to people who wanted to read them though.

>> No.21528017

I enjoyed it a lot as a kid so I'm not going to hate on the books too much, but I do really dislike the author. He seems very smug for someone who basically had his entire career handed to him. Though I will give him some credit for actually writing and finishing fairly lengthy novels at a young age

>> No.21528032

I think his parents must have written large portions of it, or even a ghost writer and the shtick about eragon being written by a 14 year old was just marketing. But I haven't read them since they were current so maybe they're even worse than I remember. I also liked the two I read though when I read them, but there's lots of stuff I read and loved as a kid and still really appreciate on its own merits (the hobbit, Narnias, Artemis fowl, Diana wynne jones books) and this doesn't compare. I hear the movie was the worst thing ever too. Part of the appeal of Eragon is the setting is fine and described decently, and the basic Star Wars chosen one, dead family, on the run with old mentor, plot is timeless and interesting.

>> No.21528043

I remember being jealous of the author’s age more than any part of the books.

>> No.21528056

>read the first one, really liked it, thought it was awesome
>read the second one, fucking hated it, so boring, took me a year and a half to finish
>read the first ~⅓ of the third one. Again, really boring. Not nearly enough action, too many scenes are excruciatingly dragged out. Stupid shit that makes no sense like resolving political disputes with swordfights and shit attempts at worldbuilding that probably are never mentioned again (this last one happens in all of them I think)
>never read further. Apparently however the last book does several deus ex machina moments including the characters finding an island with a fuckload of hidden dragon eggs and Eragon learning the real name of Galbatorix just as he's having his fight with him and uses it to make him kill himself
He wrote all this in his teens and somehow (???) it's been 10+ years since the last one and the author has been talking so much about how he loves his creation and wants to add onto it with other books and comics and turn into a franchise and stuff, yet despite all the talk all we still have are the 4 books.
Is Christopher Paolini a hack? Yes. Yes, he is.

>> No.21528115

So were these books even any good?

>> No.21528179

>setting canonically has furry elves who abuse pheromones to fuck everything in sight

>> No.21528222

I remember, first few books at least.

>> No.21528267

I remember my friend and I loved the books as kids. Then we went to see the movie and it killed the entire world for us.

>> No.21528599

I gave up on this series about 15 years ago only 10 chapters into Book 3. Can anyone tell me how the rest of the books went?

>> No.21528604
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You now remember the horrible movie and it's Avril Lavigne cover


>> No.21528610

LMFAO I remember watching this in theatres, there was this part where Eragon is walking through a dark alley with a hood over his head and some kids behind me were laughing saying "haha he looks like a fucking Luke Skywalker ripoff". It also butchered the books, like how it got rid of dwarves completely and just made them humans because apparently just doing what the LOTR films did to pull off convincing dwarves was too hard. And also made the orcs just humans when they're supposed to be monstrous creaturs with giant horns and tusks n shit, as well as making those creepy bird-people that stalk Eragon the whole book into fucking mummies.

Funnily enough Paolini himself said he liked the film.

>> No.21529440

>not sure if my animosity towards nepo babies like Paolini is because of a strong moral code or because I am just envious of them being given the keys to the kingdom

>> No.21529484
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He's also responsible for the worst book title ever.

>> No.21529542
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>elf girl in a coma and spends half the first book giving her sponge baths lol.

>> No.21529548

I only watched the movie
it wasn't good

>> No.21529553

Both is fine

>> No.21530162

Definitely not fully written by him. If you compare to his other writing later (which is worse).

>> No.21530168

>that would never have gotten published anywhere else
if he was japanese he could've published it as a light novel, they take anything and everything

>> No.21530177

also saw in theater much better than book.

>> No.21530275 [SPOILER] 

I had a friend in my neighborhood growing up who was a big fan of these books. Even named his dog Eragon. I remember his dog ran off one day and he was chasing him around crying "ERAGON, ERAGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON COME BACK". Even as a kid I cringed.

>> No.21530310

One of the most inspirational writers of all time. Literally anyone can write better than this lad

Anyway I grew up in the same area as him. His parents were in the same cult as mine and wrote a book of their own about it. He self-published the first book (people vastly overestimate the size of his parents' publishing "company") and one of his hustles was to set up a table in front of one of our town's two supermarkets to sell it to people. I used to see first editions of it in used bookstores here all the time and they're worth a pretty penny now.

>> No.21530766

>and one of his hustles was to set up a table in front of one of our town's two supermarkets to sell it to people.
Oh yeah wouldn't he get up on tables wearing shoddy knight costumes and wielding a fake sword and shield to promote his books? lmao

>> No.21530779

Honestly that's cool if true. The books are enjoyable to their target audience so they aren't that bad.
>t. Was the target audience when I was 12 and enjoyed the first 2

>> No.21531189
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Whenever I get reminded of that I cringe hard. Whish I could erase it from my memory.

>> No.21531800

Currently reading this. It's pretty good for something written by a teenager. Sure the plot is generic as they come, but the prose are competent and it has a certain old school charm.

>> No.21531896

>parents look after their own genes instead of some other set
>cuck /lit/ throws a fit

>> No.21531918

Galbatorix and Murtaugh get their powers from dragon soulstones (eldunari) that dragons usually store within their bodies. Eragon and co. discovers hidden trove of these stones and defeat G.

Arya gets her own dragon without renouncing her claim to the Elvish throne, despite the fact that entire point of the books was to defeat immortal dragon god emperor.

Eragon and Saphira grab the remaining eldunari and fly off to another continent to train future riders.

>> No.21532856

Lame. Glad I skipped the rest.

>> No.21534184

good god he looks like an insufferable faggot

>> No.21534193

>The protagonist finds an elf girl in a coma and spends half the first book giving her sponge baths lol.
Does he Shinji her at all? Cucked if not.

>> No.21535003

Has he released anything else in the same universe?

>> No.21535715


Honestly, its pretty standard fare for modern YA, if not more competently written which is saying a lot about what gets published and popular now.

>> No.21535716

No lol

>> No.21535926

sperged about these as a kid and recently found his website, does a bunch of Q & A vids and apparently is in the process of releasing a new one in next few months, also in talks with Disney + for live action series he says he's getting a lot of creative direction but we all know how those go

>> No.21536001

i liked that you could spend all your mana and fuckin die if you weren't careful.

>> No.21536077

never read it; I bought the first book as a gift for a friend. although, this book franchise did have a big impact on me growing up. I remember hearing that the author wrote the book when he was 16 or something, which forever tainted the fantasy genre to me as something made for infants by infants.

>> No.21536634

Imagine having to continue a story in your 20s that you started writing when you were 14. I'd cringe to death.

>> No.21536655

>people complain about unfair situations that benefit others instead of themselves
>cuck anon throws a fit

>> No.21536671

This nigga is 39

>> No.21536861

bro i'd be cringing my way to the bank. he's now rich because of his fanfic tier story.
he won

>> No.21536897

>the shirt aggressively unbuttoned with the white tee beneath
>the immaculately maintained leather jacket
>wide, thick, childbearing hips
>the sword slung loosely over his shoulder
>those eyes pinched in artificial consternation through the thick glass of his prescriptions
>despite it all, that look of smug confidence
Is this the ultimate goober?

>> No.21536932

>mom and dad own publishing company
It’s even worse, they bought the publishing company just to publish this little fuckers book, that’s the level of spoiled brat nepotism his life operates on

>> No.21536942

>several deus ex machina in the fourth book
You forgot the best one. Where he describes orks for the last 3 novels as a warlike race that wouldn’t even know what to do with peace as a concept because they’ll eventually just fight a war to fight. Who then magically understand the concept of peace as the main character explains how to satiate their innate desire for conflict and fighting, every few years they’ll have sport and games to see who was the best. The author creates world peace with the ork by inventing the fucking Olympics…

>> No.21536961

>Is this the ultimate goober?
could be fatter

>> No.21537215

I forgot that this existed. What the fuck, my brain protected me from the cringe through selective amnesia.

>> No.21537234

I remember liking how it felt faster paced way way back when I read the first book compared to other fantasy I had read, but I don't remember enough to actually know if it's well paced or not

>> No.21537310

Eragon and Eldest are really good, Brisingr and Inheritance are fine but the ending is mediocre. The Fork, the Witch and the Worm is trash.
At least he made it writing fantasy, not selfhelp shit or Trump biographies.

>> No.21537330

Unbelievable... but it happened

>> No.21537461

>The books are enjoyable to their target audience
They really weren't

>> No.21538212
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>>wide, thick, childbearing hips

>> No.21539255

Isn’t Jeremy irons in Dungeons and Dragons and Braveheart or something. Have you ever had a Jeremy Irons watchathon manifest?

>> No.21539552

>See this thread
>Go into town
>There it is. It's Eragon from \lit\
I guess it's still popular

>> No.21539557

Yeah, but I start with Lolita, nut & usually get demotivated.

>> No.21539563

I got around to watching the movie when I was 16 and thought it was terrible, then I reread the book to remind myself how good it was and didn't make it past the prologue because it was so bad. I enjoyed it when I was 9 or 10.

>> No.21539567

Friendly reminder paolini spends his time liking inflation art of saphira on Twitter

>> No.21539569

Ya 16 is probably too old to read Eragon. They're not good books. I was never saying that.

>> No.21539581

I distinctly remember a chapter in the second or third book where Roran kills 200 guys by himself and fist bumps some guy on his side who confirmed his killstreak.

>> No.21539597

Every YA publisher in the world would love to publish a book that did so well. There's a lot more to a book being a huge hit than "just spend a lot of money on advertising."

>> No.21539604

That's true but what did make Eragon such a hit and why aren't there similar books making similar splashes, in your opinion?

>> No.21540260

He's just pointing out its based on nepotism rather than merit, if you interpret that as a "fit" then you just want to be willfully deluded.

>> No.21540264

It was the perfect time for a LOTR/Star Wars mashup

>> No.21540672

It came out in the perfect time right before normalfags all ruined the internet with social media and clout chasing. It was the one of the first ya novels of the 21st century that was just a hodgepodge of almost blatant IP theft

>> No.21540748

he was like 13 when he wrote them and 18 when he published on his parents company
and it shows

>> No.21540769

>It's pretty good for something written by a teenager
Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein as a teenager, anon. Eragon isn't good by any metric

>> No.21540772

I read the first book three times as a kid and somehow also forgot about that plot point. It really is quite weird when I think back on it...I guess taking care of hot, helpless elf girls is Paolini's fetish