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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 142 KB, 570x712, PlatoOwningThePolloi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21526929 No.21526929 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss how to reincarnate the Platonic Academy and stick it to the plebs.

Let no one ignorant of geometry enter here.

>> No.21526945

Been browsing /lit/ since 2010. It has so much potential but we certainly need to change our board culture. Despite never being able to leave until you die, I stay with lit because there are pockets of brilliance that pop up. It truly is my bete noir

>> No.21526964

step 1) become rich
step 2) buy a college campus
3) hire /lit/ spergs and ecelebs to teach literature and niche philosophy like neoplatonism, traditionalism
4) spam /lit/ with new university and generate media attention about some dissident fascist ultra right wing super secret university

>> No.21526995

>making a university with people from /lit/
I can't think of a worse idea, and I don't like current universities much either.

>> No.21527053


>> No.21527059

>I can't think of a worse idea
Making a university with people from /his/

>> No.21527070

I used to work at the media dept for a big brained school.

>> No.21527078

Literally just hang out in the public park and teach a class. Academies revolve around teachers, not students being catered to.

For bonus points wear a toga and ham it up, but if you do this you MUST be able to lift 1/2/3/4 for reps.

>> No.21527102

Can I live stream this?

>> No.21527109

No, because you can't really stop people from watching if they don't know geometry if you stream it. Frankly if you record it and put it online you'd be a massive sellout and indistinguishable from the millions of other tards with edutainment video channels.

>> No.21527110

Go on...

>> No.21527119
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1672128479441101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh why geometry tho?

>> No.21527125

I've filmed a dozen semesters worth of lectures, about 25 hours of filming per week. I can film a university lecture essentially is what I'm getting at. Uhh but there is a bit to it, like not doing a shity job with it.

>> No.21527133

I'm not sure how you get to a place of calling it entertainment. My logic is that more people will be able to "take the class"
If you are seriously going to try and keep the geometry meme going you should probably not do this in public.

>> No.21527134


>> No.21527135

Plato made his students learn Pathagorean shit first.

>> No.21527137

Time is a cube.

>> No.21527150
File: 61 KB, 418x446, geo-shape-with-bota-logo-hme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on...

>> No.21527175

And my point is that if you want to lower standards into the gutter and let in any random pleb, we already have government funded """"""""schools""""""""" for that. Making it available for more people is the opposite of sticking it to the plebs. Hell, I bet you would want to hold weekend and after working hours lectures, too.

It's not a "geometry meme", it's a proof that the person seeking entry actually understands principles of logic and can apply them to abstract problems. It's a hard IQ filter. The point is to save time by filtering out retards as fast as possible so that the smart people can have stimulating discussions.

>> No.21527183

All math was geometry until 1999 when the Matrix was released in movie theaters. The green numbers flowing past are called complex numbers because nobody can read them but everyone just pretends they're real which you need to do to make computers work. Basically you have to believe hard enough like Neo and Pythagoras. You are educated stupid and there are FOUR simultaneous times.

>> No.21527184

Alright have fun with your meme, I'll be back tomorrow but this thread will most likely be filtered.

>> No.21527197

Good idea. I'll put on a toga and start lecturing the hobos under the bridge on the Forms and symbolism in the Illiad.

>> No.21527202
File: 539 KB, 608x715, AbsoluteWojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all makes so much sense now...

Imaginary numbers are just ONE member of the set of the imaginary as a WHOLE...

I... I don't know anything anymore...

>> No.21527204

>You are educated stupid and there are FOUR simultaneous times.
Again, not a meme. Enjoy mucking about with the plebs.

>> No.21527209
File: 18 KB, 236x325, acd40b27bdd9960d9071a05093cc6999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where you're wrong, mleccha. Time is a double helix.

>> No.21527213

Poor choice of audience imo. I think haras- I mean educating mothers with children at the park and suburban teens at the mall would be better. At least the teens might have some geometry experience.

>> No.21527222

But why geometry tho?

>> No.21527240
File: 62 KB, 621x521, 1672736448081988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a proof that the person seeking entry actually understands principles of logic and can apply them to abstract problems. It's a hard IQ filter. The point is to save time by filtering out retards as fast as possible so that the smart people can have stimulating discussions.

>> No.21527250
File: 65 KB, 768x960, 120284_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close but not quite

>> No.21527275

Schizobabble goes in the platonists section. As does neo-platonism and theological mental gymnastics.

>> No.21527280

I ask as my ass gapes
Why geometry tho
Sodomy and shapes
It's sacred bro

>> No.21527314
File: 177 KB, 800x600, 1670801892490641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>cast pearls before swine
>gets rended

Our Father who art in Heaven...

>> No.21527322
File: 102 KB, 663x1000, IMG_8374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i apply to be a lit spergs?

>> No.21527336

Triangle exists externally to any mind, any specific triangle or any physical thing. Triangle exists in Heaven with the gods and Jesus and stuff, it's sacred.

>> No.21527390

I've decided that this summer I'm gonna go to NY central park in a toga and lecture. I don't care if there's nobody there to listen, I'm just gonna yell out into the air about whatever philosophical topic interests me that day. I might bring a chalkboard with me too.
Look forward to seeing you guys there

>> No.21527395

please read a shit load of Plato and Aristotle before you go

>> No.21527405

Daatdarling? My love- is- is that you?

>> No.21527414
File: 9 KB, 256x192, IMG_8515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it live on twitch and post it here when you do. We will definitely catch and throw :kappa: s at you ironically.

>> No.21527463

Definitely DO NOT stream it or record it. Fuck the plebs that can't make it to NYC in the summer and loiter in central park all day until you show up.

I'll bring my wizard hat.

>> No.21527519

So you are going to a large city to perform in public but you don't want anyone to film you?

>> No.21527532

What are some contemporary books or pieces of writing I should read on the resurgence of monarchy as a alternative to Neoliberal order (please no Moldbug/Nrx)

>> No.21527553
File: 7 KB, 333x500, 21F6CYFAolL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21527579

That actually sounds interesting I've never even heard of any non Shakespearean Elizabethan dramas.

Any room for older dramas too, like the ones Shakespeare drew from?

>> No.21527581

>He doesn't know

>> No.21527588

But why tho?

>> No.21527851

>8/10 Literally cancelled for public disturbance, spreading hateful ideas, and indecent exposure.

>10/10 would be condemned to death for poisoning the mind of the youth

Also, 1/2/3/4 is for 1rep only if you're natty