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/lit/ - Literature

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21524179 No.21524179 [Reply] [Original]

I read IJ after being recommended it here and it was the best book I ever read. I also liked Catcher In The Rye, Swimming In The Dark, and Moby Dick, for example

I'm looking for more books with 'literally me' young adult males to project myself unhealthily onto. Bonus points if it's kind of cozy (I think the Hal chapters in IJ were cozy) and if it discusses the process of finding meaning in your life cause I've been mega existential lately.


>> No.21524186

The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien

>> No.21524210
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>> No.21524250

Wikipedia lists Swimming in the Dark as "gay literature". I don't know whether you're qualified to answer this, but can a non-homo still enjoy* the book? (*Enjoy, not as in erotic enjoyment, but rather how one enjoys an aesthetic experience with a great piece of art)

>> No.21524280
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>> No.21524310

>IJ "was the best book I ever read"
>Catcher in the Rye
>Swimming in the Dark
>Moby Dick

sheesh, son. Moby Dick is excellent, but as for the rest? all for teenagers/young 20s.

Let's go slow on you son, son.

Read Don Quixote.

Then read Dostoevsky from Crime and Punishment to The Brothers Karamazov.

Contrast with Tolstoy. Literally, everything. War and Peace. Anna Karenina, obviously. His excellent short stories such as Father Sergius. Then move on to his non-fiction, most specifically A Confession (find penguin vers.)

From there or simultaneously, read Kafka's Complete Stories of Kafka's, the most excellent short stories you may ever read....

....until you begin Borges.

I know you won't do any of this but this post is to any outstanding gentleman out there wishing for more excellent literature.

>> No.21524333

Ready Player One

>> No.21524477

I still don’t understand how you can actually read catcher in the rye and not want to tear that book to shreds afterwards. Absolutely zero character development from start to finish and there’s nothing to get out of the book other than the second hand cringe from watching some sperg piss and whine over everything. I can’t even feel compassion for him, I know he’s just a dumb kid but a lotta dumb kids turn into dumb adults. I feel like if I ever met Holden I’d want to kick him in the fucking teeth

>> No.21524484

Borges has only the library of bab worth of note. The rest is repetitive garbage

>> No.21524534
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>> No.21524868


That Stephen King book where the guy gets facefucked in prisons

>> No.21524875


That Stephen King book where the guy gets facefucked in prison

>> No.21524893


Borges is great.

I read his short story aleph recently

>> No.21525156

This has to be bait

>> No.21525208

Finders Keepers?

>> No.21525391

>Absolutely zero character development
lol, as if that matters

>> No.21525580

Shawshank Redemption?

>> No.21525976

Song of Solomon

>> No.21525981

Sometimes a Great Notion

You want to be hank but you are lee

>> No.21525984

Not even true.

>> No.21526024


>> No.21526042

The Sheltering Sky and Balcony in the Forest. Not exactly what you want, the main characters will not be literally you but should be close enough to work, they are discounted youngish adult males searching for something without knowing quite what that something is.
>someone please touch my penis!

>> No.21526330

>muh anime character arc

>> No.21526349

If you like Infinite Jest, then Gravity's Rainbow should be your thing.

>> No.21526364

Slothrop is literally me. I’m always having rockets land in the exact places I fuck.

>> No.21526772

A great ‘literally me’ book not likely to get recommended is Ratner’s Star. It was a major inspiration for Infinite Jest.

>> No.21527066
File: 37 KB, 329x500, The-Sot-Weed-Factor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started reading this, just finished the chapter that talks about the CBC documentary on the Paranoid Schizophrenic whose delusion was that radioactive chemicals were seeping into his skull and they injected him with radioactive fluid for a PET scan and he starts freaking out as “all of his paranoid delusions were proven true”
Shit made me laugh out loud. And not just a single chuckle, an extended laugh that kept coming back as I thought about what I just read. Only one other book has made me laugh out loud

>> No.21527083

have you read Notes from The Underground yet? your average 4chan poster (ie you) will probably have an existential crisis wondering how your subconscious wrote a book from the 1800s

>> No.21528072

nta but I just recently finished it and hated it.
It was at least fun to laugh at The Underground Man's horribly pathetic antics.

>> No.21528132

Nice pick