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/lit/ - Literature

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21523836 No.21523836 [Reply] [Original]

what are you /lit/ red flags?

for me:

>amazon self-published
>woman author

>> No.21523840

if /lit/ talks about it you can safely assume it's contrarianism of the lowest calibre

>> No.21523895

Frog posters

>> No.21523917

I don’t have a red flag because men don’t have red flags, only women do. If a man is turned on he’s turned on.

>> No.21523921

>my mind is infallible
>I don't need to evaluate my opinions
good brag fellow intellectual

>> No.21523933


Women authors can write just as well

I avoid Amazon though honestly

Also don't want to read most pulp stuff unless it's a modern classic or something like that

So many books and not enough time to read them, don't have time for schlock as I there are other forms of entertainment

Not "filtering" books either as I am very purposeful in what I am looking for and will find what I am seeking

>> No.21523937


don't have time for schlock as there are other forms of entertainment*

but reading that stuff is better than not reading at all, and it's not that bad really it's just very commercial

>> No.21523957

I don't really need "red flags" because I need specific reasons to put things on the reading list, not reasons to keep things off it.

That said, my main "red flag" rule is:

With a few special exceptions, never read any fiction published in the last thirty years.

>> No.21523962


There is some good fiction in the last 30 years worth reading, but there is also thousands of years of literature to select from

I like some of the new pop music and that extends to my attitude on contemporary fiction, some of it is good and deserves a read

>> No.21523998

I know nothing about publishing, what's wrong with amazon self publishing?

>> No.21524252

its easy accessible for everyone and disqualifies as muhsekritclub.

legit critique is that it feeds the amazon jew too many shekels.

>> No.21524260

>Woman author
This. Unless they look like a man, like Agatha Christie

>> No.21524268

back to redit

>> No.21524269

>amazon self-published
name ten you have read. bonus points for not naming lolcows.

>> No.21524274

Most publishing houses are owned by jews. Stop reading books then, retard.

>> No.21524282

amazon sucks more shekels out of the author than publishing houses retard.

>> No.21524286

All the good authors are dead, retard, so stop reading /sffg/ schlock. Read better books.

>> No.21525425

So when I finally publish my book you will not even consider reading it ;(

>> No.21525527


>> No.21525770

If I have never heard of the author before. Brutal, I know.

>> No.21525798

I’ll read it, anon :)

>> No.21525910

>but reading that stuff is better than not reading at all,

I don't feel this is true, or its an arbitrary favoritism of a particular faculty which isnt even essential to human nature. As Nietzsche pointed out "intelligence", or what appears as such, can be an adaptation to make up for a more fundamental lack of stength or plastic molding force

>> No.21525922

Thanks for your support!

>> No.21525926

Anything thats on googled list of "100 best Classic literature" SO MUCH GARBAGE

>> No.21526154

>history book that isn't a university press

>> No.21526198

>woman authors
This is probably bait but I looked at my bookshelf and it was all male authors, and I couldn't think of any contemporary female authors (post-1970) that had anything of note beyond pulpy garbage, children's/YA novels, or identity politics screeds.