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[ERROR] No.2152313 [Reply] [Original]

Who here is participating in the Occupy Movement in their hometown? I live in a small, conservative town, so I don't have even one ally who'll stand by my side, but that still hasn't stopped me from parading in front of the local Bank of America holding up a "I am the 99%" sign.

Do your part. No other generation has had this hard, not even the people who grew in during the Great Depression.

Read this: http://nymag.com/news/features/my-generation-2011-10/

>> No.2152320

>No other generation has had this hard
>not even during the Great Depression.

>> No.2152321

incoming hate from the right-wing 4chan pasty army

>> No.2152322

Is that your pic or one you found?

>> No.2152323


whoops too late

>> No.2152329

Man like. I dn't want to hate on the grievances of the people xpressing themselves in images like this, but tactically speaking, the profusion of these kinds of messages is terrible for the OWS movement, because it promotes an image of the protesters as entitled writers and effete liberal intellectuals who just don't want hard work. it's ammunition. they'd do better to be more selective about messaging to get more people on their side.

>> No.2152342

I could frankly go on about this resurgence of the hippie movement and all the shit that it brings with it, but I've discussed it over and over AND OVER, and am quite sick of it.

Condenses to this:
-Lazy students pick bad major
-In debt; can't get jobs because of government fuck up
-Want handouts instead of working blue collar jobs
-Believe they're entitled to something, one of the biggest misconceptions coming out of the idiotic protests
-Liberal and union organizations pick up on the surging movement, use it to push agenda

Basically it's the 60s all over again, something I prayed I would never have to live through. I've decided to shut off my TV and all mediums having to deal with this childish nonsense. Out of sight, out of mind, right? I haven't the energy to deal with stupidity anymore these days; drains my spirit and tarnishes the soul.

>> No.2152345

Repeating what I said in the last OWS thread: I live in NYC and have visited the protests on Saturday afternoons for a couple weekends in a row now.

I'm broadly sympathetic to the goal of weakening the power of finance capital, but as a former college radical turned moderate family man who put in his own protest time in the antiglobalization movement a decade ago, there's no way I can pretend that the core of the Zuccotti Park occupation isn't made up of the usual suspects (college libarts students, crust-punk lifers, and a scattering of middle-aged hippies and socialists.)

>> No.2152351


One I found.

>> No.2152352

i thought they were protesting because they wanted jobs

>> No.2152354

This, idiot.

>> No.2152362

Disregard the anti OWS commenters. They,re astroturfing shills. Even 1 per centers know the system is unfair.

>> No.2152363


So you have no problem with Goldman Sachs pushing six million bad mortgages and making billions from the ensuing foreclosures? Do you think everything's fine?

Actually, never mind, just keep posting on 4chan about blocking it out.

>> No.2152364

No. If they were protesting for jobs they would have started in Washington, where bad policies are preventing new job creation. Not in the capitalist district where venture entrepreneurs and businessmen try to make a living. What's preventing job creation is government getting in the way, not people they themselves trying to make profit.

>> No.2152367

You don't need to go to college to be creative. Anyone who has graduated from highschool can write, paint, compose, or engage in nearly every artistic medium their is. I have exactly zero fucking sympathy for anyone who thinks academia is about learning how to "express yourself". Learn something that requires real intellect. Learn something that will make the world a better place. If you don't care about bettering the world, why should you act surprised when the world apathetically watches you financially shrivel away into nothing?

>> No.2152370


You're obviously talking about the housing market where this whole nonsense started. I won't dismiss there are ethical problems with how he went about making his profit, but he was simply using bad times to his advantage, something anyone could do.

Those mortagages went bad in the first place because government intervened in the housing market via Franny and Fred, promising to pick up slack when people who couldn't afford a house were then allowed loans which they couldn't pay back.

>> No.2152371

I had been thinking about it for a while because I've always been convinced Reaganomics doesn't work (I can't think of any other economic system that works that way) and that the tax rates we have now is retarded.
My friend won a purple heart in Afghanistan and joined Occupy Boston but he left when they tried to convince him to assault some cops when they inevitably came to move the protestors off a parcel of land that they had been told to move from several times. The idea is that he would go after the cops, the cops would respond with violence, and then the protestors would film so they'd have something to show to make the cops look bad and them look good.
He left, told me about what happened, and a day later, the police moved and now we have footage of wounded war vets being "beaten" by cops in Boston.
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.2152372

4chan has been extremely disappointing over this OWS movement. If there was one place where the HUR DURR HARD WORK! shit should ave not flown, it's here.

>> No.2152376


i completely agree but that's just the hardcore zuccotti park occupiers. you need to go when there's a march--then you'll see a real good cross section of what the supporters actually look like. they're more like you than you think.

>> No.2152379


>when people who couldn't afford a house were then allowed loans which they couldn't pay back.

those loans were pushed on people by financial institutions who never intended to get paid back, then they were chopped up and speculated against via AIG. Push bad loans, bet against them, make billions. Everybody's homeless!

Student loans are pushed the same way.


>> No.2152383


Liberal getting angry when he doesn't know what he's talking about?

Very epitome of the 99%

Thanks for the laugh, but like I said, I haven't the energy to put up with your type anymore these days. I'll take my leave here.

>> No.2152391


guess things started going over your head? nighty night. everything's fine! sleep tight!

>> No.2152392

The reason why 4chan is apathetic toward the OWS protests is because most of 4chan is comprised of teenagers who don't have jobs and aren't even trying to get them.

They shrug it off because they're still under the protective umbrella of their parents and their high schools.

>> No.2152398

>They shrug it off because they're still under the protective umbrella of their parents and their high schools.
No, these are the people who are protesting. They have stepped out into the real world for the first time and don't understand why their woman's studies degree isn't getting them a 50k salary.

>> No.2152400


Where in the post you're quoting does he not know what he's talking about? Are you projecting? Does your dad use the word "liberal" as an insult a lot?

>> No.2152403

occupy your college dean's office, they are the ones who sold you the shit sandwich

>> No.2152406

No, that is the next phase. You say so yourself. The people who "stepped out"

4chan hasn't done that yet. Most of them are still under the umbrella. And that is why they don't care. Not yet.

>> No.2152407


The media would like you believe that, so those are the kids that get the most air time. You have certainly seemed to eat it up. Have you considered who owns the television station you are watching? Have you listened to any informed people behind the movement?

>> No.2152415

Also, it's not that their degrees aren't getting them a 50k salary. It's that their degrees aren't getting them ANY salary.

Stop with your strawmen.

>> No.2152418


Sallie May pushes the bad loans once someone shows interest (makes a call, clicks a link) and then they are extremely aggressive in their recruitment, usually to the "adrift" youth. The college dean has nothing to do with it, by the time your handed off to the school, your already singed up for 30 years of debt.

>> No.2152423

And they shouldn't. I live in one of the most expensive states to live in and could easily get shitty part-time jobs and rent a room. It's called living within your means. These people don't have real problems they have western "Wah, I can't afford a new iPhone" bourgeois problems.

>> No.2152424

>straw men

You say that word... I don't think you know what it means

>> No.2152430


>could easily get shitty part-time jobs and rent a room. It's called living within your means.

so that's where you want to set the bar?

>> No.2152437
File: 22 KB, 300x300, ref=sib_dp_pt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sallie Mae is the worst goddamn unethical company in existence. Pic related.

They pretend they didn't get payments, or they oops, forget to send out the bill. All sorts of nasty shit.

Anyone in college: DO NOT ACCEPT A LOAN FROM SALLIE MAE. YOU WILL REGRET IT. Read book pictured if you don't believe me.

>> No.2152438
File: 11 KB, 501x585, jew-cartoon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OWS don't even know who they're protesting against, or they're too PC to say so.

pic related

>> No.2152439

If you majored in worthless bullshit like women's studies, philosophy, or literature, why would you even expect a nice job in the first place?

>> No.2152442


In the real world, you don't get to decide where you set the bar.

>> No.2152447

>No other generation has had this hard
>not even during the Great Depression.
We have it about as bad as anyone who graduated college during the Carter administration. Stop with the hyperbole and go learn a trade.

>> No.2152449


Would you like that to change?

>> No.2152455


These protests aren't going to change anything.

>> No.2152456


>philosophy, or literature

so you're just a fucking troll? back to /b/ with you...

>> No.2152460

and who's signature is at the bottom of the legal document?

when I signed for my student loan my mouth went dry and I seriously thought about what I was signing for and how it would affect me and how I would support the needs it would put on my life.

none of this "Welp I'm out of high school, better start studying SOMETHING"

>> No.2152461

Irrelevant; the real world isn't some tabula rosa that can be molded into whatever utopia some hipsters think is trendy.

>> No.2152463

>learn a trade.

So people without jobs and without money can't buy our wares?

Good one, man.

>> No.2152466

He didn't say there is anything wrong with a literature degree; just don't expect a job with it.

>> No.2152480

I don't have a literature degree, but I would probably hire someone with one. Why not? It takes a really analytic mind to study literature.

>> No.2152490

I think our generation has forgotten the purpose of a liberal arts education. It isn't a job training program, it's not even to make you more attractive to employers. Historically, it was for the elites to become more learned and versed in high culture, and for women looking to marry rich husbands who would pay for their tuition. Bar none, if you have to take out student loans, DO NOT get a liberal arts degree. Get something useful and marketable or learn a trade. A liberal arts degree was meant to be a luxury.

>> No.2152502

the answer to your "Why not" is because if you are ever in the position to hiring someone, you will want to hire the best there absolutely is to offer. So when you post a job position, and 50 people apply, do you actually think you'd hire the bottom-rung people?

No, you would not. Stop being in denial.

>> No.2152507

I'd at least give the lit major an interview.

>> No.2152515

In the past 3 years 4chan has been overrun by conservative youth. I'm not sure what the cause is.

>> No.2152516

Well that is nobel of you - but when you are in the position of leadership within a corporation, you are obligated to make decisions that will benefit a company - and hiring a liberal arts major for a position that requires practical skills would be a failure on your part.

Dont' get me wrong, good employers will hire people with talent, not skill. Skills can be taught during on-site training. But if an engineering graduate is applying for an engineering position, no amount of talent that a liberal arts student has will ever surmount the amount of ability the engineering graduate has, etc.

>> No.2152519

Obviously, if you have an engineering position you hire an engineer student.

I doubt the lit major would apply to an engineering position, you know?

>> No.2152522

i don't really care to take part in this thread (didn't read any of the replies), but re: OP pic, if your rent is more than 60% of your monthly income, you should probably not live in such an expensive city. believe it or not, there are places other than NYC and SF and these other places have jobs in education

>> No.2152523

It has always been interesting to me that 4chan has always believed that all jobs are in engineering and computer science.

>> No.2152524

Wow, judging from the post of this thread lit is not far from stupid. it's astonishing.

>> No.2152529


>Implying he wants to live in redneck 'Murica

>> No.2152534


At least the discussion is firmly on the table. If nothing else, it's been an overwhelming success on that level.

>> No.2152540

yeah but living in other places (or, more generally, outside of places where the rent will be very expensive) will not allow you to live with your cultural clade. it won't allow you to live in a community with others of a similar worldview and attitude.

>> No.2152552

we need more manufacturing jobs in the US. big time. we need to have a place to go for all the kids who don't want to go to college but think they have to. everything we touch in our daily lives is made in China.

>> No.2152558

>>2152540 even as simple as that cost money. its an ideal and one who earns less than it cost simply cant afford it,obviously. im guessing you're 12yo or something

>> No.2152559

sure it will.
Try living in
>any college town
>any medium-sized city in a blue state

>> No.2152567

Too fucking bad! If you can't afford your rent, then it's time for you to move. Period. Why should taxpayers have to pay your rent just because you're afraid that other cities would stifle your creative spirit? Welcome to reality. Life doesn't give a fuck whether or not you live within your cultural clade. Your decisions are impractical and it's no one else's fault but your own. How about you take responsibility for your own choices rather than blaming it on rich people?

>> No.2152568

Heres what these fags need to know: The world is not fair. Everything is not going to be handed to you on a silver platter!!! You may even have to ...gasp...work!!(which is not limited to your dream jobs of making 100k ad driving Ferraris). James Garfield, 20th president of the US. So poor that he had to WORK his way through college as a janitor when he was 18! HARD WORK IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET WHAT YOU WANT. get off your laptops, bongos, and iPhones, and go start working. Even if that means getting your hands dirty.

Go start a farm and live happy or something for Christ sakes. It worked for every other fucking human generation. Believe it or not, you CAN survive without Starbucks or credit cards

>> No.2152569

This, really.

It's funny how once upon a time, if our shit was acting up, we hired someone to repair it. Nowadays, we just buy a new one and chuck out the old.

America needs to start saying no to cheap shit from China.

>> No.2152570


sure, move to Portland, Maine and work in a restaurant into your late 30's. Now what?

>> No.2152571

These people want to work. Nobody is hiring them.

You're missing the whole point.

>> No.2152572

medium-sized cities in blue states - those are places where rent is high, in general. there are exceptions and it's not as high everywhere, but nevertheless.

i'm not supporting this notion, i'm simply explaining why people want the things they want. christ, you shithead. it's a hard life living in a community where no one else is like you. does that mean that you can't do it? no. you can and if it's what you need to do then fine. but it's valid not to want to do it, for christ's sake.

your broader arguments about economic policy, i won't get into.

>> No.2152575

Another HUR DURR HARD WORK idiot.

There's millions of us working hard. We've bought into what you said in your post.

Hundreds of millions of us. I'm on the subway at 6:30 AM every day. I have been for seven years now. When do I get to be James Garfield?

That's a cat you fucking stupid faggot. You don't know you're a puppet, is the worst part.

>> No.2152582

>start a farm
>need money for arable land
>need money for equipment
>need money for fertilizer, seeds, etc.
>no education in soil mechanics, etc.
>forever indebted to loans because farming is unreliable

You could not have picked a worse occupation as a recommendation.

Read some history, farmers are always pissed.

>> No.2152589


I hate the "tax payers paying for your creative spirit" bullshit. Taxpayers pay for one thing and one thing only in the past decade: war. 75%. Infrastructure and thief-laden government programs come after. Creative spirit insn't even a blip on the map. But you "hard-working" idiots want to vilify us, why? Cause we got more pussy in high school?

>> No.2152590

>Impose higher taxes on the richest of the rich
>They don't like this
>Decide to move all their shit overseas because they're super rich and can do that kind of thing
>"OH SHIT! Now we can't tax them!"
We all know how this is going to turn out. Can't we all just agree on a flat fucking tax?

>> No.2152591

They don't want to work. Loafing around, writing uninteresting stories, studying ancient art, philosophy, etc is not working and will not give you some fucking mansion on a plate. Work is breaking yourself down, getting dirty, sweating, wishing you were somewhere else, but all in all, giving up your temporary needs to take care of yourself. And your morality and merit will even look better in the end.

>> No.2152598

uh there are very large cities in the US w/ neighborhoods that have cultural resources out the ass where you don't have to pay sixty fucking percent of your educator income

the term "educator". income ranges from kindergarten teacher making $40k a year to tenured professor making $100k+. 60% of that per month ranges from $2000 to $5000. that's insane rent and certainly not necessary for anyone who isn't raising a family

if you want to live in a hip classy world-beating area, fucking deal with the rent, you're not entitled to that, it's a luxury

>> No.2152603


So where is the job where you do that and things progressively get better as you get older?

>> No.2152604

Can I just say that the unanimity of anti-OWS posts is really weird? Like, they always fall into two categories (either DAMN CREATIVE TYPES WANTING TO GET PAID FOR THEIR [STEREOTYPICAL LIBERAL ARTS DEGREE] or RICH ARE JUST GOING TO MOVE AWAY) and they are always really similar in tone and it's super strange

why are there no thoughtful anti-OWS posts

>> No.2152606

because conservatives are all about justifying selfishness

>> No.2152609

the thesis of these posters is apparently that life must always suck and the attempt to change this is inherently weak or unjustified

of course ignoring the ultra-wealthy who live lives of leisure. for those people, life does not have to be a struggle.

>> No.2152611

Because everybody for the past thousands of years was born with the ability to start a farm, except you, because you're a unique individual who yearns for a knowledge of liberal sciences, right? Sorry cunt. I didn't realize that everybody who moved to the 13 colonies had advanced knowledge of fertilizer and farming machines.

>> No.2152612


real people don't "agree" to taxes. taxes are imposed on them. we're waiting for the wealthy to "agree" to fair taxation. there are people who have been waiting for so long that they decided to wait together in a park in New York. After a while the media has to report and it starts the conversation.

>> No.2152613

You are really ignorant of the farming industry, as it exists and functions today.

>> No.2152615

uh, they did though. they were brought up in a farming society with knowledge of how to work on a farm. also, most of them either had enormous capital with which to buy and farm land, or existing skill at working on farms to justify being hired by people in the first category.

where precisely are all these unemployed people supposed to get money to buy land, if nothing else? do you expect them to farm without machinery or fertilizer? do you think that they're going to get anything approaching a modern standard of living from farming in this manner?

and if you want to say that they should simply accept a subsistence-level lifestyle - you are literally advocating forcing the masses to return to incredibly poverty and simple, sparse lifestyles so that the super-wealthy can maintain their luxurious lifestyles. why?

>> No.2152616


>Implying you've ever milked a cow

basement conservative detected

>> No.2152619

Make up your fucking mind about the industry, isn't that what all you OWSers are all about? You don't need huge fucking machines or a "degrees" in what soil to use. Agriculture has been the bases of human life since recorded history...Literally, anybody can do it. There was a time when the world didn't rely on electronics or computers, believe or not.

>> No.2152620 [DELETED] 

mfw i have: :3

>> No.2152624

Well then you shouldn't have gambled an 100,000 dollar loan hoping to be the next Robert Langdon or some shit, faggot. Bet you wish you were "farmin' down wit dem rednek conservateevs" where the median yearly income is 120kz

>> No.2152627


never question the fleecing of your country.

keep working hard. as hard as you can. 80 hours a week. more if you can. the paper said that AIG exec got a 20M bonus. didn't we just bail them out? keep working hard! work harder!

>> No.2152632

And why shouldn't they be selfish? Isn't individualism and self-reliance some of the principles this country was founded upon? Do explain why selflessness should be government-enforced.

>> No.2152633

Don't work hard, everybody! It's like totally bad! I'm not quiet old enough to understand that if large companies such as AIG filed for bankruptcy then millions more people would lose everything than they already have, but that doesn't matter because I want some of that money for myself!

>> No.2152634
File: 27 KB, 720x480, 1316490016069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see many people coming from modest homes getting degrees in things like art. I also see many people coming from middle class homes with parents that own homes, getting into hard drugs and having no aspirations or sense of reality. Most working/middle class people that I see also have no financial sense and flock to trends like flies on shit.

I'm personally on my way to getting a degree with excellent job prospects and high pay, and it's something I want to do and have already been generating experience for while in high school and college. While my parents are superfluous spenders with the little they have, along with almost everyone I've come to know. I've personally been saving by setting strict limits and goals. By living at home and going to a state university I'll be graduating debt free, while aiming to go to a top 25 university for graduate school depending on how things go.

Now, naturally I'm a left libertarian, but I don't see why these people are so fucking self entitled. It takes simple math and common sense to see how much you'll need to make your way through college allowing for you to work as necessary. There is so much data out on the web telling you what you'll be making and future prospects. There is simply no excuse for this idiocy among the left, they are making us all look bad.

These people have willingly blinded themselves from reality, and they will soon be working for "the man" that they so desperately try to hate. If you've taken the time to develop some skills you can create a business right this very fucking second, yet they take the easy route and lament over their stupidity.

People wonder why the middle class is falling, it's because they've all grown use to doing absolutely fucking nothing. Look at the drop out rates for average colleges, absolutely insane.

>> No.2152635

Absolutely. Literally anyone can farm - but farming without machinery, fertilizer, or any knowledge of agriculture is a good way to starve to death. One suspects that you are not actually interested in addressing the problems facing this country, and more interested in scoring points and bringing down a cultural group you dislike. Well done, sir.

see above. I accept that this country is going to shit. It's painful to me, but it seems inevitable when politics is based around resentment and attempting to punish groups you think look down on you.

>> No.2152636


come on, asshole. kids are brought up to make something and go to school. especially lower-middle class kids with less-than-stellar guidance. this is exactly the kind of kid (and yes, they are just kids) that banks send recruiters after. and they're relentless, utterly relentless until they get that signature. and you blame the kids? shame on you.

>> No.2152640

Don't work hard, everybody! It's like totally bad! Keep believing the mainstream media, they'd never lie to make the government look even worse! I'm not quiet old enough to understand that if large companies such as AIG filed for bankruptcy then millions more people would lose everything than they already have, but that doesn't matter because I want some of that money for myself, which I carelessly wasted, expecting an imaginative yield!

>> No.2152641

i wish i could join, but i honestly don't have the time.. working full time and going to school full time. i've offered my services at my print shop to print whatever is needed.. that's about all i can do. my girlfriend and i are scraping by as it is. i can't take time off and stand with you guys, but i'm there in spirit!

>> No.2152644

Well, it is government-enforced on your side, through regulatory and tax structures that disproportionately benefit the rich.

One would almost suspect that you believe in different rules for the rich and poor. When those who are not wealthy attempt to alter rules created by the rich to benefit them, it is selfish and should be opposed.

I think a reasonable person would agree that some sort of bailout was necessary. However, a reasonable person might also think that after such a bailout, workers at those companies should not be pulling down incredible amounts of personal compensation. They should not be militating against regulations to prevent the excesses that led to this state in the first place. And, one would think, if it is acceptable to bail-out massive corporations, and do so in a way that personally benefits workers at those corporations, it should be acceptable to spend money on programs to benefit the lives of American citizens while at the same time improving the American economy,

>> No.2152645

you're clearly not a farmer. farming without fertilizer or machinery? simple.

Actually, it's been regularly proven that mechanized farming produces less output from an area of land than NOT using mechanized farming.

Keep buying that processed food. Keep living in fear. Shop as normal.

>> No.2152646
File: 49 KB, 400x500, GoodShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that still hasn't stopped me from parading in front of the local Bank of America holding up a "I am the 99%" sign
>No other generation has had this hard, not even the people who grew in during the Great Depression

>> No.2152647


>I got mine, fuck everyone else

>> No.2152650

>By living at home and going to a state university I'll be graduating debt free

How is this not using handouts? Isn't this exactly the kind of thing libertarians rail against? How about you move out and prove that you can use your own merit to provide for yourself while getting that education?

Seriously - you're taking handouts here. You're exploiting a system you claim to be against. Explain.

>> No.2152651


What does a 20M bonus to some individual have to do with saving a corporation from bankruptcy? Nothing, you stupid cunt.

>> No.2152652

Right-wing 4chan flexing their psuedo-muscles ITT. Where do you fucking losers come from? /new/?

>> No.2152654

I'd like to become involved with the Occupy LA stuff but it's too far and I urinate pretty frequently, so I don't know how well I'd cope out there for a long period of time.

>> No.2152656

That's what Disney, mTV, and Viacom want you to think, little boy. They want you to grow up thinking that you will be some famous star or living happily ever after without a care, doing what you love. The reality is that it won't happen. I'm not trying to attack the kids. I salute every boy or girl who doesn't wish to live a life of luxury where they are waited on hand and foot, and instead grow up with the desire to be scientist or doctors. I'm not seeing any of that in the OWS

>> No.2152657


so you're all good with those bonuses? your stupid fucking mother's cunt?

>> No.2152663


Did you even check who I was responding to?

Did mommy drop you on your head when you were little?

>> No.2152668

Yep...and that's how the real world works, little one. You either go out and kill the wooly mammoth or starve.

>> No.2152671


we don't need "little boys" with entitled attitudes. we don't need tough guys like you, and we don't need any more doctors or scientists. we need more manufacturing jobs.

>> No.2152673

are you really going to eat an entire wooly mammoth, though?

>> No.2152674

>you will lose us
gay as fuck.

you will never be in high demand, creative pursuits are things people do for themselves for free.
>hurf durf I will design your packaging in photoshop for 500 dollars

>> No.2152677

So you don't think the OWS protesters are wrong, per se, you just oppose them on grounds of pure interest.

In that case, to hell with you and run up the red flag.

>> No.2152681

Exactly. These OWSers need to realize that they aren't entitled to anything and that if they want a job theyll have to get their hands dirty. Their grandparents did it.

>> No.2152682


what wooly mammoth have you ever killed? just out of curiosity? can you point the unemployed millions in the direction where they can find one to fight?

and you seem to enjoy calling those who don't agree with you "little" giving yourself a wisdom-gained-with-age air. I'm 38, blue collar since 16, what's your story to call me a boy?

>> No.2152684

Hell yeah. It's my kill, isn't it?

>> No.2152686

many of the men in my family, including my father and my grandfather, were able to make a good living working as plumbers and construction workers. but now that it's my turn to take up work like that it's really hard to make enough money to even live on my own. i'm not blaming corporations or anything for that, but i am blaming the government for not doing something to address the problem of illegal immigration and penalizing people who employ undocumented workers. i don't like to boast but i do pretty good work, only i can't compete with people who are willing to work for less than half of what i would get.

>> No.2152687

>useless people decide to be useless on the streets
Good job, you've upgraded to a bum.

>> No.2152688


where do they get their hands dirty?

>> No.2152691

You would think economics was fucking rocket science or something

>> No.2152692


Please explain to me why living with my family and going to a local school is counted as accepting handouts. This is called living within my means in exchange for a less enjoyable college experience. This American ideal of moving out at 18 and going to a expensive college while living on campus has to end. It is an unsustainable dream propped up by student loans.

Also, it looks like you have no idea what left libertarianism implies. We actually have souls and support each other unlike Ayn Rand nut jobs.

>> No.2152693


If you had tried that shit in the olden days you'd get fucking clobbered, as you should.

>> No.2152695

your in-state tuition is discounted because of the tax payers in your state.

>> No.2152697


>> No.2152698

but most of that meat would go bad before you could even think about eating it.

>> No.2152699


Don't blame the mexicans, blame the Americans who hire them and the American corporations who make sure everything you touch, everyday, is made in China. They'd love you to focus your anger in the Mexicans, and like sheep you oblige.

>> No.2152700

You're going to a school funded with public money. If it wasn't for that, you couldn't afford it. You're asking the taxpayer to subsidize your nancy boy liberal college education instead of wresting a subsistence-level education from the bleeding earth with only your hands, like a real man would.

I'm tired of this thread. To hell with all you. Up the people - to hell with the upper class - we're going to have a just society if we have the power to make it so. Struggle for justice.

>> No.2152701

Time to find new occupation, also which part of the government do you blame? You probably don't know who to point a finger to, you'll probably just say "everyone" or "Obama". Hell, I bet you don't even vote.

The common people don't vote, and now the common people are getting screwed over. What a surprise.

>> No.2152704 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 200x200, 1318274162587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw americans still think "handouts" are a bad thing

Fucking savages.

>> No.2152706


drink another, brah

>2:00 am 'murika

>> No.2152708

Whether he knows which part of the government to blame is irrelevant. He isn't running for political office. There are people who can relay his frustrations to the proper department. They're called our elected representatives.

>> No.2152713


handouts are only bad when they coming to us, rather than from us.

>dat 4chan right-wing thinking

>> No.2152714 [DELETED] 

>More opportunities than any other country
>Will literally receive free money if qualified
>Thousands of chances for work
>Worlds superpower
>Millions of gizmos and gadgets
>No surprise butt sex from niggers all day
>Not to mention countless other advantages
>Still not happy

Thus is the life of cruel America... How can they treat you guys like such animals?

>> No.2152715


>my life is great right now
>why isn't yours???

>> No.2152716

>thousands of chances for work
it's too bad there are millions of unemployed people in the country, eh?

>> No.2152718

This is how I honestly feel. Why should I give a fuck about OWS when I have a job? I don't care about my fellow man. He has done nothing for me.

>> No.2152720
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>> No.2152723

It is important, people will blame the government and that'll be the end of it. See the entirety of occupy wallstreet. For most people the government is basically the president and that's all. Sitting on the streets crying all day isn't going to change a thing. How about you guys vote? Oh, but hurp durp the only time you vote is during the presidential election.

We have democracy, the people didn't vote, they got what the deserved.

>> No.2152724 [DELETED] 


>More opportunities than any other country
to work in fast food
>Will literally receive free money if qualified
that you'll pay back at 33% interest in the small print
>Thousands of chances for work
at Taco Bell
>Worlds superpower
for the super-rich
>Millions of gizmos and gadgets
to waste your money on
>No surprise butt sex from niggers all day
implying that's a bad thing
>Not to mention countless other advantages
such as?
>Still not happy

>> No.2152729

Robots man, fucking Robits. They're taking our jobs! Seriously, technology and productivity advances have been blowing a giant hole in the middle class for the past couple decades, not corporate greed. The rich don't have to worry about this because they have capital, and the poor have already been fucked and now are stuck in dead-end service jobs.

>> No.2152731

Walmart, Fast food, etc etc are always hiring. Unless you think you are too good for those jobs. Then who is this fool?

>> No.2152733


OWS is not aimed at the government at all, you stupid fuck. it's a wholly non-political protest from the very beginning. Why do you think they're on Wall St. ( who both parties vilify) and not in Wasjington?

>> No.2152739

Often do not make you enough money in this crazy world of ours to get along and improve your position and your family's position.

If your answer to the economic problems is literally "lol work at taco bell": fuck you. you're not interested in fixing our country's problems and you can go to hell.

>> No.2152742

He speaks the truth, many opportunities and the government takes care of you if you can't take care of yourself.

Oh, but what about the homeless? They probably aren't really homeless, or they are too lazy to apply for shelter and EBT cards.

So now you live in America where all your basic necessities are taken care of until you can get back on your own feet.

What's that? You still aren't happy?

Well you're just a fatass who wants handouts.

>> No.2152744

I have to say that this is the best OWS thread I've seen on 4chan so far. It's full of conservative 4chan faggots, of course, but there's a few intellegent people making very good points for once.

>> No.2152745

I won't even begin to argue with an idiot like you. Look at yourself compared to the average African, Kenyan, Ethiopian, Afghan, Chinese, Turk, Indian, and you will realize how fucking blessed you are. Get your ignorant head out of your ass.

>> No.2152747


>> No.2152748


keep working as hard as you can, sheep. those below you are lazy!

>> No.2152749

Fucking go to hell. There's nothing wrong with wanting to improve your place in life or wanting to make this a better country. "OH NO HANDOUTS~~~~~" screw you. We'll do what we have to do.

>> No.2152751

A majority of Occupy Wallstreet is calling for changes from the government.

I don't care that a bunch of Canadians started it, I'm calling it out for what it is now.

Should I still consider America a slave nation?

>> No.2152752

Sorry, but America =|= the crazy world you live in. Literally, hundreds of millions would die(and are being killed) to be able to live and work in the society that you so gladly detest.

>> No.2152756

>if you bust your ass you can barely get by while some fucknut who just got a bailout is getting a 10M bonus this year
>if you can "get by" that means everything's good enough and we shouldn't be protesting

What the fuck is this shit? Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?

>> No.2152758

Yes. It is true that America is much wealthier than many other nations. Well done.

It is still valid to want to improve your life and improve the country, you stupid fuck. We're human beings, not "welp, not literally starving, good enough for me." Why the hell should we let the ultrawealthy fuck us and live lives beyond our imagining? How the fuck can you justify that, you shit?

>> No.2152759

As a Jew, I really wish these anti-semitic conspiracy theories were true. I'd be sitting on piles of JewGold. Instead, I'm unemployed and sitting in my parent's basement. No JewGold for me.

>> No.2152762

Okay, you want to change the country. And you're doing that by sitting on your ass and asking the government to do it for you?

Good job at contributing to uselessness.

Yup, it's not like nobody in America has worked their life to success from poverty. The man must be keeping you lazy and forcing you to watch America Gots Talent all night.

>> No.2152765


>an idiot like you

wait, isn't that Africa?
ok, this isn't another African nation, I'll look smart and type the country we're at war with!
At least I could get a manufacturing job
Turkey? They have a very decent standard of living

go to bed, redneck

>> No.2152767


You have your fun with decadent luxuries like access to the internet and mobile phones and people on a tier higher than you have their fun with yachts and $10,000 suits. Let everyone have their fun.

>> No.2152768

Then quit complaining and go out and find work. Even if that means working fast food for a while. Quit giving into the big corperations. Money doesn't buy happiness, did we all forget that?

>> No.2152769

>republicans tell people they need to get up and try to change america
>people get up and try to change america and republicans call them crazy liberals

>> No.2152770

Seeking political change is not LOL SITTIN ON YOUR ASS. And you can criticize the government without wanting all people to have sinecures. I want more jobs and less unemployment (and you can't say unemployment is entirely because people aren't looking for jobs). And I want regulations to prevent finance companies from fucking us.

What precisely is wrong with that? And nice bootstraps as well.

>> No.2152771


You do realize that I pay taxes, along with the people that raised me, right?

I'm also more than willing to pay my fair share when I get out of college and get a job that requires a bachelors/masters degree while in a higher tax bracket. I'd love to have as many people as possible have equal access to healthcare and education. Go ahead though, see how well the state capitalist system goes when you remove the "state" from it.

Protip: It will crumble to the fucking ground.

I'm also not sure where you got the notion of me going to a liberal arts school. I currently run a business and am working towards a IT degree with excellent job prospects.

>> No.2152772

>let the ultrawealthy fuck us and live lives beyond our imagining

What exactly do you propose to do about that? Even if the ultrawealthy are the cause of all of your problems, it doesn't matter. They'll continue doing so, in this country or somewhere else.

>> No.2152773

What's stopping you from getting an education (in a useful field) and then getting a well paying job?

Oh yeah, you wanted to make millions on that liberal arts degree. This is why foreigners are taking up all the skilled labor in America, because they are willing to work for a better life.

>> No.2152775


>by sitting on your ass and asking the government to do it for you?

sorry, i thought we were discussing dedicated people protesting outdoors for a month+ to get this conversation started

>> No.2152779

Okay, you are seeking political change.

Once again, I am asking what you are doing to change things? Oh, sitting on an image board arguing.

Once again good job for sitting on your ass.

>> No.2152782


God you're fucking retarded. "Luxury" is a completely relative concept. Yes, a mobile phone would probably be a "luxury" to the average Indian. It isn't a "luxury" to the average american.

>> No.2152783

>protesting and being useless on the streets
Good job

>> No.2152784

so he put down your shitty arguments and now you're insulting him for arguing with you

alright then

>> No.2152786

I'm posing my question because he did not answer how he's seeking "political change", so I must assume he's doing the same thing everyone else is doing.

Simply complaining.

>> No.2152788

No. Sincerely yours, anon

I agree. I will also attempt to change the economic system of the country through political means, so long at least as it remains a representative democracy.

If they want to leave, then the ungrateful, unpatriotic scum can get out. I'm an American citizen and I'm proud of it. We don't need their kind, if that's the way they feel.

"The wealthy might leave! We can't try and tax them, we have to cater to their every whim!" Fuck that. Why do we need to keep them here, in that case?

hmmm nice caricature there

don't know if you've noticed but unemployment in america is at, what, 10%? You really think that all of that is people with liberal art degrees? You fucking morons need to stop painting the economic situation as though the only people doing poorly are liberal 20-somethings. They're just the only ones in the street.

Fuck you all, populism forever, I'm out

>> No.2152789

Haha..what a fool. The Chinese can get a job, correct, in a sweatshop making pennies; but, you're too good to work minimum at Mickey Ds? Turks are prosecuted daily you faggot. You wouldn't know anything about that in America, where you can spend a whole day walking around town without a care. And have you ever heard of the Indian Caste System? They shovel the shit they eat and are born to be poor and live in fucking metal huts. And I dare you to spend a month in eastern Africa wearing anything that proclaims you are a tourist, enjoy being robbed or murdered

>> No.2152790


>national conversation started, overwhelming success

what have YOU done lately, loser?

>> No.2152791

Here we go, the end of the conversations.

This is America, if you are too poor you get

-EBT card for food
-free education
-free use of public transport
-free medical

So, what is stopping you from advancing your life? Oh yeah, you wanted to live the party life chilling on dorms and getting drunk every night while working on that liberal arts degree.

>> No.2152793

god, the level of people desperately defending the wealthy in this thread is fucking pathetic.

>> No.2152795

what if

what if we like

take leaves

from tress

the leaves from trees

and we make that our currency

i think that would fix the economy

>> No.2152796


So you want to set the bar as working at Mickey D's, in the Untied States of America?

>> No.2152798


And a yacht isn't a luxury to a 3rd generation richcunt. I'm sure even the super rich want more than they have, but the truth is you don't need it to live. And if you can live, you can live well.

>> No.2152799

Hey, we've been having peace conversations between israel and palestine for decades. Look at where they are now.

Things seem fine for me, I came from a very low class family and moved up in life because I worked hard. The end.

>> No.2152800

is this a reference to something?

>> No.2152801


You can work at Mickey Ds, therefore the economy is fine. Anyone trying to get a liberal arts degree is a fool and should instead work at Mickey Ds. Working at Mickey Ds will give you a better quality of life than that of a starving African, and is all anyone should aspire to. Complaining is stupid when you could be working at Mickey Ds. Doing anything to antagonize the wealthy is stupid because they could leave the country, and you do have the opportunity to work at Mickey Ds.

>> No.2152802


>What's good for me is good for everyone

dat 4chan GOP reasoning

>> No.2152803

>we don't need their kind

Then who do you propose to have pay for your education, health care, house, car, etc.?

>> No.2152805

I don't think the "unwealthy" have managed to defend how they are being hurt when they have so many opportunities but refuse to see them.

>I refuse to work at walmart while going to college, it's unfair.

>> No.2152806

You guys should submit your economic plans to the major news media, this is revolutionary stuff.

You could call it the Fix America's Problems By Everyone Getting A Job At Mickey D's or Walmart (Except The Super-Rich At Whose Feet We Must Worship) Plan

>> No.2152808


Fucking lol'd. Couldn't have put it better.

>> No.2152810


You have access to always available work. You have access to reduced or free college, free food, free housing, free transportation, free medical, if you cannot afford them. There is nothing, nothing blocking your path towards higher education and a better life.

Still, people feel the government is screwing them over.

>> No.2152811


So everyone at a state university should also work at the nearest Walmart? Are there that many positions at Walmart? Can you elaborate on this master plan?

>> No.2152812

Okay, continue to complain about no
job while believing that you are somehow to good to work at a lower leek job. Let's see how that works out. I'm not saying to set the bar at Mickey Ds, but that it's a pretty good place to start if you have no fucking job. Even a 15 year old knows this.

>> No.2152813

Okay, so it's not good enough to have opportunity to take a life from poverty to a very well off and educated life? What more do you want?

>> No.2152816

ITT: one drunk republican trolling a handful of normal people

>> No.2152817

You see, what happened was that the federal government (urged on by the finance industry) spent roughly 25 years from around 1980 until around 2005 loosening regulations on the American economy. This led to insane gambling (and in particular over-investment in credit default swaps made on subprime mortgage loans). When this bubble inevitably burst, it caused incredible amounts of havoc in the financial sector, leading essentially to the collapse of the economy.

So, yes, the government and the financial sector did screw us over. By ruining the economy. For doing which they made a lot of money. And the economy is ruined. It's really bad by any objective measure. This is not something that the OWS protesters made up. How do you numbskulls not understand this?

>> No.2152820


what's the lowest, most demeaning job you've ever worked? don't tell people to go work anything lower, you entitled faggot.

>> No.2152819 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 501x585, 1318857823135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw america really COULD be "greatest country in the world" if the wealth was just distributed in a sensible manner
>mfw americans are so brainwashed they actually fight against such notions

>> No.2152821

How about low end jobs that are always looking for work. Any questions?

You are unskilled, of course you will be working at a low end job until you get that degree, skills, whatever

I like how people have worked hard to improve their life in America, yet so many others (lazy) feel it's impossible.

>> No.2152822


What the fuck is with all of these Walmart responses?

I don't think any sane liberal is defending lazy poor people.

>> No.2152823



>> No.2152824


>> No.2152825

You dense fag. We aren't saying to work at walmart your whole life. If you have no job, it's pretty fucking smart to find the nearest and most available position to atleast get on your feet. You aren't going to become some mega millionaire ancient women's art professor overnight.

>> No.2152826

>redistribute wealth
>what is every communist country

>> No.2152828
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Holy shit I've been kind of smirking at this thread for a while but your post was so fucking retarded I'm actually a bit mad now.

>> No.2152829


>ITT: one drunk republican trolling a handful of normal people

While I'd love to believe this, the fact is that there are many republicans out there that actually believe even more ridiculous shit then what's being said here.

>> No.2152830

So it would make sense, in addition to working at Wal-Mart, to try and take political action to have an economy that is both strong and somewhat equitable in its distribution of money, right? So that people have somewhere to go with their careers? That would be justified?

>> No.2152831

Why do you care so much about the protesters? It's not the messengers; it's the message. There's a lot to be pissed off about. Between the Tea Party and the OWS there are a lot of pissed off people. Sure, they focus on different things, but the problems that face us as a nation are complex. It is no surprise that two different groups composed of two different generations, two different political ideologies, would have different complaints. But they both have complaints and guess what: They're both valid.

If you're not pissed off about the direction of the country, about the shrinking middle class, about the culture of greed and the lack of accountability, then what the fuck are you doing every day? Are you a part of the same society of 'we the pissed'? There are very few politicians that will even address these issues, and certainly not enough of them to do anything about them, nor have I seen corporate America do anything to address these issues either.

I'm with both the Tea Party and the OWS protesters. Shit's fucked up. Do I think the protests will accomplish anything? No. But I wholly support the intentions behind both movements. Quit berating members of either groups because they aren't the kind of people you would normally associate with. I don't think there's a single member of the Tea Party or the OWS movement that doesn't truly want a better, stronger, America. And if you haven't noticed, America ain't what it used to be. That alone is reason enough to be pissed.

>> No.2152832


you don't take political action, you develop employable skills

>> No.2152833

>brainwashed faggot who doesn't realize that this whole two party system is complete bullshit that the media loves to eat up

>> No.2152834



>> No.2152835

but they could be working at walmart instead of protesting. OWNED NUB

(seriously this is a great post)

>> No.2152837



you're a good 'murikan. keep buying stuff.

>> No.2152838

why can't i take political action too, you fucker. this is still a democratic political system is it not. why do you have this revulsion to any kind of political action.

>> No.2152839

Useful careers still have a place and are short on skilled workers
Useless careers continue to be useless (sorry that colleges tricked you into this whole dream that you'll be making money with that movies degree).

This is never going to change.

>> No.2152840

i think the two party system is retarded too, but unless the voting system is changed there's no way we'll ever have another party

>> No.2152842
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Most probably believe that the system would allow everyone to be successful if they simply worked hard enough. Unfortunately there will always be winners and losers.

>> No.2152843

God you are such an egocentric prick. If you don't have a job, it's only logical that you find the nearest one at the ready. Like I said before, Garfield was so poor that he worked as the janitor to the college he was attending. So fuck off. Not everyone is going to be president, hes jus an example that sometimes you have to take the bumpy road.

>> No.2152844

So what's your solution to the many huge problems with our economy that are not due to liberal arts degrees. you've solved the liberal arts degree problem. good job. what about the rest of the 9.1% of the US population officially unemployed.

>> No.2152845

>implying amurikkkas problem is DA GOBURMENT
>implying it's not the fact that Americans have useless skills and are forced to bring in skilled labor from foreign populations
You were all lied to by the College Dream, though more like too blind to realize how useless an arts degree is.

>> No.2152846

> this is still a democratic political system
orly? because last time i checked the popular vote didnt elect bush.

>> No.2152847


you lack the education to make a worthwhile point

political decisions should be relegated to experts and not be based on public opinion

>> No.2152850

>what about the rest of the 9.1% of the US population officially unemployed.

Simple you fucking retard, they need to stop being lazy and get jobs. Their unwillingness to work is hurting the economy by taking money from the government to support their lazy asses.

>> No.2152851


because they've done an excellent job getting us where we are. defending those who have driven us into the dirt.

>> No.2152852

There is always work available for minimum wage jobs. You can get a degree to give you the skills needed to move up from a minimum wage job WHILE working. So many people go to school full time and work. It's not impossible or extremely difficult.

The end.

>> No.2152853

getting a job and working hard - these are good things to do.

i do not understand why we can't also have political change.

Oh my god, you really DO think that all america's problems are caused by liberal arts degrees. Holy shit! I honestly didn't think any one could be that stupid and that ignorant of the economy! But you really believe that! Fucking christ!

>> No.2152855


We've finally reached the point where the arguments of these people are, quite simply, obviously divorced from reality. Do I even need to point out how insane this is, as a description of America's economy right now?

>> No.2152856

The economy busted, so people living beyond their means failed. And...... what other problems we got?

>> No.2152857
File: 57 KB, 402x475, 1317531404502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. OWS protesters are bitches.
2. OWS 'movement' will achieve nothing.
3. OWS protesters are faggots.
4. OWS bitch faggots need to get a job.
5. OWS is pathetic.
6. OWS can occupy its lips around my dick.

>> No.2152859


experts don't dictate policy, elected officials do
they are good at pandering to masses and raising money by developing relationships with rich people/corporations, not economics or infrastructure engineering for example

democracy is the problem

>> No.2152860

but as a solution to this problem, have you considered getting a job at Walmart

>> No.2152861 [DELETED] 

Join the military nigger. Get payed to be awesome, gain some bros, best way to accomplish your deformed, egocentric view that you are somehow destined to change the world through politics. Quick tip: Get off your ass first. Damn...but being the elitist bastard you are, I'm sure you think of becoming such a lowly soldier as too unfitting for your media propogandid taste. So you will sit back sipping Starbucks and listening to Lady Gaga, because they fix everything, while
you blog about how you wish the world would change as your life passes you by. Get out of the streets and start taking action.

>> No.2152865

I helped my nephew get an entree level job with ease. All he did was apply for one job every day online. Didn't even have to leave the house, and simply sat around playing games most of the time. Now he's got a part time job at walgreens. He could find full time work if he needed to.

Now, speaking of divorced from reality. How are you chilling on a computer at night with nothing to do, while on the internet?

>> No.2152869

One problem is that 1% of the people who failed got fat bonuses off bailout money and the other 99% are being lectured about the selfishness of pursuing education.

>> No.2152871

but as a solution to this problem have you considered becoming hobos and standing infront of wall street

>> No.2152872

I bet you're one of the fat lazy bastard that sits at home, complaining that he doesn't get enough free money from the government while eating $20 pizzas every day.

>> No.2152873
File: 71 KB, 431x383, 1289099728234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberal arts degrees have almost nothing to do with the problems in employment, although higher education will be one of the next bubbles to burst. Perverse incentives explain what looks like laziness. Potato farmers can't get their crop out of the ground because no one is willing to do a physically difficult job for low pay, when they can collect infinite benefits while doing nothing. If you subsidize something, you will get more of it. So far, we've subsidized insane lending practices by banks and unemployment by individuals.

>> No.2152875

Yeah, I get the feeling this would change if people actually voted or read about who they are voting for.

But, this is America, almost no one votes and when they do vote it's very emotionally fueled with no research at all.

>> No.2152876

i am 6 years old

can we, like, put this post everywhere

>> No.2152877

No, they are telling them that their bullshit degrees are their fault. Following the love for education is no shame. However, wasting time by getting a degree for what most people consider hobbies, or not wanting to work a low end job straight outa college is frowned upon. And show me some sources of the gubment literally handing individuals, and not companies or to be used for the companies, fat checks

>> No.2152878


>no one is willing to do a physically difficult job for low pay, when they can collect infinite benefits while doing nothing

Hmm, then why are unemployment rates lower in countries with BETTER social security than the US?

>> No.2152879

>get job
>go to college using student loans
>get better job when out of college
>make lots of money

hurr so hard government please give me free money i don't want to do that

>> No.2152880


There's 2 problems one on the level of governance: policy is created to pander to the people who put officials in power; and another on the level of the individual: he creates discord by becoming envious of people with more than him and refusing to accept the conditions of his life and move forward

Accepting that you have to work to get where someone else didn't is a solution to the second problem. Mobbing the streets addresses neither problem.

>> No.2152881


the government gave the money to corporations who claimed to need it, and those corporations then gave mad checks to dudes who caused the problem in the first place. this is totally cool, but if anyone outside of the top 1% they are vicious vipers who should be ignored and mocked.

>> No.2152882
File: 93 KB, 500x356, 1297413753107..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can sympathise with the conservative angle ITT but I still think you people are being deceived at another level.

Faith in the American ideal of hard work and pulling yourself up out of nothing is what you're fighting for, but the existence of this ideal is the very thing under attack from the prevailing corporate kleptocracy. Even if the OWS people are unaware of it, they are fighting to preserve it by challenging the wall st / government relationship that threatens it. And ITT the conservative anons are attacking OWS with the American ideal OWS are probably obliviously standing up for. It's nuts.

Again, the very idea that one person can make it if they work hard enough is precisely what is under threat, by ignorantly affirming it is not, you are a puppet simultaneously undermining it. Observe the paradox conservative anons, come together for fucks sake, it's probably our last chance.

>> No.2152884

The irony is that all the hipsters will vote for Tea Party founder, Ron Paul, thinking he is on their side. B-but 4chan said he was cool!!

>> No.2152885


that's just proof that rich people are better than you

>> No.2152886

Guys...Pikachu is right. Why fight against each other? We should be reaching a mutual agreement that will further better the goal of America reaching world domiance.

>> No.2152887
File: 124 KB, 330x440, tumblr_lsil4zujyM1r25y9yo1_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2152888

yes; they are better at the game.

the only thing that really bothers me here is the claim that attempting to take what we should have by rights is immoral, but that the corporate kleptocracy is entirely moral. if people are opposed on grounds of interest, that's one thing. but the moral arguments here are just insane.

>> No.2152889

You have the right to other people's money?

>> No.2152890

ever heard of trickle down economics? the reason america works so well?

fucking retard

>> No.2152891

I think people are attacking OWS because they see things like the CPUSA hanging out there and people demanding free education and rampant economic illiteracy. If their only goal was to divorce corporate interest from government, virtually everyone could get behind it.

>> No.2152892



>> No.2152895

i like you

>> No.2152896

Thank you for clarifying your position

>> No.2152898

also the hippy drum circles with people dancing so badly that it makes you cringe

holy shit those people are embarrassing to look at

>> No.2152899

yeah tactically the OWS protests are laughably bad but you gotta support them just because the aim is so right. it's immensely frustrating, actually.

>> No.2152901

>No, they are telling them that their bullshit degrees are their fault. Following the love for education is no shame. However, wasting time by getting a degree for what most people consider hobbies...

Most people once considered chemistry dark magic. Strange that colleges were instructing people in that hobby a century ago...

>> No.2152902

That's just the name for the things you would like to be entitled to. You're slinging moral arguments just like everyone else.


I don't care about America.

>> No.2152903

The real question is that why aren't we all learning politics and preparing to over throw the world. Cmon, what happened to the badass country that no body wanted to go to war with because theyd atom bomb the shit out of you? Shouldn't we have controlled 90% of the globe by no-Oh wait...we really do? Paying for other countries armies and governments? Uh huh...Hmm how odd

>> No.2152905

we do that because we need to protect other people from getting killed by terrorists and shit

unless you just want to let everyone else fend for themselves and get killed and let shit like sadaam hussein gain massive amounts of power

>> No.2152906



>> No.2152907

I'm sorry, but you have no clue how tactical world domination works. Yea, now is a hard time for good
ol Murika in the middle east and China. But think of it from a tactical POV: Those countries soon become dependent on the US. Their governments hands and corporations hands get hold long enough that the become scared to let go. They become fearful and come ask big brother for he'll. In return, we get that countries resources. It's very simple. Nothing to do with oil or
Chinese markets. Just world domination.

>> No.2152908

Don't worry, if the people simply made educated votes, but people rarely vote, let alone make an educated vote.

There must of been a 90% rate of people who thought Obama was going to pull all troops back home from the middle east, even though Obama never said that.

Now everyone believes Obama is going to tax checks.

Welcome to democracy

>> No.2152910

Geez, another 200+ posts OWS thread when everything else is getting 20 replies and then is forgotten.

>> No.2152917

Sure, bash Obama and Bush for the troops. But look at it this way: Take care of a dog when he is a puppy and he will stay obedient to you later. Now think about that and then ask yourself if the prolong occupation was a mistake, or simply a genius military tactic for an ally we would never thought to have..

>> No.2152918

Not my point, I'm saying that people don't make educated votes.

I'm not going to play the theory game.

>> No.2152922

Military Genius. However most Murikans are blind to this. Think of it as now America can always poke the middle east for stuff. "Hey, we're kinda running low on oil. Remember that time we destroyed those terrorist for you?" or "Hey, we can really use some extra help fighting China in WW3, member that time we helped train your government and military?"

>> No.2152923


>> No.2152924

just because 98% of black people voted for obama doesn't mean his race was involved in any way, they simply thought he was the best candidate based on things beyond his skin color

>> No.2152939

This is possibly the best use of sarcasm I have ever seen.

If you were being sincere I think you're naive.

>> No.2152944

if it was Herman Cain V. Hillary Clinton in 2008 instead of Obama, do you think all the black folks would have voted for Cain?

>> No.2152948

OWS is a muddled joke and a failure and Wall Street execs make jokes about it on Twitter.

>> No.2152951


Of course. It's pretty well known that coons can't think politically beyond WE WANTS EMANCIPASHUN M L KING HURRRRRRR

>> No.2152952

are you talking about raccoons or are you being racist

>> No.2152953 [DELETED] 

My rent is $150/month + utilities.
It is 2 bed rooms, kitchen, bathroom, and living room.
It has heating. It has air conditioning.
There are no mice, rats, or mold.
The neighbors are nice.
There is either no or minimal crime.
There is plenty of parking for cars.
I live in a rural area, but only 15 minutes from the state university I attend.

>mfw people think living in the city is a good idea

>> No.2152957

No. Because he's Republican.
He would have lost to Hilary Clinton if he was the nominee.

>> No.2152958
File: 28 KB, 611x489, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot your face so i think this one will do

>> No.2152959

Oh, and my roommate is a long time friend.

>> No.2152960


Seriously. 99% of blacks are too lazy and/or dumb to think about politics. That's why none of them vote.

>> No.2152962

There are no mice, bugs (cockroaches, spiders), or mold.

Silly me.

>> No.2152963

>saying a word
>being racist
You would laugh at it if it was a black person making fun of whitey.

You apparently lack the ability to look back at the mindset of average black voters in 2008.

>> No.2152965
File: 30 KB, 460x276, Roger n Don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in the times of Kings.

>> No.2152966

You apparently lack the ability to look past your own biased mindset that you've had since before 2008.

>> No.2152967

It's bannable to be racist on 4chan, pray no one reports you.

>> No.2152971

it's also bannable to post porn on worksafe boards but >>>/v/114335242

>> No.2152970 [DELETED] 



>> No.2152974

What am I biased towards? If you cannot accept that Obama got elected partially (probably a very large part too) because he is black, you must have some serious problems with getting called a racist or a bigot or something. Plus, you know the 2008 election was not even close to a landslide win for Obama.

>> No.2152975

he won by 10 million votes and 192 electoral votes so yeah it won by a lot

>> No.2152977

That's not a landslide at all, man. Also, I expect an answer to my accusation of you being afraid of being called a racist because you don't want to believe that Obama got elected because he's black.

>> No.2152978


>10 million votes
>population of 400 million

You fucking retard.

>> No.2152979
File: 260 KB, 650x650, 1314297753402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the second and third installments [of The Matrix Trilogy], we discover something truly surprising. This group of freedom fighters who have dedicated themselves to the destruction of the machines are actually supported by the machines. The machines secretly encourage the freedom fighters, help them build Zion, and provide them with their Messiah. We learn that there have been many cities before Zion and many Messaihs before Neo. We thus discover that Neo is not really on the side of freedom but actually a vital part of the oppressive system itself. It turns out that the machines initially attempted to build a Matrix where rebellion was impossible, a world that was, however, modeled upon human perfection. But the results were disastrous; it failed. The machines realized that people needed to have the ability to fight. Hence they created release valves in the system, opportunities for people to resist in a way that was ultimately authorized by those in control. In short, the freedom fighters were the very thing that the system allowed in order to ensure nothing significant really changed. Indeed, true change only happens when an anomaly enters the world of the machines.

>> No.2152981

only 1/3rd of that 400 million voted

>> No.2152983

10 million out of 130 million is still not a landslide.

>> No.2152994

Are you including delegates?

We're still under 300million, well under.

>> No.2152995

2011 census says 312mil.

>> No.2152996

*estimate, not census. excuse me.

>> No.2152999


>> No.2153005

Obama: 52.9% vote
McCain: 45.7% vote

That is relatively good for a win.

>> No.2153018

Reagan won by a landslide in 1984. What you posted is an average win, I'd say. Maybe even a close call.

>> No.2153021

vs mondale, he looked like a fucking vampire

>> No.2153040

Relative to how partisan and polarized politics have been become since then, it is good.

I think basically any democrat vs any republican is going to have about even odds due to extreme partisan voting.

>> No.2153045

go to sleep, fucker

>> No.2153058

the worst part is that she is complaining about a supposed "illness" her baby has, she should abort it.

>> No.2153081

While I agree that much is wrong at the higher levels of finance and government that are affecting the rest of society I do have some issues with these protests.

1. They have almost no grounding in evidence, theory or research. Many of these people spout what they think without ever evaluating their own beliefs.
2. There are millions worldwide that suffer in conditions that make the protestors lives look wonderful. There is something rather narcissistic and ignorant of these people calling themselves the 99 percent when there are others who suffer so much that the protestors' and the bankers' wealth seems indistinguishable.

>> No.2153089

>people not noticing OP's blatant satire
>people not noticing the typewriter
>people not noticing that this just our daily /sci/ tumbleweed shaking his fist at us for not becoming engineers

>> No.2153130 [DELETED] 

>mfw I got a rich family
>study the degree I want at university, without any debts
>already got a part time job and can get full time employment at a high position within the company my father and uncle own.

>I am the 1%

Still, the protest is valid and I actually feel very bad at times, for the privilege I've grown up with. I wouldn't reject it though, not when facing the prospects other people do at this point.

The thing that always worry me most, is the complete rejection of any university degree but engineering by the majority of people here. At least for me it goes like this: I didn't study humanities so I could express myself, or shit like that. I did it for the analytical work, for the academic research and to get involved in actual science.

Most of the people advertising their engineering degree took their academic field not as academic work, but as a kind of vocational training. They're not actually interested going into research, or proving or disproving theses at the moment. It's just a stepping stone to get to a job for money.

This is the kind of thing I could never get. It's so completely out of touch with my perception of studying a subject that I don't even want to comment on it.

If I can, I will finish with a doctorate. It's looking well, and if things go the right way, I might fully enter the academic field in the end.

>> No.2153139

That's like saying we shouldn't complain if we get served badly cooked food at an expensive restaurant because at least we aren't starving to death like children in Africa.

I guess people in the Western world have no right to complain about anything ever. Get stabbed? Hey, at least you weren't brutally raped and murdered like women in third world countries!

>> No.2153148


No, I am not saying that. I just think it would be good if people paused to think of those far worse off than them before they complain how bad their life is. What I take issue with is the phrase 'we are the 99 percent' when those protestors are still part of a global elite that many people in developing countries and some within their own countries could never come close to achieving

>> No.2153170

pro-OWS discuss the protests and issues.
anti-OWS attack the protesters.

I think I see the problem here.

>> No.2153179


I'm amazed so many of you idiots still believe 4chan hasnt been compromised.

It was in 2008. Moot even testified against several /b/tards.

>> No.2153203


Late to the thread, but this is the best post in it. My sentiments exactly.

>> No.2153259

Don't have a job? 100K in debt with student loans? Protest by dressing up as a corporate zombie!


The reason people don't take the movement seriously is because you have a bunch middle/upper class kids who just got done reading Fight Club or The Communist Manifesto, and decided it would be fun to play "rebellion" for a few weeks.

I'm not unsympathetic to movement's purpose, but it's execution leaves a lot to be desired.

Washington D.C., where the bad policy came from that put the country into this situation, would be the more meaningful place to march.

>> No.2153271
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>> No.2153272

So random posts in this thread got deleted. Why is that?

>> No.2153286

I've been for a bunch of jobs and interviews in the last couple of years, and have got no permanent job. Then again, I don't have an undergraduate degree. But also, I haven't claimed benefits AT ALL, so IMO I'm not a drain on society.

Getting a job where I live is fucking hard, like, Gravity's Rainbow hard.

>> No.2153297
File: 20 KB, 215x216, 1273096581365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choose to get an arts degree
>complain when no jobs

if you aren't cut out for sciences, but still want a higher education, go to a trades school

if you can't even do that, then don't waste your time on an arts degree. go find a job somewhere and stick to it, because arts degrees get you NOTHING.

>> No.2153316
File: 328 KB, 960x1280, 1317859827452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people getting art degrees and expecting jobs

Pic related, a normal protester there.

>> No.2153318

So when are the anti-OWS crowd going to start speaking on the issues and not the protesters themselves?

>> No.2153319

Oh god my sides.


>> No.2153324

As has been pointed out again and again: the United States is in a really poor economic situation. Has been for about 3 years, if you haven't noticed. 9.1% unemployment rate. On some level, there just are not enough jobs.

Do you really think that every single unemployed person could get a good job if they wanted one? Every single one of them is just a lazy liberal arts college graduate? You really think that, bro?

This is why that "I am the 99% thing" was a bad idea. Gives everyone license to find the stupidest examples and pretend they represent everyone.

>> No.2153325

Do you people not realize that there has to be a large amount of poor people to work a capitalism at all times?

Our government favors the great and intelligent over the ones that don't do jack shit.

>> No.2153327

never, because their entire argument is to say that people with art degrees can get jobs at wal-mart and this will solve all of america's economic problems

they honestly seem to believe that there are no issues, that the only problem with america is the protesters (who are uniformly a bunch of liberal arts majors who refuse to get to work). other than the people complaining, it's perfect.

>> No.2153331

>Want to check it out
>go downtown to see what it's really like
>Hipsters everywhere, Gir hats, people quoting communist manifesto.
>Read demands, want 2 trillion in nature immediately.
>Want debt forgiveness by government
> want complete open borders


>> No.2153332


no, but you can work your way up through retail. a lot of people have problems applying at shitty jobs, and that is the problem.

one year in a shitty job like walmart or target can translate to better retail like costco, where starting wage is a fairly livable wage.

not saying that everyone can find a job, but you shouldn't be wasting any time or any money on an arts degree. that decreases your employment, doesn't increase it.

>> No.2153335

Here goes
>you picked a shitty degree
Unemployment rate is at 9.1%, and this figure excludes discouraged workers and the underemployed. True unemployment is higher, at somewhere around 15 or 16%.
>You want handouts
I don't know about whether or not it's good from a moral or philosophical perspective, but for every $1 that the government spends on food stamps, there's about $1.75 generated throughout the economy. An increase in spending is necessary to lift us out of the current recession. L2Keynes.
>You'll discourage the people at the top who are creating most jobs
look at the image
>You don't even know what the fuck you're doing
True. I'll concede this one, but I think it's important that we're at least starting to think about what we can change/how we can change for the better
>Other people have it worse
Yes. As a nation, we're the "1%" to the global "99%". However, we can still fix things here, and we can work to improve conditions for the rest of the world

>> No.2153341

I don't care for a lot of the things they do either - both in their style of protest and in their demands, many of which I think are foolish.

But they're pointing out and protesting legitimate grievances. They're pointing out that our country is in a really shitty place right now. They're right to be angry, even if they have the wrong solution - and at least they are in the direction of the solution. The protesters are imperfect - deeply flawed. But that doesn't mean that there's not a real grievance underlying it all.

Again, can we address the real issues in this country instead of focusing solely and to the exclusion of all else on what degrees the protesters have? Imagine that all of the protesters had no college degrees instead of liberal art ones, just as a mental game.

>> No.2153343

For centuries the liberal arts students were held up and adored as the educated elites of society. If you had a liberal arts degree, you were all but guaranteed a career in the field of your choosing. In their day they were lawyers, senators, captains of industry, and priests. Their day is over. It will never come back. Now we are ruled over by scientists, engineers, financiers, and a vast army of technicians. Bit by bit the technocrats have replaced the cultured aristocracy in positions of power and undermined the power they could not seize for themselves.

The OWS protests are like the Samurai rebellions in the late 19th century. The last death throes of a once privileged elite no longer required by the changing world.

>> No.2153349

>Demands are retarded
By and large, yes. However, it's still important not to dismiss the goals of the demands. Additionally, remember that they're not actually going to get the demands fulfilled that would destroy the country. On top of that, this is still not a mature movement, and while everyone wants the same thing, not everyone wants them fulfilled in the same way. Give them some time to learn basic economics.
>large amount of poor people to work a capitalism at all times
Is this supposed to be a good thing? And in addition, having social safety nets like universal health care and welfare programs help to ensure that people don't die. We have police services if you get shot/robbed. We have firefighters if your house is on fire. Are you telling me we shouldn't have people to take care of you if you become terribly sick?

>> No.2153350


if they had no college degrees, they wouldn't generally be in hideous debt. if they had realized that arts was useless, they would have started looking for jobs straight out of high school, and probably found them.

>> No.2153352

9.1% official unemployment is not the death rattles of a privileged class. 9.1% official unemployment is an economy with real and significant problems. Maybe that's what the protests are about. I don't know. It's a novel thesis, I know, that these people are not just shitfuckers, but given that we've been in a recession for 3 years, maybe we could try it out.

>> No.2153357
File: 16 KB, 400x230, wisconsin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to include this.

>> No.2153358

So you're just going to completely ignore the post you're responding to. Well done, internet warrior. You have defended the ultra-wealthy admirably.

Here, I'll put it in two sentences.

The economy is shit right now for everyone, not just OWS protesters. Focus on the shitty economy and 9.1% official unemployment rate, instead of liberal arts degrees.

>> No.2153361

If they had no college degrees then I would just blow them off harder due to the fact that they were to lazy to work for a scholarship.

You are right how the economy is flawed though, but this is not the way to fix it so I shan't support it.

>> No.2153371

It's actually a great thing.

It allows for a society based and ruled by people with a larger intellect than others so they can make better decisions. It comes with many bad sides but it is outweighed by the good.

Imagine like after Rome fell how feudal systems were the best thing ever.

>> No.2153375

I never said they were stupid, and I never said they were lazy. They just don't understand the world they live in, like the Samurai in the 19th century. They would be excellent workers if they were born 100 years earlier I'm sure, but today we need a different set of skills to survive. The economy is shot to hell,and I agree with you there, but the protests at OWS aren't about that. They're about a traditionally privileged set of individuals (college grad who majored in liberal arts) no longer receiving the special treatment (guaranteed employment) that they did in the past.

>> No.2153381

You're saying this as if people don't choose who they employ. Record profits for corporations and still no employment? Still shrinking hours, cutting wages, and downsizing benefits?

>> No.2153385


the shitty economy is a result of money not moving

which is a result of the super wealthy having money that they use to grow interest, which they then live off of.

there is absolutely nothing to be done about that. you try to tax it, they move it overseas.

you can't force people to spend their money, and it is not fair to simply take it from them.

the only way to change it is another revolution. which isn't going to happen.

OWS has no endgame.

>> No.2153388

But cutting off opportunities for educational advancement is ridiculous if you want a society to improve. You act as if the wealthy are the only ones with intelligence, and you act as if the actions of AIG, Goldman-Sachs, and Lehman Brothers, among others, did not cause the clusterfuck of shit that currently plagues our economy. They've pretty clearly demonstrated that what benefits the individual does not benefit the society and does not necessarily constitute the best choice.

>> No.2153390

So what you're saying is that it's just impossible to have a good economy.

Keep in mind, all most people want is an economy where it's possible to get a good, stable job that pays well enough to keep you and your family safe. (Some people want more things, but I think that's the baseline for most reasonable people). Now, why precisely is this impossible, when it seems to have been possible in the past?

>> No.2153394

>not fair to simply take them
That -is- the endgame. Taking more taxes from the rich so that they move through the economy.

I don't give a fuck if it's fair or not because it is necessary to keep the economy running smoothly.

>> No.2153396

You can rise above, but you must be extremely gifted/superior to others.

Bill gates as an example.

Because if you aren't as good as someone else you don't belong in the same level of righteousness as them.

>> No.2153401

Then what of the people who can't/don't rise to that level?

Should people have to work themselves to death with no healthcare or prospects of advancement for themselves or their children?

>> No.2153402

Lemme stick with the Samurai analogy- No one is going to hire a mounted swordsman when they can get a company of riflemen a machine gun for the same price. The sad fact is most of the work has been automated. I actually agree with you that the system has to change and something has to be done for the people who have lost employment (some kind of menial labor building infrastructure would probably be best) but its never going to be like it was before where a college grad could reasonably expect a 50K job for studying Proust. I'm for a Keynesian solution that puts people to work- buts its going to be ugly work and it isn't going to be work that many people enjoy doing.

All I've been saying is the people at OWS want things to go back to the middle of last century where people like them ran everything, and that's not realistic.

>> No.2153403

We have medicare/medicaid/unemployment for them.

Capitalism is evolution, the weak fail while the strong survive.

>> No.2153405

They're wonderful programs, but they don't reach enough people.

>> No.2153408


more taxes won't do shit, because the rich will either move somewhere else with their money, to a tax haven, or move their money overseas. hell, i shouldn't even have said that, because "fairness" doesn't even come into account.

the economic system does not work when one person has all of the money and does nothing but hoard it. it has worked until now because that was not the case. it has simply reached critical mass, and there isn't much that can be done about it in a peaceful manner.

OWS doesn't have the balls to actually be cutthroat about it, and will eventually dissipate and go home.

>> No.2153410

What we need then is a freer market up top w/a stronger base at the bottom. Keep the dirt floor while ditching the glass ceiling so to speak. We could learn a little from Germany on this front, they've been making this brand of pseudo-socialism work pretty well since the end of WWII.

>> No.2153411

That would be true if we were all born on to an even playing field.

If survival of the fittest is your goal, then we should simply go as far with inheritance taxes as we possibly can.

>> No.2153415

Germany's government can also make you change the color of your roof..

They can do ANYTHING to you.

>> No.2153431

>freer market up top
What, like less regulation and such?

Not in the financial industry, and probably not for most industries.

Are you aware of the concept of negative extranalities? Essentially they're indirect "costs" associated with certain activities. For instance, imagine a factory that can produce something for 1/100th the price of another, but produces 100x the waste. Barring regulation, every factory would do this simply because it's more cost effective, regardless of how many birth defects/how much sickness/whatever.

That's what a true free market encourages.

>> No.2153433

There's something to be said for a string central government. Besides I don't really care what color my roof is.

>> No.2153437

strong not string. Apparently I'm drunk.

>> No.2153594


German law student here. That has to be one of the most retarded comments I've ever read.

On the general notion of arts degrees: It seems to be really bad over in the US. I know that around here, it's nothing of the sort.

Lots and lots of people around here also go around claiming that any sort of degree in humanities is useless and should basically be canned.

It's hard to grasp, but social sciences and humanities are not designed to be vocational training, like most people doing engineering degrees seem to be accustomed to.

This is not what university should be about. Yet people seem to widely believe it is exactly that way. University work provides people with skills with profound analytical and theoretical problem solving abilities. The skill to work on problems on their own terms, taking different approaches without being led on. On top of that, there is a lot of extra knowledge, depending on the degree.

The thought that your university studies are solely for getting a job is a brainchild of the past few decades, and inherently idiotic from an academic point of view, since academics are not centered around preparing you for a job. Companies should pay for your training, but they abuse the system, so it's getting outsourced, so to speak.

Yet, I don't have the problems that Americans with their degrees seem to have. I can still easily get a really well-paying job with my degree. It's just the way people seem to think it is how it should and has to be, that makes me think they're beyond retarded at this point.

>> No.2154444

got my guy fawkes mask and going there now. wish me luck anon!

we do forget. we do forgive.

expect us.