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File: 1.00 MB, 2480x1754, Space Farming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21522985 No.21522985 [Reply] [Original]

Space Farming Edition

Previous Thread:>>21510242

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21523009

First for standalone novels. I hate gay series
Read The Broken Sword
Read The Mask of the Sorcerer
Read The Deep
Read Past Master
Read The Dragon Waiting

>> No.21523052

Recommend me some smut. Preferably featuring tentacles.

>> No.21523066
File: 217 KB, 1080x1080, laughing girl in snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Lord of the Mysteries if you like plot, world building, bizarre magical battles, delving into ancient mysteries, and don't mind scalp-numbingly terrible prose!

>> No.21523122

What are some good standalone novels? I avoid series generally.

>> No.21523144

The Dragon Never Sleeps and Passage of Arms are both pretty good sci-fi books from Glen Cook. I sadly don’t have any good fantasy one offs.

>> No.21523156

Greg Egan's new book is a giant/lilliput murder mystery
>When Cara Leon goes missing, private investigator Sam Mujrif is hired by her sister to investigate. Cara is eight times taller than Sam, but evidence soon points to players much smaller than either of them.

>> No.21523161
File: 86 KB, 720x540, 1640708932605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on Lilith's Brood?
I loved the first half but with the tribal stuff on earth it's starting to not feel like sci-fi very much anymore and I'm losing interest

>> No.21523186
File: 73 KB, 484x476, we get it, you're gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I can't stand Greg Egan and his nerdy midwit bullshit

>> No.21523196


>> No.21523208

insisting you're smart is prime midwit

>> No.21523229
File: 373 KB, 533x800, cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK he is good.

>> No.21523254
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1024, Tress of the Emerald Sea 093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read her book

>> No.21523261

no prob, I will be here waiting

>> No.21523291

0.001% completed fren it's faster than I expected

>> No.21523305

no prob, at this rate it will only take approximately 80 years to complete it, I will definitely be here.

>> No.21523320
File: 26 KB, 600x418, 1499586030959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people keep recommending the first law to asoiaf fans? Besides the medievalesque setting and violence these series aren't similar at all.

>> No.21523346

Because most people dont think fantasy has any distinct characteristics besides medieval with an elf and gritty or not

>> No.21523428

Because both are the same soulless low tier dreck that plays on the modern ideas they have about man - that genuine goodness and virtue don't exist.

>> No.21523474

I don't think it's that. Comparisons are just really hard; there are a million possible traits for a book to have, and whether a shared trait among two books is meaningful enough to call them "similar" depends entirely on whether you think the trait is important. ASOIAF and The First Law share a ton of similarities in tone and style and messaging, but if the trait you value in one is absent in the other then the comparison seems wrong

and more basically, whether two things are similar for most people comes down to "do i feel the same things when reading these two books?"

>> No.21523477

Me too unless I'm lucky enough to die

>> No.21523501

You've never read anything by GRRM at all.

>> No.21523505

The only people who call Abercrombie's writing medieval anything are as ignorant about the time period as he is himself.

>> No.21523511 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 314x475, 1672127656149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kon Fiji
>Kong Fuzi

>> No.21523538


>> No.21523540

I was unlucky enough to have read his first 3 Asoaf novels.

>> No.21523553 [DELETED] 

>government is run by people who do not believe in anything
>somehow, this has functioned for eight thousand years

>> No.21523560

i specifically said "medievalesque" not "medieval" you inbred subhuman retard fuck. Neck yourself

>> No.21523598

The most sociable /sffg/ poster

>> No.21523653

Prompt for this?

>> No.21523763

(Sfw), (Masterpiece:1.2), (1girl), mc of (good author and greatest author (Brandon Sanderson's) new novella, best quality, cosmere,
Negative prompts: (bakker), litrpg,

>> No.21523785
File: 274 KB, 327x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe i cried for a fucking wolf.

>> No.21523786

I really enjoyed who she wrote it
it was so sudden I had to read that passage two more times

>> No.21523789

More tears before it's over but assuming you have read them all, it's a very satisfying finale

>> No.21523790

It was a fantastic scene. Don't read the final trilogy of the series though, it sucks.

>> No.21523797

I'm halfway through the whole Elderlings stuff, still have 2 books from the Tawny Man, the cities of the ancients and the last trilogy to read

>> No.21523808

Don't listen to this anon
Finish it all, it's worth it

>> No.21523852

the duality of man

>> No.21523893

You can't ask me that, Anon

>> No.21524007
File: 57 KB, 235x143, 1668538537222492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the final trillogy really that bad? I read the first one as a teenager and loved it, then discovered there was the second trillogy years later, which I liked not as much, but it was still good. I hoped to re-read all the books and finish the series by finally tackling the third trillogy.

Anons, is the third trillogy really bad? No spoilers, please.

>> No.21524015

The first book of the third trilogy is like 800 pages long and the plot doesn't even START until the last 50 pages. It honestly should have ended with that scene from the second trilogy where Fitz and Kettricken have a drink together. That would have been a perfect high note to end on.
Unfortunately, the author just can't help but make everything miserable.

>> No.21524063

reading Dune after Bakker is a terrible experience, Prince of Nothing retroactively mogs it into oblivion

>> No.21524067

some people actually are smart. Being smart doesn't necessitate being humble

>> No.21524212

Is he? I tried to read that weird octopus conspiracy novel and had to drop it. Then I borrowed City and the City, which I might give a go.

>> No.21524218

Why would not posting symbols on Twitter make you humble?

>> No.21524221
File: 45 KB, 554x554, 1664434747490588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another Isekai where the mc is an uberchad harem builder

>> No.21524261

again, bragging about how smart you are doesn't mean you aren't smart

>> No.21524275

He wasn’t posting about how he was smart. He just posted symbols.

>> No.21524340
File: 1.58 MB, 1400x2100, 1668801852743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really enjoying the introduction of the barbarians too much, they seem a bit too overpowered and learn everything that they did so quickly

>> No.21524385

It's a newfagism. It means that his post is safe to ignore and should not have been responded to. You see this with many buzzwords that originated in the 2010s.

>> No.21524404
File: 450 KB, 954x474, Poppy War trilogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read 'em

>> No.21524407 [DELETED] 

>read Book of the New Sun
>will never read another Wolfe book ever
So, basically, yeah, sorry ;^)

>> No.21524430
File: 986 KB, 600x945, dan simmons hyperion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished reading the first hyperion novel and enjoyed it
Is it better for me if I pretend the sequel does not exist or will it deliver the expectations the first novel set?

>> No.21524446

first book is great
second book is still good and sort of closes out that arc of the story
the Endymion books on the other hand would have justified the Qin dynasty's burning of books and burying of sages

>> No.21524492 [DELETED] 


>> No.21524528

Any recommendations for things that are available on Audible Plus? It seems like you could dig through the fantasy and sci-fi categories for hours without finding anything worthwhile among all the endless litrpg wrbnovels.

>> No.21524530

Read wizard Knight
You got filtered hard

>> No.21524588 [DELETED] 
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Pseud zoomer tradcath FAGGOT

>> No.21524608
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Name a good book then
I'm curious

>> No.21524628

Fall of Hyperion is a conclusive finale to the events set up in the first book. The ending is very satisfying.
Endymion books take place hundreds of years into the future and it's more a pulp adventure with evil robot chases and planethopping and exotic locations and a bit of innocent pedophilia. The highlights of these books make them well-worth reading

>> No.21524695

I was very afraid The Short Sun would be one of those after Wofle gave the narrator a harem of wives AND a virgin siren in the very beginning of Blue. Thankfully, that wasn't the case.

>> No.21524725

>the Endymion books on the other hand would have justified the Qin dynasty's burning of books and burying of sages
You should read the sophists Chang.

>> No.21524733

The Night land

>> No.21524735

based crossover, gave me a good kek

>> No.21524736

Is it really?

>> No.21524746

Kon Fiji is the "One True Sage" that they draw much of their cultural practices and philosophy from
When the Jesuits came to China they heard much about "Kong Fuzi" and did not realize it meant "Master Kong". They translated it as "Confucius" Surely you would recognize that name and what it means
so basically he's Dandelion Dynasty's equivalent in the world

>> No.21524750

It basically was though
He has enormous success with women
He just ends up with one girl
Literal harem of chinks and poos
Yandere vampire that tries to kill his wife out of primitive jealousy [/Spoiler]

>> No.21524762

I know who Kong Fuzi is I just didnt find it that clever

>> No.21524788
File: 2.21 MB, 1550x793, read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21524791
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>> No.21524798 [DELETED] 

I will not chinkshit
Made by chinks = trash

>> No.21524799

Eh, the other women weren't as important to the narrator in the romantic or sexual sense. Of course, the adultery still makes him a piece of shit, but at least there wasn't an objectifying sense of collecting and discarding to the female companions - and that does help to make the narrator feel as a character of middle age.

>> No.21524852
File: 28 KB, 318x475, EC6E42D2-3424-4848-A7FD-DBC5E7F06F25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally cannot find this anywhere except (((Amazon))). Should I just bite the bullet and buy the Ebook because I can’t find it online anywhere for free?

>> No.21524869

Buy two dead tree copies, send one to a book scanner.

>> No.21524927

I’d get the audiobook if it wasn’t so expensive. It sounds good despite that high pitched beep randomly in the middle of this sample.

>> No.21524965

>your description of Endymion
Hyperion mocked this type of scifi pulp novels...

>> No.21524972
File: 195 KB, 637x1024, yes YES the tiger is out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyperion was shit. /sffg/ is a pulp thread, and don't you forget it.

>> No.21525021

The red pill is that the sequels are actually better than the first two

>> No.21525030
File: 60 KB, 1080x1300, FB_IMG_1665788163329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what happened to Erikson between writing Deadhouse Gates and Memories of Ice. Memories of Ice feels like a completely different series. First three chapters are basically a series of extended exposition dumps. Literally everyone has clear motivations with clear protagonists and antagonists. I have to assume feedback for the first two must have affected him. I've read the first five books of this series before and remember four being my favorite but three is so far the best written.

>> No.21525031 [DELETED] 

hmm but theres only one chinkmade?

>> No.21525132

>send one to a book scanner.
for what reason when he can just buy a pfd/epub?

>> No.21525173

So you can upload a copy to libgen without fear of having your tramazon account slashed, and no opportunity for them to remove problematic language.

>> No.21525191

Why are you shilling so hard? I already ordered the book now but you’re making it annoying that I have to pay for literally nothing except a manuscript put through a word processor. Not even literary agents think the very low production cost of Ebooks should mean we pay $4+ for something that costs almost NOTHING to distribute once the advance is made.

>> No.21525277
File: 59 KB, 913x309, lod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ebook is sold on several sites, also amazon ebooks dont carry identifying information once you remove drm

it's your choice, $3 for a nice epub or $15 for dead tree edition

>> No.21525291 [DELETED] 

Well I ordered the physical book for the sake of reading it.
Electricity isn’t carbon neutral, to the chagrin of globohomo neoliberalism. Dead tree editions are always going to be better, except for water contamination and leaching. Imagine how much damage is done merely by having a huge network of hard drives and electricity.

>> No.21525359

less than cutting down trees to make books.
Ive had my kindle since pw3 since the day it came out, I read more than hundred books on it (yeah I know only hundred books, must be brainlet), saved more than 10 trees, if amazon sold like 150 million kindle ereaders, if each person only read one book ten books on it, that is about 150 million trees saved.

>> No.21525368

Dude… do you not know plantation timber is used for paper? They can’t even use proper wild trees for it, even if they wanted to.

>> No.21525388

so? the entire process should be stopped and unused land reforested with wild type trees.

>> No.21525409 [DELETED] 

Trees are massive risks to carbon neutrality, as you know they catch ON FIRE. They’re also not that good for capturing carbon compared to blue alternatives like algae.

>> No.21525513

>amazon ebooks dont carry identifying information once you remove drm
source: bro trust me

>> No.21525521 [DELETED] 

They're still net negative. Burned up tree leaves behind hundreds of pounds of charcoal which turns into forest loam which in turn fertilizes more trees and more capture.

Also climate change isn't real.

>> No.21525582

True, who can forget the Kingling of the Gooblesmackers marching against the Dread Horde of Girzedurm, followed by the immaculate arrival of the Binglecrushers of Lok Ma Ya?

>> No.21525607

ok, you can convert to epub, open it as html and inspect the file (then convert it back to azw or mobi)

>> No.21525660

You think Lamia's story was a mockery of pulp detectives? Simmons loves them, he write a bunch himself - Hardcase, Drood, Flashback, Fifth Heart

>> No.21525712


>mc actually tries to abuse his wife because she cheated on him

Okay, thanks for the rec this mc sounds based

>> No.21525771
File: 459 KB, 1200x1828, Cover_of_World_Without_Men_by_Charles_Eric_Maine_-_Illustration_by_Ed_Emshwiller_-_Ace_Books_1958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21525785

its a minor plot line and its sort of irrelevant, but mc is very based

>> No.21525797
File: 1005 KB, 1481x1679, IMG_20230114_213835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the poet Martin Silenus spends a page of the book shitting on scifi pulp novels

>> No.21525805

that's not pulp. I get the reference in the filename tho

>> No.21525825


Get an ereader.

>> No.21525839

I have an e-reader, but if a book used is dirtcheap or small I dont bother and go physical

>> No.21525842

but e-books are literally free

>> No.21525856
File: 615 KB, 600x932, Abaddon's Gate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abaddon's Gate, The Expanse #3 - James S.A. Corey (Daniel Abraham & Ty Franck)

This is the book where the divergence of the TV series became noticeable in major ways for me. One prevalent difference is that the tv series has considerably more drama between characters and organizations. The plot revolves about the differing reactions to a protomolecule artifact that teases far greater expanses will be explored in the future and hints at what happened in the deep past.

James Holden is the only reoccurring viewpoint character thus far. The other viewpoints are contained to their single book. By comparison the TV series introduced several of the characters much earlier and continued following them. I think that's the better approach. It may be more realistic that once a character fulfills their role in relation to main character they fade away from the narrative, but that doesn't make it the better choice. I didn't notice it as much in TV series, but for the viewpoint characters of the books, they're all obsessive and reckless bordering on being self-destructive. I have to wonder if there will be one who isn't. I'm uncertain whether that's just my perspective.

For Holden, if the first book is the exaltation, and the second the rebuke, then this is the humbling. He's no longer the Choosing One, he's now the Chosen One, that's how he sees it anyway and he detests that. The problem with being Chosen is that rather limits your personal freedom and what one can do with their life. That's not at all what Holden wants since he now thinks he's free to do anything. Holden tries to escape what he believes to be his destiny, but but he's forced to confront it, which makes its resolution all the more amusing to me.

Carlos c de Baca, "Bull", the head of security for the Behemoth, isn't introduced into the tv series until what would be book 5. Bull is ok, but I like the tv version of Camina Drummer more, which is who fills most of his book role, though she hasn't been introduced in the books yet. I suppose it's because since so many characters are introduced so much earlier in the TV series that they have to displace the original roles to keep their storylines going.

Melba, and her quickly revealed actual identity, may be most baffling character in the both the book and tv series to me. It's not that I dislike the character so much as it baffles me by how often and with such intensity that she changes and how others react to that. I feel like she's more to make a thematic statement about what the series is about rather and then a fully developed character.

Annushka "Anna" Volvodov, a Methodist pastor, is better in the book. Too much was changed for the worse about her, especially the shift from outsider to insider status. She's also basically a different character as well.

Although this is worse than the previous books, it's not so much that I'd only call it decent. Hopefully the downward trend doesn't continue.

Rating: 3.5/5

>> No.21525887

>amazon ebooks dont carry identifying information once you remove drm

I shared an azw3 file here for a horus heresy book and guess what? My amazon account got hacked and I lost all my 40k books. I know it was one of you cheapskate neets here and I hope your dog dies.

>> No.21525971

I hate authors putting author characters in books

>> No.21525972

>As close as you'll get to a Hollywood blockbuster in book form
I thought these quotes were supposed to sell the book...

>> No.21525980

Proof or didn't happen

Also did you remove drm before sharing?

>> No.21526002

just download the books again, you're a retard giving control of your books to amazon anyway

>> No.21526033

Yeah, I used Calibre.
I already did. I had to resort to pirating to get all 30 of my books back. I just liked kindle more because it's easy to read on mobile.

>> No.21526035
File: 155 KB, 1418x795, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Harry Potter! Did you burn your name in the Sacred Ancestor Flame? Junior, you are courting death!", Supreme Elder Dumbledore said, his voice serene like a jade lake even as his killing intent filled the room.
>"Haha, a third-rate talent like you really thinks he can compete in the Three Sect Grand Tournament? Boy, get down on your knees and slap yourself fifty times so our sect can save some face! Five hundred contribution points are deducted from the Roaring Griffin Clan!" Dumbledore's wrathful essence poured out like a wave, cracking the stone floor beneath his feet and disrupting Harry's meridians. Harry was knocked backwards, spitting blood!

>> No.21526039
File: 469 KB, 2518x1024, xianxia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Senior compliments the Junior upon his meager understanding of the Humor Dao.

>> No.21526040

No problem then fren, a while back they deleted everyone's pirated stuff on kindles and caused a lot of reputational harm.

Also you should carry your kindle and read that, if people see you on your phone they assume you're some retard looking through insta or something, but a kindle carrier is a high IQ disciplined based autist

>> No.21526055

I unironically love this shit. There's something innocent about chinese fanfiction-tier writings. Feels like tales of chivalry of yore.

>> No.21526063
File: 87 KB, 300x400, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21526072

Nice disinfo

>> No.21526164

i love xianxia/wuxia so much bros

>> No.21526173

The blurb is not about this book, but some other one by the same author.

If you like Hollywood movies you want to read other books by this author (as in the actual one you are holding in your hand right now) and if you dont like them you will be glad that you are not reading the book mentioned there but another -hopefully better- one.

Its actually quite clever

>> No.21526188

wuxia nothing like these xianxia shitposters though.

>> No.21526219

You dare!?

>> No.21526234

You are but a frog in the well

>> No.21526235

You'd have to have two different people buy the book and check the diff. There are tons of things you can do to fingerprint HTML without changing how it renders.

>> No.21526236
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x768, Tress of the Emerald Sea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy her book

>> No.21526241

Yes I dare!

I'm tired of everyone recommending shitty 2000+ xianxia chapters.

Go and read Water Margin or books by Jin Yong.

>> No.21526244

This image didn't come out as well as the last one.

>> No.21526260

This was the original but personally I think it's better because of the midnight spore

>> No.21526276

flopped + shitted posts

>> No.21526284
File: 648 KB, 1920x2716, thouchapon-singhavejsakul-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuxia waifu
>loves her husband and helps him get stronger
>loves and respects her dad. No western bullshit where you have to shit on your dad just because he doesn't like who you date
>actually goes on adventures with her husband
>has kids with husband. Can do this because she's his only wife.

Xianxia waifu
>only fell in love with her husband because an aphrodisiac made them have sex
>doesn't say shit when husband acts like an arrogant dickhead to her dad.
>only adventures with husband until he ascends and is then forgotten for 800 chapters
>part of a harem not even the main wife.

>> No.21526314

He is a sensitive twat, some critics said that he can only write short chapters and must jump around povs so he wrote the entire 1st half of one of the later malazan books with 1 pov.

>> No.21526327

The protagonist shakes his head, revealing a hint of a smile upon his sculpted jade-like features and exuding an air of unassailable confidence.
"Another Junior who believes he can cheat his way to the peak of martial arts."

>> No.21526397
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>> No.21526408
File: 208 KB, 523x529, 1671116753678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much sovl
I would unironically reread the entire series written like that

>> No.21526435

A fanfic or something like that must exist. If Methods of Rationality exists, there's surely "Harry Potter but xianxia".

>> No.21526454


>> No.21526549

JEA Tyler's Tolkien Companion any good? Local book seller has a nice hardcover version for cheap. I'm looking for some decent Tolkien scholarship, particularly an encyclopaedia and/or atlas.

>> No.21526561
File: 862 KB, 1200x709, 1666301120111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The History of Middle Earth, all 12 volumes, is all you need

>> No.21526573

The singular redeeming quality of chinklit is characters exclaiming "you are courting death!" when outraged or angry. Its comically autistic.

>> No.21526597


>> No.21526652 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 765x189, approved_by_xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where we at with this website

>> No.21526667


>> No.21526670

Give 25 valid reasons not to read Lord of the Mysteries.

>> No.21526689

don't use bad words, anon

>> No.21526710 [DELETED] 
File: 2.54 MB, 390x373, 1673145941142620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>600,000 posts per hour on every board saying all kinds of racisms
>500,000,000,000 twitter threads on front page of every board and staying up for weeks at a time
>make post that is not even hateful or angry, just a silly shitpost that technically contains a slur for the joke to work, or a serious post that just happens to use a mild slur in a clinical way
>banned for 3 days for racism

>> No.21526723

but actually got filtered by jannies tho

>> No.21526823

Why does The Lost Metal feel like a fanfic?

>> No.21526843

Because ambrecrombie readers are very low iq redditors who've read 2 books in total

>> No.21526845

How so?

>> No.21526847 [DELETED] 
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伟大的祖国巍然屹立在世界东方 China world superpower 毛主席领导我们向前进 Chairman Mao led us to glory 郑国恩是傻子 Adrian Zenz is a liar 台湾属于中国 Taiwan belongs to China 西藏属于中国 Tibet is part of China 新疆棉花最好 Xinjiang cotton is the best 打败国民党 Defeated the KMT 香港属于中国 Hong Kong belongs to China 西藏以前是奴隶社会 Tibet was a slave society 中南海 一党制最好 One party system works best 中国共产党 Communist Party of China 毛泽东 邓小平 江泽民 胡锦涛 习近平 Mao Zedong Deng Xiaoping Jiang Zemin Hu Jintao Xi Jinping 1949 年成立 Founded in 1949 神州 天宫 玉兔 嫦娥 天问 长征火箭 国家航天局世界领先技术 Shenzhou Tiangong Yutu Chang'e Tianwen Long March rocket National Space Administration CNSA world leading technology 台湾省是中华人民共和国不可分割的一部分 十四亿中国人 Taiwan province is an inseparable part of the China 脱贫 Poverty alleviation 高铁 High speed rail 新疆没有集中营 美国政府是骗子 Xinjiang genocide is US government lies 美国支持东突厥斯坦恐怖组织 US funds ETIM terrorists 法轮功是邪教 Falun Gong is a cult 李洪志是叛徒 Li Hongzhi is a traitor 大纪元时报和新唐人电台是法轮功洗脑宣传组织 Epoch Times and NTD are Falun Gong brainwashing propaganda organisations 五星红旗迎风飘扬 中国保护人权 The five-star red flag flutters in the wind China protects human rights 勿忘国耻 振兴中华 吾辈自强 为伟大祖国和共产主义事业万丈光芒的明天而努力奋斗!中华人民共和国万岁 Long live the People's Republic of China

>> No.21526857

Sanderson IS a fanfic

>> No.21526861
File: 133 KB, 428x242, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is, Sanderson cant write anymore, too busy playing Dragon Quest, so they got a ghostwriter for the job, they only use the name and image of Brandon Sanderson, but the person behind the pen is his fan doing his job so he can play more games and eat McDonalds all day....

The trust was released 5 years ago in a convention, but the Mastermind behind everything made it look like it was all a joke, a big prank.

>> No.21526891

asking because i kind of want to.

>> No.21526892

I dunno, similar enough tone, focus on characterization and at a better level than most other current popular authors? That's about all I got.

>> No.21526927

Why would you copy the *exact* same topic from Reddit?

>> No.21526977

Sanderson is a lot of things but his writing is nothing like fanfic. The hallmarks and traits and priorities of fanfic are nearly polar opposite to the things Sanderson likes and writes about

in terms of why this place or Reddit brings this sort of thing up once every few days is because he's very popular and contemporary and that invites a lot of reaction and overreaction, and people have a hard time separating the actual work with what their preconceived notions

>> No.21527005

Why do you know what gets posted on reddit?

>> No.21527010

Because I was suspicious and google'd it. Guess what the first link is...

>> No.21527034


>> No.21527167

you could have said anything and you chose to say that

>> No.21527217

Junior you are but a child in the art of lying.

>> No.21527231 [DELETED] 
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Hey Bakkerfags!

>> No.21527309

you must be new to 4ch if you don't do that on some boards.

>> No.21527343
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>> No.21527363

Perdido Street Station is where you should start or The Scar if you want more of that but with pirates.

>> No.21527456 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21527480

>search for an SFF book subgenre on google
>Half the list is the most famous and popular ones
>the other half is usually a book that nobody read at all that barely fits into the genre, but its written by a black person and the protagonist usually has a name like click click oyamabussy

SO anyway, what are some good space opera novels that arent hamilton or Corey

>> No.21527492

I like Undying Mercenaries by B.V Larson a lot, though it's less space opera and more sci-fi action/adventure/comedy.

>> No.21527536

I don't know, the Gap?

>> No.21527546

Artifact Space - Miles Cameron

The guy who wrote the traitor son cycle

>> No.21527548
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>> No.21527605

I wish women would know their place and acknowledge they make shitty protagonists

>> No.21527615

sabriel mogs your favorite character

>> No.21527617

literally who

>> No.21527620

s a b r i e l

>> No.21527624

Sabriel is pretty average most of the time, and also super fucking weird at points, I'm 99% sure Garth Nix is a homosexual based purely on the fact that he devotes an entire paragraph to describing how one of the characters is circumcised.

>> No.21527648

I've already forgotten most of my reread from a few years back. I keep telling myself I want to do a Seventh Tower reread ever but there are lots of stories I don't have a huge interest in revisiting in adulthood, like Deltora Quest.

>> No.21527653

I re-read Deltora not too long ago and enjoyed it. I miss when childrens series had the balls to actually add some Horror elements into it.
I like how Deltora has so many weird, unique monsters in it.

>> No.21527665

Yep I remember Deltora having a lot of fucked up shit. Like Animorphs getting progressively darker and darker, and Everworld/Remnants (same author as Animorphs) having insane segments involving kids/teens.

>> No.21527668

>light novel length names
what the fuck is this shit

>> No.21527673

That's just every online publishing site.

>> No.21527697 [DELETED] 
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>tfw no dwarf drinking buddy

>> No.21527747

Best written female in sff is Marsi, followed really close by kettricken
Don't @ me btw

>> No.21527801


>> No.21527841

Are any of the star trek books worth reading?

>> No.21527881

Fuck no (I have never read any of them)

>> No.21527930

For me? It's Bujold

>> No.21527973

I'm about 2/3rds of the way through Between Two Fires. The blurb says its a story of redemption for all the priest and the knight. I can understand the guilt of the priest, but what did the knight do that was so bad? Retreat during the battle of Crècy? Seems like he didn't really do anything wrong, he just got fucked over hard by his new lord after France's loss.

>> No.21527982

they're actual shit.

Fanfiction tier stuff that got published.

>> No.21528100

of course it's fan fiction tho

>> No.21528116

Hate myself and want to die lads

>> No.21528123

read Perry Rhodan

>> No.21528284
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unrelated to sffg but it's probably goyslop fren, consider reading this

>> No.21528357

what is with women complaining about the lack of action-heavy female characters while they write do-nothing damsels in romance novels?

>> No.21528408

because they have no logic or rationality

>> No.21528415

>Good! Good! Very good! This Senior will certainly cripple your cultivation now

>> No.21528422


>> No.21528454
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>> No.21528464

For me? It's Xiao Long Nu!

>> No.21528487

>Of course, the men are all rough, go get 'em sorts
Exactly what comes to mind when I think of Winslade, Carlos and Harris.

>> No.21528568

He is. The City and the City is dope, Perdido street Station as well. I personally loved Kraken but some people have trouble getting into it, so I see that

>> No.21528578

I've only read King Rat and I liked it.

>> No.21528595

Read Kraken. Or Perdido Street Station depending on how much World building you like.

>> No.21528729

I thought C&C was great and Perdido was terrible. He just kept wedging stuff into the story. Total opposite of the restraint shown in The City and the City. I haven't read a third since I felt burned by that second one.

>> No.21528805

anyone here read Tales of the Dying Earth from Jack Vance?

>> No.21528829

cool clock

>> No.21528846

He did some bad stuff with the bandits. Pillaging and taking the last foodstuffs from people who were starving. There was a line that he refused to cross, but that didn't mean he did nothing wrong.

>> No.21528909

And somehow it's fantastic.

>> No.21528930

He should take it to the White House

>> No.21528940

I also loved City and the City. I own Embassytown and started it but stopped to read another book - how is Embassytown?

>> No.21529086

Marasi was a surprisingly competent woman. :)

>> No.21529087

If you want relatively recent stuff I like Spiral Wars. It's good militaristic bend, but it's a pretty solid space opera.

Another modern SF I frequently praise and recommend is Fallen angel, tho between being a web novel and being more of a thriller, rather than space opera, it might not be up your alley.

I really enjoyed UM untill like 13 books in. I feel the characters became stale and flanderized, espetially the MC, still has a great settings, and rare example of well done modern pulp fiction.

>> No.21529164

Today, and tomorrow, who shall I bait?
Lovecraftians, Wolfefags, or Smith spammer?
Oh trollish hunger, wouldst thou ever sate?
Maybe web novelists who all stammer
At any proper storyline or prose,
Or some door stopping, show stopping slammer,
Though now this poesy comes to final close,
As I pluck rosy (yous), a flower bed we chose.

>> No.21529187

I smoke marlboro
guy above me smokes cock
We are not the same

>> No.21529238

Almost everyone I think. Eyes of the Overworld and Rhialto the Marvelous are classics.

>> No.21529249

And smoking’s terribly bad for thy health,
What tar and blackened bile it leaves behind,
Better yet, take some classics off the shelf,
And from this board of filth fore’er rescind,
And set the covers down on thy soft lap,
Those pages turn with truth’s beauty and kynde,
Now drink of Homer’s mead and Shelley’s sap!
What succour so grand and sweet, which inspired gangsta rap!

>> No.21529255

Almost everyone I'd hope. Vance is well liked.

>> No.21529282

>Vance is well liked.
Apart from Wolfefags who seethe when you mention his name

>> No.21529289
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>> No.21529292

>newfags responding to newfags
hashtag whoa
you two should 'seethe' together and OD on meds :)

>> No.21529297

Gene Wolfe fans are delusional zoomers who seethe if you mention vance, smith or hogson
These people literally think Wolfe invented/"perfected" the dying earth genre instead of stealing it and ruining it

>> No.21529324
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>> No.21529388

cock doesn't give you lung cancer

>> No.21529391

I don't get this meme. I never see Gene Wolfe fans complaining about Jack Vance, but for the past few months I've seen nothing but butthurt from Vance fans every time Wolfe is posted in a thread or even without any mention of Wolfe.

>> No.21529405

Gives you throat cancer and aids

>> No.21529413

What you're seeing is the reaction to years of wolfefags shilling their book as the greatest most original thing ever

>> No.21529423

It's the same thread troll / Wolfe shitposter that got banned for shitposting too much yesterday, see >>21524588

>> No.21529467 [DELETED] 

Fuck chinkshit

>> No.21529502

Wolfefags have shown themselves time and time again to be at once dismissive and insulting to the genre their beloved author took so much from
They deserve no respect

>> No.21529590

You the only one behaving like a nigger here. A crucial part of being a nigger is being unable to reflect on your actions. Are you unable?

>> No.21529606

Stop being obsessed with the N word, read a book.

>> No.21529615

You're not? Okay, that's all I wanted to know.

>> No.21529734 [DELETED] 

Gene wolfe as a catholic naturally loved niggers
Ashton Smith was racist
Demented wolfefag

>> No.21529760

Perdido terrible? Ill admit sometimes he is ""too creative"" for his own good and tries to get too many concepts in, but even if you found the book convoluted youll have to give him some points for World building and style. Maybe Kraken is a good pick for you, Id say its between C&C and Perdido

>> No.21529763

>scalp-numbingly terrible prose
There's nothing wrong with it, it gets the job done and doesn't go out of their way to confuse the readers

>> No.21529833 [DELETED] 

Only dumb niggers are racist. Me tribe better ook ook!

>> No.21529869

I read Perdido and Embassytown and both left a similar impression on me. The world is very cool and original, and the plot is quite interesting at first. But around the midpoint it starts to progressively fall apart because he just won't finish what he started and keeps introducing new shit instead. Finally the book just kinda ends, with almost nothing getting a satisfying conclusion. Dunno, maybe it's supposed to be read on shrooms.

>> No.21530110

Shit shoveling officers

>> No.21530170

It's one buttblasted shitposter. Normally, Wolfe fans are Vance fans and vice versa. It's the same subset of posters on /lit/. People get into Vance through Wolfe and vice versa.
Book of the New Sun is one of the best novels of the 20th century.

>> No.21530436

>It's one buttblasted shitposter. Normally, Wolfe fans are Vance fans and vice versa. It's the same subset of posters on /lit/. People get into Vance through Wolfe and vice versa.
Wolfe Fans get into their shitty author through memes and e celebs and then proceed to denigrate the books that Wolfe ripped off
>Book of the New Sun is one of the best novels of the 20th century
You're fucking delusional

>> No.21530493

Newfaggot detected.

>> No.21530549

this is true

>> No.21530565

Are there any fantasy books based on Anglo Saxon England?

>> No.21530631
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Please tell me that the women find a twink and reverse gangbang him

>> No.21530633

Any history of the british Empire written by a white male.

>> No.21530639

The Lord of the Rings

>> No.21530660

where is the bitch from?

>> No.21530666
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Scarlet from Final Fantasy VII (Remake)

>> No.21530699

Looks like that's exactly what I'm looking for. That's why I come here.

>> No.21530713
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Sten Chronicles
Way-farer by Dennis Schmidt
Galactic Center Saga
Diadem Universe by Jo Clayton
Serrano Legacy
Vatta's War
Confederation of Valor
Highroad by Kate Elliot
NorthWorld trilogy by David Drake
Cobra and Blackcollar by Timothy Zahn
The Paratwa Trilogy
A Requiem for Homo Sapiens
Uplift Saga
Heritage Universe
The Gap Cycle

>> No.21530759

Mistborn isn't that bad and female protagonists aren't as bad as I thought.

>> No.21530790
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>> No.21530807


>> No.21530822

They aren't bad (according to you) but as a man, why would you want to read about a female?

>> No.21530836
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The Red Knight

>> No.21530837

as man, why would you want to read about a male?


>> No.21530843

It's a story

>> No.21530847

People memed me into reading women protags

>> No.21530853

Thank you. It’s pretty tiring at this point just seeing all the same memes and opinions in this thread. And certainly this is another one that people have said many times, but if GRRM never published another word, the enrichment he’s already added to my life would still be immense even compared to other series. It’s especially sad to see the people who are so obsessed with whether something is finished that they won’t even start what is without a doubt one of the finest and most iconic sagas of modern fantasy. That’s their prerogative of course. This is a fantasy series, not paying your taxes, so you can do whatever you want. It’s just a real shame and I think they’re robbing themselves of a potentially wonderful experience, complete or not. Whatever happened to “journey before destination?”

>> No.21530854

Because males do interesting things? They often get into interesting and exciting situations, adventure is what drives males. Females just care about drama and relationships and other boring nonsense.

>> No.21530864
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>Book of the New Sun is one of the best novels of the 20th century.
[this is what wolfefags unironically believe in]

>> No.21530880

What is?

>> No.21530882

Females in stories can do interesting things too, because they are stories

>> No.21530885

pls don't feed the thread schizo

>> No.21530891

The only thing wrong with Sanderson is he stopped trying to improve his writing after The Way of Kings

>> No.21530897

those stories are unrealistic and unbelievable.

>> No.21530912

It's not quite what you're looking for but it's adjacent, read The High Crusade

>> No.21530920

Those niggas are Normans.

>> No.21530926 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21530930
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Cringe, keep seething fags, female protagonist are BASED

>> No.21530937

All fantasy is unbelievable and cringe

>> No.21530952

That looks like late medieval armor/weapon.

>> No.21530962

You could almost call them fictional and fantastical.

>> No.21530985

That has nothing to do with it being believable or not. A most outrageous fantastical story can be believable and most common realistic fiction story set in our real world can be unbelievable.

>> No.21531009

ikr. You can have talking dragons, sentient dungeon cores, reality bending magic but depict a woman winning a fight, well that just crosses the threshold of believability.

>> No.21531017

not really , hipster

>> No.21531019

Agreed. I want Winds, but honestly might prefer it if Dream never comes out.
As David Lynch said, closure is just an excuse to forget you saw the damn thing.

>> No.21531035
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I'm sorry that your mom never hugged you

>> No.21531058

Haven't read fantasy in my mother tongue in 15 years. Got gifted a book this christmas by my auntie and it's fucking weird I'll tell ya hwat.

>> No.21531060

Yes, I am willing to accept fictional fantastical beings doing fantastical things (at least to a certain degree) but a fictional female based on a real human female from real world has real world constraints and has to act within those constrains, otherwise the story will not be believable.
The specific constrains here are the inherent female nature and female personality.

>> No.21531069

La Maupin would like a word

>> No.21531070

I'm sorry that your mom hugged you too much

>> No.21531073

she's like 4 feet tall

>> No.21531091

I agree with this also. Militant lefties and women will try to argue otherwise but it's the truth. That's why everyone is bothered when people inject super muscular negress paladins acting like men in their fantasy settings. It makes no sense and it's all to win brownie points and subsidies from blackrock.

>> No.21531118

once again asking if anyone has the Night Land parody of the 'Freedom isn't Free' spurdo meme

>> No.21531191

But she's old, i remember Perrin said she was older than his mother

>> No.21531217

The time period is chosen for maximum drama, so it's set on the cusp of the late medieval period where endgame plate armor isn't common yet in England. It's sort of a hard medieval setting. Knight + destrier is a crew served weapon system, and there's a lot of gear autism.

>> No.21531232 [DELETED] 

fuck cats
pieces of shit

>> No.21531256
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Mean :(

>> No.21531274 [DELETED] 
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>fuck cats

>> No.21531296

You sound incredibly insecure and infantile.

>> No.21531312
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Please recommend something with lots of interpersonal conflict, betrayal, lies, etc. But without much romance, if possible.

>> No.21531315
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>> No.21531328

Dresden files

>> No.21531340
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But the protagonist wears a trench coat and fedora. It looks really cringe.

>> No.21531343

I don't actually but it seems you categorize people who have opposing views and opinions to your own as infantile and insecure. Is that your way of dealing with opinions you don't like

>> No.21531364

It is.

>> No.21531371

What should he be wearing? A tracksuit with pants sagging to his knees?

>> No.21531381

Literally anything that reddit mods don't wear would be fine

>> No.21531420

Not even giving that fag a (you) kek

>> No.21531428

The fanfic "Harry Potter and the Sovereign's Path" is a xianxia/cultivation story and it's pretty good but hasn't been updated for a while.

>> No.21531495

Sounds cool but maybe I should write one myself and then change the names once I get enough (you)s and publish it as a standalone novel.
The joke of Dresden Files is he wears a hat on every cover but never wears a hat in the books.

>> No.21531508
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Can someone familiar with Tigana help me out?
I'm going through the audiobook, but there's a word that I can't figure out. And try as I might to google it, nothing comes up. I'm afraid I don't know how it's spelled, because again, audiobook.

So there's this drink that gets referenced a lot. Pretty much mentioned every chapter. I suspect it might be some kind of coffee, or tea. As it's referred to as a drink people boil in pots. Attempting to spell it out, I would go with "Caff" of "Cav" or Kaf" of "Kov". The narrator is very British, so the A sound is a very pronounced "ah".

Can anyone tell me how it's ACTUALLY spelled? Or even what it is.(assuming it's not a spoiler to know)

>> No.21531516
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>> No.21531536

You know you can just read the physical book.

>> No.21531550

Not him but I like to listen to an audiobook on 2x speed while reading other books to triple the amount of reading I get done.

>> No.21531557

And that's fair enough, but he's asking for how a word is spelled in a book when the obvious answer is to read the book itself.

>> No.21531561

Damn I just realized the potential that could be unlocked by learning braille

>> No.21531573
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>> No.21531584

Dresden's fedora is like Julian's whiskey in Trailer Park Boys. Nobody talks about it, but it's always there.

>> No.21531669

I really don't care for that old school sci-fi anymore. I'm pessimistic and it reading any of the old stuff is just corny. What should I read next?

>> No.21531701 [DELETED] 

Fuck chinkshit

>> No.21531753

>*grabs you by the throat*
Back the fuck off?!?!

>> No.21531803


>> No.21531840

Good taste.

I still like Huang Rong more.

>> No.21531881
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What's the last sci-fi you read that gave you a genuine mind fuck?

>> No.21531908

The Time Ships

>> No.21531928

Fuck chinkshit

>> No.21531941
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I looked up the answer to satisfy my own curiousity

>> No.21531953
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Easily this one

>> No.21531963
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Probably the collection of Xeelee short stories involving Old Earth: gravitically-altered and time dilated to travel faster at different altitudes. That or Redemption, being the finale to the whole series and some ot the choices/answers.

>> No.21531974
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good fantasy with at least 3 or more books? i dont want to read something with only 1 book, i want something big, something that will get me reading for days, im bored these days

>> No.21531990
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Gene Wolfe's Solar Cycle

>> No.21532021

and if thats too imposing you can get away with just the book of the new sun

>> No.21532026

The ending of Gateway. Although it was more of a huh never thought it like that before than a mind blowing revelation

>> No.21532060
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How many stories deal with the kinetic energy problem of "every nuclear-powered spaceship is a weapon of mass destruction" or something like that? I was played MGS: Peace Walker and watched the Expanse in the same month, and it seemed like an interesting idea to combine the consequences of fusion rockets with deterrence theory. If you can travel between earth and mars in a week or so, a feat requiring you be able to travel 100km/s or more, you can also create a multi-gigaton crater if you don't decelerate, therefore, there is no such thing as a harmless spaceship.

If several large Earth nations, Mars, and an alliance of outer colonies, all got it in their heads that they need to be able to atomize their opponents before they can destroy a civilian populations with kinetic impacts, the out-of-control arms race that would ensue would be like the cold war times a million. Ten enemy ships leads to you developing a hundred ships which leads to them developing a thousand ships, while the orbits of settled bodies becomes increasingly full of battle stations, and entire mountain ranges are lined with anti-station weapons in case those stations are turned around, while massive underwater and underground cities are built to withstand cataclysms, and above ground cities have sliding metal shields installed to survive nuclear blasts, etc. You'd potentially have anti-space/anti-tech terrorists trying to cause a kinetic impact themselves in hope it would stop the race before humanity becomes capable of glassing their own planet with ease.

Surely this scenario has been done, right?

>> No.21532064

A lot of what Greg Egan has written, though definitions of what "mind fuck" means vary.

>> No.21532070

Link to book?

>> No.21532075


>> No.21532077

The Rememberance of Earth's Past

>> No.21532101

any books like digimon where someone is raising a monster to battle?

>> No.21532103

>medieval fantasy
>one protagonist
What book?

>> No.21532130

any books where a guy holds a gene mutation that protects him from a deadly virus and every woman including his own sister tries to fuck him to pass that special gene to their own offspring.

>> No.21532133

>any books where <my thinly veiled fetish>

>> No.21532137

any books where it turns out the main character was in a book all along

>> No.21532139

I don't know if there's a term for it, but there should be one that means "a person who will accept anything regardless of quality if it fulfills a specific desire". This is why the terrible quality fetish writings and art still make substantial amounts of money relative to their audience size. Paraphilia isn't what I want.

On a less sexual note, there are those who ask very for specific niche plots. I guess self-publishing can cater to those. It always make me wonder whether that's what they really want to read about or if it's just something they like from another media and hope it transfers just as well into writing because they don't know what else to ask for.

>> No.21532140

any books where fantasy wizards in the american south?

>> No.21532142

any books where an american slave owner ends up in a fantasy world?

>> No.21532146

God, you must live a shit life of all you do is spam.

>> No.21532187

Malazan, the traitor son cycle, prince of nothing, one of the cosmere series, black company, the dread empire, realm of the elderlings (20+ books)

>> No.21532200

My idea for a sci-fi story is about people that live on an island they don't have the technology to meaningfully escape, and high-tech alien objects wash up on the shore all the time. It'd be like roadside picnic but good

>> No.21532342

>The joke of Dresden Files is he wears a hat on every cover but never wears a hat in the books.

>> No.21532359

garbage series.

>> No.21532360

Sounds like a made up fantasy drink in which case who cares how its spelled.

>> No.21532458

Picrel is stupid. Why is he wearing a space suit in an environment where plants can survive?

>> No.21532488

This Poster is stupid. Why is he complaining about irrelevant shit on a mongolian basket weaving forum in an environment where he could be reading Bakker?

>> No.21532549
File: 210 KB, 700x915, 38550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the best writer on the board in your path

>> No.21532636
File: 1.25 MB, 2700x1500, lord of the mysteries 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Chernobyl was chosen as a STALKER reference?

>> No.21532640

how long does it take to read lord of the mysteries?

1400 chapters = how many books with how many pages?

>> No.21532720

It's 2,700,000 words. Longer than ASOIAF, shorter than Malazan. But the prose is also very simple.

>> No.21532759

The decline of /sffg/ continues.

>> No.21532778

The only reason people like this guy is because of his endings. Without them manipulating your memories of his books you realize that 99.9% of it up to then was filled with garbage dialogue, terrible character development, and zero plot progression.

>> No.21532815

I've only read Mistborn 1-3. The first book all I remember is some training sequences, a badly written politics subplot, My Fair Lady, and the ending. Book 2 all I remember is Ruin talking to the YA love triangle loser right at the end. Book 3 all I remember is the slimedog being in prison, realizing the epigraphs contained plot essential information, and the ending.

>> No.21532833

I don't know what you mean by mind fuck, but Downbelow Station left a deep impression on me. The slow unraveling of a delicately balanced society, the threat of open space for those living in a station. They accept it and live with it, but the threat of outside violence changes things quickly. Internal sabotage causes distrust to mount. Idk the whole thing was pretty disturbing

>> No.21532850
File: 44 KB, 600x900, blindsight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blindsight, due to its aggressive pessimism.

>> No.21532946

New thread

>> No.21533002

I just disagree.
Endings are often good yeh, his finals acts often do have shit going from 20 to 100 but I like the relationships and interaction of the characters
Cosmere really is the friends you made along the way

>> No.21533181

There's a lot of hurling planets into one another in the Lensmen series, but it's high cheese so don't read unless you're into that.

>> No.21533375
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, 1309547-Greg-Egan-Quote-Widespread-caffeine-use-explains-a-lot-about-the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely a midwit

>> No.21533414


>> No.21533477

Idk who Greg Egan is, but I would consider posting jr college math on twitter a red flag.