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21522442 No.21522442 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically non-jokingly bought his book (in audio format). What am I in for?

>> No.21522451

You're a homosexual for even wanting to read this

Reflect on your poor choices

>> No.21522456

is it true he has a good narrating voice?

>> No.21522462

I had one credit to SPARE on Audible.

>> No.21522469

That's why I bought it.

>> No.21522472

SPARE me the excuses.

>> No.21522493

Bro just completely humiliating his father in front of the whole world for literally no fucking reason.
It honestly cracks me up. It's like when your mom tells her friends embarrassing stories about you to guests just for social cred, and you are left standing there watching her profit off of your humiliation

>> No.21522504

>Bro just completely humiliating his father in front of the whole world for literally no fucking reason.
His father was an asshole to him. The title comes from a traumatizing experience.

>> No.21522521 [DELETED] 

that reminds me a time of i was waiting for a train and these older black ladies were talking about their kids and one of them is like "do your son's socks ever go missing? i was searching all over and you know where i found it? stuffed under his mattress!"

>> No.21522529

meh, I had a dick for a dad but I don't feel the need to profit off of his own humiliations in life. I certainly wouldn't be doing it if I was a fucking Prince born to unbelievable wealth and who could just live a life of luxury and comfort thanks to that fucking daddy's money
No pity for royalty lol

>> No.21522582

I was walking around my local down yesterday and every book shop was selling this thing for half price. Even us Bongs are sick of him now it seems.

>> No.21522585

a deeply homosexual experience

>> No.21522592

You Bongs hated him because he spit facts.

>> No.21522605

The fact is that he's being manipulated by his wife and he's too thick to see it.

>> No.21522609

and let's face it, not white

>> No.21522612

>believing le media

>> No.21522617

Honestly, the reason Meghan is annoyed with the monarchy and the UK is because in The States she was "white passing" because everyone is a fucking mutt, but that didn't fly over here which rustled her jimmies.

>Tabloids are...le bad!

>> No.21522622

What was wrong with his dick?

>> No.21522624

>Tabloids are...le bad!
Yea, unless you believe in silly gossip.

>> No.21522797
File: 828 KB, 1074x860, harry saves the monarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to save the british monarchy

>> No.21522805

literally ginger kanye

>> No.21522813
File: 8 KB, 348x145, 5484A1B2-3CC4-4571-9C3E-CB46E69F2F1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> save them from themselves
This is how I imagine Harry and Meghans relationship behind closed doors

>> No.21522812

Spare II: The Revenge

>> No.21522814
File: 207 KB, 646x746, triggered.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have their own coping mechanisms

>> No.21522885

Spare 2: Electric Boogaloo
2 Spare
Spare Again

>> No.21522900

Nothing 2 Spare
The Antispare

>> No.21522984

I didn't realise that Harry was so conniving and Meghan so tired.

>> No.21523044

>I'd accept being treated bad if daddy paid me off
you sound like a bitch lol

>> No.21523045

being a bitch for money is okay

>> No.21523198

If you were Harry you’d do the same. Simple as. He was born as who he was, and he lived how he did. There’s nothing more to say about it, and I’m sure he is benefitting from this.

>> No.21523876

>It's like when your mom tells her friends embarrassing stories about you to guests just for social cred
It's just not fair man...

>> No.21523886

>The title comes from a traumatizing experience.
Tell me about it.

>> No.21524077

nonwhite spotted who doesn't know about the heir and the spare, the firstborn is the heir and the 2nd the spare

>> No.21524205

To spare or not to spare

>> No.21524227

>Nothing 2 Spare

>> No.21524428
File: 1.15 MB, 1684x2560, spare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21524434

Harry did nothing more than what 4chan ecelebs are doing, whore himself out for money, capitalizing on an institution in this case.

>> No.21524443
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>> No.21524468

the fuck?

>> No.21524474

kinda hot ngl

>> No.21524475

Gay boy

>> No.21524481

cope, it's like a scenario from xev bellringer kino

>> No.21524485

fuck i'm reading a book about this, after witnessing this retard I'm turning skeptical

>> No.21524508

No idea what that is, not going to google it, don't care, but you are FAGGOT.

>> No.21524519

>doesn't know about the best mummy cummies on the internets
>calls other faggots

>> No.21524531

I don't watch porn

>> No.21524727

You are a shill

>> No.21525169

>His father was an asshole to him.
Filtered. He's supposed to be royalty and the immense privilege of that comes with sacrifice toward the duties expected of you. They're expected to spend their childhood in preparation for such. You can make an argument that the institution doesn't matter but it has more meaning than a Netflix special and self-congratulatory flavor of the times podcasts with Beyonce.
>The title comes from a traumatizing experience.
He just wants to be an e-celeb. Remember when he grovelled before the CEO of Disney to try and get Megan voice acting roles? His mother was a dumb whore and he takes after her.

>> No.21525171

I know people who have had good experiences with edmr

>> No.21525172

>i know a guy

>> No.21525223

woman ackshually

>> No.21525271

damn yeah that CEO moment lol

>> No.21525611

People absorb symbolic shows of humanity and put no thought into dignity; they seem to think they're mutually exclusive concepts and reflexively label tradition as the pretense. Media outreach in the service of modern celebrity shouldn't be confused with the promotion of higher value and is itself a poor criticism of tradition. Harry is an embaressment.

>> No.21525758

All those who haven't experienced poverty dismiss the pursuit of comfort which money provides.
Money is security not just for yourself, but for your future kids and spouse. Yes, I will suck it up and swallow my pride for it, because money is what will provide me and my loved ones with opportunities to pursue their dreams and improve their lives. My son won't be able to eat dignity or pay for travels with honor.

>> No.21525772

>. He's supposed to be royalty and the immense privilege of that comes with sacrifice toward the duties expected of you.
King and his Princes get the benefits of never being hungry, never being homeless, having access to the best education, etc. They just have to also accept that they're props/symbols of the state and are generally expected to "work" in that capacity. Serve in the army, perform ceremonies, act in a dignified manner in public, etc.
Boohoo, I'm the "Spare" because the dynastic system requires Heirs. That's how families have always worked before the last 50 years. Kids in Asia used to be their parents' retirement plan and future nurses, the moment you are born into this world you will be met with expectations and roles you must fulfill.

>> No.21525791

We're not talking about the edge between poverty and happiness. Harry will still have a cushy, secure life without having to suck daddy's cock for affirmation.

>> No.21525884
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>emember when he grovelled before the CEO of Disney to try and get Megan voice acting roles?
So fucking cringe.


>> No.21525895

This is your nobleman kek. The state of you people.

>> No.21526031

His father was a gardener at the castle or something, Charles is not his father.

Anyway I got the pdf from libgen, stopped reading after like two chapters. It's garbage.

>> No.21526050

Stop gossiping. NOW.

>> No.21526078
File: 71 KB, 800x765, 1588880991554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was walking around my local down yesterday

>invent the english language
>write like this

>> No.21526185
File: 93 KB, 1200x750, fffffft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about typos on a message board

>> No.21526230

>be royalty
>racemix with some actress (aka whore) instead of fucking and impregnating some noblewoman

>> No.21526265

>some actress
Previously divorced C-list actress whose only major role was as a side character on a show of middling popularity that ended years ago.

>> No.21526382

Love and attraction make no sense. Imagine having your pick of the litter and being able to meet gorgeous women on a daily basis and then choosing such a slag.

>> No.21526406

>rich entitled fag who grew up with wealth feels entitled

>> No.21526411

>The title comes from a traumatizing experience.
the term "the heir and the spare" has been around a long time
thats right they were going to go to america become celebrities and she was going to be a disney princess lolwut

>> No.21526800

He's untalented, but I don't think he's bipolar

>> No.21526814

Ramblings of a spoiled, 80 IQ Brit-bong

>> No.21526816

>If you were a petty little cringebitch, you would also be a petty little cringebitch

I'm not sure what point you think you're making, anon

>> No.21526837

>Not being a whiny, gossipy little bitch is EXACTLY the same as being forced to suck cock
>It's LITERALLY rape!

Shouldn't you be cancelling someone on Twitter, ma'am?

>> No.21526943

in audio

>> No.21527190

Spare 2: Return of the Todger
Spare: The Movie
Spare living and loving: a guide to living the authentic life

>> No.21527246

>What am I in for?
a deeply healing expereince. harry has given me the courage to confront my toxic family members.

>> No.21527260

I saw some excerpt where he has a Proustian flashback to the memory of his departed mother due to the scent of an ointment that he applies to his frostbitten penis.

>> No.21527867

Given that there don't seem to be any Andrew references I'd imagine there was plenty of spicy stuff removed

>> No.21527868

Paging Dr. Freud

>> No.21528059

material wealth doesn't really guarantee you from the human condition. If anything, it's poverty and genuine suffering that strengthens you sufficiently to handle it.

>> No.21528068

other way around: the large pool of candidates increases the odds that some narc gets their fangs on you, especially if your a social retard. fewer options means you might get lucky and marry someone benign

>> No.21528364

The French were right about monarchy.

>> No.21528374


>> No.21529124

The voice might me alright but he can't narrate for shit judging by the bits I've listened to here and there.