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File: 58 KB, 625x549, 20230114_021005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21522239 No.21522239 [Reply] [Original]

Say something nice about the new fastest selling non fiction book in history

>> No.21522250

every excerpt i've seen from this has been disgusting and repellent

>> No.21522253

Guinness is a beer company. Why do people covet their awards so much

>> No.21522261

Does this include audiobook sales?

>> No.21522263

it's pure comedy. well deserved.

>> No.21522264
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Is he right?

>> No.21522267

Ah, a student of Bacon and Montaigne. Pretty based.

>> No.21522273

he did nothing wrong

>> No.21522275

Whenever I see selective marketing speak like "the Xest Y in Z" I hear a cackling Canaanite in the distance somewhere

What the fuck does "fastest selling" mean? You ever wish you could get a bird's eye view of the sinews of fake industries like this? I want to see the exact genealogy of this tweet, going all the way back to whatever nepotistic cabal of agents talked to whatever other "agency" "handles" the "shaping" of "positive brand experiences" like finding statistics to selectively interpret and phrase so that you can say something is the "fastest selling non-fiction book about a cat not published in London in over 5000 years!," and all for what? So some piece of shit pig housewife can gloss her eyes over the gestalt of "Xest Y in Z!!!" without even parsing or processing it, so her lizard brain will go "THIS BOOK IS A BIG DEAL INNIT"

This entire society is just celebrities hooked up to man milking machines with thousands of termite in-law "agents" and "associate producers" scurrying around like bugs creating systems within systems and sub-industries to service fake needs drummed up in other fake industries to spontaneously generate funny money. What if we just FARMED FOOD and ATE FOOD instead of this nightmare conveyor belt force feeding celebrities their own laundered cum so they can shit it back out and force feed it to me

>> No.21522278

Both of them believed in objective truth idiot

>> No.21522281


>> No.21522285

Based first part, let down in the second part

>> No.21522332

The 21st monarchy really are retarded

>> No.21522333

Harrie's "book" in a nutshell
>be Harry
>tell your ghost writers some stuff
>they then make everything go into the most "horrible" ways to push it and trash monarchy

His book is fiction and just cherry picking. Also "book sales" are rigged beyond believe.

Having "the highest book sales" is just sales manipulation to get retards to by the book because of social proof and authority shit show.

Just imagine buying this book only to realize that it's at best just a useless paper weight.

NEVER buy books if you are not interested in those BEFORE someone tries to manipulate you with sales tactics.

Just ask yourself "What get I out of this book?" and you will very fast realize that the answer is "Nothing"

>> No.21522339

Willy, stop seething.

>> No.21522345

The royalty sees us commoners as goyim. Much as he has tried to break with this, Harry is still a prince at the end of the day, in his blood

>> No.21522355

It's literally just postmodernism, the most popular ideology among contemporary midwits

>> No.21522367

When you're right you're right

>> No.21522448

As someone who has a PhD in History he is right, we don't know a thing about the past and everything is conjecture and could be easily disproven

>> No.21522464

I was just thinking we could use another thread on Harry’s book and BAM!-there it is. Maybe we could get another Lex Friedman thread as well? Possibly one on (((them))) and another on trannies? Ya know, to keep the board fresh and maintain its integrity

>> No.21522465

>It's literally just postmodernism
Not true.

>> No.21522594
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>I want to see the exact genealogy of this tweet, going all the way back to whatever nepotistic cabal of agents talked to whatever other "agency" "handles" the "shaping" of "positive brand experiences" like finding statistics to selectively interpret and phrase so that you can say something is the "fastest selling non-fiction book about a cat not published in London in over 5000 years!," and all for what? So some piece of shit pig housewife can gloss her eyes over the gestalt of "Xest Y in Z!!!" without even parsing or processing it, so her lizard brain will go "THIS BOOK IS A BIG DEAL INNIT"

holy fucken based

>> No.21522598 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.21522659

This should be used as an example of warning signs under Schizophrenia in psychiatric texts. The cracks of the inability to tell what is real and what isn’t.

>> No.21522670

> Prince pushing relativism

Holy kek. I know it’s the standard midwit way of approaching the world today, but you’d think a royal would be a little more sober regarding relativism and their place in that world.

>> No.21522684

Except the holocaust.

>> No.21522702

umm no sweaty, that event happened even if the evidence we have is fishy and comes from unreliable sources take your vax

>> No.21522706

Probably for the same reason that restaurants covet awards from a tire company

>> No.21523036

No, audiobooks aren’t books.

>> No.21523060

What exactly is that supposed to mean? Are you trying to insinuate that it’s a conspiracy? Why do crackpots have a fixation on bringing it up out of the blue as if the tiniest and most irrelevant point of some unrelated topic is enough to send them into spasms of antisemitic rage.

>> No.21523064

sounds like textbook cope

>> No.21523071

it's a liar announcing he's gonna lie

>> No.21523152

Fastest selling in what capacity, though? Fastest to sell ten copies? A million? This seems like an empty statement that'll be used strictly for promotion. I imagine most of the copies will get land-filled in the coming months and years.

>> No.21523158

You just proven his point

>> No.21523168

Who cares? Do you want to miss out on the phenomenon? Buy it or be square

>> No.21523182

I'll take ten!

>> No.21523275

This completely disregards my lived experience!

>> No.21523296
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>> No.21523308
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>> No.21523330

Jesuits control the world not jews

>> No.21523443

4.5 star rant

>> No.21523495

Trips of truth

>> No.21523497
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I think that the Holocaust like kind of happened for real but what I do find irritating is the idea certain people have that it was this "sacred event" that's incomparable to anything else that happened in history, even though large-scale massacres were a dime a dozen in the twentieth century alone, not to mention previous centuries. It's almost like Jews are proud of being victims - they actually become jealous whenever anyone else tries to get in on the oppression action. And then there's the fact that in many countries, including my own, it's literally against the law to deny that the Holocaust happened or even to diminish it's importance.

No other group receives this kind of consideration.

>> No.21523645

Kek you're the one sent into a spasm of philosemitic rage

>> No.21523649


>> No.21523652

>I think that the Holocaust like kind of happened for real
Post the material evidence or kindly go back

>> No.21523656

If you are famous then you can sell a lot of books.

You can also hire ghostwriters but many autobiographers don't as well.

Used to work as a ghostwriter myself.

>> No.21523660


I don't think I would ever be famous and I would not want to be as well

Would rather just be rich and not famous, but then again I am fine not being rich as well

Love to write books and sell them to pay the bills

>> No.21523671


>> No.21523673

In awe at the sheer based-ness of this post. Cheers m8. You are a glorious faggot. Death to all kikes.

>> No.21523681

>phd in history

>> No.21523690

He's lying newfag

>> No.21523725

>400 k sales
would it be wrong to assume he earned about 250k$ after taxes? doesn't seem worth it for a spare heir royal, does it. on another note, good writers wouldn't dream of such a stellar success. quite depressing if you think about it.

>> No.21523729

He's just laying the foundation for when all his claims are proven to be false.

>> No.21523737
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>“There are some things that have happened, especially between me and my brother, and to some extent between me and my father, that I just don’t want the world to know. Because I don’t think they would ever forgive me.”
He and William fucked, didn't they?

>> No.21523748
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Shakespearean drama right there

>> No.21523794

>good writers should sell more than the British royalty
This is your brain on le american dream cope

>> No.21523801

This is the genre changing stuff we needed all these years

>> No.21523847

Prince Harry’s controversial, tell-all memoir Spare has become the fastest-selling non-fiction book of all time, after shifting 1.43 million copies during its first day on sale in the UK, US, and Canada.

The record was previously held by Barack Obama’s fourth book, A Promised Land (2020), which sold 887,000 copies during its release day.

Spare’s superlative sales figures are made even more impressive when considering the fact that it was leaked five days early in Spain.

This meant that most of the revelations contained within – including details of Harry’s drug use and a fight with his older brother Prince William – made headlines worldwide before the book officially hit shelves on 10 January.

However, it’s entirely possible that these juicy details actually spurred more people to buy Spare, not less.

"The first full day of sales of Spare represents the largest first-day sales total for any non-fiction book ever published by Penguin Random House," the book's publisher confirmed in a statement.

>> No.21523848

This is exactly why it's the fastest selling
Because the first historians were people who were drunkendly arguing in bars

>> No.21523851

No, it was Herodotus. Idiot.

>> No.21523859

no it was some random ancient man painting animals on the wall of a cave. I can go to my nearest native reserve and listen to a tribal elder tell oral stories that date twice as old as anything Greek, verifiable by the fossil record

>> No.21523877

Herodotus dedicated his life to history after being laughed out of a kapeleion after an argument

>> No.21523885

If Harry's people were informed which stores would be used to measure sales, he could easily arrange for bulk purchases of his own book. It's been done before.

>> No.21523889

Wait 2 months and buy it second hand at a charity shop.

>> No.21523896


>> No.21523915

Hah, this was posted on 4channel.org too?! Prince Harry here, AMA

>> No.21523927

i know what he's trying to say but his ghostwriter ruined his original statement obviously along the lines of: humans are subjective and feelings and impressions aren't always rational.

>> No.21523966
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They won the war but pretend to have lost. A vengeful and kniving people "the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you".
From a power perspective one can't help but fear and respect the totalitarian system they have concreted over the last seventy years.
I wonder if they will succeed in their planned total anhialiation of those they refer to as 'Amalek' (basically Europeans, so they claim).
Scary bastards have anaesthetised many men with warrior genes into materialist faggots, pretty impressive.

>> No.21523969

>From a power perspective one can't help but fear and respect

>> No.21523984

you'll never do shit lmao

>> No.21523988


>> No.21523994
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"Whom gods destroy they first make mad"
Underestimate them at your own peril, but they control every major institution ruling over you, your rage is an impotent coping mechanism. Show me true heroic sacrifice and righteous martial forbearance, or accept that the word 'cuck' was really just you signing your post.

>> No.21523999

only an incel would worry about other men fucking a woman he doesn't interact with

>> No.21524002

Kek you're pathetic

>> No.21524003

have sex but not because I care because you'll become a better less miserable person for the betterment of those around you

>> No.21524011

>cuck begging me to have sex

>> No.21524027

Women are shit bro -- stop caring.

>> No.21524030


>> No.21524039
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>> No.21524049

what actually triggered this anon?

>> No.21524056
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So this is the power of the blood of Caesars.

>> No.21524057
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the truth

>> No.21524061

I'm busy cucky stop spamming for attention

>> No.21524075

Why do you care about women? They are made to take cock. Maybe not your cock but my cock.

>> No.21524103

The hottest post in this thread.

>> No.21524159

That's not what he's trying to say, are you illiterate?

>> No.21524172

>be british
>given two choices
>do i vote for the bloke who has been a life long honest man
>or do i vote for the man who did the silly thing as mayor
>to rule my country
>silly man!
I fucking hate this country.

>> No.21524177

>literal communist

>> No.21524187

yeh but da honest man hated jews and supported terrorism innit

>> No.21524191

Is it the jews who are buying the book? Do they have warehouses ready?

>> No.21524193

He hated Israel and loved jews. There were at least overly active jewish-only wings in Labour

>> No.21524198


royalty need journalists to write their entire lives for them ahead of time anyway so that they can keep some sort of presence of authority. And journalists need royalty because they are a Disney gateway drug into racism, and racism is the gateway to war, and journalists are never more at home than when somebody else is being shot

>> No.21524209

But the monarch doesn't say that out loud, or spill his guts in a book, or generally be a reality tv show drama character.

It really is pathetic. Elizabeth presided over the destruction of the monarchy, but her son is presiding over the destruction of the monarchs. There will be nothing left after this unless his brother turns out to be a hero worthy of history books. The whole thing is just so pathetic. Imagine a Saudi or Japanese royal behaving like this. You can't.

>> No.21524219

They have actual power. They're real nobles.

>> No.21524237

The British monarch does indeed have legal and constitutional power. It's just not exercised. But sure, they're less absolutely powerful than the Saudis because the Saudis are actually good at being monarchs and the royal family certainly since Elizabeth is a joke. But go ahead and compare to any other nominal monarch. It's the same. If nothing else, the royal family is symbolic and this guy is turning his into a reality tv show for American wives and their whipped husbands to gossip about.

>> No.21524254

According to the book neither he nor William have any nobility. They act like gay lovers from Croydon.

>> No.21524314

>destroys both anglo royalty and anglo "philosophy"

Uhhh based??

>> No.21524321

Well, I haven't read the book and I'm not going to read the book, but at the very lease he could've displayed outwardly as such if for no other reason than for his family's sake and the sake of Britain. He might be a failure, but he doesn't have to make the whole bloodline look like failures too. Seriously. Elizabeth presided over a steep decline of the monarch, but this guy destroyed the reputation of his entire family. Before there was a possibility of redemption. Now? No. What if his brother believed in the monarchy and wanted to restore its dignity and power? Do you think he can do that now? He can't, thanks to his brother's sideshow, and all it took was a single woman.

>> No.21524337

>all it took was a single woman.
It's Harry's resentment not hers. She is evil but so is Harry.

>> No.21524379


>> No.21524390
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>> No.21524399

He's correct. That's basically what neuroscience research indicates. We don't actually make rational decisions ourselves, we simply justify and give meaning. The unconscious already decided.

>> No.21524411

As a republican, go Harry!

>> No.21524442
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>He's correct. That's basically what neuroscience research indicates. We don't actually make rational decisions ourselves, we simply justify and give meaning. The unconscious already decided.

>> No.21524483

Why did you doxx yourself with a selfie, Timothy?

>> No.21524496

>Harry, The Duke of Sussex, Prince
this is so retarded. it's not even on an alphabetized list so what is the point of this

>> No.21524505

You don’t think it’s a coincidence that she comes into the picture and suddenly he goes public and on a tear, do you?

>> No.21524566

>it was real in my mind

>> No.21524574

She was the impetus for him to unleash the tide he'd be holding in. She's definitely a sociopath and using him for personal benefit.

>> No.21524629

That sounds exactly like Elie Wiesel's psychotic ramblings where he says that just because the things he wrote in his book didn't happen that doesn't mean they aren't true. And yet somehow this thread took a turn towards the Holocaust via completely different means.

>> No.21524647

>And yet somehow this thread took a turn towards the Holocaust via completely different means.
It was via the same means. Also your post was already encapsulated by someone else more pithly >>21524566

>> No.21524657

>ohh nooo not the reputation of the monarchy
shouldn't have killed di

>> No.21524694

He also holds the record for the shortest book:
"What I wouldn't do for money"

>> No.21524696

why are people seething at harry? are there that many supporters of the british monarchy online? inorganic hatred

>> No.21524700

You are a shill

>> No.21524710

Honestly this is what you get when you have an entire cottage industry worth millions set up to exploit you and your bloodline: you have to come up with shit about 'your truth' because calling parasitic ews papers liars ends you up in court.

Weird to see somebody not as unhinged as Trump do it.

>> No.21524740

Somehow, seeing a royal behave like a faggot triggers a disgust reaction about them and the world to a greater degree than some random person. Nothing and nobody is admirable anymore.

>> No.21524751

He was literally a double digit IQ retard. Lefties used to have doods like fucking Foot or Benn. Corbyn-kun is a fucking joke that shows how far this country's degraded in that even our loony extremists are worthless now. I weep for Enoch.

>> No.21524761

It’s a bit mad that France and Germany and Russia had revolutions that cast off the monarchy and parliament but Britain never did, not really, not unless you count Cromwell.

>> No.21524778

/lit/ sucks worse than usual are the weekend

>> No.21524781

>behave like a faggot
I have yet to see anyone explain how this is the case beyond surface-level dislike of the man for making idols look bad

>> No.21524793


>> No.21524899

We're the most stable country ever to exist—literally. It has its benefits when that equilibrium is poised over a happy time, but in the clown world that we live in stability just means the assured clownification of all that one might have cherished. Fortunately there's little to cherish, and less still to hope for.

>> No.21524914

>We're the most stable country ever to exist
What is Scotland and Ireland?
Also, that stability is the result of being an Island on the edge of Europe, with an ocean of the other side, and some really good luck (e.g. the Spanish armada being destroyed by a storm).

>> No.21524917

>What is Scotland and Ireland?
Part of the UK?

>> No.21524924
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Royals have been nothing but a source of tabloid headlines for 4 decades. The Queen stood outside the hullabaloo a bit but she's dead now.
Game over.
Harry's shit book is a logical extension for the farce the royal family has become and how they conduct themselves. A shitty, celebrity, tabloid tell-all.

>> No.21524951

I do believe the publishers have paid 4chan for these viral threads. Mods won’t take down the spam.

>> No.21524960

Nope. Nobody is going to pay shills to shitpost on /lit/ on the offchance that a handful of anons will download a pirated epub.

>> No.21524977
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>> No.21524986
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>> No.21524989

>British education
Ireland isn't part of the UK.

>> No.21524991

Harry's a big boy.

>> No.21525001

Someone did this to me from a car while I was walking down the street

>> No.21525007

He's clearly vulnerable, or gullible and well meaning. Sociopathic narcs females prey on men like this, because they can control them more easily. I can almost feel how Harry is feeling as I've unironically been in a situation with a woman who did the same things to me.

>> No.21525022

Love it when plebs pretend to have insight into the lives and drives of their current tabloid celebrity obsessions.

>> No.21525025

Yeah me too, until I reversed it on her. He's a bitch because he wants to be.

>> No.21525032

He clearly has issues. noble my ass

Acts like a fucking peasant.

>> No.21525036

The psychological mechanism is the same, even if the examples, circumstances, and events are different. If you're gullible (trusting), well meaning, and desperately want love, these women will run you around and drain you until you want to kill her or yourself.

>> No.21525043
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So you're projecting your own personal experiences onto a highly contrived media spectacle? Marvelous!

>> No.21525044

>Yeah me too, until I reversed it on her. He's a bitch because he wants to be.
He's still "in". He is probably experiencing cognitive dissonance, but she still has whatever narrative they built together still inside his head. They haven't been together that long.

>> No.21525048

>these women
All women.

>> No.21525055

I am interpreting his experiences (he has written them out in words) and the dynamic that is on display, through similar experiences that I had, yes.

>> No.21525057

It's the same with all relationships. It's all about power.

>> No.21525058

Go back to Facebook or /r/saintmeghanmarkle

>> No.21525062

It does get better and there are genuine women out there.
>t. have been in an abusive relationship with a psycho

>> No.21525075

I love my psycho. Ugly women are for weak men. All beautiful women are crazy.

>> No.21525079

Harry's just a bitch who can't handle Meghan.

>> No.21525081

I've never been with an ugly woman so I wouldn't know.

>> No.21525089

>genuine women
Are all tame because if they weren't no man would be with them. Ugly woman syndrome.

>> No.21525096

That doesn't align with my experience

>> No.21525102

Show your boobs

>> No.21525109

I don't have any since I'm not a woman.

>> No.21525142

If she's not crazy what's the point? Where's the sense of danger? Life's too boring already.

>> No.21525160

>what's the point?
Peace and tranquillity

>> No.21525168

That's what death is for.

>> No.21525194

Wrong. You won't experience it when you're dead.

>> No.21525214

>You won't experience it when you're dead.
Rest in peace. Fucking retard.

>> No.21525218


I suppose a slow and steady decline is technically stable.

>> No.21525229

Succubi have more power than men.

>> No.21525231

I've recently become interested in the writing of Stephen T. Katz.
>Katz has argued that the Holocaust is the only genocide that has occurred in history, and defines Holocaust to include only "the travail of European Jewry" and not other victims of the Nazis.[3] He has argued this in depth in The Holocaust in Historical Context.
That's how a senior figure at places like the Holocaust Museum actually sees it.

>> No.21525248

That's nonsense. There is no reason to think Greek stories don't go much further back than Greece. Aesop's Fables could be way older than your Indian stories. In fact, there is some overlap.

>> No.21525263

I frankly don't care about the holocaust at all. I'm not German, and I'm not Jewish. At what point did any part of the holocaust become my business?
Why do I get the feeling that I'm being ever so subtly blamed for it whenever it's brought up?

>> No.21525270

>a succubus cannot drain or harm the man with whom she is having intercourse

>> No.21525332

What defines death is lack of experience of anything. You're dead. There is no existence.

>> No.21525334

You are right and based

>> No.21525355

The fuck are you talking about.

>> No.21525394

You (assuming you are the same poster) claimed death brings peace and tranquillity. It doesn't. It brings nothing. Complete inexistence and inexperience.. Peace and tranquillity are only good if you can experience them.

>> No.21525447

Holy cope bro... Get Jesus' dick out of your ass.

>> No.21525475

?? Nazis had a revolution to cast off the monarchy?

>> No.21525894

I'm no longer a monarchist, that's it

>> No.21526410

Are you just a faggot now?

>> No.21526423

I do not believe people are actually rushing out to buy this

>> No.21526424
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>> No.21526428 [DELETED] 

You have talent. Keep it up.

>> No.21526453


>> No.21526464

Damn privilege is real

>> No.21526469

The virgin Harry vs the chad Perennialist Charles

Yes! The King is a guenonfag!


>> No.21526479

At this rate they may as well re-allow fanfiction just to wash away the polshit

>> No.21526649

>the Redditor polwhiners are the fan fiction homos
It all makes sense now

>> No.21526798

Back in my day, this was called Reddit spacing.

>> No.21526831

I say let em.... Someone needs to contain the plebs

>> No.21527170

...If you mean he talks about his penis a lot, then yes

>> No.21527507

>Just ask yourself "What get I out of this book?" and you will very fast realize that the answer is "Nothing"
The /lit/ creed

>> No.21527511
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>> No.21527517

I can sympathize with feeling like you're second fiddle to a relative.
I can't imagine who the fuck is buying a goddamn millionaire's memoire on the topic, though. Jesus fuck! Did he have a Mexican lady hold the tissues for him while he wept uncontrollably? Joe Rogan was literally using this guy as a fucking standup piece, when I saw him in Chicago.

>> No.21527533

Just because book companies are buying them doesn't mean people are. I look forward to seeing them sell for $1 in 3 months. More bullshit backdoor deals to make it seem like anyone gives a fuck about the royal family.

>> No.21527661

based, this always shuts relativists, historicists, and those prudently calling for more nuance and study up REAL quick
>Heh, your "heroic" origin myths are all fake Chud
>Questioning the current origin myth? You can't do that!

>> No.21527690
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Impressive post

>> No.21528111

The english revolution is the original revolution. The king has been nothing but a flower pot since 1688 while the parliament rules, Britain is de facto a republic.

>> No.21528133

every excerpt i've seen from this has been disgusting and repellent

>> No.21528166
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I like to remember things my own way.

>> No.21528974


>> No.21529328
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Greetings niggers, I have read the book/PDF and just finished it a few hours ago, AMA.
The biggest revelation for me was that Charles had hired a spin doctor who recommended Camilla to leak details of inner happenings and talks to the press in order to allow Camilla to enter the family. All of that with Charles blessing and support. I interpret the way he writes about it as some kind of deal that has been made with the press - we will give you details about our lives and in return you report positively about Camilla so that she gets accepted into the family. Which is pretty fucked up, as Charles sacrificed his sons' trust in order to get good PR about his new girlfriend. It has led to his sons distrusting their bodyguards, friends, family members, staff etc. It is implied that they have understood the media strategy of their father rather early but it might have been rather recently as well
In addition to that Henry regularly shows how the (yellow) press has created false stories continuously about all kinds of details about whom they met, what happened, who said what, etc. Well that confirmed by impression about the yellow press, that they tend to invent semi-'harmless' regularly so that they have something to depict.
He shows the separation process between his nuclear family and the royal family as a media campaign that has not happened the way the media depicts it at all, that they are not the bad selfish spoiled people the media makes them to be. The way he shows it is that the hate is unjustified and desu his way of argumentation is convincing. If you watch the (older) interviews of him he doesn't come of as someone who would create drama for no reasons, create big lies and be a piece of shit. Of course he shows Meghan Markle as someone human in the best lights but I doubt that she is such a perfect being, you can easily see the webms here where she interrupts him during a conversation etc. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a rather narcissistic, difficult unpleasant, fake-friendly person and the he is very much the simp for her as I sadly know a very similar case in my own family...

>> No.21529380

—> Historikerstreit

>> No.21529398
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Nonetheless his argument that the media has created a campaign against Harry&Megan based on lies, rumors and little information as the royal family has the habit of not commenting on these matters at all. However all of that with the support with his family, his 'granny' ex-Queen Elizabeth, his father and to some degree with the support of his brother as well. It's not exactly clear what the problems of his family with Megan are and I do think that their reasons are somewhat valid. At the same according to Harry his whole family is behaving like double-faced backstabbing lying pieces of shit, valuing a good representation with the media above protecting the family. Even though he writes only well of Queen Elizabeth, the way she acts and and has the most power in the family it's obvious that she is as awful as the other parts of the family. Plus servants around the family/Queen have been playing their power games against him as well.
The one thing that has struck me was how good this media campaign against Harry and Megan was, how much almost everyone agreed on something were no proper first hand information was available at all. You can find it here in the thread that people are very convinced of their own opinions while not wanting to get more information about it, and I was like them as well until I have read the book: Harry is an idiot and Megan is a narcissistic bitch who has brainwashed him. I guess it's part of the resentment against the rich, noble, powerful etc. I can't remember a recent media campaign equally successful. Maybe Obama being a saint but that was 15 years ago. Very impressive, the media wasn't that effective for covid and Trump is evil campaigns
Journalists and the media are scum, which is nothing new. It's showing as well that the 'respected' Guardian has not put up a piece trying to argue properly against Harry's arguments of how the media has created a fake campaign against him.
Other revelations:
>Harry is academically weak but not idiot, otherwise he couldn't fly an Apache
>he is a dumb normie, binge watching friends
>He had little control over his life at all, being ruled by his dumb father and dumb grandmother - she got it lucky since she became a queen while being young, yet the other people are very limited in any terms
>being followed by Paparazzi everywhere you go, being harassed with drones etc. is bad
>so are William and his wife, having watched that Megan series 'Suits'
> William and Kate are probably somewhat narcissistic bitches as well that create drama for not reason
>their doctors use homeopathic medicine, lmao
>and ayurvedic stuff as well
>the reason Harry confirmed that his father got badly bullied in school is because Harry argues that his father is addicted to good press from the media and that it's some copium for his times were he got badly bullied - I don't think that Harry should have published that but whatever
>I don't get why Harry believes in monarchy.

>> No.21529482
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he's based

>> No.21529601

cheers mate

>> No.21530173
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Wait what?

Fastest selling non-fiction book. What does that even mean?

Did Usain Bolt run from the book shelf to the checkout station in record time?

What am I missing?

>> No.21530863

When will you kill yourself

>> No.21531062

Britbong's are forced to pay for this cunt's education, and he voluntarily writers about not understanding Shakespeare. What an absolute retard.

>> No.21531085

Hey Harry, it's me Ed Sheeran... Erm you still haven't gotten back to me about that collab sesh hehe... I think you just got busy or forgot...

>> No.21531094

Impressive and correct. Sadly the cattle needs its goyslop

>> No.21531125

The definition of genocide is a contentious thing, actually, but even under the strictest definition the Rwandan and Armenian genocides are typically included. I'm not sure what historical context Katz is writing about.

>> No.21531167

>against Jews
>despite Judaism being a religion, not a nationality or race
At best it was ethnocide.

>> No.21531223

>Dude does absolutely nothing relevant besides be born into a role of ceremonial luxury
>Plebs think he has a story to tell

>> No.21531234

Any studies you could link to?

>> No.21531858

Fucking nailed it.
Boss post by a based boss.

>> No.21531880
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ah, the burden of knowing

>> No.21531889

Everyone around me says he’s an idiot so that makes me think he’s not so bad.

>> No.21531942

He isn't a fucking prince, he's a disgraced ex-noble who married a fucking american, like that stupid bitch in Norway. What a fucking sham Britain has become. I hate am*rica so much for its continual rape and humiliation of Europe from within.

>> No.21532057

yes. all we can do in this world is speak our truth.

>> No.21532082
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don't care, but I enjoy seeing monarchists seethe

>> No.21532113

>It’s almost like Jews are proud of being victims.

Read Genealogy of Morals. What you’re describing has been going on for a very long time.

>> No.21532679

Best post in this thread

>> No.21532683

Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.21532735
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>> No.21532740

the historical context is you can only genocide humans so only jews have ever been genocided because the rest of us are worthless cattle at best, according to them

>> No.21532834

kek this
doesn't make "heroic" origin myths true though

>> No.21532847

I hate post modernists.

>> No.21533024

Yes it does reddit

>> No.21533047

no it doesn't retard, you can go back whenever you want

>> No.21533051

We were chosen by God. Your life has no meaning without us. This is a statement of fact.

>> No.21533090

You're clearly young, frustrated, you don't respect your parents, and you hate your country. All your opinions are garbage.

>> No.21533101

nice, keep those projections going midwit

>> No.21533106

>no u
Low IQ too

>> No.21533224

total pseud annihilation. chuds won

>> No.21533268

you've managed to guess everything wrong, so I supposed you were talking about yourself
and you keep doing it by the way

>> No.21533292

>NO U!!!!!!

>> No.21533293

Why am I not surprised that /lit/ can't write a half decent comeback? Not that Anon but you are spouting grade school level shit. I'm starting to think he's right about you.

>> No.21533296

imagine being mad when the possibility of not being mad exists contemporaneously

>> No.21533304

it's not a meme that people get addicted to anger
implying the foundational myth is a myth is enough to draw this retard to anger >>21533292
instead of glorifying how the myth shaped your culture, you're becoming a cultist that glorifies metaphorical aspects of it by taking them literally
all because of low iq and slavery to one's emotions, hidden behind a very thin veil of rationalisations

>> No.21533310

Bro it'd have been better if you didn't say anything, this is embarrassing

>> No.21533316


>> No.21533338

The holocaust never happened.

>> No.21533339

it did happen, but it wasn't 6 million. there weren't that many jews in europe prior to WW2, anyway. weird huh

>> No.21533341

holy kek, so this libtard starts off being smug and arrogant about historical relativism then spends the next two hours getting FURIOUS and morally indignant about the lolocaust?
you seriously can't make this shit up.

>> No.21533345

>implying I'd have a problem with holocaust happening or with the fact it didn't happen
this is what happens when you follow emotions like rage/anger(all that stem from helplessness), you end up simply lacking the capacity to entertain the possibility of positions apart from yours or the direct counter to yours

>> No.21533348

based exister

>> No.21533358

be that as it may, Harry is still full of shit and a total embarrassment to his country. A pussy too, since he waited until Elizabeth died to release this horrid rag of a tell-all, likely primed by the niggerjew succubus with her claws in his back.

>> No.21533362

I don't recall disputing that at any point.
fuck anglo royalty though, jew slaves for the past couple of centuries

>> No.21533364

>noooo you can't just ruin the reputation of these people that I care about for some reason
Harry is great for making people like you upset

>> No.21533366

I don't care about the royals but I do care about active and purposeful attacks on the concept of nationhood by multinational parasites

>> No.21533374

>implying the royal family themselves aren't parasites

>> No.21533378

Nice comma splices

>> No.21533382

>king's family is german with danish, french, russian, and spanish blood
>his entire family lives off taxpayer money

who's the multinational parasites now

>> No.21533387

>who's the multinational parasites now
still the jews

>> No.21533388

beautiful digits but you got told >>21533374
your nation and nationhood is not represented by germanic kikes
nevermind, you got told once again >>21533382
stop idolizing figures and people, shows you're an npc just sitting on the opposite fence from the majority. Idealize something worthwhile, like ideas and concepts

>> No.21533389

Okay. There is only one. Still, it is an amateur mistake.

>> No.21533390

people are dumber then I imagined....
that's so sad

>> No.21533424

you're putting strawmen in my mouth then claiming I got owned when others defeated said strawmen. I care about the nation of Britain, not which parasite is currently in charge of it. Also, the only thing that still 0wns my dick is my wife's brown/taint area after ten years

>> No.21533435

>muh dick
literally arguing in a nigger fashion now, what a manchild you are

>> No.21533447

He's quoting the immortal Kevin Smith, philistine.

>> No.21533452

>Kevin Smith
wouldn't know, I don't own talmudvision in my home. Sad that you do.

>> No.21533461


>> No.21533464

someday you'll grow out of this phase and bury it deep out of shame. your opinion on the matter has no matter as it will change as you grow

>> No.21533465

half an hour ago I was redirected to reddit, what made you change your mind?

>> No.21533468

will you grow out of watching the telly to entertain yourself? ever?

>> No.21533469

either are suitable for short circuit hotheads like yourself, who neither comprehends nuance nor is in tune with sarcasm

>> No.21533471

nta I don't own one but keep perceiving me as whatever enemy makes you feel all warm and based

>> No.21533489

>This whole thread
I just want the /pol/shit to stop, bros...

>> No.21533492

>nta I don't own one
even if you were that anon, if you don't own it that's good for you. idk why would anything make me your enemy, except that you immediately draw conclusions that dismissing propaganda makes you a /pol/ fanatic

>> No.21533497

who the fuck owns a TV anymore except for parents?
I watch movies on my laptop

>> No.21533511

>I want reactionaries to stop being reactionary
that's fighitng the symptom instead of the underlying cause

>> No.21533515
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>the underlying cause
da jooz

>> No.21533516

Unfortunate in most respects, although it is nice to see a book, any book, sell.

>> No.21533525

are you implying there is no cause and people who react are also being proactive?
Would you admit there is a cause at all, whatever it may be? Or do you deny it?

>> No.21533527

not when its ugly tranny Michelle nee Mike Obama's horseshit that gets stacked in huge piles with a big cardboard cut out of her ugly tranny face in ever B&N. At least this book was bought by people and not just money launderers

>> No.21533535

I'm saying it was the jews. It wasn't sarcasm

>> No.21533561

eh, can't be that simple, but that's a start i think

>> No.21533595

>grow up complaining about your PR firm that represents you personally and make money on a netflix show complaining about it
>get a new PR firm who is buying 50% of your book to give away for free / another PR firm targeting sexless empty wombs & lonely schadenfreude IRA homosexuals (both Irish and those living off their IRA)

Just wait for the sequel to come out in 2027, right before Megan divorces Harry for calling her out for not doing anything except complain about everything that happens to her exdept for looking at her phone

also, you're just like Megan right now. I bet you are actually. Get off of /lit/ , dumbdumb the wordinator. Go suck off the House of Representatives in the cloakroom like your witless sperm donor

>> No.21533601

seek help

>> No.21534646

thank you

>> No.21534665

WAS a beer company

>> No.21534708

>total word salad and nonsequiturs spaced in reddit-ready format
medicinals. imbibe them.