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File: 108 KB, 1000x750, poe-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21521275 No.21521275 [Reply] [Original]

Did Poe really instigate modern litterature?
I mean did Rimbaud or Baudelaire read him?

>> No.21521537

baudelaire did. translated his work for over a decade, thought he was a genius. I believe he wrote a few critical essays on his work as well. not sure if rimbaud had any english, but he was influenced by baudelaire, who was influenced by poe, so in a roundabout way he was also influenced by poe. basically 19th century french poetry owes a great deal to poe -- odd because americans see him as a genre writer

>> No.21521605

Plus he wrote the blueprint for Moby Dick as well

>> No.21521626

Baudelaire championed Poe's work in Europe and translated it and to this day, that's the preferred translation in French. I don't know about the sodomite known as Rimbaud.
And also for Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness. Poe was the seed to many literary works. Hugely influential writer.

>> No.21521639

Also the detective genre

>> No.21521648

He did??? How so?

>> No.21521747

He inspired Moby Dick, Dostoevsky, Sherlock Holmes, and a bunch of others. So yeah

>> No.21521882

>odd because americans see him as a genre writer
that's just /lit/ being pretentious, normal people here see him as a great writer like anyone else.

>> No.21521895

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym

>> No.21521960

>odd because americans see him as a genre writer
we don't

>> No.21521971
File: 499 KB, 605x903, Scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagner and Baudelaire did more so for literature.

>Three great artists prepared the way for modernism – Baudelaire, Manet and Wagner. And all three haunt the work of T.S. Eliot, the greatest modernist writer in English, and the one who has inspired the thoughts contained in this book. To begin with Wagner is not to begin the story of modernism at the beginning. But it is to gain insight into the mission bequeathed by the Enlightenment to art. The operas of Wagner attempt to dignify the human being in something like the way that he might be dignified by an uncorrupted common culture. Acutely conscious of the death of God, Wagner proposed man as his own redeemer and art as the transfiguring rite of passage to a higher world. The suggestion was visionary, and its impact on modern culture so great that the shock waves are still overtaking us. Modern high culture is as much a set of footnotes to Wagner as Western philosophy is, in Whitehead’s judgement, footnotes to Plato.

>Wagner was in conscious reaction against the sentimentality and lassitude of official art. Like Baudelaire (whose admiring letter to the composer after the Parisian performance of Tannhauser displays a self-conscious affinity) he saw that the ideal had fled from the world into the citadel of the imagination. Unlike Baudelaire, however, he believed that the ideal could be tempted back, so as to dwell among us (though at considerable public expense). He therefore tried to create a new musical public, one that would not merely see the point of the heroic ideal, but also adopt it.
t. Roger Scruton

>> No.21521979

>wagnerfag ruins thread
it's all so tiresome

>> No.21521986

Nobody cares

>> No.21521993

>odd because americans see him as a genre writer

We don't. We see him as a mediocre poet and as an ok terror writer

>> No.21521996
File: 90 KB, 640x834, Maturin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maturin MOGS them all

>> No.21522005

Never heard of her but she looks like a shy lady.

>> No.21522027


>> No.21522040

Why is /lit/ so disgustingly contrarian? Most of you guys work at like gas stations or are still in high school. Whenever you open your mouth you just sound so retarded and ignorant

>> No.21522049

cope for what? she seems cute. I'm sure she was a fine wife.

>> No.21522054

Contrarianism is the false belief that since you are against everyone, you are therefore better. It is also the easiest way to appear to have good taste. This is especially evident in music where the more obscure something is, the better it is.

>> No.21522112


>> No.21522233

Poe heavily influenced King Ludwig II of Bavaria