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File: 388 KB, 988x1500, Bostrom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21519497 No.21519497 [Reply] [Original]

Nick Bostrom is getting cancelled

>> No.21519500
File: 178 KB, 1203x873, Gamer moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21519510

Why would he share this? Is he trying to get out of a publication deal?
He's a decent thinker, but his writing is dry as a bone and a slog to get through.

>> No.21519515

He wanted to get out ahead of any controversy. Apparently he had knowledge that someone was digging through these old email threads and was likely to find this.

>> No.21519526

More like "Nigg" Bostrom now

>> No.21519542

>He's a decent thinker
what are original ideas he presents?

>> No.21519635

He’s fucked.

>> No.21519687

Finally, he's an embarrassment to Sweden (and that's saying something).

>> No.21519688

Nothing he said in that email is wrong. But he has to renounce it to avoid "personal damage".

>> No.21519693

Oh fuck off back to /pol/ you snivelling child. Once you grow up you'll see how disgusting his "jokes" really are. I know over a dozen Black men and women who are perhaps the very best people I know and intelligent. More than a little rodent like you could even dream of becoming.

>> No.21519704
File: 1.68 MB, 2970x2483, 0472921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21519706

He's not making a joke, he relaying the factual observation of group IQ differences and the pitfalls in academic communication of those differences.

>> No.21519709

Was this part necessary?

>> No.21519712

Yawn. Perhaps go out and live and work in the real world and you might learn how lovely Black people really are. When all your education is from a photoshop manipulated infographic meme you found on /pol/ you really have no clue what you're talking about. Fuck off and let educated people discuss in peace, you magat fuckneck.

>> No.21519713

A strong reaction is typical when you first get nogpilled.

>> No.21519715

Woah calm down he's just expressing his opinion I thought you guys liked freement of speech

>> No.21519716

>he relaying the factual observation of group IQ differences
he WAS, nice grammar, fuckneck. I wouldn't expect any less bigotry and retardation from a magat. Get lost.

>> No.21519723

How could we trust your judgement of others kindness and hospitality when you don't value or possess those attributes yourself?

Your examples are not significant in a group context (mere dozen), nor in relation to IQ (kind though they may be), which are Bostrom's contentions.

>> No.21519724

>they would think that i were a "racist": that i disliked black people and thought that it is fair if blacks are treated badly. I don't.
You are exactly the kind of functionally illiterate normalfag moron he's referring to here. Go back to twitter, your presence reduces the intellectual standard of the board.

>> No.21519732

Now you're just behaving like Bostrom's second example. Elevate your tone and post in good faith.

>> No.21519735

There was a thread about it earlier, and the janny cancelled it.

He is done. He is utterly fucking done. They suspended a professor in chinese for saying "那个", which is pronounced as nega. Some black students heard their word, and it was like an iron fist jammed with hypersonic speed right into black ultra-fragility.

Niklas Boström actually said the thing, the magical word, the only remaining taboo. The niggers, the twittersphere and academia, which have greater and greater overlaps, are going to crucify him.
I give him 72 hours. He is done.

>> No.21519736

Right so you are just ok with people of Bostrom's influence to just say the N word and it's ok because he said "sorry"? Nah, fuck that. He is done. No second chances, it really isn't hard to be a decent person. You can get cancelled too scum bag and eventually you'll be found out for being the poisonous little Nazi magat that you so clearly are.

>> No.21519740

Finally someone with some sense. The /pol/ invasion really is tiring.
In good faith I can tell you to fuck off. You and your incel nazi magat loser friends are a cancer who won't be missed when you are all cancelled.

>> No.21519744
File: 770 KB, 498x308, ace-ventura-ass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am obsessed with the word nigger, and it is not my fault. It is because it is the only remaining taboo, the only remaining magical word, the most powerful word in the universe, which, wielded under different circumstances, can put entire cities to the torch, or get me killed nearly instantenously, in a murder that will widely be seen as justified.

The power of this word over black fragility is too enticing, to seductive - whenever I see a black person, my internal monologue starts screaming it - the power is too great, the pure unadultered joy of the taboo, and I will start smiling, really, really hard, because it is the funniest word of all time: nigger.
The smile I give will be picked up by whatever black people I am close to, and they will interpret it as if I am kind and approachable - and I am - but that is not the reason I am smiling. I am smiling because my mind is screaming nigger. I try to supress it, it gets worse, instead of merely having the auditory quality of a scream, I will have mental visions, mental visions of Ace Ventura, Pet Detective, making his ass talk with his hands - his ass screaming NIGGER! NIGGER! NIGGER! - at this point, I must do my best to not laugh in the face of the black person I am interacting with, for there can be no explanation for that but the truth.

>> No.21519745

>types something offensive as an example of what he would not say
Go outside and get some air, engage in conversation with normal people. You might end up becoming mentally healthier.

>> No.21519751

anon, I think one can reasonably make the purely descriptive claim that his career is over in the current political climate, without either endorsing or condemning the current political climate.

>> No.21519755

I am talking about the anon sperging out histerically without even reading into the point of what's actually in the text contained in the picture.

>> No.21519756

I DO go outside and work in a professional academic environment and I assure you that if you EVER said the N word in front of anyone, important or otherwise, you would be fucking DONE. And the fact that you can be so blasse about this is only because you are anonymous online.

You too, I can tell you we are little /pol/ addicted psychopath living with his mommy. In the real world you would see how dangerous that word is, especially for white idiots like you.

>> No.21519763

You are literally defending a Nazi. IF you had your name attached to this statement you would be signing a different tune, I assure you.

>> No.21519766

>You too, I can tell you we are little /pol/ addicted psychopath living with his mommy. In the real world you would see how dangerous that word is, especially for white idiots like you.
But anon, I am exactly acknowledging the power and danger of saying nigger, and that is the reason why the word is so bewitching and enguiling. The sirens sing to me, they sing the most lethal of all words, NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER. Should I ever say it outside of the anonymity of my own mind or this imageboard, my life would surely be over - I know that - that is precisely the reason why I am so enraptured with the word. How can one little word hold such power? People talk of the death of literature, the death of the humanities, but here is one little magical word, two syllables that can end your life. How can one not be fascinated?

>> No.21519768

>I DO go outside and work in a professional academic environment and I assure you that if you EVER said the N word in front of anyone, important or otherwise, you would be fucking DONE. And the fact that you can be so blasse about this is only because you are anonymous online
And you think here on /lit/ the environment is the same as that? No one but what i imagine as—for lack of a better word—an actual NPC would act on the internet (especially in an anonymous forum) in the exact same way as he acts in real life. Is the thought process you actually, truly have going on in your mind the very same thing as your IRL persona which you need to use to appeal to strangers?

>> No.21519773


>> No.21519780

You behave indecently when you demean people as rodents and maggots, you of all people, with an inability to be respectful of others dignity, ought to value giving lattitute to other peoples faults. Every post you've made in this thread has been of the same nature as Bostrom's four exclimation mark example.

Of course it doesn't matter, let alone from 1996 and with an apology both at the time it was posted and today on its republishing. To suggest otherwise is priggish.

>> No.21519783

>I DO go outside and work in a professional academic environment and I assure you that if you EVER said the N word in front of anyone, important or otherwise, you would be fucking DONE. And the fact that you can be so blasse about this is only because you are anonymous online.

I'm this guy >>21519744, >>21519766, and I also work in academia. My hardest challenge is when I participate in conferences and black people talk about racial injustice from the lectern - sometimes, when it is a good talk, my internal monologue screaming NIGGER will change and become musical instead, going NIG-NIG-NIG-NIG-NIG-NIG, with the staccato of the Papageno-Papagena duet from Mozart's Zauberflöte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PJCnZCSD5o

>> No.21519784

Idiot histronic.