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/lit/ - Literature

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21514030 No.21514030 [Reply] [Original]

So some faggot sat down and made up a story about people who don't exist doing things that never happened, wrote that down and now I have to engage with it? Why? How can walk away from this investment of time and effort as anything else than a loser?

>> No.21514033

It's to improve blood flow to the brain, which improves blood flow to the dick, which lets you fuck the woman in your picture.

>> No.21514035

narratives, like the words they use, are meant to convey meaning. i'm sorry it's difficult for you to understand this. maybe watch baseball, if that's more your speed.

>> No.21514038

There are real life truths it’s difficult to access or evoke in convey in purely non-fictional writing. Don’t you feel, when you read a good fiction book, that the writer is describing sensations and thoughts you’ve had with preternatural accuracy? Is in fact helping you to access your own soul?

>> No.21514046

>Don’t you feel, when you read a good fiction book, that the writer is describing sensations and thoughts you’ve had with preternatural accuracy? Is in fact helping you to access your own soul?
Honestly, no. But I never approached a work of fiction with that expectation in mind. I always thought it's the characters and the story arc that people appreciate the most and I cannot get all too excited about that.

>> No.21514066

yeah. i bet you thought words were just a meaningless sequence of letters too, faggot.

this post was made by /fuckyou/gang

>> No.21514075
File: 100 KB, 856x1172, Thomas_Carlyle_lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the point of fiction is to be read by bugmen.
>Fiction, I think, or idle falsity of any kind, was never tolerable, except in a world which did itself abound in practical lies and solemn shams; and which had gradually impressed on its inhabitants the inane form of character tolerant of that kind of ware. A serious soul, can it wish, even in hours of relaxation, that you should fiddle empty nonsense to it ? A serious soul would desire to be entertained, either with absolute silence, or with what was truth, and had fruit in it, and was made by the Maker of us all. With the idle soul I can fancy it far otherwise; but only with the idle.

>> No.21514079

With non-fiction, it's the same thing, just with the knowledge that this dumb shit did happen.
Maybe your perception has some irregularities?

>> No.21514080

Took the words out of my mouth

>> No.21514096

fiction is the easiest tool to manipulate the unwashed unlearned masses
look at how they gobble up the marvel movie cum

>> No.21514106

what is an activity with a point

>> No.21514112

nonfiction is just history book though most nonfiction writers are liars anyway. nobodys life is very eventful and you cant really write about other people.

You would rather just read someones retarded diary entries of their boring lives than something really inspirational and well written just because its non fiction?

There are no good non fiction books.

>> No.21514124

absolutely filtered

>> No.21514127

>and now I have to engage with it?

>> No.21514354

Because it proposes a possibility that you can understand an compare to the real world to better understand all aspects of what you are comparing, including the nature of the author and yourself.
Though you really don't have to read fiction.

>> No.21514447

>quotes Carlyle
>who wrote fiction
>and translated fiction
what did he mean by this?

>> No.21514452

>what did he mean by this?
It means he didn't write fiction bugman. It was all real events.

>> No.21514454 [DELETED] 

he contains multitudes

>> No.21514465

>Sartor Resartus
>real events

>> No.21514516

are you genuinely autistic?

>> No.21514589


>> No.21514591
File: 25 KB, 320x536, Frye, The Educated Imagination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ability to model and understand the world, and to envision the future, depend on the potency of your imagination, which is cultivated by literature.

>> No.21514597

non-fiction books are the most boring shit that you can read. There is no point reading that kind of bullshit unless you want to lose your time with some dumbass describing its life.

>> No.21514598


>> No.21514707

There's no such thing as fiction. Just because the events happened in the guys head doesn't mean they're fake, otherwise, why care about what someone like einstein thinks?
Oh, that's right. You're actually a lemming who relies upon consensus agreement to come to truths or likelihoods, hence your implicit differentiation between the 'knowledge' of someone like einstein and the useless thoughts of a - probably - schizophenic author. Not because you actually think einstein has better, less ficticious, more 'factual thoughts.' Only because other people agree with them. So you admit you depend upon an external voice to tell you what 'fact' and 'fiction' are.

>> No.21514712

there's no such thing as non-fiction. Maybe stop reading the thinly veiled diaries of spinster fact checking women and you shall see that the broad field of stem and the literaries works therein are just as, if not more exciting and stimulating for the imagination as harry potter.

>> No.21514719

So some faggot sat down and made a thread about some faggot who made up a story about people who don't exist doing things that never happened, wrote that down and now I have to engage with this thread? Why? How can walk away from this investment of time and effort as anything else than a loser?
Get a life, faggot.

>> No.21514721

Get in touch and I'll send you a small essay on it

>> No.21514730

An escape from the mundane and prosaic, beauty in words/thought.

>Philosophy should not be 'edifying' -- Hegel

>> No.21514749

>comes to the literature board to whine about literature
attention whore

>> No.21514753

Fiction is open somewhat to interpretation and honest discussion. History as we know it exists in a paradigm and people just ignore anything inconvenient. Fags say "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." like the past is very straightforward and bad things happened mainly due to human error. In reality these types have an axe to grind and look to history like a book of fables to confirm their opinions.

Fiction can deliberately try to make a coherent moral argument and will remain valid because it never changes. The "facts" of history and how we interpret them can change as needed by society.

>> No.21514761

There's more merit to fiction. It's an absolute creation of the writer's imagination. A work of art. It can't be summarized because it works on multiple levels that require actually reading it.

There's little merit to non-fiction. The author merely copies facts and information. It's a glorified Wikipedia entry. It can be summarized because it essentially deals with information about reality.

>> No.21514864

everything fictional is based on something real
real people author met, real experiences he's had that shaped him, real wishes and real fears
There is no such thing as fiction as it's all based on real experiences that then translated themselves to these writings.

>> No.21514908

Thanks for sharing, Anon!

>> No.21515041

With pulp it's purely for entertainment. With le deeeeep novel it is for some gay thematic message that otherwise could be reduced to a two sentence thesis statement but that spoooooky broooooding artistos wrap up in a gay boring little story where nothing actually happens.

>> No.21515053

You are describing the importance of myth not gayyy faggot narritives from aouthbreathing limp wristed bitch boy.

>> No.21515055
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who let this nigger out?

>> No.21515056

I have books on chickens, bee keeping, welding, blacksmithing, woodworking, home maintenance, and carpentry. These are all nonfiction. Are you talking about history books?

>> No.21515061

Post wrist.

>> No.21515077

I feel sorry for you

>> No.21515085

Why are you conflating biography with nonfiction.

>> No.21515097

But you learn things from nonfiction. With fiction you at best infer what the author believed but was too afraid to just say outright because it probably would sound gay and retarded.

>> No.21515156

No, you are a retard.

>> No.21515211

Because fiction can describe what might happen and that will further reinforce your views about whether to get close to or avoid that path

>> No.21515222

Andrew Tate really influenced a lot of people

>> No.21515228
File: 183 KB, 692x985, 1673235547263036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is mad at an improv comedy character

>> No.21515705

>A work of art.
Hahahaha, cope. You're literally trying to convince yourself that the pulp lit you're wasting your time on is something better than it actually is.

>> No.21515719

Until relatively recently, the point was to appear cultured to other members of the upper class. That's dead nowadays. There's no reason except pleasure now.

>> No.21515764

>there's no such thing as non-fiction

>> No.21515798

Whilst important, myth will only take you as far as epic. Full development requires the cultivation of your entire humanity.

>> No.21515829

>only as far as epic
Epic is the highest form of literature/art but ok

>> No.21515932

I take it you never look at paintings or listen to music either?

>> No.21515941

Not really, it's the most simple and least developed. To stop at epic is to arrest your development.

>> No.21516377

Paintings never, music rarely, movies never.

>> No.21516379

Post good nonfiction. Post fucking ONE.

>> No.21516392

>implying someone reads pulp for some reason
Fiction is wisdom. Non-fiction is knowledge.

>> No.21516572

>Open thread
>See it isn't a webm
>Close thread

>> No.21516609

>Don’t you feel, when you read a good fiction book
I think that's OP's problem. He may be autistic.

>> No.21516670

Gravity's Rainbow taught me calculus

>> No.21516738

You unironically have the bible in your top 10.

>> No.21516822

Don't worry about it. They weren't written for people like you.

>> No.21516828

And yet Carlyle wrote and read fiction.

>> No.21516851


>> No.21517036

why does everything have to be black and white ? Both fiction and nonfiction books are great . A good reader reads a mix of both

>> No.21517079

Fuck off. Read both and stop coping because your English teacher gave you a bad impression.

>> No.21517116

No. Scripture is wisdom. Fiction is spin.

>> No.21517178

Can you explain to me why Orwell’s 1984- a fiction - is considered by many to be the guidebook to politics in the 21st century? How many times have you heard the word “Orwellian”? Most people like to talk about how art imitates life, but rarely will they talk about how life imitates art. Fiction speaks a truth that life can only imitate (and badly). If you want to understand the world, you would gain more from reading Hamlet than you would an atlas.

>> No.21517189

holy pleb

>> No.21517233

Im just posting in the same disinformation as the OP on purpose. Theres a lot of non-fiction genres in the same way with the fiction ones.
I enjoy both, but you can't compare fiction and non-fiction because they are a different kind of literature. If you love non-fiction is not necessary you would enjoy fiction.

>> No.21517238

Training your judgement capacity
Preparing yourself for new situations

>> No.21517243

I posted my reply in the same disinformated perspective as the OP on purpose. I have no problems with the ones you mentioned.

>> No.21517245

non-fiction is not even literature

>> No.21517284

Typically the author of a work of fiction will have some kind of greater argument about humanity, using the characters in the book as examples. This argument is something that can change your outlook on your life personally.

>> No.21517934

It makes the time pass by at work