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File: 254 KB, 900x1200, B4371787-653D-467E-A9F3-9D4FED17E9C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21513192 No.21513192 [Reply] [Original]

Freud sends his regards

>> No.21513202

Todger is an underrated word desu.

>> No.21513206

Best non-fiction of the decade.

>> No.21513207

Jimmy Kimmel literally used that word last weekend. Not underrated by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.21513232

why would the prince of england write about such intimate things? it's very plebeian behaviour.

¿por qué el príncipe de inglaterra escribiría sobre cosas tan íntimas? es un comportamiento muy plebeyo.

>> No.21513236

Bong words are so stupid. They're all overrated

>> No.21513237
File: 204 KB, 1071x1171, 4C6F4B2F-54FE-4155-9190-AFD9426B64C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can’t keep getting away with it

>> No.21513254

It’s the antithese of the king being like the peasants. Ultimate power struggle to appear like he doesn’t live a life of lux Or a cheesy thing to brag about besides the two things ppl ask him

>> No.21514257


>> No.21514414

He is the kind of guy who volunteers for Afghanistan and believes in Hollywood psychics and naturopaths. Low IQ and easily persuaded. Couple that with jealousy and a persecution complex and you get Spare.

>> No.21514429

He and his ghost writer must have known what they were doing

They wrote this specifically to be the sleaziest most scandalous book of the year and make every braindead moid sopping wet