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/lit/ - Literature

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21512455 No.21512455 [Reply] [Original]

Hazza's frostnipped cock edition
>My penis was oscillating between extremely sensitive and borderline traumatized.
>The last place I wanted to be was Frostnipistan
>"My mum put that on her lips, you want me to put that on my todger"
>I found a tube...It felt as if my mother was right there with me
>Then I took a smidge and applied it down there

Discuss the utter state of the royal penis, why ginger men and black women are getting together, and who the fook that guy Faulkner is

>> No.21512466

any idea of what these guys actually read? I'm not sure if they're significant enough to gravitate towards Tragedy and Hope level content vs WEF crap

>> No.21512484

At the beginning of the book, Harry basically admits that he never read at all. Charles, is apparently a massive literature fan, especially Shakespeare, and Harry's retardation made him a massive disappointment to the old man.

>> No.21512502

Did he even finish university? Did he study anything relevant? Piss poor results for the royals if all they can do is classic lit

>> No.21512519

Nope, didn't even go to uni. He had the best education the world could offer and squandered it. He only did two A levels and managed to get a B and a D.

>> No.21512520

>Harry basically admits that he never read at all
Why is every fucking "famous" person writing a book? Especially when they don't fucking read at all.

This is why I exclusively buy fantasy books or science books. I know every scientist has to read a lot, especially with a PhD, because your references have to be to points in other books/scientific papers, and can't just be "as I recall from my dreams".
Fantasy books on the other hand can only be good if you already know the general way of how other fantasy books are written. It would be a huge problem to write a fantasy book without actively reading other fantasy books. Therefore by design you are already forced to read other books or just miss an insane opportunity.

All those garbage climate destroying books with no quality other than slaughtering trees for nothing are shit I would never read. His book and all the other "MUH LIFE" books are just garbage. You can't learn from them, and the "authors" (including their ghost writers) only resell you a person that is never the real person. Also you only hear what they want to tell you and not what helps you.

For example I'm interested in how to reach out to other famous people he know. Or I want to know which books or other stuff the royals consider the best way of learning.

You don't hear any of the important stuff. You only hear useless shit like how he fucked some whore or other "horrible" things that are completely useless outside of retarded woman talk "Oh no sweety, have you heard. The prince..."

>> No.21512524
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>> No.21512528

Harry was born in a blue blood family and had access to the most expensive education a person can get, yet he's still a brainlet. This only proves you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

>> No.21512537

Tbf the book is absolute kino. This fool has written (or rather got someone else to write) page after page of him being humiliated, trodden upon and trampled. It's a comedy on a cosmic scale.
It's also a brilliant example of meta-literature. He's not just an unreliable narrator, he doesn't even know what he's written. It's the literary equivalent of standing in front of the whole world and pulling down his trousers to expose the most shrunken penis anyone has ever seen.

>> No.21512543
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>> No.21512550

Man. The royals really didn't do well with this guy

>> No.21512551

its an absolute shame that the post in that image did not get a single (you)

>> No.21512555

kek I've been waiting for the Blart-core edits

>> No.21512563

Bloody wanker is an embarrassment to our country
Bloody banish him

>> No.21512565

>>My penis was oscillating between extremely sensitive and borderline traumatized.

>> No.21512569

>>My penis was oscillating
royal meatcopter

>> No.21512571

Does anyone have a copy they could share? Royals are already rich enough.

>> No.21512576

It's probably already on libgen.

>> No.21512579

When you put it thay way, it is kinda funny. Won't buy the book though. Are there any links online where I can download it?

>> No.21512581

From the last thread >>21505510

>> No.21512587


>> No.21512602
File: 109 KB, 800x1070, just oscillating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>royal meatcopter
Apache Helicopter Cumship

>> No.21512622
File: 465 KB, 492x572, bastard and mutt thot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
