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/lit/ - Literature

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21510311 No.21510311 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw a retard tells me finnegans wake is such complex and vast incredible display of skill
I guess getting like 10 languages dictionaries and making the text unreadable because every 2 words is a polyglot portmanteu be such amazing display of skill, when in fact is just mitwit display of having too much free time to waste it doing portmanteus.

While the story is just a mediocre sit com about some roastie whore and a beta provider in 1930 dublin or some shit that nobody cares.

I guess making an entire novel about a single gimmick to be impressive to the eternal 120 IQ mitwit.

>> No.21510318
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>the eternal 120 IQ mitwit

>> No.21510326
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Joyce fags do be like....

mmm, this niggeregrolisticallimente ies such impresivementesive desarroly of literariamentogatari kawaii displachiku of display'ed of displayenteramente displayer of display of upmost displaymenteirafurherlistically skillcero.

wow, such display of skill, such woes, such high IQ nobel winning prose.

>> No.21510334

I ran my own schizophrenic walls of texts through this and it deemed me 143. I failed every grade in public school and I can't figure out how to tie my own shoes for fuck's sake.

>> No.21510336

>he's coping

>> No.21510337

I wrote it in simple english because clearly writing in some joycean shit would filter the joycean pseuds.

>> No.21510340

copying what?

That I can understand portmanteus because I'm not an eternal OEP?

some people speak more than english, dumbass.

>> No.21510347
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>copying what?

>> No.21510348

Nabokov was right, FW is masturbatory trash. Joyce looked up how to say "lightning" in Finnish and Swedish and then wrote it an incomprehensible stream-of-consciousness bog. Idem ad nauseam for hundreds of pages. Brilliant!

>> No.21510351

>English only speaker tries to teach me about polyglot masturbation

It's just joyce looking words in dictionaries and then making portmanteus.

It's just him wasting 7 years to write such garbage.

>> No.21510358
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>> No.21510375

That's brilliant. Please write a whole book like that.

>> No.21510382

I learned literature to eventually write a videogame.

Why the fuck should I write for a .txt file or a PDF when I can learn poethry, storytelling, 3D, 2D, pixel art, music composition and code and make something more interesting than a PDF.

>> No.21510386

>limpdick pretends to be a boner

>> No.21510391
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>an eternal mitwit hasn't even read 60 ways to turn up a phrase and tries to talk about writing

>> No.21510397

>Why the fuck should I write for a .txt file or a PDF
It's called a book. You calling it a PDF file is like me calling your game an EXE file.

>> No.21510403

Nobody read books on paper today nerd.

It's all PDF.

>but mom, I read on printed paper
oh wow, another hipster.

I bet you smell the book also, faggot.

>> No.21510404

125 is above midwit.

>> No.21510414

> While the story is just
Oh so you’re a plotfag? Opinion discarded

>> No.21510420


>> No.21510426


>> No.21510427

I use epub format, ASKHUALLY. Haven't touched paper in a decade.

You're also wasting your talent (if you indeed are talented) on video games. It is the worst medium. At least make a movie - use your knowledge of composition, framing, writing, and try a short film.

>> No.21510429

negrolicious estupitardo.

>> No.21510435

because using twilight and shades of gray as examples of garbage book, has no bearing on the potential of the medium.

Literature can do shit like shades of gray and blacked white guilt erotica, and do shit like tolstoy and borges.

It's not the fault of the medium.

It's like saying that music is the worst medium.

>> No.21510469

Except there are no video games with artistic merit and aesthetic value on the level of great works of music, literature, film or anything else. This is intrinsic to the medium.

>> No.21510477

No, It's intrinsic to the fact most game developers are manchildren and lack classical fag training.

There's not inherent shit to any medium.

>> No.21510488

When you develop your game let me know. I'll wait.

>> No.21510509

NTA, but it is the rule that composite media will never exhibit the highest level of any its constituent parts. A video game, for example will never exhibit the highest possible form of the written word because its constraints are such that:
>the best writers will necessarily be the best because they are focused purely on the written word
>composite media require only a subset of constituent media (e.g., where description is an integral component of literature, writing in vidya by necessity outsources description to visual artists)
>composite media are characterized by compromise among constituents rather than unfettered artistic vision
A composite may demonstrate good or even excellent composites, but will always fail in direct comparison to the "pure" constituent forms.

>> No.21510525
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I'll try to post it here.

Ironically, and to be a funny thing, I want to make a sailor moon parody (with OC donut steel characters) where usagi tries to save her team of sailor friends in a factory that has been locked by Tuxedo as his evil master plan to lure her.

Then she goes and fights some bots using maybe a basic JRPG combat and some non linear path combining the aspects of megaman non linear progress and metal gear factory door security ID cards and the elevator mechanic.

That would be enought to create some level progression in a non linear way and then do some climatic ending like, they fight a boss summoned by tuxedo and win, but tuxedo does some BS last magic spell trap, and they get super weak and horny and they have an orgy and then it releases tuxedo lust evil spirit and then game ends, with some hentai ending or some garbage.

Should be enough to be a self contained plot and provide oportunities for some mechanics.
As well maybe, some BS dialogs between the waifus talking some BS about their school teen life to release empathy dopamine on the viewer.

Make a basic low poly dungeon, use AI art for the porn and 2D anime art, then some pixel art textures, and some basic weeb shit with maybe basic florid counterpoint.

Should be fine for a small game, and maybe It make me a couple hundred bucks on DLSite and Steam.

Should be enough for a small first solid product and hopefully it hooks some retards into buying it.

Yes, because weebs buy garbage and having something made with proper clasical fag rules should be like ode to joy for those niggers.
They're used to garbage, shouldn't be hard to impress them.

Yes, because I aint making faggot dubliner shit about literary shit because that shit doesn't make money.

And I want to make money so I can pick up some gold digger college teens, faggot.

>> No.21510532

>only care about money
>don't like literature
>posting long-winded and self-gratifying diatribe for which nobody asked
Why are you here again?

>> No.21510536

Film (like theater and opera) seems to do well as a composite form. It is the combination of music and photography (or music and dance/acting) that produces aesthetic value in film. With video game the failure in yielding worthwhile lies in its interaction with the consumer.

>> No.21510541

KEK now this is schizoposting

>> No.21510543

Is film an inferior language simply because is composite medium?

It's the best of anime shit inferior simply because is also a composite medium?

Are u stupid?

Are operas also an inferior composite medium?


>only care about money
No, but I am not a retard that makes pseud garbage to impress mitwits and some faggot college teachers because that shit is for broke niggas.

Making money is not bad, and why not make something that is technically good, but also commercially viable?

We live in a capitalist system, not your baroque 18 century system where some rich dude hired you to do mitwit high brown shit.

>Why are u here
to mock pseuds like you.

>> No.21510561

Leave it to the cross-posting "nigga" speaking troll to miss the entire point and still manage to find the confidence to call you a retard in the process. If you don't understand what someone means by something, it's a much better look to ask for clarification instead of blindly tossing around insults. It makes you seem really, really dumb.
Take this back to /v/, retard. Nobody here wants to read some inarticulate jungle bunny chucking spears in the general direction of the English language. It's hard to have a respectable position on Joyce when your ancestors never developed the wheel. Fuck off, nigger!

>> No.21510568
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you're too low IQ to mock me for ESL skills, and still not graps my argument.

I guess I am the retard then.

I want to make games, because at least gaymers, while subhuman, love to spend their welfare checks in their hobby.

Nobody buy books, It's a dead medium outside this board.
And specially, nobody but old boomers in some comunity college who love to smell their own mental farts even know or care about joyce.

Joyce is a meme for broke niggas who love to smell their own farts.

It's not a sustainable job to appeal to joyce niggas, because they don't have money from their minimal wage job, which is what 99% of literature majors can get.


>> No.21510575
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Also, I understood your point.

I simply have paralogia so you clearly assume I aint talking directly to your points.

>> No.21510585
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>Nobody here wants to read some inarticulate jungle bunny chucking spears in the general direction of the English language. It's hard to have a respectable position on Joyce when your ancestors never developed the wheel.
jesus fucking christ anon, you didn't have to murder him

>> No.21510588

>I simply have paralogia
literal schizo

>> No.21510590

retarded english only language speaker mocking me for ESL is always the most funny shit.

and what do you want me to do retard?

use the power of my friendship with anime girls to rewrite my brain structure?


>> No.21510602

My advice? Read it slowly, no more than 5 pages a day ( which will take you about one hour anyway, its finnegans wake) and read it with annotations, finwake.com is very helpful. There is so much stuff in every page for example the very first word:


river run
Reverend ( the letter, letter start)
rn or ren ( Name, part of the soul giving at birth, will live as long as the name is spoken)
ren (chinese. humanity)
reverons ( french. let us dream, we will be dreaming)

and this is only the first word, and even then only scratching the surface)

finnegans wake is probably the best book ever written, but no one will be able to claim it being so, because no one can claim to have read it.

>> No.21510608

Seems like a gimmick to me

>> No.21510616
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>A book that only has portmanteus is the best book written
Feels good to actually know how to write instead of being impressed by dictionary autism.

It's like when classical fags tell me harmonical autism checks in counterpoint is so amazing and dificult and much more impressive than doing shit in a DAW, and the retards don't know there's already a fucking plugin for musescore that does all the counterpoint calculations and checks automatically.

Jesus, I love being an artists and not just a consumer.

>> No.21510622

Pseud shite

>> No.21510625

You think so? I don't think Joyce wanted attention or cared about what others think. He called finnegans wake his "book of the dark". Writing for 17 years with little to no pay or fame. It doesnt get any more based than that.

Once you get over your ego, finnegans wake is pretty fun to read

>> No.21510629

If you like that sort of thing, so be it. It reminds me of the sort of postmodern literature that I was into in my early 20’s. I outgrew that phase and that style fails to impress or entertain me.

>> No.21510631

>le difficult = le bad
Maybe instead of being expected to getting spoon fed actually step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself?

>> No.21510638
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It's not impressive.

It's as impressive as some autist spending 17 years doing portamentaus using a bunch of dictionaries.

It's not dificult, I can teach a kid to do a portmanteu.
Joyce simply was an autist that learned a basic trick you learn in kid's literary classes and decided to spent 20 years using a single gimmick.

Is as impressive as any autist obssessing over something for 17 years.

But It's not the best book ever written.

The plot of the novel is just shit and lacks any proper character or any other shit I may be impressed.

funny how you think portmanteus are dificult when I can teach them to 8 year old kids.

>but mom, this word initial uses the same letter as this word in this language, then it does a basic wordplay with these another synonim in another language, then the ending of the word uses a chain of portmanteus of 3-5 languages
Is not dificult.
Just time consuming.

>> No.21510660

The Wake is more than just portmanteau. You keep repeating that as if it's a mantra. Regardless of the content, it is Joyce's masterclass on rhythm, flow, and literary beauty. Finwake is the last work of an author who spent his entire life trying to perfect the medium of writing. Your continued insistence that it's "just portmanteau" I'm sure feels like some sort of "gotcha" moment, but in reality just exposes how shallow your understanding is of not just English-language literature, but literature in general. There are qualities universal to all languages' literature is which you display categorically no knowledge.

Also, you are an ESL pretending you have a respectable opinion on one of the most nuanced works of English language fiction while displaying a fifth grader's command thereof. Just stop. Whatever you're trying to accomplish here, it's not working. You know video games and anime. You know nothing about literature, but for some reason seem intent on trying to convince people who love the medium that you have more grounding than we do. It's ludicrous.