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/lit/ - Literature

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21508609 No.21508609 [Reply] [Original]

Why is cinema not viewed as intellectual and cultured as literature? They essentially explore the same topics, like love, war, humor, death, relationships, politics, except in cinema you are able to immerse yourself more due to the additional sensory input of sound and sight, while when reading books you only have the text and nothing else.

>> No.21508617
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Because the greatest film is just a ripoff of Mrs Dalloway, a mediocre book

>> No.21508630

They explore the same topics with less depth. Next.

>> No.21508637

Because movie directors are failed pornographers and writers, failed novelists.

>> No.21508676

as you get away from literature entertainment genres get more and more pleby: basically on scale of intellectual prestige: literature > art > cinima > video games

>> No.21508695
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It's funny. Films are washed down books that simplify everything and can't be made without money and has go turn a profit. So it only conveys the most basic themes and when it sticks to the strong suits of its medium, it is only appreciated by buffs who ultimately don't make enough of the consumer base for it to be successful.

Then you get to videogames which are mostly poorly imitated movies, but you don't need money to make a game similarly to writing a book. And games that actually utilize the medium of interactivity, its fantastic.

Films really are the lowest of the low.

>> No.21508702

film isn't an intellectual medium

>> No.21508709

it takes money to make a movie and that means having to take money from others and they suddenly want to change the direction of the movie so now it's no longer the original idea

>> No.21508710

films are shit because the original idea needs to pass the hurdles of financing, talent and practicability first before it even starts taking its final shape. and once that is done, you still have to convince a lobby consisting of people with names like weinstein, rifkin and kaplan that the values your product embodies is in line ith theirs.

>> No.21508714


>> No.21508719

Less depth but more feeling

>> No.21508728

Art is not about how it it makes you feel.

>> No.21508735

Which is why art is irrelevant now

>> No.21508748

that picture pisses me off

>> No.21508749

>capeshit pic
>taking this bait

So mad it won S&S because now I have to watch it eventually and it looks awful

>> No.21508757

I saw it on Saturday. I actually really enjoyed it.

>> No.21508789

According to who?

>> No.21508799

It's actually not bad, but it's nowhere near the number one spot. The whole list is massively compromised. Watching Film Critics try to twist themselves in knots justifying a list they know is bullshit is just painful

>> No.21508802

and bfi commits seppuku

>> No.21508805

The whole world
It's not hard to see
It's easy to say "art is not about how it makes you feel" but then don't expect people to care about art

>> No.21508811

It shocks me that there are movie watches that feel superior to other movie watchers.

>> No.21508815

How is this a question? It's common sense that a book which requires 50 hours of reading will explore something with significantly greater depth than a movie with a 2 hour runtime.