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/lit/ - Literature

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21507682 No.21507682 [Reply] [Original]

any good alternative to this piece of bloatware?

>> No.21507708

I use Lithium

>> No.21507809

ReadEra or Google Play Books for Android, IceCream for Windows.

>> No.21507842

I just use basic command line tools and the file system itself. Don't get much in the way of metadata that way but it would not be difficult to do if you need it, the most basic shell scripting is all you need and you could probably do it with aliases instead.

>> No.21507952

Just store the files in a folder. Name the books how you like using meta data

>> No.21507972

Thorium Reader off of the Microsoft Store is super lightweight with changeable fonts and layout. It's the best I've found.

>> No.21507975

it's the only way anon

>> No.21508678

There was a plugin that removes amazon drm but I never got it to work.

Anyone have something like this?

>> No.21509790

What is your problem with it? I've cracked over two thousand Amazon books with that plugin.

>> No.21509821

Seconded. Great app for reading. Has actually reduced my 4chan/discord usage significantly (not completely, obviously)

>> No.21510269

Can you buy ebooks from Amazon, remove the DRM so you have your own copy and then return the ebook?

>> No.21510274

Yeah, I did it once with a textbook, I'm not sure if you can get away with it long-term. I use it mostly to remove DRM from Kindle Unlimited books.

>> No.21511431

just block it from accessing the internet and shut it down before you connect your eink reader (copy manually, in explorer)

>> No.21512279

Bloatware is absolutely the wrong word for Calibre.

>> No.21512619

Use the portable and Delete everything other than the reader program.

>> No.21512886

Yes that's the only reason I use Calibre, I don't use it to read epubs.

>> No.21513364

The retarded currycel who maintains this piece of shit just can't keep his hands off of it. The horizon of subcontinental programming is spaghetti code.

>> No.21513535

I'm NEET with too much time to spare. I'm thinking about making an ebook management app like calibre. If i ask you what features you want or don't want in it, what are those?

>> No.21513548

You guys know you don't HAVE to update it everytime, right?
It keeps working fine in whatever version you are in, just ignore the warnings.
Or does your autism prevents it?

>> No.21513550 [DELETED] 

Go back to /g/


>> No.21513602
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- editor
- converter
- any feature requiring internet connectivity
+ cool winamp-style skins

>> No.21513629

it should be able to obtain metadata from several sources
it should be able to extract notes and highlights from your e-reader and add them to the corresponding e-book in your library
if you include a reader function then add a dictonary function based on google translate

that's it, really

>> No.21514016

umm based

>> No.21514746

what I want is a reader app that can ACCURATELY track when a book was "last read"
I don't mean when I last clicked it, thus updating the date immediately, I mean when I actually read through it from cover to cover. I hate when I last read a book X years ago, and then I open it once to find a single page, and it says "last read: 0 days ago"

>> No.21514826


>> No.21515007 [DELETED] 

How do you expect it to track that?
Should it wait X number of minutes with the book opened to update the "read" status? Then what if you leave it open?
Should it wait until you've turned X pages? Then what if you are skimming through looking for something?
Should it have a button that lets you manually update the last read time? What a hassle!

>> No.21515340

>make Appsheet app
>name, author, tags
>connect it with an Excel/Google sheet

>> No.21515348

>Install Calibre
>Can't delete PDFs from Kindle
>Delete books from Kindle on Calibre but they just get greyed out on the Kindle
>Go to convert epub to mobi and send new books.
>Send to Kindle
>Books were not converted, do not show up on Kindle.

I could have just dragged and dropped them this software is a pile of shit and no one can convince me otherwise.

>> No.21515357

i like calibre

retard, it is not official kindle app, be glad they made possible to send books on kindle by wire, without calibre you would be buying them for $15,99 a book

>> No.21515478

so, calibre is probably going to get banned at some point, eh

>> No.21515673

>piece of bloatware?
Did neo-/g/ teach you that, OP?

>> No.21515709

Are you an idiot. You can literally plug in the Kindle and use it as a USB drive and drag books into it.

Calibre is almost useless imo, unless you want metadata, but half the time it can't even find that so what's the point.

>> No.21515804
File: 3.02 MB, 2024x2652, FmI1Ch_aUAA5daj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second biggest use-case for Calibre, after being a digital library on your computer, is just to use its tools for conversion and ebook management (DRM removal, etc). Like >>21507842 pointed out, you can do this through the command line (https://manual.calibre-ebook.com/generated/en/cli-index.html)) if you don't want to deal with a GUI (like no sane person does).
Your Kindle does not read some formats like EPUB by default. Others, like PDF, can be heavily improved through just a little effort. Calibre is the simplest, most hassle-free and accurate open source conversion tool out there, with very good presets for almost every ereader on the market.

>> No.21515816
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no, /lit/