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21503563 No.21503563 [Reply] [Original]

>I love Yukio Mishima

>> No.21503578
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I know a girl who loves him and is annoying as fuck, tries to be le super quirky (moves her fingers like she’s conducting when she hears classical music, actually tried reading a book on WWI, not even a novel but a history book). She is trying to write plays based on “if the Godfather were adapted by Shakespeare”

>> No.21503580

Actually *cried while reading

>> No.21503589

Stop judging women. Same fucking thing as laughing at a blind man for not being able to read your shirt.

>> No.21503602


>> No.21503652

Fuck her

>> No.21503656

Literally are figuratively?

>> No.21503664

Like nut in her mouth and pussy after a cute lil dinner

>> No.21503755


>> No.21503809

Say sike rn nigga holy fuck lmfao

>> No.21503867

based sperg

>> No.21503889

after 4 hours of swiping left on "ask me where to get the best french fries in portland!!!" cardboard cutouts i would take this crazy retard bitch in a heartbeat

>> No.21503905

>I know a girl who loves him
what a strange larp
ex boyfriend perhaps?

>> No.21503907

I'd date her. She sounds like she could be fun to hang out with

>> No.21503945
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Incredibly based if not literally autistic

>> No.21504057

Idk she asked me to tell her a secret I never told anyone before and she would tell me one so I told her I sometimes go a week without showering and she told me she’s a virgin but she whispered it in my ear and started laughing afterwards so I wasn’t sure if she’s serious.

>> No.21504102

Mishima sucks. Get taste.

>> No.21504118

Anon if you don’t fuck her I will haunt you dreams. Just go to the park and make out with her

>> No.21504141

>she told me she’s a virgin but she whispered it in my ear and started laughing afterwards so I wasn’t sure if she’s serious
probably part of the image she's trying to project
she got these interests from someone and it wasn't herself

>> No.21504147

Her dad is really into opera and samurai so maybe from him, who knows

>> No.21504177

that's certainly preferable to the alternative
i'm guilty of assuming girls have poor relationships with their father until proven otherwise

>> No.21504193

I have no idea about her relationship with him because I have never seen him and she’s going to school away from him but she talks about him a lot and sometimes in very grating detail like how he likes his coffee and how he gets his hair cut and how they ate pancakes together every morning

>> No.21504227

sounds like you may have your answer to >>21504057

>> No.21504466
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you must inmediatly engage in impregnation
then have sex with his dad

>> No.21504495

Nothing more cringe than this type of normie name dropping. Expecting more threads of this type as the most Insufferable type of zoomer migrates in ever increasing numbers

>> No.21504502

attractive people can get away with anything and make other people think it's cool so all you are really saying is this chick is ugly

>> No.21504815

you get what you deserve

>> No.21504844

She unironically sounds sweet, I would date her

>> No.21504955

I would say she is very odd looking but not in an ugly way just odd and freckly but could be quite fetching if she would fuss more about her looks, instead she dresses in things like very baggy work pants and has messy hair and and baggy sweaters with holes in them, so that one doesn’t find her anywhere near as enticing as one would if she dressed more feminine and bothered with her hair and all that.

>> No.21504998

is that a line from that movie? which character says it?

>> No.21505087
File: 140 KB, 914x1706, 6EA21794-54B0-49B9-9198-7B0761B24311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember I just got out of a kinokuniya in NYC and sat across a park with my newly purchased collection of Mishima books. It was a good feeling as this was my first time in the big city and I felt quite ambitious and invigorated, doubly so as I began to remember the passion of Mishima works. As I sat there admiring the cover of the temple of golden pavilion, I saw a cute Asian girl from across another bench looking at me book in hand. I never had much luck with women because I lacked experience and confidence, after reading sun and steel I had gotten quite fit and fairly well groomed and dressed, so this was my first opportunity ever. The second time she turned we locked eyes and I shyly looked away. I decided it would be pathetic of me to not at least try so I struck a conversation and we talked about each other’s books. I began to describe in great detail about the life of Mishima and she was struck with great shock but luckily this manifested as an interest so she seemed to enjoy the conversation and so did I. We decided to walk around the city and she showed me her campus and some other cool scenic spots. She said it was getting late and I didn’t want to make it awkward so I volunteered to leave. We embraced each other, hugging and saying our goodbyes. Looking back had I been more confident I would’ve really sealed the deal probably stayed the night with her but I was too nervous. If you’re reading this Lynn, thank you for making me feel not disgusted with myself for once, thank you for bearing with my lengthy explanations. Mishima was my first step in getting a gf unironcially. Pic related is me

>> No.21505124

she sounds based honestly

>> No.21505353

>If you're reading this Lynn

>"Hey Lynn, remember that sperg who followed you around the city all day? He's posting naked pictures on 4chan right now!"

>> No.21505362


>> No.21505370

>actually tried reading a book on WWI, not even a novel but a history book
I don't get it, what is this supposed to signify?

>> No.21505373

He meant cried not tried

>> No.21505421

Sounds like a cool girl.

>> No.21505452

>moves her fingers like she's conducting when she hears classical music
tfw no autistic gf

>> No.21505454

Kek I laughed ngl

>> No.21506930

where do i begin with mishima? what's his magnum opus?

>> No.21507077 [SPOILER] 
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Good prose and themes but I can't stand the morbid perversion his charas has for women. Imho it's a really asian thing.

>> No.21507079

I strarted with the story Patriotism, which worked. Thought the magnum opus would be The Sea of Fertility, but it fizzled out in later volumes

>> No.21507088

She sounds cute. Did you bang her?

>> No.21507097


>> No.21507099


>> No.21507107

My man, your drill is the drill that can pierce the heavens. Humanity, fuck yeah! Go for it.
Man I want to die so bad, I wish I was never born at all. HAHAHAHA

>> No.21507112

Autistic behavior is so repulsive, even in text

>> No.21507267

she sounds cringe but everyone is cringe so sh's based.

>> No.21507292

Based autist girl. Would date.

>> No.21507316

Start with "My Friend Hitler".

>> No.21507322

TAFS listener detected

>> No.21508620

I'd feel uncomfortable around her but she doesn't sound like a bad person, don't judge her

>> No.21510095

Get better taste.

>> No.21510110
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please tell me her name address and phone number

>> No.21510131
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>I love Heihachi Mishima

>> No.21510141

You literally post frogs on 4chan motherfucker who are you to judge others.

>> No.21510160
