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21500895 No.21500895 [Reply] [Original]

Silenus: My dearest friends, let us now engage,
In a debate of wit, a verbal page.
I say, my ale is the best by far,
Its rich, bold flavor can't be topped by a star.

Aegir: Oh please, Silenus, don't be absurd,
Wine is the drink that should be preferred.
Its smooth, refined taste is unmatched,
A drink to be enjoyed, fully dispatched.

Bacchus: Yes, wine is a drink that's truly grand,
It's the drink of kings, as we all understand.
Its complex flavors and aromas delight,
A drink to be savored and enjoyed with sight.

Dionysus: Plus, wine has a certain je ne sais quoi,
It's a drink that can make any evening aglow.
Its sophisticated air is hard to beat,
A drink that's truly refined and complete.

Nephthys: But beer has a charm that cannot be beat,
It's a drink that's always ready for a seat.
Its rich, malty flavor is oh so fine,
A drink that's truly divine.

Ninkasi: Plus, beer is a drink for the masses,
Wine is just for the high classes.
Its simplicity and ease is hard to ignore,
A drink that's always in high demand, never a bore.

Silenus: That may be true, Ninkasi, but beer can be just as grand,
It's a drink that's loved by people from every land.
Its versatility and adaptability make it a clear winner,
A drink that's always a hit, never a sinner.

Aegir: But wine has a certain sophistication and flair,
A drink to be savored with care.
Its complex flavors and aromas are a delight,
A drink that's meant to be enjoyed in the bright light.

Bacchus: Plus, wine has a rich history and tradition,
A drink that's revered and mentioned.
Its art and craft are truly divine,
A drink that's truly one of a kind.

Dionysus: In the end, it is a matter of taste,
But I stand by my belief that wine is truly the best in the race.
Its refinement and sophistication cannot be beat,
A drink that's truly a culinary treat.

Nephthys: And I stand by my belief that beer is the drink of the masses,
A drink that brings joy and happiness.
Its simplicity and ease are hard to ignore,
A drink that's always in high demand, never a bore.

Ninkasi: No matter which drink we choose,
We are all friends, that's what's most important, let's raise a toast, no excuse!
Let's raise a glass and enjoy each other's presence,
Regardless of personal preference.
Here's to friendship, a bond so true,
Cheers to all of us, here's to you!