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/lit/ - Literature

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21499261 No.21499261 [Reply] [Original]

Why is British literature so fucking shit from 1945-1999? Besides George Orwell, it's a fucking desert until you get to Ian McEwan and Kazuo Ishiguro.

>> No.21499277

1984 is so fucking boring

>> No.21499291

> it's a fucking desert
More like you don't know the good shit. You only go by fame.

>> No.21499293

>Graham Swift
>AS Byatt
>John Fowles
>Martin Amis
>Kingsley Amis
>John Braine
>Anthony Burgess
>Salman Rushdie
>Angela Carter

I could go on. Come on, dude. We all know Orwell is overrated as fuck and the only reason why you read him is because you're a pseud faggot who can't read anything that isn't cookie cutter, paint by numbers literature.

>> No.21499295

>American seething because his country hasn't produced anything worth reading

Same old story

>> No.21499318

Saturday Night & Sunday Morning by Alan Sillitoe is good

>> No.21499319

Flashman series
Clockwork Orange

>> No.21499320

UK died in ww2

>> No.21499374

Never heard of JG Ballard?

>> No.21499381

yeah this is the big name he’s forgetting

>> No.21499393

only ballard I liked was high-rise and I read most of his stuff

>> No.21499535

Angry Young Men come to mind
You didn't like Crash? It was the first "adult" (both in content and target audience) book I ever read, so it has a soft spot in my heart. Crash is my favorite novel of his, probably because it is the least novel-like. Atrocity Exhibition and his short stories are his best works.

>> No.21499726

1984 is normie retards that want to larp as being intelligent

>> No.21499747

Why are you using Orwell's only boring and irrelevant novel to convince others that he's a good writer? He's the most important postwar writer by a mile, but not based on that lousy book.