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21498023 No.21498023 [Reply] [Original]

What are some decent non meme improover books (time management, procrastination, habits, goals - but also philosophical works that deal with improvement - as søy as this sounds)

I started my improver journey weeks ago and I'm obsessed with improoving. After falling for the neet meme I forced myself out of my loop of degenerate habits by looking for jobs and got one chance. Now I want to make the most out of it and fix some of the thing which I neglected during my aimless neet days

>> No.21498040

If you live in the west/white countries and work then you're a cuck
The government will replace you with immigrants and refugees

>> No.21498050

The Tales of the Mighty Dead

>> No.21498128
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Initially I actually wanted to be a patrician neet but in reality I havent managed to do anything meaningful besides finishing a few pages turners
All my plans to sharpen up my prog skills and/or do some certs fell into the water due to the shitty habits I developed (sleeping till 12 am, hourlong shallow web browsing, hourlong sessions with my smartphone in the bed)
It got to the point that even writing an application letter seemed like a massive chore/herculean task and I have been putting it off for months

Therefore I would rather wage for now and get some skills,and not vegetate away in my room month for month and becoming more and more pic related. Sometime in the future I will definitely take some months off, but as for now I need to git gud at something and my current job gives me at least one possibility.

>> No.21498140

I plan to livestream myself make a pro-neet anti american speech then commit seppuku
In a few years

>> No.21498239

Why would you kill yourself in a few years, as opposed to now? You've put a time limit on your life, you seem content with that, so why not do it now? Not baiting honest question

>> No.21498286

Its a cope desu gives me a sense of control when i don't have any

>> No.21498330

Dopamine Nation by Anna lembke, Jihad Al Akbar by Sayyid Ruhollah Khomeini. If you didn't know, jihad Al Akbar (greatest jihad) refers to the jihad of self improvement, so you might find guidance in studying it.

>> No.21498349

Self-Improvement books are largely not helpful. People get all caught up in the willpower/discipline aspect of things, or deliberating over what it means to be a put together person. Just read books about topics you know you need or are interested in and follow through.

>Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need
by Grant Sabatier
>Strength Training Anatomy
>Overcoming Gravity
>Mastering the Art of French Cooking
>Radical, Self-Reliant Gardening

>> No.21498920


How to talk better:
>Stories that Stick by (K. Hall)
>Crucial Conversations (by Grenny et. al.)

How to be a better Christian:
>The Epistle of James (by James the half-brother of Jesus Christ)

"But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?" - James 2:20

>> No.21499694

The only two useful self-help books I’ve encountered are psycho cybernetics and how to win friends and influence people

>> No.21499716

I've done all of that but the bench press and I don't consider myself an "improover". Is this supposed to be impressive?
I can't believe you wasted your NEET days. Worthless NEETs should really be shot, frankly I'd kill you if I could NEET for another year.

Anyway, the manga Goblin Slayer Year One for building a mindset. Yes, I'm serious, it unironically changed my life.

>> No.21499745

diet and supplements are the actual game changers. Ultramind solution (get it on libgen) covers most of the fundamentals. I don't think people should do SS because of the deadlift and cleans bullshit which most people fuck up.

In this short guide I will teach you an exact steps to stop the long and short term causes of depression. Do every step. It'll take about two months and under $150 dollars to do it

>Start out with a 3 day fast.
Drink green tea to reduce hunger and stop headaches. You can also take black coffee to induce autophagy (3 cups max) This will induce autophagy after the first 24 hours and lower inflammation
>Begin the modified GAPS diet for 3 days
Drink only bone broth or gelatin mixed with beef stock if you can't get that. This will strengthen your gut wall if you have leaky gut syndrome
>Try to cut out sugar alcohol drugs and minimize wheat and unfermented dairy product for the duration of your recovery.
>Eat fermented products. Probiotic pills are garbage but prebiotics aren't. Gut is a huge component of mental health

Easymodo depper protocol
St John's wort
450mg twice a day
>works as good as a SSRI
Cod Liver oil from a legit source
2200g or 5000iu a and 800 iu d. Do not take more as you can overdose on vit a
>helps corrects omega 3/6/9 imbalances which cause inflammation
300mg over the day
>raises serotonin
Ashwaghanda extract
600mg, possibly higher
>you won't have anxiety
Take NAC at 1800mg dosage for about 20 days (two morning one at night) - powerful antioxidant that will stop OCD and treat most psychiatric disorders. Do not take NAC for longer than a month - potential carcinogen. Drink ample water, preferably filtered. If your dopamine feels weird lower the 5-htp/st John's wort dosages. Generally speaking you should be taking higher dosages of all supplements to see real as opposed to subtle results. If you are still struggling take black seed oil

>> No.21499786
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>> No.21499800

>Drink ample water
That's how you overhydrate and undermine yourself. You need electrolytes as well, not just water. Potassium, sodium and magnesium supplements for brainmaxxing are essential.

>> No.21499810

>drink water because the NAC will cause you to piss out toxins from your brain and body
>u mean u want anon to die???

>> No.21499823

I am talking about in general. This stupid NAC bullshit is better not taken if he is lacking electrolytes. Electrolytes are essential for proper brain health.

>> No.21499825

what exactly is your problem with NAC now?

>> No.21499831

Nothing, but if you are suggesting he drink plenty of water then likewise tell him to get enough electrolytes.

>> No.21500705

>doesn't bench lmao 2.5 plates
>life changed by a chinese cartoon
Like pottery

>> No.21500716
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>downregulating your 5-AR and corticosteroids by taking a gram of St. John's Wort a day
>Slurping on rancid PUFAs and raising serotonin and tryptophan, instead of lowering them
>unironically recommeding Ashwaghanda
Jesus Christ, this is the worst supplement advice I've ever seen on this website. Don't post this vile shit here again, you fucking retard

>> No.21500723

What’s yours anon?

>> No.21500733
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this one is the best I have read
do not get atomic habits and deep work, they are garbage written by journalists who cite pop culture and random managers instead of studies

>> No.21500745

you sound like the fags who were telling me ashwaghanda and 5-htp are literally poisons. These are all within recommended dosage limits

>> No.21500777


take it for what it is, compilation of all my notes that im planning on marketing

>> No.21501672

>stumble on the man of inaction meme 5 weeks ago
>take it as a sign to try and leave the rut
>really trying. every day at a time
>stumble on this shit meme
Fuck synchronicity and fuck this website.

>> No.21501693

Qrd on deep work? Thanks senpie

>> No.21501694

lurk more then or go back (recommended)

>> No.21501699

improvement is a meme
the only way to enlightenment is through pure degeneration
consider dr jekyll and mr hyde
we all know nobody cared for jekyll, and hyde will have glory for a thousand years
when in doubt, choose evil

>> No.21501716

That’s why you work, so you can gain money to either prep for the collapse of the west, or buy a house for you and your family in a safe country.

>> No.21501728

Not meme?

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Prince
The Art of War
The Book of Five Rings
The Five Ages of the Universe
Discourses on Livy
The Myth of Sisyphus

The best way to succeed in life is to have the proper mindset, the proper mindset being that there are no rules, no limitations, and that you do literally anything to meet your goals.

>> No.21501920

post body

>> No.21501929

>the proper mindset being that there are no rules, no limitations, and that you do literally anything to meet your goals
And how does Leviathan fit in here? Hobbes tells you to always obey the king, even when what he says is bad.
You've never read any of these books, have you?