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/lit/ - Literature

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21497498 No.21497498 [Reply] [Original]

Reddit has a better top 100 than /lit/

Is it over?

>> No.21497518

That list is almost identical to our list.

>> No.21497523

Reddit is failing so hard that you have thousands od their shill posts every day on 4chan, including this one.

>> No.21497525


My list is better than reddits and /lit/s so I don't really care.

>> No.21497533

there are like 50 people on that subreddit

>> No.21497542

You retards know that truelit is where 4chan fags from lit assemble when they use reddit. That it's the same people as here and they just made their subreddit

>> No.21497558

Not really. Most of nu-/lit/ comes from r/redscarepod

>> No.21497579

Pretty much identical, just replace philosophy with token women and negroes representation. Also it has been the same few women and negroes for years now, which makes me believe that for all the talk about the canon being too white male centric those other groups really do not have that much to offer after all

>> No.21497592


>> No.21497596
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Pretty boring. But I like that there's some more contemporary stuff on here.
Come on Reddit, get over it already.

>> No.21497616

>no Homer
>no Aeniad
ngmi reddit bros...

>> No.21497617

>no bible

>> No.21497619

r/truelit is just /lit/ rejects (trannies)

>> No.21497629

>anglo cringefest
No, thanks.

>> No.21497634

We have The Bible, Iliad, and Odyssey. They have Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, and Middlemarch. We are not the same.

>> No.21497692

>We have The Bible, Iliad, and Odyssey.
>We are not the same.
True, but I said "almost identical".

>> No.21497696

/lit/ users don't read, not even the posts they're replying to

>> No.21497718

Wuthering heights and middlemarch are on /lit/'s list as well. As they should since they are great

>> No.21497739

Infinite Jest is in their top 10. Maybe all the manhating femoids here emigrated from reddit.

>> No.21497752

Yes, it's not almost identical, it's superficially identical and fundamentally different

>> No.21497814

>it's superficially identical and fundamentally different
Encapsulates Reddit's and 4chan's differences perfectly.

>> No.21497827

Both are wrong, redscare would be too spicy for nulit, they gather in their own bookclub sub. Nulit is mostly the r/Pynchon mods (anarchists), MFAcels (women), and r/books and r/bookscriclejerk (redditors), truly a damned place.

>> No.21497841

Is Virginia Wolf that good or is reddit just being reddit because we need women in top lists and shit ?

>> No.21497845

Nearly illiterate, recessed-chin losers who wish they were smart enough to post on stupidpol without getting bullied

>> No.21497848

Post /lit/'s list.

>> No.21497862

Are they still pretending that Freddie de Boer isn't just another Democrat?

>> No.21497885

now post the r/books one

>> No.21497924

True. I actually voted in this poll kek

>> No.21497925

She's good, but you are correct that she makes the list mostly for that reason most likely

>> No.21497935


>> No.21497942

Pretty much the same except they add niggers (Morrison, Elison, Baldwin), more women (Austen, Woolf), comics (lmao, Watchmen) and remove the Bible. Pretty much representative of Reddit.

>> No.21497947

Book of the New Sun: Reddit
Gormenghast trilogy: 4chan

>> No.21497967

Kys christcuck

>> No.21497973

No Dickens and no Twain. We need to claim them next year, bros.

>> No.21497975

Seething Peakcuck. Botns always places higher than gormenshit even on 4chan. Hahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.21497976

Go back

>> No.21497986

Thanks to the redditors from /sffg/. Gormenghast is 4chan's unique taste.

>> No.21498000
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I now respect your list.

>> No.21498001

it's a meme spammed by you and some other discord trannies

>> No.21498006

why do they accept comics? lmao

>> No.21498015

It's talked about by gentlemen of good taste here.

>> No.21498049

comics are literarture, so are video games and tweets

>> No.21498054
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>> No.21498056

and men are women, sis.

>> No.21498066

because NYT accepted it as a novel in their 25 best novels of all time or something

I agree that it's fucking good and in general a better piece of fiction than some of the list but it's wacky to have it in there

>> No.21498167
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>it's fucking good

>> No.21498170

agree, it's a good comic but I've always seen comics as another medium.

>> No.21498208

based redditors spotter

>> No.21498220

this but unironically

>> No.21498226

truelit on reddit is lit with 50% more trannies and 99.9% less guénon shitposters

>> No.21498234

sounds like a net positive

>> No.21498238

it is. desu this board has become unusable

>> No.21498303

Please don't come back! Bye!

>> No.21498331

>hey.. ms puff.. it's me, spongebob

>> No.21498597
File: 566 KB, 1043x1601, Watchmen p32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe read it and find out

>> No.21498628

It's shit

>> No.21498632

it's a good comic but comics belong elsewhere

>> No.21498634

Captcha: KYSKYN

>> No.21498652

captcha told you to kys lmao

>> No.21498684

Haven't read Derviš i smrt yet, but it's nice to see something from balkans making the list

>> No.21498691

this but genuinly
Wolfe is way better than Vance

>> No.21498700

>Is it over?
Their list has been better for the past 3 years at least. This is not new.

>> No.21498702

Wolfe is a hack.

>> No.21498707

Maybe you should stay there

>> No.21498722

Having a better list is not enough of a reason for me to use a site as shit as reddit

>> No.21498723

>divine comedy not in the top 25
>trendy shit like white noise
>comics (lmao)
our list is better

>> No.21498731

You have to go back.

>> No.21498779

classic lit is a genre for women. If you're not having fun reading you're wasting your time

>> No.21498792

>implying classics aren't fun

>> No.21498815

the vast majority of what I've read are not. Usually they are longwinded, focused on human social dramas (it's a genre for women), and terribly dry. People read these things because of the aura of them being canonized and to look sophisticated, not because they are entertaining

>> No.21498825 [DELETED] 


>> No.21498827

>smart people read nonfiction
>pseuds read classics
>leddit reads social commentary

>> No.21498833

Good thing reddit so graciously included comic books this year. Those should be more your speed anon

>> No.21498839

I've stopped pretending and basically just read adventure genre fantasy/sci-fi when I'm in the mood for fiction. High adventure page-turners are the defacto masculine form of literature

>> No.21498843

Maybe your classics are different from mine but I've found them quite entertaining and certainly better than the preachy marxist shit of today or the tedious genre fiction where if you read one you're read them all.

>> No.21498847

She's genuinely one of the best writers of all time. To the Lighthouse is a masterpiece

>> No.21498857

I also love Gormenghast. Wolfefags will genuinely never stop coping when people rightfully point out that their trilogy is worse. You could try all day and fail to provide a passage from BoTNS that's better written than a random passage I could pull from any of the Gormenghast novels

>> No.21498894

Can't tell if you are trolling or not haha

>> No.21498897

The appeal of wolfe has never been in his writing. People like the series as they like finding out about dark souls lore. The discovery that a lake being described is actually an artificial lake behind a dilapidated dam is the height of intellectual stimulation that fans of the series get out of the books. /sffg/ nerds simply reason in a completely different way than the rest of the board and should honestly stay confined to their general but alas

>> No.21499022

>brothers karamazov not in top 3
>blood meridian that high
>anna karenina that high when half of it is soap drama shit

>> No.21499383

Being this retarded should be illegal

>> No.21499860

>don quijote in 38
also, why bécquer in the cover of picture on dorian gray? here in spain everyone knows him, how popular is he outside?

>> No.21500921

The German picks on this Top 100 are very strange. 3x Kafka, 2x Sebald.
I get that the anglo-saxons like Kafka but this is hilarious.

>> No.21501241

>No Mein Kampf
>No Bible
>No Quran
What a worthless list

>> No.21501268

>american school curriculum, the list

>> No.21501276
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No Gilgamesh
No Beowulf
No Dracula
No Homer

Crappy American pop books.

>> No.21501290

Post the latest /lit/ list

>> No.21501294


>> No.21501307

>the divine comedy at 66
Anglophones being retarded as usual

>> No.21501365

>The appeal of wolfe has never been in his writing.
Sure it has. If you ask people what they like about Wolfe, what they will generally say is they like his writing, because his writing is excellent. He was a master at writting first person novels where it consistently speaks as the person writing it, depending on the mental condition, upbringing, likes and dislikes and so on of the character. He can go from heroic young warriors to insane schizos naturally and always authentically.
>You could try all day and fail to provide a passage from BoTNS that's better written than a random passage I could pull from any of the Gormenghast novels
Even if that was true, a novel is not simply the quality of the prose. There's a lot of things to enjoy in his works. Which is also true for Gormenghast, the novel is not simply the prose. It's a good work because of its other qualities as well.
New Sun is on both because it's, like it or not, a work many people who read literature enjoy a lot.

>> No.21501388
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Yep that's Reddit alright

>> No.21501393
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>> No.21501405
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>> No.21501445

Too many Americans

>> No.21501462

And worse, its the only poetry on the list, which speaks volumes about how seriously we should take it

>> No.21501495

Poetry today is no longer a form which people really write, publish and read much. Even those who read a lot are generally not going to be reading much of it.

>> No.21501514

>r/truelit is just /lit/ rejects (people who left when the twitterphilosophyzoomers (Evola, Land, Fisher, Guenon + catholicism) took over)
There, fixed.

>> No.21501533

>americans on first and second place
Just fucking lol.
>Wallace on tenth place
Just even more fucking lol, oh you 22 year olds and your misunderstood souls.
>Three (arguably four) americans in top 10
And they did not even include the singular one that MIGHT deserve it
>Remains of the Day is superior to Hamlet
Just kys.
>Le Great Gatsby even on the list
Real high school hours
>The Last Samurai
Just stop
>Macbeth is the second Shakespeare on there
Reeaaaal fucking high school hours
>Catcher in the Rye
I feel dirty at this point.
>Finnegans Wake
This is like the perfect encapsulation of the spirit of /lit/ - underdeveloped, early twenties taste, which is fine, if it weren't for the desperate attempt to hide it behind a haughty elitism.
Just stop being such faggots god

>> No.21501558

I’m sure your average 22 year old zoomer has the attention span to read IJ or any of Wallace’s writing

>> No.21501561

>Wow 2 books from Calvino!
>the wrong ones
Reddit never change

Also i expected more from eco, the most reddit-like writer

>> No.21501563

Well, yes, that's what the anon said. The Catholics chased the trannies away.

>> No.21501568

Where the fuck is the illiad and the odyssey? Are reddit fags retarded?

>> No.21501575

>No Vittorini
>fucking Eco

Reddit retardation as usual

>> No.21501594
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I miss my friends

>> No.21501625

> they can only read Calvino in translation


you don't get to be patrician unless you've mastered at least 2 latinate languages.

>> No.21501635

Go back

>> No.21501640

>>Macbeth is the second Shakespeare on there
What's wrong with this?

>> No.21501644

Ancient texts are problematic.

>> No.21501656

It's the "I liked these 5 books the most" probably and I reckon it didn't make it in the top 5 for most. It's not really a "I think these are 5 best books ever" list.

>> No.21501659

Kys christcuck

>> No.21501717

Uma delicia

>> No.21501731

sopa de Coelho

>> No.21501743


>> No.21501788

Of course they do, they'll just dose up on adderall. I read it at 22. Everyone I know who has read it read it at 21-22. I, and everyone I know who have read it, agree that it only appears as a GOAT book if you read at that point of - spiritually speaking - late adolesence.

Arguably (easily, honestly) Lear is superior, as is the Tempest, as are several of the problem plays. Macbeth is fine. It is also often assigned reading in high school classes because it not particularly difficult or deep, and the time constraints of a single module in a high school class lends itself well to watching the Polanski adaptation, in lieu of seeing the play performed live, which is not feasible for most schools.

>> No.21501803

What makes the Tempest superior?

>> No.21501826

Metatextuality abounds in the Tempest, an expression of reflective activity also found in Hamlet's musings, in a manner that heralds the coming of modernity, and for that reason, it is more interesting than a mere compelling narrative, such as Macbeth - especially as the Tempest has this as well.

>> No.21501840

>Canned corn
I don't get it

>> No.21501845

What's the metatextuality in Tempest?

>> No.21501849

no you faggot its a fun story about a wizard..

>> No.21501850

This desu

>> No.21501891

the catholics were here before the twitter invasion

>> No.21501945

If you don't read much poetry, you don't read a lot

>> No.21502011

I'll have you known I read hundreds of poem of the day threads

>> No.21502122

The catholics that were here before were less insufferable. They had interesting opinions on aesthetics and theology - the majority of the current batch are just the /pol/crowd in a pompous disguise, calling things "sinful" instead of "bluepilled", but with equal lack of thought.

>> No.21502139

>The catholics that were here before were less insufferable.
I just came back to lit after a long break, maybe 4 years of not posting. It's pretty much the same. I'm shilling more or less similar authors and so is everyone else. Although there's more people pretending to know something about Aquinas.

>> No.21502242

You simply didn't read the post you replied to.

>> No.21502274

You're iliterate

>> No.21502289

it looks largely the same but otherwise worse in every way

>> No.21502705

i know right, they really are ngmi

>> No.21502886

>No Bakker


>> No.21502907

I don't care about post-2012 4chan collective opinion

>> No.21502932

>suttree and blood meridian higher than the road

Suttree has Cormac's best writing but is his worst book.

Blood Meridian is close to but just doesn't touch the sparse mastery of The Road.

Evoke the forms.