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/lit/ - Literature

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21495878 No.21495878 [Reply] [Original]

why are like 99% of the novs discussed written like 20+ years ago? do you guys not read any recently released books?

>> No.21495883

More old classics to get through than new stuff that could possibly be as good.
If you haven't read everything, then what're you gonna choose? Some old classic that has stood the test of time? Or the latest shitty romance novel?

>> No.21495885

>do you guys not read any recently released books?
it's all pozzed shit. who gives a fuck about feminism or le oppressed black folx.

>> No.21495924
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because modernity and its culture are bad

>> No.21495928

not even from a political point of view but Western literature has taken a nosedive since the 60s
lack of material hardship to build character and enable self reflection methinks

>> No.21496099

Tell me.
Would you play blackjack with a 10% chance to win, or blackjack with a 50% chance?

>> No.21496185

it’s like 50% modern authors genuinely do suck 50% there’s a mountain of trash that needs to be sorted through and no one wants to do it

>> No.21496347

Why would I read anything or watch anything that is from the pozzed times?

>> No.21496390
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Stop reading classics

>> No.21496398

I like to read SF, Fantasy and Horror, so no I don't obviously.

>> No.21496425

>do you guys not read any recently released books?
I read some relatively new stuff if I hear really good things about it, but otherwise there's no point. Why would I read something new that might be good when I can read a classic that is guaranteed to be good? The only real reason to read new releases is to see what other contemporary authors are doing if you're interesting in writing/being published

>> No.21496770
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i wonder why

>> No.21496831

What's the best book you've read written in the last 20 years?

>> No.21496851

because unfortunatly art and lit has already peaked.

>> No.21496884

Because those works which are still discussed many decades after they were released have more or less stood the test of time. Most stuff that gets released, this is true today as it was 90 years ago, will completely fade out of relevance within a couple of years and become more or less forgotten. But some stick out as great books and stay relevant.

>> No.21496914
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Recently released books are written in a time where mutilating and raping children is a non negotiable tenet of left wing political theory. My engagement with literature and language is an exercise in escaping modernity. I am not reading your tranny shit. Come back to me when the weak men have stopped creating hard times.

>> No.21496941

Because they've survivee the test of time. Contemporary lit are the books from 20+ years ago that have been rightly forgotten. Some of today's lit will pass the test, but hard to tell what and waste your time sorting chaff.

>> No.21496946

IDK, give me one recent book which isn't shit.
I've read some, and I wasn't impressed.

>> No.21496965

Twilight by William Gay
The Devil All the Time by Pollock
Smonk by Tom Franklin
that's all

>> No.21497439

>test of time
>test of time
>test of time
You 3 should be ashamed. This is a literature board and you’re using a canned response like that.

>> No.21497488

I don't read anything released after Jimbo died in 1941. Literature died with him

>> No.21497505

I’m reading Homegoing, but I know better than to post about it here