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21491594 No.21491594 [Reply] [Original]

What is the equivalent of pic related for males?

>> No.21491597

fight club

>> No.21492082

Dresden Files.
Read about 10 or 11 of them a decade ago.

>> No.21492084

Kej came here to say this

>> No.21492087

Life & Death by the same author

>> No.21492130
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>> No.21492147

Light novels in harem genre.

>> No.21492153

A 10 minute wank

>> No.21492159


>> No.21492196
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>> No.21492199

Tom Clancy

>> No.21492268
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>> No.21492270

where can I watach the anime of that?

>> No.21492290

It's called Monogatari Series

>> No.21492291

God I wish that were me

>> No.21492340

Midnight Sun

>> No.21492890

Sounds like a fucking dream life, desu. Mad respect.

>> No.21492899
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What was the edition of this but all the vampires are women and there's buff werewolf women. Asking for a friend haha

>> No.21492904

There isn't one. In our stories, we're always being betrayed by the woman and fucked over by another dude - Arthur and Lancelot, Agamemnon and Paris, David and Uriah, and so on.

>> No.21492908
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Pic related.
>Meyer is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and does not drink alcohol, drink coffee, smoke, or watch R-rated movies.[18][28] Similarly, there is no drinking and smoking in the novels (With the exception of her 2008 novel, The Host, which contains drinking). Despite pressure to include a major sex scene, Meyer was adamant against including graphic sex in her series.[28]

>> No.21492909

Lmao should have read the thread first.

>> No.21493021


>> No.21493102

Common knowledge, lad.

>> No.21493349

The Fast and Furious movies.

An honest answer.

>> No.21493446

every isekai light novel

>> No.21493521

what sort of mentally ill "man" finds that appealing? please post your full diagnoses

>> No.21493578

I don't have diagnoses because I think mental disorders are for losers

>> No.21494329

I do.
Diagnosed ADHD (inattentive profile) and Asperger's syndrome (back when it still existed).

>> No.21494840

Probably manga. I downloaded a bunch of books to learn math once and ended up with a couple of mangas. The plot in both seemed to revolve around some nerd tutoring a girl he had a crush on or something similar. It was creepy.

>> No.21494844

Blood Meridian

>> No.21494857
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>> No.21494867

gay shill astroturf

>> No.21495004

Brandon Sanderson books

>> No.21495015

Progression fantasy/litrpg

>> No.21495881

>not being aroused by a women literally wanting to rip you apart
You, sir, are a coward.

>> No.21496039

Graphic sex scenes are usually written in a cumbersome and cringy manner anyways, and would have only cheapened the narrative of her story. I can’t think of any decent books that would have been made better by explicit sex scenes.

>> No.21496058
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Any of the Gor novels by John Norman or any book by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

>> No.21496111

Depression, Maladaptive Daydreaming, and heterosexuality (something you appear to lack).

>> No.21496362
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>> No.21496572

No diagnoses because I've never been to a shrink and never will. Cry about it.

>> No.21496867

This would be good only if the girls are submissive.

>> No.21497287

That would ruin the whole premise

>> No.21497297

No, I want a submissive borderline psychotic vampire girl that's constantly struggling with her desire to fuck me outweighing her desire to eat me.

>> No.21497870
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>Vampires never have beards.

Personal opinion is that the lure of eternal youth is a core element of the vampire mythos and beards signify age.

>> No.21497905

True. Beards also signify mastery, wisdom, and especially virility, ie, fertility -- and vamps are death made motion. Perhaps it follows that the sexuality that vamps offer is that death-driven "fling," the isolated orgasm which revels in its subversion of the teleological, natural end of sex, turned up to eleven. And the darkness and faux-sophistication fits in with that, too -- that same luxury which allows for degeneracy, and that same specious intellectualism which operates against wisdom.

>> No.21497963

Better than I could have put it. I would have just said that teenage goth girls are more into femboys than dudes with beards. That not every girl who is into vampires is a teenage goth girl doesn't detract from it being a teenage goth girl aesthetic.

>> No.21498072 [DELETED] 
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Lolipires are a core element of the vampire mythos and yet they're too rare for my tastes.

>> No.21498928

Dracula in the book has a moustache at least

>> No.21498949
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>> No.21499575

This assumes that most men are able to read this book

>> No.21499607

guys guys i found the big gay

>> No.21499621

Fuck i might read this. Is it any good?

>> No.21499626

Me, no diagnosis
Being abused by a psychobitch just is hot

>> No.21499679

He has a beard too later in the novel as he becomes more youthful.

>> No.21499751

Self Diagnosed: Chronic Sex Deprivation (CSD), Blue-Balled Syndrome (BBS), Gratuitous Testosterone Levels (GTL), and, most importantly, Sentient Imaginative Male Persons (SIMP).

>> No.21500482
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I finished it a week ago, it's good but it's little different than the movie. Watch it before reading the book if you haven't.

>> No.21500492

It's best read if you're between the ages of 17-21, but you do you m8

>> No.21500560

Does fight club make people horny? Twilight made girls horny.

>> No.21500566

Yeah it would be nice to effortlessly become a sex object to nubile monster girls and possibly become immortal

>> No.21500568

If a vampire with beard tried to drink blood he would probably look like woman's pussy on period. No beard means he can just lick it off and look sexy doing it.

>> No.21500610

The ultimate male sexual fantasy? I dunno I guess a book about a guy meeting a cute girl who loves him.

>> No.21500638

Marla Singer didn't make you horny? What are you, gay?

>> No.21500821

Rosario + Vampire probably

>> No.21500824

what sort of mentally ill "woman" finds Twilight appealing? please post their full diagnoses

>> No.21500836


>> No.21500852

There are literally tons of anime series and manga series about lolipiers. Where have you been searching?
>inb4 provide
I would but I don't feel like constructing a list two conts. long.

>> No.21500854

>anime and manga
I don't read or watch anime or manga, I want a proper western lolipire romance and not the beta Japanese shit.

>> No.21500943

>posts anime girl in op
>hurr durr no manga, no japs
Pick one retard.

>> No.21500945

I'll pick both and you'll seethe about it.