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/lit/ - Literature

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21491321 No.21491321 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21491329 [DELETED] 

made for BBC

>> No.21491337 [DELETED] 

made for BBC

>> No.21491374

mainlander should replace kirkengard

>> No.21491381

cope > truth > cope

>> No.21491385

I've never seen this pokemon evolution before

>> No.21491418


>> No.21491427
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>> No.21491441


>> No.21491463


>> No.21491501


>> No.21491619


>> No.21491664
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It's a joke

>> No.21491681

The brutal blackpill that most people legitimately cannot handle

>> No.21491924 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 680x683, D72F55BA-79F9-469C-BE2F-FA06380E9B00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn you…

>> No.21492222

The aesthetic, ethical and religious

>> No.21492540

Kierkegaard is the best one here but /lit/ isn't ready for him.

>> No.21492645

>Christianity is dying, everyone is just paying lipservice to Christianity but nobody believes genuinely
>The solution? Just have faith and pray harder
Yeah, no.

>> No.21493865

tend to agree, they are all excellent writers though

>> No.21493880

the based department

>> No.21493881

nietzsche is based hes my hero

>> No.21494497

no that anon, but Kierkegaard's writings on life, regret, guilt, and worry really did help me cope with death in my life. They are darkly reassuring, which is strange but, its always nice to read something you needed to "hear". Even if it comes in a somewhat pessimistic and nihilist package.

>> No.21494504

pretty much.