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/lit/ - Literature

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21490107 No.21490107 [Reply] [Original]

Empathy is an entirely bullshit concept with no physical reality built on your own gay relative ideological presuppositions.

>> No.21490110

good night faggots

>> No.21490113

I empathize deeply with your being emotionally dead.

>> No.21490116

>with no physical reality
Just don't google "Mirror neuron", retard

>> No.21490117

Let me know where you plan to go postal so I can not be there.

>> No.21490122
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I physically emphathize with what you're saying anon

>> No.21490130

Wom*n want all men to paralyze all men with empathy and then leashe and cut their balls off with platonic love. They deserve to be backhanded with enough force to draw blood or whipped into fear.

>> No.21490132

I'm so wet rn

>> No.21490141
File: 615 KB, 720x960, 1667874118168463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove it

>> No.21490142

Your mental illness sounds like the same shit as that mental illness.
Prove it. I want physical evidence.

>> No.21490148

I can't empathize with you, shucks. No clue what you meant

>> No.21490151

>I want physical evidence
come over to my place later, I'll give you something physical and by 'physical' I am specifically referring to my penis

>> No.21490193

Who are you quoting here? Those voices in your head, that's not me, you know.

>> No.21490201

What book are you talking about?

>> No.21490210

Empathy correlates very closely with intelligence. I'd tell you why, but it is easy to figure out

>> No.21490212
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Keep your spectres to yourself

>> No.21490309

Basically every fiction book made in the past 10 years has something to do with empathy.

>> No.21490315

an actual autistic faggot who will never get laid

>> No.21490318

this desu, I have a cousin who's getting charged with child rape because he fell for the empathy meme and dated a BPD single mother.
I think it's good to care for others, but

>> No.21490337

>dated a BPD single mother.

>> No.21490341

Sorry you have a child molesting cousin

>> No.21490351

The worst part is it isn't the first time. though the previous ones didn't get this crazy.
thanks anon, it's been tough.

>> No.21490368

>The worst part is it isn't the first time
>though the previous ones didn't get this crazy.
The previous one didn't sex him this crazy

BPD are...you know, bipolar
They kiss you and bite you in places you couldn't imagine you could get kissed or bit
Then they want you to make them bleed and the just cuddle
They will suck you behind thrash bins in the street and then throw a bottle at you
The next day they will call you crying and apologising "Please punish me master, I've been such a naughty girl! I will make you that lingam massage you like so much - I have the candles"

>> No.21490386

You are just rationalizing the fact that nobody gives a crap about you

>> No.21490398

There's a pretty big difference between caring for someone and "empathy".

>> No.21490404

I'm of the firm opinion that you should protect yourself before reaching out to others. Giving $10 to the bum on the street is great, even if he might buy meth, but inviting him into your house is a step too far since it introduces risk and may lower your ability to help others.
Anyways, I typed all that out before realizing I was responding to a fetishpost.

>> No.21490416

>may lower your ability to help others
Why on earth would you want to do that?

>> No.21490455

>I'm of the firm opinion that you should protect yourself before reaching out to others.
Yeah, that's what literally everybody does
>but inviting him into your house is a step too far since it introduces risk and may lower your ability to help others.
fun fact, the girl I was speaking about actually invited a bum into her home
they fucked obviously
>since it introduces risk
Yeah, that's the whole point when you're a nymphomaniac drug addict 21yo with BPD

>> No.21490464

Is she hot? How grimy was the bum?

>> No.21490521
File: 14 KB, 416x473, twin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is she hot?
Pic: not her, but basically her twin
>How grimy was the bum?
No idea
But he was young and tall, not a fat obese 60yo

>> No.21490646

Empathy is a hard task for most people. It requires you to put yourself in other people's shoes. Most people are not capable of doing this.

>> No.21490675

Of course an aspie faggot like you would talk about how empathy is a bullshit concept.

>> No.21490681

I like to sing Meg's I Won't Say I'm In Love in the shower while blowing boogers and semen all over my sister's cinnamon scrub

>> No.21490689

>acshually you're just not smart enough for my made up nonsense

>> No.21490695

The anterior insular cortex, a gyrus hiding behind the lateral sulcus, is the area of the brain responsible for empathy, maternal love, and compassion.
Just because you’re cerebrally handicapped doesn’t mean that empathy isn’t real

>> No.21490696

i mean i wouldn't fit into most people's shoes

>> No.21490706

Yep, empathy and altruism are pseudo-scientific constructs that were invented out of thin air as a replacement for ethics in the 1800s or so. Bugmen couldn't carry the nihilstic revolution to its conclusion because Modern Society treats egalitarianism and niceness as normative even though they're spooks inherited from the Reformation

>> No.21490718

>Yeah, that's what literally everybody does
As much as I'd like to believe this is true, it just doesn't map to my experience.

>> No.21490813
File: 7 KB, 209x200, laffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro we hardly no anything about the brain lmao. The idea that you would take one part of the brain that has been shown to be related maybe to emotion and social relations then say that entire section is dedicated to abstract bullshit that has no basis in the premodern era is utterly laughable and absurd. You are the fucking definition of a midwit.

>> No.21490852

Just say that you don’t understand neurology and leave it at that. You clearly haven’t done any reading on this topic. I have never claimed that it was only involved in “abstract bullshit” like emotion and social relations (the insula has been shown to play a role in addiction and insult to this area is correlated with cessation of smoking).
We have seen through multiple studies involving functional MRIs that the insula is involved in these “abstract bullshit”, here are some literature you can read (or you can remain a pseud, that’s your decision)


>> No.21490866
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Any more hot takes from a high school Adderall addict?

>> No.21490867

>lol lights glowing means my forced ideology and biased viewpoints right
I minored in psych faggot. We know fucking dick about the brain, but in your case all you think about is dick. This is literally equatable to a rohrshach test except you faggots convinced yourself your forced viewpoints are science with no further evidence.

>> No.21490868

'Tism ...
It can be observed all over the animal kingdom and among ourselves.

>> No.21490871

Every time you socialize you are using empathy

>> No.21490876

Everytime you socialize you think about a cock in your ass

>> No.21490881

>minor in psych
>acts like the arbiter on neurology
Just say you know squat, diddle, and/or jack.

T. Final year in medschool

>> No.21490894

>his only rebuttal is a bullshit degree that anyone can get if they know how to study for a test
You are are like the midwit meme lmao

>> No.21490898

Btw my cousin went to medschool he's a faggot that likes getting fucked in the ass just like you.

>> No.21490911

>t. average low iq psychopath

>> No.21490913

Pretty much this. Empathy requires certain IQ level. That's why many blacks can't empathize with white characters or rednecks can't empathize with niggers. Having no empathy for a neurotypical person means they have low IQ.

>> No.21490922

Just what we are all doing all the time. To socialize effectively you have to imagine and predict what the other person is thinking If you can't empathize you are probably low IQ

>> No.21490924


Except it is observable in nature you complete failure.

>> No.21490926
File: 63 KB, 480x472, 4DE31312-7D23-4B68-A6C6-E8BCFE217628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a cope. Is anyone else fucking laughing out loud? These are literally all the midwit meme phrases we’ve been making fun of for years
>hurr durr you’re just not smart enough so I can’t make an argument

>> No.21490930

I could say the same thing about you and your one semester in college learning psychology. Tell me when you’ve read the articles I posted (or are you like the average mid/lit/ and shitpost without reading)

>> No.21490932
File: 64 KB, 851x528, Screenshot from 2023-01-06 20-55-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares, it forward signals (2,2) in repeated prisoneers dilemmas, thus forming the glue that enables egalitarian societies

>> No.21490933

Except it’s not. You see animals acting mindlessly and project your own viewpoints and motivations on them. That only proof of your own ignorance and narcissism.

>> No.21490934

Cope for what? It's true. There are two reason why someone doesn't have empathy:
a) They are a psychopath (clinically confirmed).
b) They have low IQ.

>> No.21490947

It’s literally people drawing bullshit conclusions from glowing lights. Could be used as supporting evidence of what you’re sure but hardly definitive in anyway. I guess you were never taught correlation doesn’t equal causation? Or confirmation bias? You’re assuredness that these prove anything is only proof you are not a serious person.

>> No.21490950

You are a midway that can’t make an argument despite your first claim being that there was clear evidence for empathy that we can observe.

>> No.21491000

>You are a midway that can’t make an argument
What's your argument to begin with? What do you mean by 'empathy'? And why do you say it's bullshit? You presuppose something having no 'physical reality' makes it 'entirely bullshit' when plenty of concepts in the world are exactly like that. Reducing everything to either physical or not physical won't get you closer to understand the world.
>despite your first claim being that there was clear evidence for empathy that we can observe.
I've made two posts ITT (three with this one) and in neither of them did I claim such thing.

>> No.21491016

You also see animals acting mindfully. Such as the playfulness between polar bears and wolves.

>> No.21491033

Morals don't exist. Power alone does.

What we call good and moral is what the powerful consider to be beneficial to themselves, and what we call bad and immoral is what the powerful consider disadvantageous to themselves. Morality is always top-down and completely arbitrary because of this.

>> No.21491050

fuck your faggoty off topic posts

>> No.21491087


You used most of those words incorrectly from a grammar stand point or misusing their meaning.

>> No.21491095

This relates to philosophy of mind. Nobody has mentioned any books yet though. There's isn't much to my knowledge

I'd say the modern use of the word empathy is confused. Being empathetic isn't inherently moral. You need empathy to track deer and kill them. You have to understand how they behave and what makes them run away in fear

>> No.21491144

Just stop. You're a hopeless idiot and a moral failure. Instead of woefully thinking yourself into even greater degeneracy, listen to your betters and live the life of a moral man. You'll be happier, you'll get talked down to less, and people will consider you wise, as, for all practical purposes, you will be. Enough foolishness.

>> No.21491151

>You see animals acting mindlessly and project your own viewpoints and motivations on them
You don't know what you're talking about. Sure we have the tendency to assume animals think like ourselves, but that doesn't make them mindless. There's plenty of scientific evidence demonstrating the intelligence of various animals, especially our closest living relatives the apes.
I don't know how anyone could claim animals lack empathy. Have you ever seen a cat cuddling with its owner?
There have been experiments that have shown cats form a unique bond with their owners. In these experiments a cat was placed in a room with the owner & a stranger, and the cat almost always preferred the owner.

>> No.21491153

Go fap to more tranny porn Nick Fuentes

>> No.21491157

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.21491434

Edgy pseud

>> No.21491438

Coping midwit

>> No.21491511

>Empathy is an entirely bullshit concept with no physical reality built on your own gay relative ideological presuppositions.
Fuck off chink and go back to watching your faggot cartoons and getting eaten by an escalator.

>> No.21491565

Libertarianism/Objectivism is a subhuman ideology for psychopaths who have no understanding of how civilizations work.

>> No.21491641

I don't even know what your stance is or what this about I just read
>gay relative ideological presuppositions.
And immediately switched off. They're called opinions you insufferable faggot.

>> No.21492116

Mirror neurons.
No one is saying empathy is an exact knowledge, but there's a natural process of having a semblance of another's emotional state based off of body language, language, tone, situational context, etc

>> No.21492117

not /lit/

>> No.21492118

True words of true knowledge.

>> No.21492129

>lmao empathy has no physical reality
>n-no, neurons generating measurable electromagnetic impulse after a stimulation doesn't count