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21487327 No.21487327 [Reply] [Original]

This will be the best selling book of this decade. Mark my words.

>> No.21487336

Can sense his father sensibility

>> No.21487339

Did he go for a black cause all the white girls in Britain are more attracted to horses than men?

>> No.21487355

i dont get this angloid obsession over daddymoney richboys

listen, i bet i can unironically work calculus harder than this guy
i bet i also have a stronger grip, can bench more, do more pull ups, and outrun this guy
i bet i am a better problem solver, and that if i had his daddy money i'd do more on advancement of mankind or personal enriching than this guy ever did
i bet i would be categorically superior to any generic daddymoney richboy that you retards worship

so i dont get it, what's the obsession with these parasitic wealth losers? these subhumans probably cant even wipe their own ass, average man mogs them hard, give an average guy his money and i bet the average guy would build a mansion on mars with it in comparison to these born rich faggot people

its all bullshit yes i am seething

>> No.21487363

filthy yank

>> No.21487382

You're just an uppity pleb, what's seething in you is peasant blood. Women will always choose the aristocrat ahead of some STEM improoover bugman.

>> No.21487398
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yes, i believe this
>Works are the quintessence of a mind; they will therefore be incomparably richer in content than his company, and will also essentially replace this – indeed, far exceed and leave it behind. Even the writings of an ordinary mind can be instructive, worth reading and entertaining, precisely because they are his quintessence, the result and fruit of all his thinking and studying – whereas his company cannot suffice for us. Therefore we can read books by people whose company would afford us no pleasure, and this is why elevated spiritual culture eventually brings us to the point where we find entertainment almost only in books, and no longer in other people.
t. schopenhauer

>> No.21487402

>be medieval siege
>starving aristofags are selling their jewels and women for 2 dead rats

>be modern times
>global wars, pandemics, hyperinflation, recession, econ and eco crisis, terrorism, feral minority demographics, crime waves, chip shortages and whatnot
unskilled parasitic wealth degenerates will be phased out
imagine your worldview being decided by what women choose
women and children are a category for a reason

>> No.21487466

Mudblood cope

>> No.21487469

Nah m8 this post smacks of inferiority

>> No.21487470

>"There were countless stories in books and newspapers about Willy and I not being circumcised," he recalls. It was once speculated in the media that Princess Diana would have banned the circumcision of her boys. "All these stories are false, I was circumcised as a baby," said King Charles' son.

>> No.21487486

The duke of Westminster is 27 years old and has already inherited 10 billion pounds.
He owns all the best land in London.
He doesn't need to wipe his own ass, he can pay a woman what he gets in interest for 10 minutes to lick it out of his asshole, and that woman will be wealther than 3 generations of your kin combined.

>> No.21487533

yes and im asking what's the point?
its like playing chess, you have 1 figure and the other guy starts with 5 queens, whole game is so trivial you ask yourself whats the fucking point?
and the final twist is: parasitic wealth degenerates cant wipe their own ass, so they depend on skilled work of others, others who have no reason to invest in this bullshit

listen, im not a commie, far from it, i believe parasitism is much worse on the poor end of the spectrum
im just saying
we need some sort of unironic meritocracy
something like starship troopers where each member of society is invested in society

also these wealthy degenerates brag these days how pathetic they are, 'look, i am pathetic, haha' and this is his whole fucking book
meanwhile average guy on the street might have cured cancer with his money by simply donating half of it to cancer research, it would take 0 effort to outperform these wealth degenerates

>> No.21487543

I once saw one of those outrage-porn documentaries about the super-rich, and the crew followed a young billionaire heir. He was traveling to Dubai, and living shortly with one of his wealthy friends, who was mostly self-made from a start-up he had sold. The friend had to go to work while the heir didn't really have any obligations except party with other expats in the weekend. The friend then asked if the heir couldn't make himself useful and at least do the dishes. Then the heir started crying because he had no idea how to do it.

>> No.21487580

>cancer research
lol, lmao even

>> No.21487593
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If I were the 'older lady' in the story, I would come out as a rape victim and ask for money.

>> No.21487597

why are you trying to taunt us with this?
we now that you're not of aristocratic stock either

>> No.21487603

>just 100 trillion more dollars bro I swear we are gonna fix this disease that epidemiologically almost only affects +60 year old boomers and is a natural consequence of old age, just 100 trillion more bro and we can reverse aging I swear bro please bro just another 100 trillion dollars and I will find the fountain of Ponce de Leon bro please bro just 20 billion man hours of research more by the brightest young minds and no boomer will ever have to die at 75 from cancer bro please bro you have to do it bro what is sunk cost and missed opportunities that's not real bro just fund the cancer research again bro please bro it is the best use of money and time bro the boomers need to live longer bro

>> No.21487618

this is like disregarding the whole text because there is 1 type in it
you have nothing to contribute, i dont even know why are you posting
>look how much pussy i get by knowing dollar efficiencies of cancer research bro!
alright faggot

>> No.21487724

Why were they circumcised if they are not jews? Are the majority of British men cut?

>> No.21487735
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10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.

Therefore we demand:

11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

>> No.21487760

I don't really give a fuck about any of your opinions mate, I just have strong opinions on cancer research being a massive waste of time and will autistically screech about it any time there is an opportunity for it, reasonable or not.

>> No.21487813

yeah but communism/socialism isnt perfect either, my source for this is the 20th century
there is the parasitism of the ultrawealthy, and leftists would unironically fix this, but what do we do about the parasitism on the other side of the scale?
if i had to pick to be stuck on an island/boat with 50 prince harrys or 50 blue hair feminism degrees, while it would be a tough choice, and while im complaining about wealthy parasites whole thread, i'd probably go for 50 harrys

there exists an innate unequal distribution of intellect and productivity and all these things and leftist 'solution' to this truth has always been censorships and massacres and gulags which ultimately lead to famine, this is why i dont support famine ideology while being aware of the ultrawealth parasitism

i blame our current markets and capitalism not being competitive enough and sheltering wealthy parasitism on one side while wiping out parasitism of the poor, we simply need a more meritocratic capitalism that would wipe out both parasitisms

>> No.21487837

also to add to >>21487813
you commie types are supposed to abolish the state, and virtually ALL you do is reinforcing the state
this leads me to bitching about state parasitism
you commies understand corporate parasitism
well what is this ultra government of yours, but an extreme ultra mega hyper monopoly? what is the difference between this corporate dictatorship you bitch about and soviet gulag dictatorship we had whole 20th century???

commies still owe humanity for the 20th century, lmao imagine wanting famines and massacres all over again

>> No.21487894


>> No.21487904

>you commie types
I was quoting the manifesto of the most violently anti-communist political party that's ever existed.

>> No.21487942

nazis were just racist commies
whole 20th century is just commie infighting
remind yourself that they were called german socialist worker party or whatever, they had double communism just in their name
>well its just in their name
they also centralized whole economy, established inefficient commie state monopolies, and finally lost the whole thing thanks to full retard central planning, as is tradition among commie regimes

nazis were just racist commies prove me wrong

>> No.21487991

who the fuck gives a shit about calculus lmfao

>> No.21488000

True communism has never been tried :)))

>> No.21488029

anyone who does serious work in life
bridge building, making jet engines, even weather predictions, investing etc
>getting filtered by calculus
certified retard right here, you son are absolutely and categorically never gonna make it

>> No.21488047

That's not what I said ;)

>> No.21488051

Freemasons are circumcised. Every mainline royal male since George I has been.

>> No.21488061

>be born into enormous privilege and status where basically all you have to do your entire life is not disgrace the institution that you were born into so that you set a good example for the masses
>can't even manage to do that, look worse in the public image than the literal pedophile in your family
>cope off the delusion that if everyone else in your family suddenly died anyone would give you a shot
Change the title from 'Spare' to 'Surplus'

>> No.21488065

>bridge building, making jet engines, even weather predictions, investing
All of these people have computers to do calculus for them, and would not be allowed to use hand-jammed calculus even if they wanted to for fear of human error.

>> No.21488268

and what if computer glitches?
you are a total imbecile m8
imagine outing yourself as not knowing why calculus is useful, one of the most useful things in the 21st century

>> No.21488311

>if they are not

>> No.21488324

It's a women thing, dawg. And if there is some str8 guys into that I can asure you then the femminity of the anglo race.

>> No.21488328

>muh money
Jew detected

>> No.21488336
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Wtf I hate Diana now

>> No.21488344
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I don’t care about its sales
Whitney Webb’s books need to be boosted instead

>> No.21488405
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>> No.21488747

>muh jews
polnigger detected

>> No.21488780
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't apologize or even feel wrong for being a socialist/commie. I'm more centrist myself but I totally get why zoomers feel like they need to go full revolution on the rich. This will never get solved peacefully, the rich are way too far up their own asses and couldn't give a fuck. The UK and USA both need violent revolution.
>Why yes I do want to eat the rich, how could you tell