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File: 52 KB, 400x533, 9982c9050238eafecade789bfae34ee6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21486606 No.21486606 [Reply] [Original]

Canon Space Edition

Previous Thread: >>21481954

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21486622
File: 260 KB, 840x1080, kellhus_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn’t /d/ have some smut general they [progression fantasy readers and other degenerates] can fuck off to?
They could, if they wanted to. But like the trannies in reddit and discord, it is not enough that they enjoy their medium in the privacy of their life; not enough that people merely tolerate their existence; not enough that what they deem it acceptable — others must relish in it, praise it, and worst of all, join it. Like pigs who revel in shit, others must join the party. Shitty-dipping, by their definition, is for everyone. They, and only they, have found the meaning of life, it being the never ending consumption of sub par smut written by kiss less virgins whose only reason to keep on living is to expound their malignant thoughts on others. They have a deep hatred of women, the only other sex on the face of the Earth, who have, in their combined efforts decided to strike down all beta males but at the same time, it is women themselves, who are in the very center of their plays; harems being the ultimate locus of their secular desires. The progression fantasy reader is thus, by his definition, fighting a social oppression and their life's work is to preach their evangelium to other men, who have not yet found the truth of women. In short, in their love and hate for women, they have forsook real women in their lives and have settled for crude caricatures mimicking their ideal woman; a creature of no autonomous thought, a being of a singular desire — to please the litRPG man. Like a dog worship's its owner, the anime-man demands the respect of women non-existent.

>> No.21486632

>so mad she quotes an archived thread

such a Karen

>> No.21486634

Any reason why you made this thread when the last thread isn't even on page 10?

>> No.21486636

Finished The Pastel City from Viriconium series. It's disappointing and I understand why it's never talked about. It's a dying Earth novel, but not nearly as good as Wolfe or Vance. He

>> No.21486640

Because it's about the bump limit, not the page.

>> No.21486642

You could have posted about a book you read or are interested in, but instead you decided to kill this thread for no reason.

>> No.21486645

Old thread isn’t even on page 10, you stupid dipshit.

>> No.21486650
File: 2.69 MB, 1740x1667, the chart version 6_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21486651

No, it's about the page, you dumbass.

>> No.21486653

I don't care but mod will probably nuke it.

>> No.21486655

both aesthetical and in content this chart is trash

>> No.21486656

Thread is already shit.

>> No.21486660

Why do you put on a tripname and then take it off? Either own up to it, or fuck off.

>> No.21486661

So post something good ( or at least not degenerate) and make it better.

>> No.21486664

its not against the board rules
>subjective opinion of some shitter

>> No.21486665

Why would I do that when the thread is already shit?

>> No.21486668

Ok, then don't post anything.

>> No.21486669

kek, not even twenty minutes have past, and the thread is already terrible thread.

>> No.21486677

Are you that surprised?

>> No.21486681

Not really, no. But earlier threads at least had a few minutes before turning to shit.

>> No.21486682

That art looks familiar. Have I read it?

>> No.21486683
File: 193 KB, 1400x2100, the-grace-of-kings-9781481424288_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, when does this get good? I went scouring for recommendations, and pulled this one because you gave it a 5/5. So I thought, "Even if it's not as good as that, it still has to be decently entertaining." Well I'm not 25% into the book now, and it's losing me fast.

Event happen TOO fast. The PoV shifts are too rapid, and the passage of time jumps around too much. It reads less like a novel, and more like a written history of events with some flowery language here and there. Every time I get snuggled in with one character, suddenly we're leaping through time to talk about some random fuckwit who formed an army to take over some region. Then we return to the main character, and EVERYTHING has changed in their lives.

Also, they open the book with some guy doing magical shit, and then after that... nothing. No magic. Just endless power grabs and wars and platitudes. Sure, they introduce the gods pretty early. But the gods are so incredibly petty in their squabbling, that they're pretty much just regular people with super powers. Narratively, they only exist to explain why all the needless wars are happening. It's so in your face about it though. There's no mystery, no intrigue. Nothing like that. Just "HAHA! I AM THE GOD OF THIS AND THAT, SO THEREFORE I DESIRE SUCH AND SUCH OUTCOME, IT IS MY WILL.

In fact... dropped.

>> No.21486685

>Entire point is that there is one shizo who makes a new thread everytime, and if someone else does that before him then he starts coping and seething.

>> No.21486686

Why are you asking us?

>> No.21486689

Yes, it's Fire Upon Deep

>> No.21486693

It was a cover for a local Foundation translation here back in the 80s so I guess the artist was used extensively for generic sci-fi covers.

>> No.21486695

I'm thinking about starting a dystopia where people make fresh generals when they're only on page 8

>> No.21486696

>Another thread that turned to shit quickly.
What are some alternative websites to discuss books?

>> No.21486698
File: 29 KB, 211x325, A_Fire_Upon_the_Deep.bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the one with the Sydney Opera House

>> No.21486701

These are kind of posts that make these threads worse. You think this is some kind of game about controlling some narrative. Who makes the thread gets the first win, right? God forbid, someone else makes one of these unimaginative OPs with uninspired pictures vaguely on-topic. Just talk about books. It's like you people can't talk in any other way than meta. You come here just to fight for fighting's sake. There are probably 3 people in these threads that actually read.

>> No.21486702

You could have posted about a book you read or are interested in, anything to improve the state of the thread, but you decided to make it even more shit.

>> No.21486705

You might be the first person not praising The Dandelion Dynasty in these threads.

>> No.21486707

Then you shouln't have started with >>21486622
, deepshit. You are the aggressive one here

>> No.21486708

Dude, just don’t be a fucking retard and go to other book forums to talk about books. Like shit, how mentally damage do you have to be to think /sffg/ is a good place to discuss books?

>> No.21486709

not made by me but imagine being so mad about a single post

>> No.21486713

You can remove your trip already; we know you do this to kill the general.

>> No.21486714

>It's like you people can't talk in any other way than meta

your words man , do what you preach

>> No.21486716

OP ruined the thread, but don't worry, this one is going to page 10 soon

>> No.21486718

Daily reminder not to read the Endymions

>> No.21486721

just kill this thread already. Fuck sakes.

>> No.21486724
File: 5 KB, 165x178, amashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea /sffg/ had this kind of crazy going on. Anon made a new thread, people have a meltdown over it.

>> No.21486725

Oh really? I'm kind of surprised about that. I'm just a very character driven reader, and this book is NOT doing it for me. I'm trying so hard to hang on to Kuni Garu, because he's the one character worth reading about. All the others feel so throwaway. Secondaries in Kuni's story. But Kuni's presence is not enough for me to hang on too. The rest of a book doesn't have enough dramatic impact.

>> No.21486727

Quality post! anon will now write a book about making a new general on page 8, it will be an epic journey full of hardship and sacrifice, the Schizo, the antagonist and the villain of the story will oppose Hero anon at every step.

>> No.21486731

>The girl nodded, distracted. "I know. Not since the tombs opened right before the Fall." She looked up at the android. "Gosh, I'm starved. And filthy."
"I will help the ship prepare lunch," said A. Bettik. "There are showers upstairs in the master bedroom and on the fugue deck below us," he said. "Also a bath in the master bedroom."
"That's where I'm headed," said the girl. "I'll be down before we make the quantum jump. See you in twenty minutes." On her way to the stairs she stopped and took my hand again. "Raul Endymion, I'm sorry if I seem ungrateful. Thank you for risking your life for me. Thank you for coming with me on this trip. Thank you for getting into something so big and complicated that neither one of us can imagine where we're going to end up."
"You're welcome," I said stupidly.
The child grinned at me. "You need a shower, too, friend. Someday we'll take it together, but right now I think you should use the one on the fugue deck."
Blinking, not knowing what to think, I watched her bounce up the stairs.

>> No.21486734

I don't but there is definitely one poster here who thinks that way.

>> No.21486738

Are you pretending to be 3 different people? For what purpose?

>> No.21486743

Take your medication. I am one of the few people here who engage in fruitful discussions.

>> No.21486757

for shitters everything is explained by some conspiracy

>> No.21486759

Your first post >>21486622 says otherwise.

>> No.21486761

This thread just proves that /sffg/ is beyond saving. Where do you guys actually go to discuss the books that you have read?

>> No.21486768

You don't like reveiws
You don't like asking for recomendations
You don't like self-publishing
You don't like webnovels
You don't like female authors

what can we talk about , mr "fruitful discussion" ?

>> No.21486774

This has been posted many times:
go back to r*ddit, discord and g**dreads to discuss books if you don't like /sffg/, n one is holding you here.

>> No.21486775

I don't like self-publishing or web novels. I do not know where you are getting those other things from.

>> No.21486778

>You don't like female authors
That's just me probably. I have never seen anyone else post their dislike for female authors/characters/female drama

>> No.21486782

Not even an hour and the thread is already lost cause.

>> No.21486795

I love how this thread will deflect any newfags actually interested in sff.

>> No.21486798

If they’re interested in sff, then they shouldn’t come here in the first place.

>> No.21486837

I read blindsight by Peter Watts rescently and really enjoyed it, any books with a similiar feel?
Highly suggest it for anyone who hasnt read it, its a hard scifi first contact book

>> No.21486848

It's cool until you realise he's just being smug and giving fantasy elements a SF explanation

>> No.21486850

>its a hard scifi first contact book
If by hard sci-fi, you mean the author’s ability to skim wikipedia, then sure.

>> No.21486857

They’ll find better websites if they actually care.

>> No.21486879
File: 27 KB, 333x500, 41pV+RlVCML._SY1024_SX1024_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's good momcest smut anon trust me
>ends up being a stepmom

>> No.21486880

skimming wikipedia is based tho

>> No.21486883

or Hyperion, or anything else /sffg/ recommends because they're just a bunch of fantasy douches. Maybe a dark wizard will send them on a quest far up their own asses to find some taste.

>> No.21486890

cowards, all of them

>> No.21486896

How retarded do you have to be to actually consider what idiots here recommend?

>> No.21486917

Say it isn't so, I was looking forward to reading that this weekend.

>> No.21486926

someone needs to just do an edit of the epub

>> No.21486942
File: 816 KB, 1434x1977, il_fullxfull.3922044057_9ly6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you tend to read individual novels or collected editions?

>> No.21486995


>> No.21487007
File: 63 KB, 317x365, 1671109871236065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to read something that might have one of the following
>insect enemies/races
>dragons featured prominently
>very cozy, rustic vibes

>> No.21487020

>Anya Merchant
I could've told you that by the author's name alone. Only men write incest.


>> No.21487024


>> No.21487026

Yes, siree. It has all three of the things you mentioned.

>> No.21487028

damn, nice

>> No.21487055

In the epilogue he says that he consulted with actual physicist for what thats worth.
What should be the standart for hard scifi then?
Do you need to be an actual physicist to write it?
That seems rather unreasonable

>> No.21487072

If the only thing available for a decent price, I'll get the collection or omnibus. If not, I prefer individual books.
That's a nice looking one; is the cleric quintet any good? I read the crystal shard to try salvatore and thought it was just alright, not good enough to get into the rest of the series.

>> No.21487073

ehh kind of, but the explanations are way deeper than what I would call "soft" sf. At the end of the day its still fantasy, you cant expect the author to invent new actual science.
The point of the book though doesnt rely on the sf elements too much, the way I read it seemed like the main point was everything to do with conciousness, and its evolutionary meaning/use.

>> No.21487084

>went to a bookstore for the first time in ages
>books have hashtags on them now
>like printed on the cover

>> No.21487115

the fantasy genre was never serious to begin with, but as time goes on it's becoming more and more of an infantilizing ecapist method of coping
give it 10-15 years and then you'll just pay a bit to put in your favorite keywords, characters you already like, fetishes you're into, and the ai will write endless trash to consume for these losers

>> No.21487116

combining aesthetic experience with entertaining, common core style education is an infantile trait, it's essentially anti-intellectual goyslop for muttoids

>> No.21487140

sounds based

>> No.21487146

Collections for convenience, but I treat them as individual novels so I won't read the whole thing in one go.

>> No.21487154

>In the epilogue he says that he consulted with actual physicist for what thats worth.
Yes, but he applied a lot of speculative shit as hard facts of the setting.

>> No.21487189

Finished Last Argument of Kings. What a wet fart of an ending. You could guess almost every twist since the first half of Before They Hang(book, that was almost entirely irrelevant in the end). Time to read standalones, i gues.

>> No.21487191

well fuck what was he supposed to do, write about earth as it is?
not really scifi at that point
what you're describing is already better than most, where the explanation is alien material lol.

>> No.21487285
File: 2.21 MB, 1550x793, read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21487295

>Do you need to be an actual physicist to write it?
If the author doesn't at least have a PhD in physics, it's not hard sf.

>> No.21487346

Can I get a QRD about the mirrors chapter in the BotnS? I'm confused about what Inire is trying to explain. Are they just holographic representations or actual interstellar travel?

>> No.21487351

its real interstellar travel, its weird but understanding its intricacies is not important. Just try to avoid concave mirrors alright? You don't want to end up accidentally on a spaceship's sails.

>> No.21487379

The Wandering Inn

>> No.21487456

I don't think you can have real incest on amazon

>> No.21487528

The Dragon Never Sleeps art looks great on top of being one of Glen Cooks better sci-fi novels

>> No.21487530

smut authors are so fucking worthless. can't even write smut properly.

>> No.21487598

Everything you've stated is what I liked about it. Preferences differ. Each book in this series is rather different though, but I like them all. The overall /sffg/, or Goodreads fit that matter, consensus isn't that favorable, which is what you ought to looking at really, unless you know that a specific anon's taste is similar to yours. At least you had fun with the posts about it though.

>> No.21487676

Any wuxia recommendations with great character development?

>> No.21487687

based cookposter

>> No.21487712

For once, it fits.

>> No.21487765

This thread is awful

>> No.21487836

/tv/ is a better place for sff book discussion desu this thread only exists for shitposting purposes

>> No.21487854

>real smut hasn't happened yet and author is edging you along to get the next book that MIGHT have the real smut in it.

It's domestic decay all over again. Like 5 books before actual a pornhub stepmom moment. I shouldn't be surprised though since it's the same author.

>> No.21487865

>>insect enemies/races
empire Trilogy by Janny Wurts

>> No.21487881

>insect enemies/races
Infinite Realm but they aren't very prominent and take a long time to show up.
Codex Alera but it's six books of bad progression fantasy written due to a bet with the MC talk no jutsu'ing everything.
Seeded Realms had a spider race where the queen got absorbed into the MC's harem but that series lasted two books before the author disappeared.
I wish I could remember more books that I've read, and their contents.
Iron Dragon's Daughter
Dragonriders of Pern

>> No.21487923
File: 3.49 MB, 972x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has this cover art ever been found natively in high res? All I can find are book scans. Also I found a website that basically had an archive of a bunch of sci fi book cover art and now I can't find it agian.

>> No.21487944

it's all the brain fried self pub/chink posters

>> No.21487994

Any fantasy books about imperialism, where we don't switch to "cheer" for the savages halfway through?

>> No.21488009

Any fantasy book that's mostly just from the main characters POV and just has everything you could ever ask for?

>> No.21488016


>> No.21488075
File: 118 KB, 768x1037, dungeon-crawler-carl-768x1037-2361259191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21488224
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 gets filtered by gardens of the moon

>> No.21488250

Malazan sucks. I dropped it during the doll fight when I realized I have no idea what the fuck is going on.
The thicc wizard woman was pretty cool though

>> No.21488262

I started reading Malazan and lost track of who was who and what was happening after the first 10 minutes.

>> No.21488273

Sure, but you never cheer for any of the empires either.

>> No.21488303

Just read the glossary, it's that simple.

>> No.21488412

>Just read

>> No.21488479

Imagine being filtered by the first book. I read it casually one day as I stumbled on it in a library. Everything was clear as day.

>> No.21488507

>I read it casually one day as I stumbled on it in a library. Everything was clear as day.
This is me except I casually bough the first book, and saw nothing confusing about it. I think people just want to IMMEDIATELY know and understand everything or they want a character drama driven story where story is just kinda there.

>> No.21488526

But I dont want to read past the first half a book to understand what's actually going on

>> No.21488543

Were you really expecting anything different?

>> No.21488721
File: 25 KB, 285x500, 51hXCeXLNFL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this, and it was total dogshit. Baby's first eliminative materialism tract, constantly reiterated because apparently Bakker has no faith in the reader's ability to get the point unless he beats a dead horse. It doesn't help that no relevant character really presents an alternate perspective. The book has the preachiness of a certain variety of lecturer, but with none of the depth.

All this is wrapped up in an airport thriller of below average quality. Below the average of airport thrillers I've read, not just books in general. Weak dialogue, predictable, overly reliant on character retardation, and—worst of all—just sort of boring. I would not recommend this to anyone. If Neil had been a cute girl, I could at least recommend it to yandere-appreciator cumbrains, but unfortunately Bakker did not do this.

I hope his fantasy books aren't anywhere near this vapid and their pretensions aren't as unwarranted as this book's, or I'll be forced to admit /sffg/ memed me into reading a garbage author.

>> No.21488731

so youre saying it's good for yandere appreciators as long as they are gay or women? good to know, going on my list

>> No.21488751

I've never thought of using discord for book discussion
Post one here if you don't mind

>> No.21488782

Sorry, I don't use discord but I have seen a /sffg/ dedicated server posted here a few times. Maybe somebody else got the link.

>> No.21488788

The one time I visited the /sffg/ discord, they were actively talking about their relationships at the time. So good luck. Like anything else, its ran by normalfags.

>> No.21488808

Who's the Nassim Nicholas Taleb of scifi?

>> No.21488829
File: 2.73 MB, 1334x968, spectral realms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more speculative poetry like Clark Ashton Smith or Lovecraft?

>> No.21488830

Kinda cringe ngl

>> No.21488833

seething wolfefag

>> No.21488835

Wrote something sort of interesting years ago which got popular, and since then has mostly just sat around being useless and shitposting online? George RR Martin, maybe.

>> No.21488836

> ASOIAF is an easier read than LOTR

>> No.21488842

The standalones are better and more satisfying, not relying quite so heavily on "what if classic fantasy trope, but subvooooooorted???". But stop after you finish them and do not under any circumstances read the new trilogy. They seemed tolerable albeit a downgrade from the standalones are first, but book 3 is a steaming pile of shit and retroactively makes the first two books worse.

>> No.21488853
File: 708 KB, 2290x470, wolfe interview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfe liked Lovecraft (pic related)

>> No.21488864

Didn't notice a lot of subversion, just cynicism.

>> No.21488865

wolfefags seethe over CAS mogging wolfe

>> No.21488884
File: 1.21 MB, 2296x794, wolfe wolfing it down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Wolfe just wanted to make a quick buck, like the majority of writers riding the coattails of the golden age of sci fi.

>> No.21488904

I'm going to read Wolfe while listening to this
There's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.21488906
File: 218 KB, 611x778, f98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of which is any of that rpg factions actually good? warhammer novels are all over the place, but I've seen world of darkness, shadowrun, battletech, etc all have novels. are they worth reading?

>> No.21488915

Not RPG per se but I liked the Magic the Gathering novels as a kid, even if they probably don't hold up now. I had the Ravnica stuff and I still like Memnarch.

>> No.21488930

Is this your new bait, now that your attempts to force some kind of Vance v. Wolfe conflict failed?

>> No.21488958

I remember reading Dark Ages: Nosferatu

First half of the book was super good. It was during the fall of Constantinople from the side of the defenders. Faith , politics , dark age misery , all the good stuff.

The seond half is a wierd road trip of some survivors , mostly setting up the future books , so , meh.

>> No.21488970

>Like anything else, its ran by normalfags.
So they actually read books, unlike this general.

>> No.21489158

hes a hack
you will always be a faggot
I'm exposing wolfefags who claim he is better than the authors he stole from like proust and smith and vance

>> No.21489163
File: 20 KB, 620x412, hacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good artists steal.

>> No.21489164

Why waste your time on something so stupid?

>> No.21489172

NTA but I used to shitpost on /tg/ until I finally got curious about the games and now I no longer shitpost, and I've joined many games since. I think it's just attention-seeking augmented by an ego that makes you think your opinions are right.

>> No.21489185
File: 58 KB, 394x576, 16f28ed8a155d1227eb810c88504dc97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many comma splices did you guys find? Whoever "translated" this didn't know his basic grammar
Are comma splices bad? Wikipedia says they are used in literary writing to convey a particular mood of informality. It also lists several western authors who used it.

>> No.21489191

>Are comma splices bad?
They are for any person who speaks English as their first language. An ESL like you wouldn't understand given that you read MTL stories.

>> No.21489251

Is the cope of bad artists
Because these threads are shit
Because wolfefags are cancerous retards
don't say your shitty middling sci fi book is better than proust and i wouldn't dedicate myself to btofing your fat hack author

>> No.21489286


In which a white heterosexual Christian conservative American journalist who after being declined by traditional publishing puts out the prologue and first chapter of his debut epic fantasy book. I think he's fairly well-known as a journalist.

>> No.21489293

He was just expressing his thoughts on the matter, it was almost an internal monologue. Do native speakers always formulate full grammatically correct sentences and paragraphs when having internal monologue?

>> No.21489303

Yes? Asoiaf is written in very simple prose and is structured like a modern tv show so it's very easy to plough through it.

>> No.21489318

>Lies of locke lamora
>A tier

>> No.21489349


>> No.21489366


>> No.21489373

Didn't even realize shadowrun had books. I'm going to find these now

>> No.21489378

you'd know all about it, huh?

>> No.21489398

I know enough to know that you should go back redditurd.

>> No.21489412

keep projecting

>> No.21489424

>p-projecting !
Most creative brainlet. Also why aren't you using your tripcode chartfaggot?

>> No.21489453

List your A tier.

>> No.21489474
File: 2.66 MB, 1740x1667, 1672997195055034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21489486

That's the weirdest part, he's forcing conflict between authors who either liked in tandem. It's difficult to imagine how someone can like Wolfe and not like Vance and CAS.

>> No.21489494

>don't say your shitty middling sci fi book is better than proust
Wolfe is better than Proust

>> No.21489545
File: 97 KB, 717x1024, 1670565869499060m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wrote incest before, but Amazon doesn't like incest so she had to rewrite it as step-mom
Stop being an incel, women love incest as much as men.

>> No.21489629

Yeah it's pretty perplexing. I may personally feel that Wolfe improved upon some of his influences (like Vance) but I'm not going to be mad about some guy liking one thing I love more than he likes another thing I love. He'd have better luck baiting an emotional seethe reaction if he made unfavorable comparisons to some webnovel. As things stand, it just looks like he saw some guy say "BotNS is better than Proust!" once and has been in a seething meltdown ever since.

>> No.21489670

Listen here, you narrow-minded little twerp, I'll say whatever the hell I want about my "shitty middling sci fi book." And if you think Proust is some kind of goddamn literary god, you can go ahead and worship at his altar, but I'll stick to my own tastes, thank you very much. As for you calling me a "fat hack author," well, that's just about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You don't even know me, so why don't you shut your trap and crawl back under the rock you came from. And while you're at it, you can take your "btofing" and shove it up your ass.

>> No.21489780

ugly hag

>> No.21489809

I bet you're into lolis

>> No.21489840


>> No.21489861

any books where the main character fucks grannies?

>> No.21489877

my biography

>> No.21489881

The Stand.

>> No.21489888

Time to create an actual good chart, cause this one is shit, contains not enough books and is UGLY

>> No.21489895

what aesthetic would you suggest?

>> No.21489906 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 854x1280, 62320427_026_5970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If This Goes On— by Robert Heinlein
There was a hot readhead Gilf in The Rolling Stones, also written by heinlein but the Main characters don't fuck her because she is their grandma.
Zimmer Bradley writes about that kind of stuff too but she was a pedo.

>> No.21489922
File: 52 KB, 382x500, Permutation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading pic related, it was pretty interesting. Anyone have any other recommendations from this author? or similar books?

>> No.21489938

Quarantine was my favorite by him. It was playful and fun, and did a great job pushing its central idea one step further at each turn. Didn't care for Distress, and Dichronauts filtered me (though I tried to read it drunk).

>> No.21489951

thanks I'll check it out from your recommendation anon

>> No.21489984

>Also why aren't you using your tripcode chartfaggot?
He thinks people will be to stupid to notice his pattern.

>> No.21490040

Vernor Vinge used to be a math professor, that must mean a fire upon the deep is the hardest sf ever.

>> No.21490049

Yes, since he knows mathematics and computer science. What's your point.

>> No.21490053
File: 86 KB, 800x450, eca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amazon doesn't like incest so she had to rewrite it as step-mom
So basically there's no way to get actual momcest lit because everyone will just rewrite it to be able to publish on Amazon.

>> No.21490109

I haven't read everything from Egan yet, but I've read a considerable amount. I'm generally less happy with what I wrote the further it goes back, but that's to be expected.


>> No.21490133
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>> No.21490150

In all seriousness, why not go to a website that has momcest and other kink/fetish stories? Literotica n what not?

>> No.21490156

that's like asking them to go to /d/

>> No.21490165
File: 342 KB, 640x868, 1671506738612419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's shit, 2 pages of build up and they are already fucking. only mom cucking stories have good build but i'm not a cuck

>> No.21490168

because those websites offer porn with barely any plot, and what this guy is asking for is, presumably, a decent plot with a bit of porn on the side
at least that's what my personal preference is when searching for kinks in professionally published literature

>> No.21490169

how many mom cucking stories did you read and enjoy to come to that conclusion?

>> No.21490182

Appreciate the answers. Been bugging me for the past few threads. Outside of hiring someone to write them, I wish you luck on finding something.

>> No.21490189
File: 2.11 MB, 3840x2160, 1671342107735852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than i want to admit, but they left me feeling empty because by the end of the story the mom abandons her son and that just feels mean spirited

>> No.21490192
File: 4 KB, 119x128, 1635835321464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this blog about the psychology of litrpg was interesting. Perhaps more importantly it justifies my sense of superiority for not reading it in the first place


>> No.21490194
File: 299 KB, 487x605, permutation city.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21490203

My fantasy book is about a futures trader and a princess. They fall in love and run away together. It’s set in a medieval fantasy world. Do you like the premise?

>> No.21490207

more like coom city

>> No.21490224

Your medieval fantasy world has futures trading? How anachronistic.

>the first official Western commodity trading exchange, the London Metals and Market Exchange, was not established until 1877.

>> No.21490236

How medieval is it? Irl it would have been unthinkable for a princess to marry a non-military commoner at least before the 19th century. They would both have been hunted down for high treason. The trader's career would be over. Besides, the courtiers were known to speak different languages from commoners (in my cunt they spoke French). Are you sure the trader knows the princess' language? Is the princess inbred and ugly? Does she have some kind of genetic disease?
Book of the New Sun

>> No.21490259

Most other genre fiction does the same thing.

>> No.21490281

Commoners were more inbred and ugly than nobility because their entire genepool was some bumfuck tiny village nobody new ever moved to. They only got new genes when some soldiers came through and did some raping. Meanwhile nobility restricted themselves to nobility, but went pretty far afield, sometimes even to different countries, for a spouse! "Muh inbred nobles" is almost entirely commoner cope, absent some obvious situations like the Habsburgs fairly late in the history of European aristocracy

>> No.21490288

The Dojima Rice Exchange in the 18th century was the first one, but you had futures contracts in various commodities before that.

It’s just a standard medieval fantasy world with magic. They run away together when she becomes pregnant, and they travel to the free cities after they run away from the Kingdom.

What do you guys think? Does it sound interesting? I write a lot about his trading system as well. It’s a standard trend following system using signals from 1 month to 12 months (diversified with some vol weights).

It’s mostly a mix of romance, slice of life, finance, and some fantasy/magic.

>> No.21490305

So basically you want to write your version of Spice & Wolf.

>> No.21490320

You're absolutely wrong. The priests kept records and dod their best to avoid inbreeding. The peasants married other peasants from neighboring villages, or at least from outside of their immediate family. Besides, the nobles were known to trade serfs and move them from one country to another. Free people would also move away from their native land.

>> No.21490334

I guess so, although I haven’t read that book.

My main worry is that people will find parts of it boring. I spend a lot of time writing about how he gets survivorship bias free data to backtest his strategy and how he backtests it effectively without using computers (they obviously don’t exist…). I find it to be a very enjoyable topic, but I’m not sure how the average fantasy reader feels about it. I always mix in some romance and politics (and there’s a war going on as well), so I think it has a broad enough appeal.

Does it sound boring to you?

>> No.21490335 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 148x268, 1584546132433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A sudden instinct made him tense as a strange, familiar sensation fluttered in his chest. He looked up, breath strangling in his throat Soaring through the sky were dragons, more than a hundred of them. The sires and she-dragons Feylin had so carefully counted had produced hatchlings, none of which had been slaughtered by a hunt. No bigger than young children, they beat their wings powerfully, keeping up with their watchful elders on the journey from the caves around Skybowl and Feruche to the cool heights of the Catha Hills in the south.
>Rohan felt his throat tighten, his eyes sting. His dragons, more than he had ever seen before in his life, free and proud and alive. His dragons.
>As they flew from the Desert across the Faolain, the chant began again. But it was not his name that rumbled along the riverbank, growing louder, following the dragons over Roelstra’s camp as hundreds of wings cast shadows on the violet tents. Someone knowing the old tongue had renamed Rohan, given him
the single powerful word that would be his for the rest of his life.
>Azhei. Dragon Prince.
Rawn-sama i-i kneel.

>> No.21490339
File: 80 KB, 148x268, 1584546132433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A sudden instinct made him tense as a strange, familiar sensation fluttered in his chest. He looked up, breath strangling in his throat Soaring through the sky were dragons, more than a hundred of them. The sires and she-dragons Feylin had so carefully counted had produced hatchlings, none of which had been slaughtered by a hunt. No bigger than young children, they beat their wings powerfully, keeping up with their watchful elders on the journey from the caves around Skybowl and Feruche to the cool heights of the Catha Hills in the south.
>Rohan felt his throat tighten, his eyes sting. His dragons, more than he had ever seen before in his life, free and proud and alive. His dragons.
>As they flew from the Desert across the Faolain, the chant began again. But it was not his name that rumbled along the riverbank, growing louder, following the dragons over Roelstra’s camp as hundreds of wings cast shadows on the violet tents. Someone knowing the old tongue had renamed Rohan, given him the single powerful word that would be his for the rest of his life.
>Azhei. Dragon Prince.
Rawn-sama I-i kneel...

>> No.21490342


>> No.21490348
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 1641724985855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most commoners throughout history have been well aware of the dangers of inbreeding which is why practices that promote genetic mixing are so damn common. E.g. giving young women as tribute, inter-marrying between clans to strengthen alliances

>> No.21490353

I read this. I have thoughts, but it's not worth the effort to express. It was mildly interesting.

I agree with

>> No.21490381

>That's the weirdest part, he's forcing conflict between authors who either liked in tandem
Wolfefags time and time agains have kept on stating shit like "Wolfe invented dying earth" or "BOTNS is the best dying earth novel" or "vance and smith are shit, wolfe is the best"
I will continue to call them and their hack author out if they keep making these statements
>It's difficult to imagine how someone can like Wolfe and not like Vance and CAS.
Are you retarded?
Why the hell do you think I'd like a fat catholics shitty, bloated, meandering self indulgent series of 12 books just because wolfe happened to rip off the dying earth and use it as a background for his shitty severian self insert?
No, I see wolfefags promoting their book as the second coming of christ, saying BOTNS is better than proust, saying that the shitty part where severian is on a becah is the most beautiful bit of prose ever written, saying they converted to catholicism over it. You spastic
the only people who shill wolfe are immature tradcath zoomer larpers who started reading BOTNs because their favorite twitter e celeb/sam hyde promoted it

>> No.21490394

It sounds like you're more interested in the science fiction aspects, in the original meaning of the term, than the fantasy, so I think it may be a hard sell for the average fantasy fan. In terms of the trading that requires a lot of information that may not be available, let alone current. I think if you want to have any plausibility to what you're doing you'll have to vastly limit the character's effectivesness unless there's some magic involved. A mildly similar novel I've read is The Dragon's Banker. There are a few traditionally published fantasy novels I've read that involve some finance.

Yes, the average person will find it boring, as you probably would for something you aren't interested in. It seems like it may also be noticed that you just tacked on other elements with the hope of greater appeal. That is unlikely to be satisfactory. With this kind of story you have to be satisfied with a niche audience and embrace that.

If you want to be popular, sell well, or otherwise do well you can't write that way.

>> No.21490403

>My main worry is that people will find parts of it boring.
The people that find the main thrust of the book boring aren't your audience to begin with

>> No.21490565

You people tricked me in to thinking Bakker was some cream of the crop type shit but this guy writes some totally unengaging characters, for the most part. Working through The Warrior Prophet. The plot and all the mystery has me hooked but if I have to suffer through another chapter of some retard whining and being sad for themselves in such a way again, I will rip this book in half.

>> No.21490571

They spam bakker to trick people into reading something stupid anon.

>> No.21490621

Why the fuck would you even consider reading books that are recommended here? Are you that fucking stupid?

>> No.21490630
File: 325 KB, 1500x2400, b694ab9b-9511-4091-8410-9689022b2f23_1500x2400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momkino back on the menu boys!

You never stop worrying about your kids, even when they're adults. Kate Elliott's action-packed The Keeper's Six features a world-hopping, bad-ass, spell-slinging mother who sets out to rescue her kidnapped adult son from a dragon lord with everything to lose.

It’s been a year since Esther set foot in the Beyond, the alien landscape stretching between worlds, crossing boundaries of space and time. She and her magical traveling party—her Hex—haven’t spoken since the Concilium banned them from the Beyond for a decade. But when she wakes in the middle of the night to her grown son’s cry for help, the members of her Hex are the only ones she can trust to help her bring him back from wherever he has been taken.

Esther will have to risk everything to find him. Undercover and hidden from the Concilium, she and her Hex will be tested by false dragon lords, a darkness so dense it can suffocate, and the bones of an old crime come back to haunt her.

There are terrors that dwell in the space between worlds.

On Sale: 01/17/2023

>> No.21490648
File: 665 KB, 2440x1273, big surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheel of Time, apparently Lanfear faked her death and is alive at the end of the series.
What do I think about this?

>> No.21490656

Retarded, her death is explicit and never even remotely implied to be anything other than what it was.
Sammael on the other hand is only presumed dead and nobody ever saw a body, or even saw him die. Moghedien is alive, but enslaved.

>> No.21490674

Advertising is against the rules.

>> No.21490691

I like to have faith in people and believe that their words are genuine rather than memes.
It's not even particularly bad or stupid or anything, it's pretty good but feels almost juvenile in how mean spirited it is. It's hard to empathize with lots of the characters or their problems because it's overboard on how miserable everyone must be all the time.

>> No.21490708

>I like to have faith in people and believe that their words are genuine rather than memes
Did you forget that you’re on /sffg/.

>> No.21490733

It's faith, anon, it's not always rational but it helps me.

>> No.21490764

I'm sure some of the Bott Fakker spammers actually like his books. They're retarded.

>> No.21490780

Shut up nerd

>> No.21490784

Maybe if you were in a book forum, but no here.

>> No.21490787
File: 41 KB, 500x334, 1615269501555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not a matter of genuine or not, but one of taste.

>> No.21490891

I really doubt it.

>> No.21491010
File: 21 KB, 235x346, clear sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot I'd read this until just now

>> No.21491012
File: 20 KB, 236x334, 10 packs a day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read up to eternal prison on the avery cates series iirc though it was a long time ago. Though I really want to read them again so I'll probably do that when I can find them. I enjoyedreading them a lot, though at times it felt like my copy had grammar mistakes all over the place which sucked me out but maybe I was just retarded at english? Pretty fun read anyway if ya like the genre and gruff MC's. Tbh the most odd thing is that I've never met anyone else who has read or even heard of this series.

>> No.21491170

>I will continue to call them and their hack author out if they keep making these statements
By all means do, but lately what I've been seeing is you leaping upon any mention of Wolfe, no matter how innocuous, to post the same repetitive stuff. No statements of Wolfe's superiority required. I can't even remember the last time I saw someone make a statement along the lines you describe, wanking off Wolfe while simultaneously disparaging Vance or Smith. Shit, in this thread Wolfe wasn't even mentioned in the post that set you off, and the only post which did mention him was one which treated Vance with respect and only disparaged Harrison's 'Viriconium'.

It's difficult to look at this and not assume one of two things is the case:
- You got so buttblasted by some random guys overrating Wolfe or underrating other stuff that now you see them everywhere and jump at shadows in every thread.
- You're an insincere shitposter.
Neither seems especially enjoyable, consider giving it a rest until someone actually makes the kind of statements you're unhappy about.

>> No.21491174

That was really the big reveal? That's stupid as fuck. Who even cares? Does Brando at least say how that's relevant at the end of the series?

>> No.21491209

This post is under reveiw.

>> No.21491215
File: 83 KB, 335x398, CaddBonn_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a nice looking one; is the cleric quintet any good? I read the crystal shard to try salvatore and thought it was just alright, not good enough to get into the rest of the series.
It's slower than The Crystal Shard and protagonist is a somewhat atypical cleric. I'd recommended, but then again I always liked how D&D novels translated RPG mechanics into fiction.

>> No.21491375

Why not just have plot and story and no porn

>> No.21491408

Rus roach?

>> No.21491478

Bakker is a new atheist sort type, it's natural he can only write pathetic characters.

>> No.21491497

I guess introspection is a foreign thing to you.
Source: I saw it in a dream.

>> No.21491503

Source: his doctoral thesis. He wrote a PhD in some reductionist materialist garbage.

>> No.21491508

Thanks for warning me. He was next on my reading list, so looks like I'm be replacing him.

>> No.21491538
File: 233 KB, 605x388, cnaiur and bird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading the best book of the trilogy
>whining about character introspection in a grim dark novel
>not realising Cnaiur is the most human of all the characters

>> No.21491552
File: 16 KB, 227x346, 519d1DDoGPL._SY346_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this based on that bookpilled fags recommendation. It was kinda fun, I liked the biopunk stuff, but the ending wasn't as revelatory as I was led to believe. 3/5

>> No.21491574

That's just Dungeon Black Company without the fun

>> No.21491696

how many of the oz books should i read before reading wicked?

>> No.21491717

I haven't read Dick in ages, used to love him. Now I'm reading Dr. Bloodmoney after not touching him in maybe 6-7 years. He's fantastic. Absolutely was the right choice after the letdown that was Viriconium.

>> No.21491799

is it good?

>> No.21491819

At least the first two (in publication order ofc)

>> No.21491833

PKD is awesome. The worst part about Viriconium is it stars so strong then dies out. Grand Cairo was based though

>> No.21491842

I liked it even though all I remember about it is liking it and I think I read it right after reading Flowers for Algernon

>> No.21491863

It's the most generic xianxia ever.

>> No.21491865

thanks. i'll do first 2 then, or 3 if i can, because read the 3rd one is bit relevant too

>> No.21491877

I'm having trouble coming up with a title for my science fiction story, any recommendations on how to reach one?

>> No.21491895

go to /wg/
>being able to write a whole story but not being able to name it
Also, if you haven't written the story yet, who cares?

>> No.21491897

i will now read.

>> No.21491904

It's at least readable, unlike Heaven's Laws

>> No.21491967

I read the Hobbit and all I can think about is Beorn’s diet of honey, nuts, cream, fruit, and bread. It sounds like a very calorie dense diet, but also a very good way to get diabetes and die at the ripe old age of 29.

But I think it’s still a very good children’s book, though it’s definitely far more long-winded than I’d ever thought it’d be.

>> No.21491992

Flow on RoyalRoad

>> No.21492006

Ironically that all still has way less sugar than the average westerner's diet. You would be way less likely to get diabetes off of that then modern day goyslop.

>> No.21492042
File: 690 KB, 1240x1019, Beorn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beorn is a shapeshifter. I think we can safely say he's not normal.

>> No.21492088

The entire Mongol army lived almost entirely off of alchoholic fermented yogurt and refused any vegetables or grains to the extent they'd rather starve that attempt eating it. Anything goes if you burn enough calories, that diet doesn't even sound particularly odd.

>> No.21492101
File: 18 KB, 293x475, 10016013._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this masterpiece?

>> No.21492111
File: 1.25 MB, 2700x1500, lord of the mysteries 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit. Read this instead.

>> No.21492149

has anyone made a kindle/digital book version with all chapters in? i would read if i can put everything on my kindle but no way im sitting on my pc all day, not using phone either

>> No.21492154

Pastel City didn't even start out that strong, it just never had the prose necessary to make the setting alive. It was all so lifeless and without the ability to conjur images in me as a reader. Unlike Vance, Wolfe, CAS, Howard or Leiber, who all wrote similarly structures stories.

>> No.21492157

i spent like 2h taking my favorite literotica series and formatting it, and that was only 15 chapters or so
ironically it got deleted not long after so it turned out to be a good decision

>> No.21492164

>and that was only 15 chapters or so
yeah, i think lord of the mysteries is 1k++?? no way im doing that

wew, when author or some autist decides to that for me i will read
thats why i only read webnovels when they release on amazon kindle, shit its free anyway, better read something else and wait

>> No.21492198
File: 584 KB, 1014x1312, 34759sfdlkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>far more long-winded than I'd ever thought it'd be
Only have about 50 pages left to go before I finish. I find the long-windedness comes from his prose rather than anything else (descriptions of nature, especially). Other than that it's actually fairly fast paced, and he doesn't spend too much time in any one place.

>> No.21492220

do you losers really read machine translated bug fiction

>> No.21492238

No, only transitioning manga niggas do that.

>> No.21492264

> has anyone made a kindle/digital book version with all chapters in?
Yes, you can google for it or use WebToEpub and scrape your own.

>> No.21492465
File: 427 KB, 1080x1234, 20230107_093842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat lazy faggot eternally BTFOd

>> No.21492503

No but I read fan translated bug fiction.

>> No.21492521

What's hilarious is that RI is LITERALLY bug fiction, the title is bugs, the setting is bugs, the plot is bugs, Fang Yuan even realizes that even the cultivators are actually bugs too. So it's literally a story about a bugman living in a bug who collects bugs to feed to his bugs to make more bugs.
And it beats every novel written in the last 100 years in philosophical depth.

>> No.21492528

>By all means do, but lately what I've been seeing is you leaping upon any mention of Wolfe, no matter how innocuous, to post the same repetitive stuff. No statements of Wolfe's superiority required. I can't even remember the last time I saw someone make a statement along the lines you describe, wanking off Wolfe while simultaneously disparaging Vance or Smith. Shit, in this thread Wolfe wasn't even mentioned in the post that set you off, and the only post which did mention him was one which treated Vance with respect and only disparaged Harrison's 'Viriconium'.
Wolfefags continue to disparage the authors that Wolfe ripped from. And I was tricked into reading BOTNS (thankfully I didn't give the Wolfe estate a single penny as it was a second hand copy) thinking it would be "based" and anything like Vance or Smith and instead it turned out to be meandering midwit self insert wankery
And thus I will call Wolfefags out for it
No surprise, /lit/ has shit taste, the same kind of subhuman midwit dreck who think blood meridian is peak literature are the same people who think fat catholic and his self insert who fucks all the woman is "based" and better written than Ashton Smith or Vance

>> No.21492542
File: 383 KB, 1600x1200, deliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. It just says he didn't deliver without any new detail. In the end she says he might still get a film deal following gurm's unfinished path.
Does anybody know what he does all day? Just sit around and get high? Go to cons?

>> No.21492579

>Why yes, I do think that Malazan should move to S tier

>> No.21492589

>38 year old universe/series/whatever
>getting its first new official works in well over a decade and by the original two authors at that
>plot predominantly revolves around time travel right off the bat and going back to significant events in the past
Methinks this is going to be chock full of retcons, mite b cool.

>> No.21492592

I love bugs, I like bees and ants and I never flush spiders down the drain. Not sure why autists get so triggered by bugs. Even if supposedly bugs (or chinese) are unthinking a drones following commands, it's clear that the author of RI is nothing like that.

>> No.21492613

It's like 12,000 pages altogether, so 300 to find the first real footing isn't all that bad

>> No.21492617

Streaming on twitch apparently

>> No.21492635

>bu-but I can't write when the orange bad man is in power!

>> No.21492669

Any sff where the protagonist isn't a gigachad for whom every woman falls instantly?

>> No.21492673
File: 76 KB, 1093x257, 22648772708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino on the menu boys....

>> No.21492679

Cringe, reddit, but somwhat fun.

Do you really want to read about every way magic in HP is retarded, and how much fanfic shit can you tolerate?

>> No.21492696

who reads this shit
i understand badly written wish fulfillment but this is goyslop of the highest level

>> No.21492734
File: 85 KB, 568x909, kellhus_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently half the posters here. A sad state of affairs but people are adamant about the superiority of progression fantasy, xianxia, litRPG, and rest of the smut.

>> No.21492747

A bunch of filthy fun-havers.

>> No.21492767

Introspection is definitely not a foreign thing to me. I guess I just have a more difficult time getting in to the character and world when, like I said, it goes overboard on the woe and misfortune. Every love is either false or feels to be doomed, always more tragic bloodshed and fucked up little dudes who got raped or jacked off by their mommy. Why should I care?

You've read me all wrong bro Cnaiur is 100% the most human character in the story, I love that man. I'm reading this for him, the conspiracies, and Kellhus. Occasionally there's a good Achamian section I'll give it that but every Cnaiur chapter is a banger.

I'd consider it to still be worth checking out, there's more good than bad certainly.

>> No.21492773

faggot weeper

>> No.21492808

better question is why is this shit in this thread

>> No.21492811

I got turned off Bakker when I read the introduction he wrote for some short story anthology. It was some freshman undergrad tier tripe on the nature of evil and what makes a compelling story. I refuse to believe the man who wrote that preface knows how to write a good book.

>> No.21492836
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how do you feel knowing litrpg chads will keep posting here forever?

>> No.21492841


>> No.21492921

Vaguely annoyed, and nostalgic for the days when /sffg/ was very slightly less shit.

>> No.21492923
File: 104 KB, 364x490, How_Mordred_was_Slain_by_Arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know over the past 2 weeks, I read Thomas Malory's original La Morte d'Arthur, and something that positively astonished me was that at least 75% of the interior of the book, if not more, was endlessly repetitive and mind-numbing tournament fight-fag autism and half-assed "chivalric" simping like any of a thousand identical shounen animes. The distinction between King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table and Naruto or Yu-Gi-Oh or Dragonball Z, or any of those ten trillion unreadable chinklit progression novels is almost purely superficial; except for two things.
1. It was written 600 years ago so it has the excuse of being, literally, novel, for the society in which it was written.
2. The ~25% of the book surrounding the tournament-shit was the most exquisitely moving poetry you have ever read, and literally the reason Arthurian legends survive into the modern cultural milieu. That is something LitRPGs, cultivation "literature", or Journey to the West fanfiction does not possess, and never will possess.

>> No.21492932

Shitty bait. Putting all these in one category is absolutely dumb and no one does it. I like progression and I like power fantasy, but I hate smut and I have read a several xanxias, most I dropped, few were ok.

>> No.21492940

La morte d'Arthur is the attack on titan of English literature (this comment makes no sense).

>> No.21492949

Books about killing retarded subhuman niggers (like most of the anons in this general)?

>> No.21492962

Anyone advise on how to get Karl Edward Wagner's Kane series? Individual books go for 80 shekels and the omnibus for close to 3x that. Abebooks and ebay were the sites i used. No epub or pdfs i could find after looking

>> No.21493029

Wandering Inn

>> No.21493047

Yeah, the books are expensive because the wagner estate only ever release them in expensive hardbacks. your only hope of cheap physical copies is ebay
Kindle versions are alright but for some reason they removed some of the swear words (without spoiling it, one of our protagonists calls his traitorous lover a bitch and it's removed in the kindle edition)
all the kane books were available on z-lib before it went down, they can be found on epdf as well https://epdf.tips/night-windscb58f1b4845136da867b1842b2af5a0213663.html
i recommend starting with either night winds or bloodstone, they're the best introductions to Kane IMO

>> No.21493052


>> No.21493066
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Be careful guys, we're almost to 300. Someone might make a new thread before hitting page 10.

>> No.21493075
File: 197 KB, 1048x1367, de0b4km-70f8b945-6d7a-4bfd-8805-84440b7b1740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already read. I'd settle for any bakker like book recommendations

>> No.21493081

z-lib isn't down, you can still access it with telegram bot, android APK software, or straight via onion browser, all the books are right there, ripe for the picking

>> No.21493085

I will make a new one at page 8

>> No.21493089

I wish someone would just upload stuff to other sites as well.

>> No.21493128

Mother of Learning

>> No.21493135

Just read the impossible wizard.
>''nothing happened'' the book

>> No.21493137

I Shall Seal the Heavens

>> No.21493162

Right now litrpg/gamelit is better than 90% of currently published sff books. Current sff publishing is THAT bad. In addition, there are so many free to read gems that no publishing house would support.

>> No.21493166

I can't believe you are this hopeless. Well, you can go to >>>/t/ where there is a SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY COLLECTION THREAD where you can find mega links where you can find Wagner's works.

>> No.21493169
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>> No.21493170

>Current sff publishing is THAT bad.
Not really. It's more that LNs and web fiction are their own special kind of hell when it comes to garbage.

>> No.21493189

At least half of anime is repackaging pre-20th century Western pop lit. Carmilla is unironically a light novel from 1989 and JS le Fanu is a time traveler.

>> No.21493213

Better than Sanderson.
Haven't read Malazan yet

>> No.21493226

Why not wait for page 10

>> No.21493235

Why do you care you raging autist

>> No.21493253

read the thread. anon is obviously having a laugh at how it went down the last time.

>> No.21493255

Because it's been like that for months now?

>> No.21493256

Every piece of LitRPG type stuff I've seen shilled here and looked into is outright worse than fanfiction, people would unironically be better off just reading fanfic. Most currently published stuff is shit, sure, but one thing being shit does not magically transmute another piece of shit into gold.

>> No.21493266

And it'll be just as shitty as this thread.

>> No.21493267


>> No.21493280

you have no idea how hard I'm resisting the temptation right now, anon

>> No.21493287
File: 79 KB, 653x653, Russ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally finished re-reading Deadhouse Gates as part of my Malazan re-read. When I first read this book I was a teenager and I liked it because it was violent and characters would say seemingly profound things every other page. Now I re-read it and I mostly am baffled by what kind of messaging Erikson is trying to achieve. In any other fictional story, except maybe like Warhammer tie-in novels, the Malazan Empire would be the bad guys. They came from across the sea to brutally conquer this continent of brown people who were living their lives in isolation for the most part, installed a class of creole race-traitors to oversee them, and exact yearly tribute from their plundered coffers.

YET despite all this, the Malazan Empire are considered the good guys, or at the very least, the majority of characters you are supposed to empathize with are affiliated with the Malazans somehow. Every chance Erikson gets he points out how brutal and savage the rebels are, even though they are the faction that frankly has the most understandable motivations. They've been oppressed by a foreign power for decades that installs women and blacks in key positions of authority over them. The Malazan Empire is literally globohomo and it makes me wonder if Erikson, being as self-aware as he is, is either (a) making the point that liberalism can only be enforced at the point of a gun and using irony to say this is a BAD thing or (b) liberalism can only be enforced at the point of a gun and this is a GOOD thing.

I'm not qualified to say whether or not his writing is good but he is much more sparing with imagery than most fantasy writers. His dialogue is pretty good too, nice and terse, but every so often characters have philosophical discussions in the middle of some mundane activity. Some anon a while back pointed out that modern genre fiction is just a vehicle for authors to educate a captive audience to their personal beliefs. I think this is honestly true in most cases, but one hundred percent accurate in the case of Erikson. He is here to lecture you on the "human question" first, tell a satisfying narrative second.

>> No.21493300

You're wasting your time here trying to discuss books here.

>> No.21493305
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>YET despite all this, the Malazan Empire are considered the good guys, or at the very least, the majority of characters you are supposed to empathize with are affiliated with the Malazans somehow.
We came, we saw, he died.

>> No.21493308

>book 2
I never understood why everybody fellates over Coltaine and the Chain of Dogs, when one of the two best characters within the entire series, Itkovian, was in the same damn book.

>> No.21493323

>mother of learning
goat and shilled
>Vainqueur the Dragon
best fantasy satire eva
>dawn of the void
A blend of sci fi and fantasy that doesn't suck?? Fuck yeah!
>defiance of the fall
original cultivation setting, no romance shit, covers epic levels of power
>beware of chicken
Which publishing house would even consider a novel with such a title? Their fucking loss!!
You can't find anything like the above in the bookstores.

>> No.21493329

Are you even human?

>> No.21493328

Sounds like you should stick with your fanfics, then.

>> No.21493341

Even if few people read my schizo ramblings getting them all out at once allows me to move on to the next activity

>> No.21493350

who's got the rothfuss pizza guy seethe tweet?
you know of what i speak. post it

>> No.21493357

Are you?

>> No.21493361

I don't read garbage, so yes.

>> No.21493371

it's true, bakker excels at fantasy but he failed at noir. neuropath exemplifies all of his worst qualities as a writer and few of his strengths. the short passage about moenghus' neuropuncture experiments on the skin-spy in the thousand-fold thought say everything that neuropath has to say, in a much more interesting and vastly more compact package.

>> No.21493377

Prove it.

>> No.21493380

I don't read LitRPG or chinese mtls stories.

>> No.21493434

>Reverend Insanity
Made me laugh
Should I get into it?

>> No.21493445

Why would you want to read garbage mtl stories?

>> No.21493454

Look man , you can't be a fan of fantasy if all you really is like 3 books from 40 years ago. You are just a fan of a few writers.

>> No.21493469

They are emblematic of our times without being about transsexuals.

>> No.21493480

Is Clark Ashton Smith considered better than Vance?

>> No.21493481

Maybe if you only spend your time on /sffg/.

>> No.21493485

Hahahaha based af.
Malazan globohomos btfo.

>> No.21493493

How old are you, /sffg/?
I turned 43 a few days ago. Feels good ngl.

>> No.21493495


>> No.21493498

>40 year olds post in /sffg/
no wonder this place sucks

>> No.21493502

Please say you’re joking. I would actually kill myself if this is true.

>> No.21493506

You're here forever.

>> No.21493511

What's so bad about this?I'm not joking.
Where should people go after turning 40? Fucking Goodreads? Kek

>> No.21493513

Not really?

>> No.21493518

There's a fag that's proud that he wasted like 20 years of his life on this site. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if that other anon is a no-life 40-year-old.

>> No.21493522
File: 85 KB, 453x478, 1672878119068185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoinks he's le old man
Meanwhile virtually all of sffg's favorite books were written by people that age and up.

>> No.21493523

lol , good luck talking about sci-fi with anyone else. Only other people I know that read these thing is my wife and my father. Everyone else talks about MCU or their kids.

>> No.21493528

It's not me, I've posted in /sffg/ less than like 50 times. I don't really bother with 4chan except occasionally. Mostly come here looking for recommendations, whether it's books, Vidya, anime, whatever.
Not much else happening here these days. Dead site desu

>> No.21493531

Read the first 200 chapters (the first book)

>> No.21493536

>43 years old and still posts on 4chan
Tell me what you did wrong so I won’t end up like you?

>> No.21493537

Lol this

>> No.21493546

>lol , good luck talking about sci-fi with anyone else.
But no one even discusses books here. Objectively speaking, going to another site would be a step up.

>> No.21493551

Answer this and I'll tell you

>> No.21493552

Notice how writers did things and not spend time on here?

>> No.21493556

>if you do anything else than write 100% of your time then you're not a writer

>> No.21493562

This. They're so dumb aren't they. Just one stupid low IQ take after the other.

>> No.21493569

>lol guys , I'm just here TEMPORARILY while I get my shit together

sure anon , sure

Personaly I'm here cause /v/ is faster moving than reddit/discord and less moderated . I go off-board from time to time , /tg/ and a bit /lit/ lately.

>> No.21493570

Anywhere but here. Now tell me what you did wrong with your life so I can avoid being a sad lonely 40+ person here.

>> No.21493577

>Anywhere but here.
Kek try harder. Where specifically. And tell me why it's significantly better than or different to here.

>> No.21493580
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>Off by one
consider pic relared

>> No.21493590

I noticed , but people bitching about things is just chan culture. I also tried giving /mu/ a chance. Beleive it or not , they are worse than /lit/ and by a lot.

I'll give this place a few more weeks before fucking off.

>> No.21493591

>I turned 43 a few days ago.
That's really sad.

>> No.21493592

Except I don't know how much time he spends here compared to literally anything else in his life, and I don't claim to because there's no way to tell. That's something only a retard (like (You)) would do so.

>> No.21493600

>I'll give this place a few more weeks before fucking off.
I'll just do it right away. This thread, or the past few threads, aren't the exception, they're the norm. /sffg/ is a terrible place to try and discuss books.

>> No.21493601 [SPOILER] 
File: 490 KB, 640x652, q2gypzyipqo81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday, anon! It's never too late.

>> No.21493605
File: 30 KB, 800x533, 1672281671811820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting this bug shit.

>> No.21493608

beware of chicken is absolute shit, and its inclusion discredits the rest of your list.

>> No.21493609

>The natural process of aging is sad!
Lmao okay, I guess people like you are regressing into childhood so it does fit. Tbh I didn't expect /sffg/ to be this full of seething brainlets but then again /lit/ is known for being very autismal.

>> No.21493613

The best sffg discussions happen at /tg/ when there's a tg-lit bread.

>> No.21493616

ITT: 2010+ newfags argue with each other
If only there were a forum or another site in which they could engage in this off-topic activity

>> No.21493617

Thanks! I guess I finally have to read that now after seeing it spammed all the time huh.

>> No.21493619

The natural aging process isn’t sad. Just being a 40 year old on 4chan is

>> No.21493623

It's High Literature you stupid pleb

>> No.21493624

K. So we're back to
And also
Believe it or not, it's possible to do other things in life both before and after writing a post on a Chinese tranny fetish blogging site.

>> No.21493645

Based, don't forget to post a short review on /sffg/ later just to irritate our resident schizo (he hates RI)

>> No.21493659

Heh, I'll do that. Seeing him flip like that each time you/the reviewanon posts one is priceless.

>> No.21493671

As long as you're not a retard that tries to use /sffg/ to talk about books, it's okay.

>> No.21493673

In the unlikely event that I ever get in the mood for that tier of written junk-food, I will. The reason it's marginally better is because the writing style, ideas, and so on are roughly equivalent to those found in LitRPG slop (often it's even the same authors, sometimes not even writing under a different name), but it benefits from recycling universes and characters created by someone who might have actual talent.
"3 books from 40 years ago" is an exaggeration but ok, sure. Is anyone a fan of an entire genre, rather than just good books within said genre? I'd say I'm a fan of fantasy because a fantasy book only needs to be decent for me to be interested, while a book in a genre I don't care about like romance would need to be excellent.

>> No.21493676
File: 19 KB, 544x362, no thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anglo-mutt posting hours begin
>quality of thread drops dramatically

>> No.21493684

thats not him, he only flips when someone posts anything chinese/xanxia/litrpg/progression

>> No.21493685

>he believes the meme that 4chin is used by young people
Somebody tell him.

>> No.21493687

You don’t ow that this thread was shit from the start, right?

>> No.21493690

Ok, I will trust you and read second apocalypse. Neuropath really annoyed me so I hope you haven't bamboozled me once again!

>> No.21493698

The quality of this thread, and previous threads, have been shit no matter the time.

>> No.21493709

I went for a short walk outside for 30 minutes and when I come back there's 70 new messages, most of them screeching about 40 year old man in 4chan although most people in 4chan are at least 30.

>> No.21493716

There hasn't been a good /sffg/ thread in about 3 years. No substantial book discussion, no original content, just increasingly tired memes and shitty bait.

>> No.21493717
File: 88 KB, 967x741, mttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you say that? It's the middle of the day in most of muttland .

>> No.21493718

How does that refute what I said?

>> No.21493719


>> No.21493732

the second apocalypse is written in a very biblical and grandiose manner so as to genuinely feels like it comes from a world that is completely alien to modern times, mores and sensibilities. bakker is an autistic alien himself so he is perfectly suited for this kind of writing. when he tries to write normal characters in a mundane modern world, he falls flat on his face and comes off as a low-grade genre hack. TSA is really something else though.

>> No.21493733

>No substantial book discussion
Why would you even come here for book discussion when there's better book forums for it?

>> No.21493748

Nice. I went jogging earlier on and when I got back there was only screeching like no one discusses books, why are you jere if you want to discuss books, you was time here, this place sucks etc

I don't understand why is this autist still here if he hates /sffg/ and 4chan culture so much.

>> No.21493749

>better book forums for it?
I swear people are just trolling at this point.

>> No.21493757
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>> No.21493770

Once upon a time there was occasionally decent book discussion here, and tastes aligned more with my own here than elsewhere. /sffg/ was especially good for vetting female authors who get praised elsewhere—if she was liked by a decent amount of people even here, she's probably pretty good and not just politically motivated flavor of the month.

Since then? Force of habit. I don't think there are better book forums, honestly. This was the only good one and now it's a useless shell of what it was. I'd rather just give up on online book discussion than go somewhere where people gush over Sanderson, Hobb, etc.

>> No.21493784

You look at this thread and the last few threads and tell me it isn’t a waste of time here.

>> No.21493841

>Once upon a time
I assume that was a rather long time ago, right? so have you been here all this time since the general/board culture changed? For what reason? Who don't you just move on "to the better forums" ?

>> No.21493918
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>> No.21493935

The best doesn't mean good really, just better than alternatives. Space battles is decent afaik but it's more of a niche but I honestly can't tell you where to go otherwise, reddit is a joke cause well, it's reddit. Goodreads gets criticized often enough for being wine mom central, honestly reviews are the only part of it that I find remotely useful. Royal road/NovUpdate might be decent for webnovels and such, but not genre in general. Don't do much in a way of discussion myself but when I think of a place to just go check out what some randoms think about a book or two 4chan, despite all it's flaws, is the first think I think of, perhaps I just find anonymity and it's lack of laurels convenient.

>> No.21493962

To add to my last response, I spent a fair bit of my time on 4chan in the past in a small corner thread of /vg/ called /gsg/. I humbly assure you the local shitshow doesn't hold the candle to that one and the skill to handle having an actual useful discussion in the midst of such festivities is one I think most people who spend few years on 4chan develop sooner or later.

Usually if there isn't one going on parallel to shitshow there's just nothing to discuss, it's bad hours, or people simply bailed. That comes and goes but if someone actually wanted to discuss some topic in particular I'd bet you find a guy or two to talk it over with here most of the time.

>> No.21493964


>> No.21493977

Let's see how long we can go without a new one.

>> No.21493982

This general hasn’t been able to discuss books for over a year now.

>> No.21493992

Within last few months I've been here a dozen or so times sometimes just browsing, but mostly coming to talks over a book/webnovel I read and/or ask for recs, when i did I got useful responses about two out of tree times.

>> No.21494037

Why do we even have this general.

>> No.21494067

Yeah I guess I meant there was so much potential and it was quite a cool idea so I assumed it would be amazing, and there were some cool ideas in it but like all fantasy there is a huge world but the characters just walk a narrow path through it

>> No.21494072
File: 77 KB, 474x630, beep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turned 33 back on monday. Anyone read picrel? Seems like a few people here like litrpg stuff, so I'd like to hear what anyones opinion on it is. Eventually plan on reading it

>> No.21494078

we can go right to limit, people find us in the catalog

>> No.21494169

>This was the only good one
This place was never good.

>> No.21494177

Classic case of Stockholm syndrome

>Stockholm syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time.
It seems these anons have been abused by King Bakker, litprg, chinese xanxia and progression posters, and instead of leaving this unkind general, they have developed a coping mechanism. They have developed positive feelings towards this general and the abuse they receive here.

>> No.21494231

A long time ago yes. Not consistently, but I come back off and on because hope springs eternal. I addressed why I don't go "to better forums" in the post you replied to—they do not exist.

>> No.21494238

>they do not exist.
They do, you're just not looking for them.

>> No.21494243

Name one. Every book discussion place online I have found is reddit tier and has redditor taste.

>> No.21494292

Online Book Club for one

>> No.21494294

Probably helps if you stop viewing the world in such a dumb way.

>> No.21494306

He is right though.

>> No.21494308

Maybe if you spend all you time terminally online.

>> No.21494348

It's because I spend all my free time online. I have gained experience and knowedge, I have visited every book discussion forum on the internet and found each one of them to be reddit tier. I have spent years doing this so that newfags like you won't have to. You should thank me.

>> No.21494353

If you think so, viewing the world in such dumb terms is unhealthy, not to mention unrealistic.

>> No.21494358

Imagine if there was internet in the golden age of sci fi and we could go through their old forums

>> No.21494452

yeah I downloaded the whole series as one epub from libgen

>> No.21494514


>> No.21494521

Thread already started poorly.

>> No.21494541
File: 6 KB, 880x96, Screenshot_3445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?
cool, i will now read

>> No.21494575

Isn't the bump limit here 500?

>> No.21494584

No, its like 310 or 320.