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File: 72 KB, 700x494, whitebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2148574 [Reply] [Original]

Well I finally got it!

A copy of the Northwest Migration Manual, the latest edition. I've put it on megaupload for you guys, enjoy!


>> No.2148587

What is this now?

>> No.2148594
File: 12 KB, 212x215, NFSealNew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a manual for the Northwest front, a movement for Whites to migrate to the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho in order to establish a Homeland similar to Israel for the Jewish Religion.

>> No.2148598
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>similar to Israel for the Jewish Religion.

But, sir, isn't Israel already for the Jewish Religion?

>> No.2148604

Oh duh, yeah no I meant this is for white people. Caucasians.

>> No.2148611

so has /lit/ changed from a shitty tripfag circle-jerk to a proxy board of /new/ .... or is it just one guy?

haven't been here for a while

>> No.2148621
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Not sure why one thread means anything negative. Are you really afraid of one thread?

>> No.2148622

serious questionw hy would anyone actually want idaho

>> No.2148631

It's quiet, low crime, full of independent people and small communities. It maintains many values such as Liberty and Justice. What's not to like?

>> No.2148634

>one thread

are you new too?

>> No.2148638

White Nationalists are OK, except for the whole Hitler fetish.

>> No.2148639

You're telling me there are constant NWF threads on here? Anyway, if you want to browse the book, you can. If you don't, then don't. Still not sure why this warrants complaint :/

>> No.2148643
File: 19 KB, 394x379, stfu_mosley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hitler's OK, it's just these inbred untermensch mouthbreathers you breed over there in the Appalachians or wherever the fuck. Americans give racist nationalism a bad name.

>> No.2148647

I agree.

GUBU is an acronym standing for grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre and unprecedented. This is the public opinion about American WN's.

We're slowly changing that perception.

>> No.2148649


- elected a drunk driver governor
- elected a senator who cruises men's rooms
- shitty license plate design
- shitty state quarter design
- lou dobbs is from there
- big stupid panhandle
- shit-ton of mormons


>> No.2148655

I would rather live with Mormons than mexican illegals or african american gang bangers. Hell, Hoover preferred Mormons because of their morality and sense of right.

The other factors are a bit of a stretch.

>> No.2148656


Nazi racism is about as scientific as Tibetan Buddhism.

>> No.2148657


>> No.2148666
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It's a fantastic construct which manages to ignore any of the real reasons ethnically constrained societies work better?

>> No.2148671
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>> No.2148672

>ethnically constrained societies work better

[Citation Needed]

>> No.2148674
File: 25 KB, 300x250, hitler_hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since everybody is genociding everyone these days and trying to wipe each other out (like hutus and pol pots and solololololbodan milolololololosovic and all those guys), is it possible that everyone hates Hitler because he's a hipster? You all hatin' on him just because he was into it before anybody else.

>> No.2148675



>> No.2148676
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>> No.2148678

And that's why Germany managed to turn itself from an impoverished, broken nation to a world super power in less than a decade? No, what White people can accomplish when they work together is why We won the West, went to the moon, you're speaking my language, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.2148680

I hated hitler before it was cool to hate on him.

>> No.2148682
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>> No.2148683
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>> No.2148686
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Yeah, well I was into genocide long before anyone else. In fact, I thought it was old hat well before that Hitler guy jumped on the bandwagon. He is just so mainstream.

>> No.2148692

You know what race I hate the most?

It's an obscure genocideed race you've probably never heard of before.

>> No.2148695
File: 515 KB, 1224x1584, negrocrime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god not another one of these threads

>> No.2148696

It boils down to what your basic feelings about white people happen to be, which each person will have to make up their own mind about. But lets get serious and admit that without a drastic change in current demographics, breeding levels and rates of conception whites will continue to decline world wide.

We are already in the single digits, on earth. Single digits for a race which has accomplished nearly everything the modern day holds dear.

Whites landed on the moon. Whites created the global communications network, which you people now use to denigrate us. Whites created the language we all talk offhandedly about genocide in.

I'm not a supremecist, I'm a seperatist. We gave the world everything from cars to planes to trains. All we want is our own little corner to ensure white children can grow up in a healthy and safe environment.

A nature preserve for whites isn't such a bad thing, is it?

>> No.2148698

I hate it when a few great men achieve something remarkable and a bunch of freeloaders claim credit for it

>> No.2148701


>believing the lunar landing actually happened

>> No.2148702

oh god i hate america

>> No.2148703

Yeah, keep saying that in my language and pretend my race isn't better. I'm sure your family will pat you on the head as you all copy my way of life :)

>> No.2148706 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 720x479, williambillthebutchercutting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joseph Palmi: Let me ask you something... we Italians, we got our families, and we got the church; the Irish, they have the homeland, Jews their tradition; even the niggers, they got their music. What about you people, Mr. Wilson, what do you have?

Edward Wilson: The United States of America. The rest of you are just visiting.

>> No.2148709

america elected a damn black man president. these fucks are not america, any more than the BNP is england.

>> No.2148711

>my language

you're american. it isn't your language

>> No.2148712

It shocks me how someone can claim to be knowledgeable about the news, current events, trends and so forth while still not see the blatant truth, which is that without a Homeland, white people are a dying race.

>> No.2148713
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Oh those guys? I was into them for a while, but then I heard that they'd found a few of them on like an island or some shit somewhere? Yeah, they turned out to be like total sellouts.

The guys I'm into now? They were wiped out so long ago that like nobody can even read their language. They're like dinosaurs or something man, only they're like people. You'll probably hear about them in a month or two.

>> No.2148714


still curious how you rahowa dudes expect to run a country when you're still slurping up govt hoaxes like the moon landing

>> No.2148716
File: 34 KB, 300x350, jew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But your way of life is the result of half a century of Jewish social engineering. Where is the race of your fathers now?

>> No.2148717


You know that troll image about happiness in nations being higher in irreligious ones? I'll let you figure out what the more relevant thing they have in common is.

Trust is higher in genetically constrained societies and trust is the most important of the things that makes civil society work.

Elites tend to be more trusting based on cultural than phenotypic markers, and then cannot understand why other people aren't the same way. Other people parrot the elite rhetoric and don't understand why they really don't feel that way.

I don't have any problems with anyone who shares my values and is intelligent—or at least knows that they aren't. But I totally understand where WNs are coming from. I'm just not one. I still empathize with them, which is why I wish they'd get off the Hitler crap. It's like Lefties loving on Lenin; no one else is going to listen when you do that shit, guise.

>> No.2148718

I'm white. Stop denigrating my race, please, in my own language. I don't go learning your language just to talk shit to you over the Internet.

Speaking of which, isn't ist funny how the White Man harnessed electricity, developed computers, invented the internet so little jerk-offs like you can come and talk shit to us?

We literally had to teach you our language and then build the communications infrastructure necessary for you to do so.

>> No.2148720

Wow that sounds awesome, give me a few links! I'm so totally into this stuff, like an original scene maker.

>> No.2148723

Yeah, WWII, like the Civil War, were big mistakes we're now waking up to.

Can you not comprehend the size of the enemy you are creating? America was the LAST place that would tolerate you people and your bullshit.

I used to honestly feel for you guys until I found out about the truth. That you jews are against my people from the get go. Arrogant, scheming jews. And the more I look, the more evidence there is of these facts.

I'm just a stupid goyim to you, only I'm not so stupid. The time is coming for your people to pay an ancient debt once again.

By all means, keep talking shit about me and my people. By all means. But don't be surprised when your spastic nonsense is revealed and more of MY people wake up to it all.

Thank you for posting in english, on a computer using electricity over the internet while wearing jeans, a t-shirt and tennis shoes.

>> No.2148724

Too bad it's a fantasy.

>> No.2148725

We'll see :)

>> No.2148731

I'm white and feel no pride for being white. I don't feel ashamed, there's just an abyss where some sort of racial idendity "should" be.
The thought of the white race not existing fills me with a sense of glee that I can't fully describe. A sense of giddy, infantile joy that is almost sublime, in the classical sense of the world. I get the same sensation in my chest, when I think about the white race failing, as I do when I struggle to the top of a mountain and am able to look down on a scene of unparalleled beauty.
Fresh snow on a sunny, crisp winters morning.
Stroms blowing outside my window whilst I'm tucked up in a warm bed.

>> No.2148736

Don't write. You're really bad at it.

>> No.2148738
File: 18 KB, 281x389, vincenoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I was going to, but then it kind of went out of fashion? I think it was while you were looking at it actually. People in Shoreditch are starting to call you the Jonah of Cool. You're like the fashion curse. I heard someone even say that you were the hipster hex. You've got to start sorting yourself out a bit, Howard.

>> No.2148741

how's the stream of cock going>?

>> No.2148744
File: 6 KB, 131x135, jewp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol goyim and their low iqs

>> No.2148745

Wasn't aiming to be :)

My heart was racing as i wrote it and I wasn't able to adequately capture my feelings.

oh god! my hands are trembling!

>> No.2148761

what is it with white people and advertisements?

you'd brand your own ass if you could make a buck out of it

>> No.2148762
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Wrong thread...or is it?

>> No.2148813
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>taking the far-right seriously

>> No.2148816
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>> No.2148839
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>> No.2148848


Looks like some superior master race right there.

Is anyone really, seriously a racist these days or is it just a combination of belonging and trolling? It's like supporting a football team isn't it?

And whites are pretty third division.

>> No.2148850

As if we're not supposed to defend ourselves.... I have only responded to attacks in like kind, bud. Why do YOU feel the need to denigrate and discourage this thread?

>> No.2148851

>still clinging to some "American Identity" of the white nuclear family that died almost 60 years ago
Fuck you

>> No.2148863

>not being fed-up with modern America

>> No.2148881

haven't far right, white supremacists become some sort of self-referencing parody or elaborate trolling excersise or something like that??

When someone writes something like the Northwest Migration Manual is it not some kind convoluted in-joke?

I thought thats how these things are now

>> No.2148884


That's not the far right, that's white trash with an agenda.

Blogs and outlets like Moldbug, Foseti, Alternative Right, Mangan's, etc. are the real far right nowadays.

>> No.2148885

yeah. but they're an in joke right??

>> No.2148886

>Why do YOU feel the need to denigrate and discourage this thread?

Because it's worth it and entertaining.

>> No.2148893


Well, yeah. Organized authentic right–wing politics are pretty much impossible in advanced democracies. No one is pretending otherwise.

>> No.2148899
File: 65 KB, 485x274, doug_flag_flat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start taking you seriously when you can design your own flag.

in b4 Sierra Leone

>> No.2148900

if whites nationalists are so intelligent why aren't they already organized

>> No.2148907

We are already organized.

When Jewish Zionism was in it's infancy, no jew world wide could envision a day when a homeland would exist. Zionists were seen as crack-pots, a fringe movement.

Watch us grow. See us fly.

>> No.2148908
File: 57 KB, 592x449, cantgroundspidey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because of the Juice, duh.

>> No.2148918

>I believe you

you probably have to pass some sort of initiation ceremony, learn a secret handshake or someshit, to get the real inside line.
They wouldn't broadcast it on a public interwebz forum

>> No.2148923
File: 8 KB, 218x231, imagesCAD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my winking cat pic. LOL

>> No.2148926

To all the anti-white libfags here.

Tell me why our people don't deserve a homeland. Why should only white nations get flooded with shit?

Asia for Asians
Africa for Africans
White countries for everybody!
No, not for much longer.

>> No.2148933

I lol'd
Who would clean our toilets

subjugating inferior races > racial isolation

>> No.2148951
File: 41 KB, 1024x719, jewgoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AgResearch experiments on genetically modified goats have resulted in the animals producing mostly transgender offspring, which are being milked to find out whether they carry the intended human protein.
>Soil and Health New Zealand spokesman Steffan Browning, who recently toured the facility, said 75 per cent of the goats were females in sterile male bodies. AgResearch staff refer to them as "goys".


>> No.2148953

if you white nationalists want to have your own sovereign area that is fine by me

that way when your utopian community fucks up and people start leaving you won't have anyone to blame but yourselves

>> No.2148957

>that way when your utopian community fucks up and people start leaving you won't have anyone to blame but yourselves

>> No.2148960

Grow a pair you spineless faggot!
The ethnics are getting a bit out of line so you want to hightail it to some sort of fantasy 'homeland' like a goddamn coward?
Its because of subservient shit like you that we whites are in the position we are in!
You're pathetic. I pity you and can't work out if I pity or despise your parents for raising such a worthless, yellow-bellied piece of shit.

Parasite! you talk all big about whites landing on the moon, blah blah blah. What the fuck have you done personally apart from wallow in the material decadence that our forefathers gifted us?

why not take your quitter atitude to its logical conclusion and do the world a favor.. kill yourself.
The last thing the white race needs is more dead wood

>> No.2148967
File: 72 KB, 468x352, article-0-000C525300000258-66_468x352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah, that is assuming people will even get off their fat asses and move to all the way to oregon or wherever else you are thinking of going

look at your community

no physical discipline, pathetic. it's going to be tough convincing your bretheren to move halfway across the country when they can't even move halfway across the living room to change the TV channel

>> No.2148975 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 400x398, 1317722879784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Parasite! you talk all big about whites landing on the moon, blah blah blah. What the fuck have you done personally apart from wallow in the material decadence that our forefathers gifted us?

I'm aiming towards creating an all white homeland so our people can continue our existence into the future. What, do I have to be a fucking genius that has done everything under the sun before I can have a sense of racial pride, no one fucking tells niggers they don't have a right to black pride. No one tells latino's they have no right to leech off the success of their ancestors. Fuck off JIDF.

>The ethnics are getting a bit out of line so you want to hightail it to some sort of fantasy 'homeland' like a goddamn coward?

Cultural Marxism has spread like a fucking disease through our people. Liberals and Leftist whites actually cheered when president Clinton said whites will no longer be a majority. How sick must people be to cheer becoming a minority in your own country. The migration is only a temporary fix, one day our flags will cover all previously white lands as well.

>> No.2148983

>Personal attacks and attempts at demoralization

Typical leftist behavior. Still haven't said what's wrong with a white homeland, oh wait, there isn't anything wrong with it at all. You anti-whites just want our race to lose all their lands and become minorities in their own countries. Free to be fucked over by other races through the democratic system.

>> No.2148988
File: 78 KB, 950x678, 136697-anders-behring-breivik[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bull-shit. you're a coward tapping away in isolation on your computer

>cultural marxism
stealing a concept popularised by a guy who is genuine credit to his race and wouldn't run from what threatens his people ... you are a parasite!

>> No.2148989


>in your own country
>your own country

>> No.2148991

fuck off you commie, libtard

>> No.2148996

>bull-shit. you're a coward tapping away in isolation on your computer
More attempts at demoralization, a man can use the internet and still fight for his nation. What makes you assume that being on here makes me a coward? Why don't you just stop with the petty attack and tell me what is wrong with the idea of an all white homeland.

>stealing a concept popularised by a guy who is genuine credit to his race and wouldn't run from what threatens his people
This just in, applying sociopolical concepts to a discussion is "stealing". Guess Marxists should stop using the term wage slavery and stop applying historical dialecticalism.

>> No.2148999

How do white supremacists manage to pull off that seemingly contradictatory mixture of self-aggrandizement and self-pity.
Surely the two are like oil and water??

>> No.2149007

We are superhuman.

>> No.2149009


>white supremacists

There is a difference between white supremacists and nationalists bro. The Northwest migration is about white nationalism, a nation for white people.

>> No.2149016

>what is wrong with the idea of an all white homeland.
Its running away!!! are you retarded? Its like hiding in your bedroom because there's a spider in your bathroom

>This just in, applying sociopolical concepts to a discussion is "stealing"....
NO! you're jumping on the breiavik zeitgeist bandwagon when he is THE OPPOSITE of what you are.

You are an attrocity of a human baing and a complete embarresment. You're like native americans pandering for their own reservations.

fuck you

>> No.2149019

How do white nationalists manage to pull off that seemingly contradictatory mixture of self-aggrandizement and self-pity.
Surely the two are like oil and water??

>> No.2149026


>Surely the two are like oil and water??

And together, THEY FIGHT CRIME.

>> No.2149028

Add a little clean white soap, and the two mix just fine.

>> No.2149030

The same way any ethnic pride group manages to mix the two, I imagine.

>> No.2149031

multiculturalism is anti-culturalism

it's the destruction of every unique culture on earth

do you not see the end result of this insanity?

>> No.2149033


slippery slope is alogical fallacy dude

>> No.2149034

Not it's not.
Give an inch, and a mile WILL be taken.

>> No.2149035

>Its running away!!! are you retarded? Its like hiding in your bedroom because there's a spider in your bathroom

We have no choice but to consolidate our efforts into one area, so we can raise the next generation free from the anti-white education system.

Let me get this through your head.
All throughout school, the shits the same. Evil whitey did this, those evil nationalists did that. Nothing but good things about everyone else, everything bad emphasized about white people. It's to late for many regions, the people hate themselves to much and it would be impossible to bring them out of the indoctrination. You seriously think any amount of effort would wake the Swedes, the most brainwashed whites of the lot, up? No, we have to work this shit over generations, it took 40+ years for them to get this far, it'll take about that to turn the tides back.

>NO! you're jumping on the breiavik zeitgeist bandwagon when he is THE OPPOSITE of what you are.
...I have nothing to do with Breiavik. And Cultural Marxism sure as hell precedes him. You really don't know what you are talking about, do you?

>> No.2149036

did anybody ask about non-white nationalism?

fucking cop out.... baaaaw poor you

>> No.2149037

Logic has no place in this argument...

>> No.2149038

This is what multiculturalism has bred-

>> No.2149045


hell yeah gonna judge this complicated social issue based on a youtube video

>> No.2149046

You asked a specific question. I pointed out that it has a broader range than your question suggested. If you can't handle that, choke on dick I guess.

>> No.2149049

It's not slippery slope if you can establish a direct cause and effect between events.

Historically cultures have clashed whenever they come in contact, division into different nations have for the most prevented this. Now why is it that in the modern day it is assumed that cultures will not clash? Why is it assumed that multiculturalism will suddenly work?

40% of Muslim students support Sharia, that's almost half. 40% of Muslims students, a people who soon will become the majority and be able to swing elections. Will want to introduce something incompatible with British culture. They leech of welfare at an extraordinary rate, they cause more crimes, racial tensions have clearly increased. Yet leftist fucks still regard multiculturalism as a good idea.

>> No.2149052

you're a pathetic shell of a person. a weakling of the lowest order.
I dunno, do you hide in your basement writing angry internets talk as a solution to your own inadequacies in life?.... and then try to extend that logic to the problems of the white race? "we should hide in our own country like I retreated to my basement"??

and you ARE completely jumping on the breivik train...

your a fucking embaresment.
go educate yourself instead of buyiing into this half cocked bullshit. Learn to think for yourself in relation to the real world, not this fantasy bull-shit you construct in your head.
beliefs, and the actions they lead to, aren't just a bunch of stuff you like the idea of.
We must fight. not flee.

I'm going to bed....completely fucking disgusted. If you were in my organization you'd be the first to go(and I don't mean 'shown the door'). dead wood will drown us when the time comes

>> No.2149053

nope. you copped out because you are a gayer.

I saw it. everyone saw it. you can't deny it.

>> No.2149056


hey waht do you guys think about that guy from law and order svu who was a white nationalist on that hbo prison show

>> No.2149057

Again, nothing but ad hominem attacks and repetition of earlier points. You aren't really adding anything, just shitting all over yourself as you fling insults at people


>> No.2149058

Copped out of what? I wasn't even the anon you were talking to.

>> No.2149060

I'm with this guy.
OP is a lily livered faggot.

I'd never let someone chase me out of my home.
I've never thought of white nationalism this way before.
what a bunch of homosex

>> No.2149070

>asked simple question.
>instead of substansive answer get "but blacks do"
>can't understand why this would be viewed as a cop out

>> No.2149072

If your question's so simple then answer it yourself. I'm no more an authority than you, you petulant whining shit.

>> No.2149094
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>> No.2149185

Not cool. Just because someone is fat doesn't make them a puffed-up spineless coward. In fact, most white supremacists I've known have been skinny no-necks

>> No.2149191

>butthurt fatass detected