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21484172 No.21484172 [Reply] [Original]

19th century Andrew Tate

>> No.21484186

Except Tate actually fucks and is a Chad Muslim with a harem

>> No.21484192

>zoomies understand the world through retarded false equivalences and memes

>> No.21484200

"[...]then, after a while, his passive hand on the hood of the Bugatti, he cried before the taken aback crowd."

>> No.21484214

>boomies compare every new thing to another old thing and it's automatically worst than the old thing

>> No.21484234

Zoomers don't have dads so they look up to Andrew Tate. Crazy what we fill the void with.

>> No.21484245

>worst than
ESL moment

>> No.21484259

You are a cancer.

>> No.21484266

he's actually a virgin

>> No.21484424

this is the worst comparison i have ever read

>> No.21484472


>> No.21484874

Wrong. Next sign over: a Libra!

>> No.21484891 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself. Here is not your place, go for reddit, they will enjoy your meme

>> No.21484953
File: 892 KB, 1125x1409, 915BC127-47FC-4155-BE48-47F4A70867AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the icon for boomers. Tate is the future

>> No.21484998


>> No.21485155

Nigger faggot retard

>> No.21485164

You will always be underage

>> No.21485185

>Loses to a girl with down syndrome

>> No.21485212

is this guy really that dumb, or is it an act?

>> No.21485217

>loses to a horse
>spends rest of life incarcerated
They really are alike....

>> No.21485241
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You notice how zoomers retroactively apply modern concepts to the past, instead of vice versa? These "people" are rooted in the eternal present.

>> No.21485279

There’s no way he’s putting up that good of a consistent act. From what I’ve seen he seems like a sheltered kid who doesn’t really know too much. His audience is entirely zoomers, true young zoomers. Not like when people say zoomers and are really talking about millennials. He’s fruity as fuck too but I think Tate mingles with him to reach his young audience. Obviously that pic is a gag but he’s pretty stupid in general.

>> No.21485352

it was a male horse

>> No.21485365

Nah, he was a physically sick man (recurrent ocular headaches) who disappeard into the mountains and became a mad writing recluse. Wagner is closer to Tate in being a pro-social, fame-mongering, womaniser. Nietzsche was awkard with women, he got a friend (Rees) to propose by proxy to the women he later become closest to (Salome) before he had even met her, when she turned him down he tried again by proposing at their first meeting by using the "did a star fall from heaven" pickup line, she rejected his proposal again. He never had the gumption to start an affair with Cosima Wagner, the other woman he loved.

>> No.21485486

damn Nietzsche was literally me

>> No.21485493

It's true. Neetch even has an army of fanboys to defend him.

>> No.21485677

>Gangster, All Too Gangster
>Thus Spoke the Top G
>The Anti-G
>The Will to Bugattis

>> No.21485792

Checked and keked but also, I hate you.

>> No.21485837

Kek nice

>> No.21485896

Young Teenage boys like Andrew Tate because he tells them things that make them feel good about themselves and that resonate with them.

>Reading books is dumb and gay
>school is a waste of time
>Money, sex, and status are what you need to chase after.
>true respect can only be earned through danger and the threat of violence
>women are for sex and procreation and should be subservient to men

A lot of unintelligent teenage boys sort of think these things already but are embarrassed to say them out loud. Tate just makes it easier for them.

>> No.21487135

monolinguist brainlet moment

>> No.21487152
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Tate lost

>> No.21487181

>say “Based!” again!

>> No.21487206

Half of these points are objectively correct whether Tate endorses them or not:

>>Reading books is dumb and gay
>>school is a waste of time
Depends what you study and what you end up using it for, as well as where you study.
>>Money, sex, and status are what you need to chase after.
>>true respect can only be earned through danger and the threat of violence
Correct, or at least half correct (danger).
>>women are for sex and procreation and should be subservient to men

This is just classical philosophy if we eliminate Tate's retardation from the equation.

>> No.21487230

>all the eat the bugs failing to realize you can just eat chickpeas instead
so gay

>> No.21487414

>>true respect can only be earned through danger and the threat of violence
There is nothing dangerous about the jobs I've had later in my career but I still have a great deal of respect for some people I've worked with due to their prudence and unwillingness to compromise themselves for political expediency, while also threading the needle and not becoming brain dead ideologues.

I also have a great deal of respect for one of my friends for intellectual talents (mathematics PhD, but also a great memory for literature and history). Danger is only relevant sometimes.

>>women are for sex and procreation and should be subservient to men
It's funny that there are people who think they are intellectually superior to people like Noether or have contributed more to society simply because they have a penis. And what is more comical is that they think this voicing this opinion makes them at least seem strong and transgressive, not just retarded.

>> No.21487453

Andrew Tate is a huge beta playing a character. There's an abyss of difference between Tate during prepped and scripted interviews and Tate spilling spaghettis trying to communicate his ideas to twitch zoomers. You can tell he's incredibly insecure and neurotic about his image, probably gay too (for all his muh bitches talk he hangs out exclusively with naked dudes). Similarly to how Neech presented himself as overchad in his writings while being a sickly mommy's boy IRL.

>> No.21487595

>Be beta butthurt about girls not sleeping with you.
>Plug into "pick up artist," / manosphere movement that emerged to deal with the first generation of internet crippled autists.
>With community of similarly neurotic betas, you created a caricatured hyper masculine persona to LARP as and turn it into a brand.
>Get successful enough doing this along with some others. Make money, manage to attract women.
>Unfulfilled by this and bitter. Recognition from women no longer makes you happy because you have turned them into a degenerate, whorish "other," and their recognition no longer suffices; Hegel's struggle for recognition, master/slave in a nutshell.
>Also can't be fully satisfied with the recognition of your fellow manosphere influencers because you recognize yourself in them and despise them for it. You are, after all, a collection neurotic betas who set off to "fake it until you make it."
>Ironically, the goal of for upper middle class men to take behaving like they think lower class men act, until they have effectively copied it, except it is performative and has to be shared online.

Nietzsche obviously had personal problems but it's complete unfair to lump him in here. His prose alone put him in a totally different class.

And the real Nietzsche isn't the crass Nietzsche people like to put forth to justify selfishness. Look at Nietzsche's commentary of Hamlet in his first book. He doesn't say, "Hamlet has to kill for his ebin honor but was paralyzed by being a soi," he says "Hamlet recognized the essential meaninglessness of existence and found action demeaning," it's an entirely different place.

Nietzsche gets to his mature thought in BG&E through a feeling of nausea and despair. It's an essentially different process from that of the budget Nietzsches such as BAP.

The opening, "On the Prejudices of Philosophers," is a recap of the path. In the moral justifications of Kant and the Stoics he finds the bare inclinations of the philosopher, not any search for an absolute truth. The Stoic ers in trying to "live according to nature," while simply trying to define nature occuring to man.

Arguably, his complaints show a piss poor understanding of Kant and Hegel, but he has a good point on moral philosophy and the nature of truth overall. You see post-modernism wonderfully foreshadowed in BG&E.

What Nietzsche is obviously not in favor of is becoming a conquering brute. The chief conquest is over one's own vertigo at one's recognition of the nature of reality, stripped of delusions. Building up a persona and a wall of delusions is the opposite of being Nietzschean.

Anyhow, I think Nietzsche might have been saved if only he had read Hegel more carefully, but oh well.

>> No.21488279

>What Nietzsche is obviously not in favor of is becoming a conquering brute.
At least not for you, since you’re short and weak. Ponder what this stripping might mean for someone taller (though Nietzsche does tell you himself)

>> No.21488893

>boiling down any sign of exellence and success to hegelian recognition games
yeah its peak slave morality time

>> No.21489011

kill yourself with dynamite

>> No.21489314
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So true!!

>> No.21489423

Don't think Foucault wore photochromic glasses

>> No.21489449

It's where Foucault should be