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21478891 No.21478891 [Reply] [Original]

Will reading books help me attract girls?

>> No.21478901

Yes in the point that you can use what you've read to have interesting conversations. But you still have to go out there and do the hard work

>> No.21478902

No it'll do the opposite but you'll be content

>> No.21478944

Not if you only read in order to get girls. Yes if you actually care about reading.

>> No.21478962

Being attractive will help you get girls
If you were born ugly then its over

>> No.21478964

No but you'll be able to attract shy closeted gay men.

>> No.21478968

Reading has alienated me not only from women but from everyone.

>> No.21478976

read what you like you retard. stop living for other people's validation

>> No.21478987

>Looking back, it’s embarrassing to recognize the degree to which my intellectual curiosity those first two years of college paralleled the interests of various women I was attempting to get to know: Marx and Marcuse so I had something to say to the long-legged socialist who lived in my dorm; Fanon and Gwendolyn Brooks for the smooth-skinned sociology major who never gave me a second look; Foucault and Woolf for the ethereal bisexual who wore mostly black. As a strategy for picking up girls, my pseudo-intellectualism proved mostly worthless; I found myself in a series of affectionate but chaste friendships.

>> No.21479015

I think OP would settle for affectionate but chaste.

>> No.21479115

only good post in the thread

>> No.21479202

Literally my first lay was a girl who said "this book is really cool" when I was leafing through Sartre's Words in a bookstore. Being a facechad back in the day helped, I guess. Now I'm balding and chubby but at least i got my fill

>> No.21479277

Im a 2/10 subhuman

>> No.21479282
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yes. real story: a girl approached me first because she liked the book i was reading

>> No.21479290

Well, then reading books that teach you how to make a lot of money might help. Or learning how to write Young Adult bestsellers, I bet those guys drown in young adult pussy

>> No.21479339
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i once made a very midwit comparison to something a girl said on a date to plato's allegory of the cave and she was in genuine shock at how allegedly intelligent i was. i'm pretty sure she was just trying to sleep with me though.

>> No.21479367

Read female targeted erotica and act like the men in them.
Read other armchair psych-shit to figure out what women think they need to do. For example “the games people play”.
Women will read shit like this because they think they’re so smart and that they can read people, so just play along

>> No.21479546

There are cute girls in my English courses who smile at me but I'm too scared to talk to them

>> No.21479560
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This guy gets it

>> No.21479578

>and act like the men in them.
But it's hard to become a billionaire.

>> No.21479583

monstermaxx then

>> No.21479584

If you read books about magnet and glue, I suppose.

>> No.21479587

why is it that I only find closeted gay men attractive? once they are out there is no interest.

>> No.21479595


>> No.21479616

Because once they’re out being gay becomes 100% of their personality and that is boring

>> No.21479634
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the games people play is such a wild fucking book my teacher recommended me to read because it related to games. The moment I read something along the line of that a certain activity was just an abstract play version of impregnation.

>> No.21479638

The moment I read that I dropped it*

>> No.21479640

That's just survivorship bias, dumbass.

>> No.21480651
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Yes females love nerds teehee

>> No.21480667

is that obama?
foucault has a similar quote, that he ended up becoming an intellectual because he did the homework of the (straight) guy he was infatuated with in school with great care and eventually started to like it

>> No.21480717

Straight dudes don't suck.

>> No.21481827

Stupid frogposter

>> No.21482315
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Paw Patrol is a hit on the playground