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File: 662 KB, 1965x1000, sunken city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21476964 No.21476964 [Reply] [Original]

sunken city Edition

Previous Thread:>>21467829

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21477014

Nix is king.

>> No.21477016

>300 chapters in and the protag is forming a harem

What the fuck

>> No.21477083

Is Blindsight actually good?

>> No.21477084

Why is it called a harem when they do it and not degenerate polyamory, which is what it is?

>> No.21477092

These threads are shit
As usual shills will shill, nothing will be discussed, Bakker will be spoken of as king, bait will be posted
And it will happen again when this one reaches bump limit, an ouroboros of shitty threads forever and ever

>> No.21477111

This general got me into fantasy, so it serves its purpose.

I unironically knew zero fantasy books outside of the Tolkien meme books and thanks to this thread (and since a few weeks ago chatGPT) I finally know a lot of fantasy authors and know that Tolkien isn't actually the only person who ever wrote good fantasy.

>> No.21477159

Poly Amory is when there is more than one man and lots of gay shit happening

>> No.21477171

This generals recommendations are fucking shit

>> No.21477175

No, as you point out it's from the roots "poly" + amorous" and is a blanket term for "multiple lovers."

>> No.21477217

Yes. Everything Watts writes is good. He doesn't produce very much, but he's one of the few hard sci-fi writers that addresses neuroscience and philosophy of consciousness without going all cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is gay btw.

>> No.21477219

Bakker is King
Tolkien is a faggot

>> No.21477313

because there's a difference, also harems are trad

>> No.21477339

Great. I will check him out. Thanks

>> No.21477378

If you like dry, autistic, devoid of humanity, long and concept driven science fiction you'll like it. The characters are mechanical, there's no catharsis, it all feels completely devoid of purpose. It's one of those science fiction novels that lacks everything that makes for a good novel, but has cool concepts.

>> No.21477391

You just got me all geared up to read some autistic hard sci-fi.

fuck goblins, fuck castles, and fuck magic

>> No.21477402

It's not really about science fiction versus fantasy. True, science fiction tends to have less works of quality, but it isn't like excessive autism and garbage writing plagues every single author.

>> No.21477406

Harem means there's lolis involved.

>> No.21477431

>waaa people like what I don’t like
>getting filtered this hard
lol, lmao even

>> No.21477434

Only the good ones, unicorn boy.

>> No.21477449

>Reading Rise of Endymion
>Turn a page
>The lack of quotation marks inform me there is no dialogue in these two pages
>it's either Raul describing landscapes or him doing something mundane
>turn another page
I think Dan Simmons missed the memo where its said not to include things in your book that are irrelevant to the story or the characters. At least don't make 60% of your book unreadable catalogue of mountains, clouds and different pathways in a temple.

>> No.21477455

Has anyone read Ordinary Monsters by J.M. Miro (and is it feminist BS?)

>> No.21477458

>female author
>published in 2022
What do you think? Those books are guaranteed to have a say on the Current Things(tm)

>> No.21477461

Anon how else is he going to make extra
Money by over charging if his 1000 page book is more like 400

>> No.21477465

His quality really dropped after Fall of Hyperion holy shit. Its like the rest of the story is just an excuse to paint shitty uninspired sceneries of his made up planets and write his grooming fetish story.

>> No.21477471

Man am I glad I dropped Hyperion. I should've known that a /sffg/ staple was unbridled shit. You fuckers have the worst taste in everything.

Simmons now goes on my hack shelf next to Stephenson and KS Robinson.

>> No.21477498

I'm just a completionist. The first two books are okay and they have a decent ending which stays decent and fulfilling provided you don't touch the next books.

>> No.21477505

wiki says it's a male but it's written like a girl

>> No.21477507

Any pallet cleansers after Rise of Endmylifenow?

>> No.21477513

Yeah man, you better ask Reddit for their opinion instead. Even better go to Good Reads.

>> No.21477521

What are some good epic or dark fantasy series today?

>> No.21477523

He probably should. Even printsf is better than this shitted circlejerk of bad taste.

>> No.21477528


>> No.21477530

Prince of Nothing

>> No.21477583

Thanks, this seems interesting.

I second this

>> No.21477658

Ubik is very interesting, save it until you're real burned out

>> No.21477663

I'm not a nufag. I know this is an old meme.

>> No.21477687

He said good.

>> No.21477725

definitely the current year thing, expect strong women, drama/sex, misandry, cucking, non white love interest etc, shitty 2023 speak dialogue, don't expect interesting epic story, interesting characters, interesting dialogue.

>> No.21477732

It's pretty good though. If you're genuinely looking for "dark and epic," it suits that exactly. The worldbuilding is extremely wide and deep an the stakes are pretty high. The story follows characters all around and beyond their known world. I'd call that epic. And there is no shortage of horrors, the text visits dark places in many different senses again and again.

>> No.21477733
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They're trying to pretend they're not cucks

>> No.21477750

Idk, it's a story about a roadtrip.
All the recapping was more annoying for me.
Seemed every other time a plot point from Hyperion comes up, you'd get a paragragh to remind you about it.

>> No.21477767

It's more like everything these days seems to have the LGTBQ tag. I'm starting to think it doesn't really mean anything.

>> No.21477839

Literally less trad than polyamory

>> No.21477858

author is leftist cuck, who thinks majority of the world will die in 30 years, because we neglected climate crisis. When he heard his friend was going to be a father, his first reaction was to seethe and cry.

>> No.21477872

I only read books with copious descriptions of ample female proportions.

>> No.21477875

based Watts

>> No.21477924

>he thinks it's memed because it's shit
You haven't been here long enough

>> No.21477981

Historically, most men don't breed.

>> No.21478177
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What's the most weird/off the wall fantasy race you've seen in a fantasy novel?

I'm using snails, but I'm interested in fantasy literature about races (not sci-fi- aliens can generally be more off the wall).


>> No.21478195

>When he heard his friend was going to be a father, his first reaction was to seethe and cry.
I didn't know this, but going from his book, it sounds like something he would do. He has the worldview of a midwit and it shows in his writing.

>> No.21478214

Baru Cormorant

>> No.21478223

>guy banging 3+ girls and sticking with them is degenerate
If that's bad then I can't even imagine your opinion about Bakker books.
Also, most harem books are also male power fantasy with guys being strong etc. Most poly-only books aren't that good

>> No.21478286

Is it weird that my biggest hope for the advancements in AI art is that it will be used to make sff covers fucking awesome again? No need to pay a painter for a badass cover so that excuse is gone, and generating AI art takes no more effort than photobashing the shitty modern covers.

>> No.21478297

the bit I don't get is you can literally find some random from twitter/artstation/etc. to draw you an sff type cover for like 500 bucks probably. Is there some weirdness about royalties if the book gets big that holds all this back somehow?

>> No.21478327

>Prince of Nothing
I remember laughing like a madman when I realized the name of the trilogy came to Bakker while he was rereading Wolfe and saw the paragraph starting with "Apropos of nothing"

>> No.21478366

You expected anything else from a leaf? Nobody will be surprised when, not if, he uses their MAID program

>> No.21478380

Most published authors have no control over what their cover looks like.

>> No.21478386

yeah but I mean for the publishing house. Artists aren't actually that hard to find and they'll work for cheap if they're nobodies. Your cover doesn't have to be designed by someone important, it just needs to look good.

>> No.21478393

The suits don't give a shit what covers look like.

>> No.21478462

Last argument of kings is hilarious.

>> No.21478533

Currently on the second book. Hilarious in a good way?

>> No.21478551

Depends on who's your favourite POV.

>> No.21478568
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>check new released fantasy books on goodreads]
>out of 15 books, 13 are from female writers
>almost every book is either young adult or whatever new adult means
Grim. I guess the bros are sticking with comics and webnovels the comics are based from.

>> No.21478616
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oh jesus
atheist dooms day sayers just like the ones of old. Sad!

>> No.21478619

No. Men are generally focusing on pre-2000 novels. In some rarer exceptions post-2000 are acceptable. There is so much good stuff to read before you even have to consider thinking of considering of thinking of considering anything new.

>> No.21478630

Hmmm no spoilers please. Did you like how the trilogy wraps up?

>> No.21478643
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How edgy do I have to be to enjoy Joe Abercrombie?

>> No.21478652
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Read Dungeon Crawler Carl

unless you hate cats. Then don't

>> No.21478663
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Begone, poster of litrpg and the kind!

>> No.21478674

Dunno, i'm on page 200.
On a scale from Tolkien to Bakker he's closer to Bakker. Still nowhere near though.

>> No.21478677

no way bakker is more edgy than joe edgecromber

>> No.21478678
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>> No.21478683

I liked the book but we don't need another threadly reminder person here.

>> No.21478688

am still here!

Question: Why is Bruce Sterling considered cyberpunk? I remember his short stories were mostly hard sci- fi in near space.

>> No.21478689

Bro Bakker is all about hard gay fucking and shooting black blood out of your cock, it's a BDSM torture dungeon to Abercrombie's vidya gaem novels

>> No.21478690

you need reminderes because your lists are obsolete by 4 years.

It's another thing entirely if you don't want them.

>> No.21478705

Subject and style are two different things. Joe's style of writing is edgy. Some things in Bakker's books are in subject whatever you consider edgy.

>> No.21478716
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Anyone read pic related? It's on sale at the library, looks interesting

>> No.21478726

>What's the most weird/off the wall fantasy race you've seen in a fantasy novel?

Read Mieville's Bas-Lag series and take your pick.

>> No.21478730

>Recently published
>Female author
>Every novel in the series starts with Jade
What do you reckon, anon?

>> No.21478744

It won't because tradpub is an incestuous shitfest. Nobody in it has any ambition, and they're first in line for muh artist rights because they know their jobs aren't far behind. Self published authors have no problem commissioning decent covers already.

>> No.21478745


Blindsight is okay-ish but Echopraxia is the same book done better.

>> No.21478756

Wouldn't be the first decent female written fiction I read

>> No.21478757

That's funny. Every self pub cover I've seen is dogshit.

>> No.21478767

Interesting that Echopraxia seems to be the disliked one on normiebookread

>> No.21478777
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But it would be rare.

>> No.21478788

Because Gibson putting his name on The Difference Engine made it Sterling's most commercially successful book by far. Dude was crazy powerful in the early 90s.

>> No.21478800

You're not reading the right harem smut / MLP fan fiction then.

>> No.21478801
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I'm not reading any self pub.

>> No.21478802
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>Wouldn't be the first decent female written fiction I read
oh really? name 3

>> No.21478808

not him but
>Le Guin
>Le Guin
>Le Guin

>> No.21478821


One of the core conflicts of the book is a running dialogue between a fanatical athiest and a faithful follower of a post-human religious order. Bound to piss a lot of people off on both sides of the retard fence.

>> No.21478830

sounds interesting. Have you read Starfish as well?

>> No.21478844


Yeah. I liked it but that book is fucking depressing. What a friend of mine once called, "misery porn"

>> No.21478866
File: 294 KB, 1920x1081, Francisco-Miyara-Fantasy-art-красивые-картинки-4094055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The official Mom Protagonist SFF List.
I apologize for the lengthy (ie autistic) list. I may update it later.
>Caught in Crystal (1987) by Patricia Wrede
>The Interior Life (1990) by Katherine Blake
>Raven's Duology (2004-2005) by Patricia Briggs
>Wolfblade Trilogy (2004-2005) by Jennifer Fallon
>Bridge of D'Arnath (2004-2005) by Carol Berg
>The World Gates Trilogy (2004-2005) By Holly Lisle, She wrote Minerva Wakes and the Arhel trilogy, those two books also have mom mc
>Dragonsbane (1985) by Barbara Hambly
>Paladin of Souls and Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
>Sunrunner Saga (1988-1993) by Melanie Rawn starting from book the mc has a son and he becomes the secondary mc
>The Empire Trilogy (1987-1992) by Janny Wurts
>Liveship Traders (1998-200) by Robin Hobb
>Birthgrave (1975-1978) by Tanith Lee
>Heart of Bronze (1997-1998) by Matthew Stover
>Karavans Trilogy (2006-2012) by Jennifer Roberson
>Skinwalkers (2014) by Wendy N. Wagner, about an ex-pirate Axe wielding mom!
>Frostfell (2006) by Mark Sehestedt
>Legacy of Steel (1998) by Mary H. Herbert
>The Traitor Spy Trilogy (2010-2012) by Trudi Canavan
>Sevenwaters Trilogy (1999-2001) by Juliet Marillier
>Blood songs (1987, third book in the Frost trilogy) by Robin Wayne Bailey
>Bloodsong Trilogy (1985-1986) by Asa Drake
>Gypsies (1988) by Robert Charles Wilson
>Child of Time (1991) by Robert Silverberg
>The Wayfarer Redemption (1995-1999) by Sara Douglass, by book three almost every character is pregnant, after book three there's a 20 year time-skip so all the mcs have grown-up children
>The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (1974) by Patricia A. McKillip
>The Keys to Paradise Trilogy (1987-1988) by Robert Vardeman, trio of mcs all of the same importance, veterans of the Trans-War that ravaged the country, one of them is a cat-girl who saves a slave kid and adopts him
>Bitter Angels (2009) by C.L Anderson
>The Great Wheel (1987, book three of the Tredana Trilogy) by Joyce Ballou Gregorian
>Daughter of the Bear King (1987) by Eleanor Arnason
>Night-Threads series by Ru Emerson, portal fantasy about a druggie mom, her sister and her teenage son.
>Frostflower adn Thorn (1980) Phyllis Ann Karr
>Fifth Millenium by S.M. Stirling, Shirley Meier, and Karen Wehrstein
>Spellsong Cycle (1997-2002) by L.E. Modesitt Jr
>The Sword of Lyric by Sharon Hinck, christian portal fantasy about a soccer mom and her son fighting against Not-Satan
>Cradle of Sea and Soill (2020) by Bernie Anes Paz
>Boneshaker (2009) Cherie Priest
>The Gap Cycle by Stephen Donaldson, absolute grimdark kino but like most of Donaldson's work it has a happy ending, the main characters just have to go through hell to get it.
>Dragon Gate by Lindsay Buroker, a six book epic about a Mother-son duo
>Memories of Ice (2001 Book 3 of Malazan Book of the Fallen) by Steven Erikson
>To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987) by Robert Heinlein
Bakker is king etc. etc.

>> No.21478868


What is wrong with you?

>> No.21478880

Just started the First Law trilogy and it’s pretty good, at first Glokta seemed annoying but now I really enjoy his chapters. I haven’t seen all of the perspectives yet but most of the characters have flaws and feel human. Though the world seems extremely off the walls.

>> No.21478882
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>> No.21478883

Maybe he hasn't read Le Guin or he read her more communist and feminist works.

>> No.21478928

Glokta is a piece of shit self-insert for edgelords, but his chapters are good.

>> No.21478941

Hobb is good

>> No.21478942

There’s a part of me that loves him, part of me that hates him. That’s what makes his chapters fun

>> No.21478981

Anyone who likes Raul Endymion's character?

>> No.21479026

Nah. A. Bettik is my nigga though.

>> No.21479044

Which one is your favourite?

>> No.21479048

now which ones of these have incest in them

>> No.21479051

I've been using it to make art of my characters. It's for my own reference only, if I ever get any success I'll hire actual artists, but it's kinda cool.

>> No.21479052
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Holy shit. So are all these atheist faggot commie authors just miserable? They really need jesus. They really need to read Wolfe

>> No.21479071
File: 2.21 MB, 1550x793, read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21479091
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I will not read The Poppy War
I will not read Cradle
I will not read The Wandering Inn
I will not read Mother of Learning
I will not read I Shall Seal the Heavens

>> No.21479116
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Reverend Insanity

>> No.21479121

>Milo Storm finally announced his next book
>it isn't Castle Core 3
I did not expect to suffer such a crushing disappointment today.

>> No.21479141

I wish these self pub shitters would make their own general.

>> No.21479142

Of this list which ones do you recommend to start with?

>> No.21479147

so mad , lol

>> No.21479155

Self-pub is the future of sff unless you like reading books written by poc, women, or brandon sanderson.

>> No.21479159
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There's plenty of reading in trad pub apart of those you mentioned. I won't lay my eyes on unedited trash.

>> No.21479170
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I will only read unedited works.

>> No.21479195

>the same handful of authors already discussed to death
>the future
Yeah, nah. And plenty of self-pub is edited. They just hire a third party to do it rather than hoping a tradpub will buy their book and edit it for them, and that niche industry is getting better all the time.

>> No.21479199

Self publishing is one big cope which is also taking advantage of impressionable failing "authors".

>> No.21479200

Fucking based

>> No.21479210

Trad authors spend 1 to 4 years perfecting their novel with many editing rounds getting all details right, character arcs proper, dialogues good, and countless of other things they improve.
>Somehow people puking out first drafts to royalroad or self publishing them is on par

>> No.21479215

lmao even
be a little more subtle next time and don't forget to choke on the fat fucks's dicks

>> No.21479219

Self publishing is the best thing that happened to publishing since the Gutenberg press.

>> No.21479229

Irrelevant point. These days most trad authors are also progressive degenerates therefore not really trad anymore.

>> No.21479231

its a cope people use when they cant get their books published in trad

>> No.21479236

Enjoy the royalties of 5 sold books

>> No.21479272
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Gap Cycle
Bridge of D'Arnath
To Sail Beyond The Sunset and The Wayfarer Redemption
Dragonsbane and The Forgotten Beasts of Eld are great short reads. Sunrunner is good too.

>> No.21479275

I read Lord of the Rings and liked it.

>> No.21479287
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Then read books published before 2010.

>> No.21479294

Because it's not the same.

>> No.21479297

>authors being able to find success through the merit of their work ethic and their appeal to an audience rather than solely their appeal to whichever lit grad student intern at the publishing house got their story out of the stack
>a cope
The only cope here is what you tradpub bootlickers have to spout to tell yourselves tradpub isn't a fucking dinosaur on its way out.

>> No.21479300

Yea it's pretty funny. I use reddit btw

>> No.21479304

Edgy is a childish measurement anyway

>> No.21479305

>reddit humor: the book

>> No.21479309

The MC is a fag. I dropped it when I learned that. Modern females are obsessed with faggots. Don't read 'em unless you're into that I guess.

>> No.21479312

99% of self pub shitters couldnt get their book published at any publisher, not even literature graduates will accept their books

>> No.21479329

you're still wrong though
in polyamory every individual can have multiple partners, with no exclusivity
in a harem one individual has exclusive access to all the others, and they each only reciprocate with him

>> No.21479335

The only thing keeping good writers in tradpub is the prospect of mainstream movie deals, and that ship is sinking even faster than publishing. If you plan to make money on book sales, you keep far more money having a Patreon or Kickstarter.

>> No.21479358
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Any books with reverse-harem?

>> No.21479370

>starting from book the mc has a son
starting from book what?

>> No.21479414
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Is it me, or does modern fantasy lack soul? Think back to classical fantasy like Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Wheel of Time, Le Morte De Arthur, The Once and Future King, Narnia, or Earthsea.
These books were dripping with soul and passion. They evoked a sense of wanderlust, adventure -- they were a gateway to another world rich with lore, heroes, villains, and universal themes such as hope, comradery, and love.
Now look at modern fantasy. Everything so fucking bleak and dreary. Everything has to be "gritty" and realistic. The colors are washed out, the protagonist is an asshole, the morals are vapid, and the wanderlust is gone.
Even the "lighter hearted" works like Sanderson are void of substance, since Sanderson seems more obsessed with anime and his magic systems, than telling a good story.

>> No.21479432

Up until this point, most of my interest in literature has resided solely in what could quite broadly be deemed as "classical literature." When younger I read and loved Lewis and Tolkien, but that's about as in-depth as my reading into fantasy has gone. Recently, however, I decided to try reading Gene Wolfe's The Book of the New Sun, and I have really enjoyed it so far (I finished The Claw of the Conciliator today). What other books would anons here recommend to me?

>> No.21479434

>What other books would anons here recommend to me?
>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

>> No.21479439

Prince of Nothing

>> No.21479440
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Read it a long time ago (i'm re-reading it right now) i thought the baby was born in the beginning of book 2 but he's born near the end of the first book after the Time-skip

>> No.21479505

because it's painfully derivative of those greater works

>> No.21479538
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Don't forget faggotry, lots of faggots

>> No.21479542

Based Le Guin

>> No.21479598

>the most beautiful woman in the archipelago is also the only white woman
>hero also ends up with her
Absolutely based.

>> No.21479607

those are the same book

>> No.21479609

>its a cope white people (especially straight white men) use when they cant get their non woke books published by "trad" jew and woke modern women publishers

>> No.21479615

Silmarillions? more like silly millions, lmao.

>> No.21479630

first two books of the Expanse were self published.

>> No.21479668
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What the fuck is cottagecore?

>> No.21479682

Probably just a sort of setting aesthetic, a lot of cottages and small villages, that sort of deal. Probably a bit Ghibli-esque, or something like the Shire?

>> No.21479693
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Post medcore books

>> No.21479695

Hello my /sffg/ niggers, I'm drinking hard cider and I'm just gladm I'm just glad

>> No.21479711

>>21479682 got it in one. I've never seen it applied to books before, though it isn't like I've looked very hard. I think it started as a joke but it turns out people genuinely like the aesthetic.

>> No.21479720

An aesthetics genre that primarily appeals to women in their teens and twenties. Think pastel, floral, comfy/isolated cottages, "simple" life gardening/foraging, etc. There's different variations but ultimately it's just slice of life aesthetics.

>> No.21479752

reddit wished it had such good humor

>> No.21479774
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Pic rel

>> No.21479782
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my wife

>> No.21479787

Is it good?

>> No.21479844
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Yes, the mc bangs his widowed mom

>> No.21479856

How can you people com to erotica and guys banging their moms?

>> No.21479878

i've never actually jerked off to incest, i just like reading or watching things about it.

>> No.21479881
File: 197 KB, 1400x1050, snail vs knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snails used to be giant and fought knights in medieval times.

>> No.21479882

>Even the "lighter hearted" works like Sanderson are void of substance, since Sanderson seems more obsessed with anime and his magic systems, than telling a good story.
I haven't read him tbqh but I have seen enough excerpts here on /sffg/ of his with characters talking like american teenagers from 2023 that it makes me puke.

>> No.21479883

I don't get how anyone can coom to written porn.
Incest is fine though.

>> No.21479906

>Now look at modern fantasy. Everything so fucking bleak and dreary. Everything has to be "gritty" and realistic. The colors are washed out, the protagonist is an asshole, the morals are vapid, and the wanderlust is gone.
Blame martin and HBO

>> No.21479938
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I just got hit in the balls by a girl I like
sffg for this feel?

>> No.21479940

any bakker book

>> No.21479947

Anya Merchant has a thing for older women and younger men. And she likes the older women to be in motherly role to the MC.

>> No.21479958
File: 28 KB, 220x327, The_Confusion_Stephenson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you need right here

>> No.21479967
File: 107 KB, 897x505, Screenshot 2023-01-04 at 14-02-02 To Sail Beyond The Sunset The Lives and Loves of Maureen Johnson Heinlein R a 9780747400813 AmazonSmile Books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To Sail Beyond The Sunset
uh did heinlein start losing his mind at some point?

>> No.21479984


>> No.21479999

>at some point

>> No.21480022

Ya, his story is better than any of the pilgrims

>> No.21480032
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>One monstrous platformlike shoe had broken from her small foot and flopped beside her ankle, still attached by its straps. The shoe was at least ten inches high. I laughed.

>> No.21480047

Did a bunch of kids get a copy of Hyperion for Christmas?

>> No.21480054
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Considering that one of his very first novels is about a priest who is twenty-one marrying and old lady in her late fifties i'll say he was always a bit weird.

>> No.21480071

I don't think you can find anything better than Tolkien and Gene Wolfe in fantasy so I'd recommend reading more of them first. But there's lots of other good authors, Peake with his Gormengast, Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and Grey Mouser, Howard's Conan, R. A. Lafferty's Past Master, Vance's Dying Earth, Philip K. Dick is also very much worth checking out. Stanislaw Lem's Solaris is fantastic too.

>> No.21480130

Thanks, never heard of it, looks like fun, will give it a shot.

>> No.21480142
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>> No.21480188

Since you said hard cider I know you’re and American, have you tried European ciders? Better than ours IMO way more sweet and apply flavored.

>> No.21480201
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>The series is inspired by science fantasy pulp fiction works by Edgar Rice Burroughs, such as the Barsoom series. It also includes erotica and philosophy content. The Gor series repeatedly depicts men abducting and physically and sexually brutalizing women, who grow to enjoy their submissive state.
oh shit nigga this is definitely going to the top of the reading list for January now

>> No.21480223

Fuck off you degenerate alcoholic

>> No.21480243

I don’t normally drink at all, I just like to enjoy a beer or cider every once in a while.

>> No.21480252


nta but Bacchus predates and supersedes Jesus by immeasurable magnitudes. Turning water into wine? Bacchus contextualizes Jesus. Think about that.

>> No.21480266
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>> No.21480268

I'm actually Euroslavian, and I like them super dry and aceton-y. The Western ciders are too sweet for me. But a pint of a good unhopped dry cider gets me in the zone.

>> No.21480314

>I don’t normally drink at all, I just like to enjoy a beer or cider every once in a while.
You don't drink, you just like enjoy a beer or cider every once in a while? So how do you actually enjoy it? Do you just put a bottle of beer or a cider in front and just stare at it?

Am I supposed to understand any of that?

>> No.21480333
File: 274 KB, 1235x1200, 1670784519645728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern fantasy authors have to write stories for a woman's audience in mind since they're the primary consumers of fantasy / science fiction literature. What you're experiencing isn't really so much as a lack of soul as it's more tailored for a female audience, since men don't really read books for entertainment anymore.

>> No.21480334

>Am I supposed to understand any of that?

Yeah. You're posting on /lit/. As an absolutely minimum you should understand the concepts of Jesus and Bacchus and how those concepts relate to each other chronologically and philosophically.

>> No.21480340
File: 35 KB, 312x500, 51r-G7HNiAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read it? Is it any good?

>> No.21480347

poor nipple placement

>> No.21480359

men read litrpg/progression fantasy and /hfy/ stories on reddit

>> No.21480384

I have no interest in religious writing.

>> No.21480389
File: 313 KB, 327x499, 1660246450856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished By Fire Above and I feel as if I've felt for a bait and switch. The first book was pretty well paced and consistent action about airship combat in a Napoleonic Wars-like setting and it was pretty entertaining.

This book had 0 (zero) airship combat, despite being book 2 of the "Signal Airship" series, and instead placed the main characters on the ground for almost the entire novel. The first third of the book was dedicated to some stupid romance plot that never goes anywhere, though I presume it was supposed to be expanded on in a third book, and the latter two thirds are spent on the ground being shitty resistance fighters while the airship is only occasionally mentioned and barely featured. It was a complete disappointment of a sequel and I hope the author never puts out a third book since she's clearly missed what made the first one so exciting. I'd hate to see what nonsense she makes the next one about.

>> No.21480390 [DELETED] 
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women women women women women women women women women women women women women women women

>> No.21480392

Women. Can't live with them, can't live without them.

>> No.21480399


Neither do I but it's required reading because it is the context of the world you live in.

>> No.21480408

lol no , you can make do with pop-culture references

>> No.21480439

Why does the mermaid have fake tits? Was it mercancer?

>> No.21480446

"Distraction" is post-collapse dystopia which could be mistaken for cyberpunk. It starts with the USAF holding a "bake sale" which in reality is a thinly-disguised road toll

>> No.21480461

Logan Jacobs
Eric Vall
Dante King
Harmon Cooper
et al
Are all bad and you should avoid any of their works.

>> No.21480473

>r/progression fantasy
Anon posted a link to that the other day and it seems to be run by trannies.

>> No.21480483

Trannies are men anon

>> No.21480485
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>it seems to be run by trannies
no way

>> No.21480511
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I just think it's neat and wholesome,

>> No.21480517

haha bennis XDDDD

>> No.21480520

Neither of those anons, but you sound like one dumb motherfucker. Too many dregs on this board.

>> No.21480543

I'm at least convinced Eric Vall isn't actually a single person, the output is just a BIT too fast. Either that or it's just a guy writing with basically no stopping point.

>> No.21480563

I'm pretty sure half of them are pen names for ghost writers

>> No.21480575
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>Even at 600 years-old she is a tough and feisty old broad with the body of a 35-year-old (she has been rejuvenated a few times)
holy kek this is top shelf garbage Heinlein really was the litRPG author of his time.

>> No.21480599

Jacobs, Vall, and King are groups of authors writing under a single pen name for sure. That's how you beat Amazon's kindle algorithm.

>> No.21480606

>not on libgen
c'mon anon don't leave me hanging

>> No.21480619

King I was less sure on, because while they're all kinda garbage, Dante King's stuff at least felt like it had some semblance of passion put into it from what little I read. Like a 4/10 in a sea of 2/10s but still.

>> No.21480729

Try mobilism

>> No.21480802

King is absolutely not part of it, Vall and Jacobs are. Vall and Jacobs come across are male feminist cucks in a lot of the books they put out, whereas even I find the way King portrays women to be a bit on the nose.

>> No.21480820

Still shlocky low-effort flooding, but done by a single guy as opposed to a group I guess? I haven't really found many of the haremlit stuff to be all that interesting, personally. I've... Reasonably enjoyed Martin Knight's Paladin stuff, actually, but it's clearly nothing amazing. It's just serviceably written enough and I enjoy the continuous humour of the protagonist just kind of not knowing what the fuck society really is like. It's a good way to counterbalance the usual "OP hero gets all the girls" stuff by making him a genuine social idiot.

>> No.21480823

>These threads are shit
As long as you're not stupid enough to use /sffg/ to actually try and discuss books or something, its fine. Otherwise, it'll be such a waste of time.

>> No.21480828

I assume so, give how absolutely dogshit the recent threads have become and how fast the thread reaches the bump limit.

>> No.21480875

It’s like any other board where there is a lot of trash but if you pick through it a little you can find a gem here or there. Also it’s fun to bullshit/discuss stuff with other people especially since most of us are probably single/have GF but don’t ultimately have a huge social circle. May be projecting a little on that part but it’s 4chan I imagine everyone as nerds here, even fit.

>> No.21480883

>It’s like any other board where there is a lot of trash
Other boards have better moderation than /lit/, so no.

>> No.21480887

You really need to stop projecting this false image on /sffg/.

>> No.21480891

>not /fit/
I swear guys I’m just retarded not some tourist

>> No.21480903

no dice

>> No.21480905
File: 50 KB, 680x433, 8b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that thumbnail was a hamburger
the fact that it's actually Gene Wolfe makes it double-based

>> No.21480909

I never really believed it when people started claiming that no-lives were using 4chan as a substitute for human interaction. But, I guess I was wrong. I say this sincerely, You need to go outside more if this is what you’re projecting onto a website.

>> No.21480911

ok those guys are losers but you're the one projecting 2bh

>> No.21480916

Your posts, says otherwise. But I am being serious. Turn off the computer and start going outside more often.

>> No.21480934

Other boards seem to have a lot more tourists than /lit/ so they get quite a bit more new fags fluctuating in and out. /lit/ tends to be somewhere that people who have just used the site forever eventually come to find and either stay or go.
I’m didn’t say no-lives I said they don’t have a huge social circle, and since not everyone has the same hobbies you substitute 4chan as people to talk to.
Example my buddies don’t know a lot about shooting or gear so I go to /k/ to talk with people there about guns, gear, and other shooting related activities since my friends have a very shallow/nonexistent interest in the hobby.
I come here since my friends don’t really enjoy fantasy books and I still like to discuss fantasy books.
>no verification required
Based 4chan blessing this post.

>> No.21480949


Blindsight is a first draft of a good novel. It has some things that utterly ruin everything else it does. The bit where he has an officer turn one of her men over to insurgents to open negotiations, and get promoted for it for example; or the vampires. "Hey, turns out all of this was fucking pointless!"

>> No.21480955

>I still like to discuss fantasy books.
If you want to discuss fantasy books, why are you here? Being here is counterproductive since no one ever discusses books.

>> No.21480992

Just finished Dresden, book 1. What a fuckin turd. I read a few chapters of book 2, but I just couldn't. It's trash.
I need an actually good fantasy novel to cleanse the palate.

>> No.21481002

Check the chart in the OP

>> No.21481018

You cracked the code! This site is gay and a waste of time. Half the users are chinee bots. You only gain burdens by using this site.
Get out while you can. If you want greener pastures, then join your local fight club.

>> No.21481028

I know you’re being sarcastic, but /sffg/ has been dogshit and useless for a long while now.

>> No.21481035

If you fell for the meme, you kind of deserved to have your time wasted desu

>> No.21481048

Bakker's books are literally about a doomed hellworld where nearly every single being that has ever lived is damned to hell or worse.

>> No.21481049

Because I’m a masochist and small discussions/arguments here and there help me kill time even if it’s on an underwater mongolian basket weaving support website. Also there are people that know more than me and sometimes they say smart things and I learn from it.
>how to filter those not dedicated enough to stick it out

>> No.21481054

>>how to filter those not dedicated enough to stick it out
I mean, why waste time to just get one or two post about a book? Not even killing time at that point, but just flat out wasting it.

>> No.21481057

Noooo, you have to keep reading until the Harry starts drooling over his vampire half brother's abs in a totally heterosexual way.

>> No.21481058

You’re better off blasting your brain with MTL Chink Fiction than having it spend any effort trying to decipher this godforsaken general.

>> No.21481075

Honestly, just spend that time trying to find a book forum that talks about science fiction and fantasy. They're like a dime a dozen, so just find one that suits your interests.

>> No.21481090
File: 110 KB, 650x1000, 61PMOtTWXzL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genetically predisposed towards violence
>will kill someone for an insult even if it means their own death as a consequence, does not care in the slightest
>either highly emotional or deadpan detached
>no values, will alternatively play the conqueror or the victim in the same situation depending on the audience

Was this written by /pol/?

>> No.21481135

You're the one that read it.

>> No.21481144

I wonder what’s the point of /sffg/ anymore.

>> No.21481151

Not him but I've tried off and on to find a niche forum and they're non-existent. I made an indirect thread on another board and got more discussion there than 6+ years of trying on /sffg/. It sucks that forums overall have tended to fall into the same traps, that is, circlejerking, power-tripping, and tribalism. I just want to talk about books.

>> No.21481157

>just want to talk about books.
Then find a book forum that suite your needs. They're like a dime a dozen

>> No.21481166

Not talking about books.

>> No.21481187

I just use reddit, goodreads, or any site at this point. They're not perfect but I can at least talk about books.

>> No.21481208

It had a point before?

>> No.21481211

In the past, there was some sort of discussion about books, unlike now. So yea, it had a reason for existing before.

>> No.21481217

You would think with a new year, /sffg/ would improve, but I honestly think it deteriorated quicker than usual. Shit, threads don’t even last a day now.

>> No.21481222


The shadow of the gods.

>> No.21481226

You know you can always report those type of posts. I never understood why you guys don’t do that instead of complaining.

>> No.21481230

People here don’t like reporting baiters and shitposters, for some reason. It’s one of the reason why /sffg/ is unusable.

>> No.21481233

This isn't a short-term problem, ergo reporting has done nothing to solve things.

>> No.21481242

>I never understood why you guys don’t do that instead of complaining.
They keep making excuses as to why they don't.

>> No.21481245

Last thread and the previous thread before that they removed posts, I don’t see what’s the issue.

>> No.21481252

Because they would rather complain.

>> No.21481263

>why waste time to just get one or two post
You'll be lucky to get even that.

>> No.21481269

It has though.

>> No.21481279

That would mean they would have to use their brain for once.

>> No.21481297

>You’re better off blasting your brain with MTL Chink Fiction
God, you don't know what you're saying with this. MTL are hot garbage not worth even considering.

>> No.21481307

I don’t think he was being serious. No wonder that’s being serious would ever recommend MTL.

>> No.21481311

There's a fag that insists that MTL are goods despite everyone who has ever read them hating on them for being incomprehensible messes.

>> No.21481324

Did you even try? Because I found a few that are decent sized and are okay.

>> No.21481330
File: 881 KB, 780x1216, dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoid man in the high castle?
Is it really that bad? I recently finished Androids and Scanner Darkly and thought they were great.

>> No.21481335

>Is it really that bad?
Have you tried reading it? You read two other books from the same author. I'm sure you can make an informed decision.

>> No.21481342

Yes, it's thrash. i love Dick (heh) but that book is really bad, maybe if you are a normie it will blow your mind, but doesn't have any schizo ramblings, those are the only reason i read dick

>> No.21481346

It's just not that good. It's scenes of people reflecting on an alternate history novel.

>> No.21481352

many of his books are wonderful
>t. read probably 80% of his work

>> No.21481353

>Androids and Scanner Darkly and thought they were great.
And this doesn’t incentivize to read it?

>> No.21481363

Okay fuck it i'll read it anyways

>doesn't have any schizo ramblings

>> No.21481369

There's one near the end with the japanese character, but it's very short, 5 or 9 pages at best

>> No.21481379

Good luck and hope you like it.

>> No.21481399

Yeah, but no one ever takes him seriously to begin with.

>> No.21481411

anyone else felt like Legolas was the only non-character in the fellowship? like, his only schtick it to be kind of a foil for Gimli, and has next to no character development of his own. Hes only mentioned in reference to a useful elf skill or two. like a tool more then anything. Hell, Galadriel has more character than him.

really wounder why tolkien didnt give him at least one moment of his own to make him a little more then gimli's sounding board.

>> No.21481425

Read the books and don’t watch the movies.

>> No.21481452

I’ve been meaning to make a switch at some point. I’m more worried about it being inactive than anything.

>> No.21481455

You might be the first to do it.

>> No.21481463

Hope you enjoy it.

>> No.21481499

>anyone else felt like Legolas was the only non-character in the fellowship?
Did you read the book or just watch the movie?

>> No.21481506

I think he watched the movies.

>> No.21481511

I dropped it and never went back to Dick. He seems like he missed the part about making your high concept somewhat entertaining for the reader.

That's most bad sci-fi. The best can have a screwy idea and dole it out over the course of an engrossing story. I'm thinking Childhood's End or Foundation.

>> No.21481534

>He seems like he missed the part about making your high concept somewhat entertaining for the reader.
Men in the high castle is entertaining.

>> No.21481547

I liked the tv adaptation. Really worth watching.

>> No.21481553

The TV series changes too much from the novel for my taste. I understand why they did it, but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.21481556

It’s still one of the better adaptations out there. And the quality remains the same in my opinion.

>> No.21481560

No, what even makes you think that.

>> No.21481564

>I don’t see what’s the issue.
People would rather complain about things than try to improve things.

>> No.21481567

I should start doing this. /sffg/ just seems like a waste of time with how little discussion it gets.

>> No.21481571

It’s on Amazon.

>> No.21481578

Anon, he refused to pay 10 dollars for three books. He's not going to use amazon.

>> No.21481583

You need help.

>> No.21481588

Okay. Good for you, I suppose.

>> No.21481593

That's the vibe I'm getting.

>> No.21481598


>> No.21481599

>I don’t see what’s the issue.
People don't bother doing it, that's the issue.

>> No.21481601

Try reading it

>> No.21481603

You would be surprised.

>> No.21481604

That’s /lit/ in general. I’m talking about /sffg/.

>> No.21481607

>but I honestly think it deteriorated quicker than usual
Winter holidays. Should stabalize in a week or two

>> No.21481608

Ah, he’s poor then

>> No.21481609

Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.21481613

Still reading Rise of Endymion, still hating it all the way through; except Pax chapters. Holy shit. If this was some experiment on making the most obnoxious, boring and clueless main character then Dan Simmons succeeded. Most likely its his self-insert which explains why his later two books are so fucking horrible. If he had written all the books in the style he wrote Martin Silenus chapter in Hyperion everything would have been different. Now I'm just reading the book to learn how not to write books.

>> No.21481622

all 3 books are on zlib.

>> No.21481625

I'll have to ask the good folks of zlib to delete them, as they contribute nothing to the human society.

>> No.21481662


>> No.21481725

You nailed it, anon. Simmons is worth reading for his style alone. Sometimes it works great, other times it completely sucks. Endymions have taught me a difficult lesson. Sometimes it doesn't pay off to read every book in one of your favorite series.

>> No.21481765

>I just use reddit, goodreads
I am not a tranny or an sjw scum

>> No.21481798

Dividing /sffg/ to tradpub/non-progression fantasy and to the degenerates would clear the generals. A containment general in fact, is the apt word for the latter.

>> No.21481814

Doesn’t /d/ have some smut general they can fuck off to?

>> No.21481860

All the harem/gay/tranny/women fantasies degenerate etc lit posters are like cancer. You can send them away and they will always come back.

>> No.21481863
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They could, if they wanted to. But like the trannies in reddit and discord, it is not enough that they enjoy their medium in the privacy in their life; not enough that people merely tolerate their existence; not enough that what they deem it acceptable — others must relish in it, praise it, and worst of all, join it. Like pigs who revel in shit, others must join the party. Shitty-dipping, by their definition, is for everyone. They, and only they, have found the meaning of life, it being the never ending consumption of sub par smut written by kiss less virgins whose only reason to keep on living is to expound their malignant thoughts on others. They have a deep hatred of women, the only other sex on the face of the Earth, who have, in their combined efforts decided to strike down all beta males but at the same time, it is women themselves, who are in the very center of their plays; harems being the ultimate locus of their secular desires. The progression fantasy reader is thus, by his definition, fighting a social oppression and their life's orkis to preach their evangelium to other men, who have not yet found the truth of women. In short, in their love and hate for women, they have forsook real women in their lives and have settled for crude caricatures mimicking their ideal woman; a creature of no autonomous thought, a being of a singular desire — to please the litRPG man. Like a dog worship's its owner, the anime-man demands the respect of women non-existent.

>> No.21481906
File: 4 KB, 185x272, dan simmons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*ruins your day*
Nothing personnel... kid.

>> No.21481928

how can one man be so based?

>> No.21481938
File: 8 KB, 195x259, dan simmons 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you didn't like overly long boring descriptions, anon.
>*proceeds to write 20 page chapter full of meaningless scenery*

>> No.21481951
File: 4 KB, 220x220, dan simmons 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what? Things of no consequence should be cut out from the books?
>*writes a book where over half is dedicated to the main character who accomplishes nothing in the grand scheme of things to such an extent the story would have no changes whatsoever had the character not existed*

>> No.21481980

New thread

>> No.21481991

I know what you are thinking, smut-shitter. That I'd leave my genius on the dying thread? That you could just wait for the tenth page and it would all be quietly forgotten? No. I see what you are doing, moogy.