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21475921 No.21475921 [Reply] [Original]

Here we are thinking especially of medicine considered as an Upavêda; and what we say about it applies equally to the traditional medicine of the Far East. Without losing anything of its practical character, this medicine is much more extensive than what we are accustomed to designate by this name; in addition to pathology and therapeutics, it includes, in particular, many considerations which, in the West, would be included in physiology or even in psychology, but which, naturally, are treated in a quite different way. The results which such a science obtains in application may, in many cases, appear extraordinary to those who have only a too inaccurate idea of it; we believe, moreover, that it is extremely difficult for a Westerner to attain sufficient knowledge in this kind of study, in which quite other means of investigation are employed than those to which he is accustomed.

General Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines

Traditional Chinese medicine, in particular, is in a way entirely based on the distinction between yang and yin: all disease is due to a state of imbalance, i.e. an excess of one of these two terms in relation to the other; it is therefore necessary to strengthen the latter in order to re-establish the equilibrium, and in this way the disease is reached in its very cause, instead of being limited to treating more or less external and superficial symptoms, as is done by the secular medicine of the modern Westerners.

The Great Triad

About Tamos, I received a letter from him a few days ago; he has been ill again this winter, but less seriously and especially for a shorter time than last year; it is true that this time he must not have been tempted to follow again the treatment by sulphonamides which had put him in a rather sad state and whose unfortunate effects had only dissipated after several months. This kind of medication, which is so fashionable, produces a real stupefaction and an almost childish mental state; I even wonder if it would not be made all purposely for that, because there are inventions in the current medicine which have a really diabolic character...

letter to Patrice Genty, 1949

The unfortunate thing is that here the old traditional medicine has completely disappeared before the invasion of modern medicine, which, for my part, I have always carefully refrained from using!

letter to Julius Evola, 1948

read Guénon, do not take your meds, join our server:

>> No.21476039
